

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Pip – Move you bar up higher. I learned I had to do that with mine; not because of furbabies, just children.

    Joyce – I’ve never known a cat to ‘fetch’ or ‘do anything you want it to do on your timeline’. But, aren’t ‘kittens’ fun … they can be so expressive.

    Are your plugs attached to the studs in the walls? I know my DOS has a lot of problems because they live in a trailer and I sometimes wonder how the walls even stay in place with those strips between the wallboards. Now, trailers look more like a contract home, no seams; and, just built better. I don’t see them ever being in a house; especially now that their credit is in the C&&&&&&!

    Margaret – We sublet contract work; I guess Louis went to the technical school to find ‘teachers’ who did their trade when not teaching school. About the same way with the disposal. When it conks out; we’ll have to readjust the lines. Right now, the water backs up in one side and it is because of how the disposal was put in. But, until you live in a house for a while; you never notice things until then. IF it had not been that Louis did NOT want another two-story house; I would have taken one we had and taken the plans (rough) to an architect to have him redo the rooms. Nice thing about 2-storey (especially with young children is you can keep their toys out of the living area). But, having to go up-and-down when they are sick wasn’t so much fun; but, I usually slept in their room if they were sick and running a temperature. I grew up in a 2-story house, so it never was an issue for me.

    Kate UK – Yeah, it costs us twice as much to get it corrected; what was existing plus a few other things to be done. But, still the only plug-ins are right on the middle of a wall; which means we have to use a surge protector, in order to use the outlet. The only one in my LR that is in a ½-way decent spot, is one that they added, so we could plug in the lamp in front of the window. Then, they hard-wired some hanging lamps we have on either side of the LR window so they swing out over our chairs for reading. Need to get the floor lamp off the porch to see if it works anywhere else in the house to figure out if it is the lamp or what not working. Such a pain in the @$$ to have to go behind someone and decide if they have done the work right. FINALLY, we got all the wood for redoing the windows. A much better quality of wood; not ‘ripped’; it is 1”x1” pieces that Louis has painted the side that is against the window. He’ll stain 3 sides of some of them and paint one; then, the others he will paint all 4 sides.

    This should get them right this time. I am also going to specifically ask for the husband/wife team who live in Albany. Why would they need to send someone out of Tifton who lives in Cordele? The first yahoos that came, all men (3) and I did not feel ‘safe’ to go out to supervise them. This couple got sent to do a big job down in Waycross, which meant they had to spend the entire week down there. He also said that ‘he’ would miter the corners inside and out. They could have done this the first time around; but, the wood they used was raw pine that they ripped ‘on the job site’ and what made if so bad was that the owner had ‘promised that he personally would be supervising the job’. That wasn’t done and I think I have made him realize that he can’t send just anybody out to a job site if they don’t know what the Hello-Kitty they are doing in the first place. So, he is eating this cost. Windows guaranteed for life (and that includes installation). The couple that came out took a lot of pictures and she knew exactly what was making me unhappy. She agreed that it was shoddy work. Hopefully, they don’t still have those others still working for them. I am going to specifically ask for these installers.

    Welcome to all the ‘newbies’. Keep the pictures of family, babies, fur babies, and landscapes coming. They are so enjoyable!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited July 2017
    KJ - Fantastic visit and you worked sooooooooooooo hard, you deserve some downtime. However lovely our time with family I am always in a complete collapse afterwards. :o

    Karen VA - Sorry you have the blahs. Usually with me it means there is something I am avoiding/putting off and when I identify what it is and do it I feel much better and my energy returns. Sometimes it is doing my memoir, sometimes doing something I don't fancy doing and sometimes just telling the truth about something. Something is blocking your energy. Identifying it is half the battle! ! <3

    Estate agents still pressing us today. I have complained about the one who has been to our door three times and leans over the threshold. The people who really want to buy ours have an offer on theirs, but still can't afford to meet their original offer on ours. I am not interested at all, but DH is too polite to tell him to get lost. We have lost the Hove house anyway. Only a spectacular offer would tempt me. Grrrrrrrrrr!

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

    PS - Today 47 years ago I married my first husband.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,206 Member
    Anybody have any "blahs" busters? I could use a couple of motivators today.


    Karen in Virginia

    Do something different.

    If you haven't been out for a walk in a local park recently, go for that walk. Maybe take a camera to take photos.

    What about renting a bicycle, or riding your own if you've got one?

    If you've got a lake nearby, grab a friend and go canoeing.

    Have you got a local mountain? Find some good hiking trails up it.

    Or maybe drop in at the gym and take a spinning class. Or find a dance studio and sign up for dance lessons.
  • spiritbear555
    spiritbear555 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone! Wow, I just missed reading the blog for about 4 days and it will take me forever to catch up with you busy folks! I lost 12 lbs in June and am super happy with it. I know the weight loss will slow down by a lot now and that's okay too. My doctor said to lose it slowly if you want it to be permanent loss.
    KetoneKaren Sometimes i just put some headphones on and listen to my favorite music or sit outside in the rocking chair on the back porch with my flowers and no one and nothing else there and just read a book. Also, taking something to someone who is having a hard time tends to lift me. And sometimes you just have to ride it out telling yourself that those feelings will go away. Hope you feel better soon!
    Have a great week everyone.
    Bear Lady Weez'
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    blah busters
    *take a walk in a pleasant place
    *meditate (or your own spiritual practice )
    *call someone who is alone or lonely or facing a big life challenge
    *listen to your favorite upbeat music
    *make a Gratitude list
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    edited July 2017
    July Accountability
    Progress - Tuesday, July 4th
    ✔1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B16, L4, D17, AS6, BBS15= 58g)
    2. Fiber 30g (27g)
    ✔3. Track/complete entry daily
    ✔4. Vegetables - big salad daily
    5. Exercise - 30 Fitbit minutes

    Getting back into the routine.
    -- Ginger in Texas
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    (((Hugs))) ~ Allie
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello all: Went to the YM for open swim this afternoon after working in the yard this morning. The pool felt good but about 1/2 way through my time there the day camp kids came in to swim. Noisy little buggers, but I was able to finish my routine. I had tuna salad stuffed in a tomato today for lunch and it tasted so good. I have not done that for a long time. Our critters did not have any problems with the fireworks but we are pretty much surrounded by trees which seems to mitigate the noise somewhat. The horses startled at a couple of big ones but they were confined in a familiar place with room to move about and had a little extra hay to munch on.

    Allie - Hope things work out for the condo.

    Lanette - What a cute pup that Rosie is sporting her new do.

    Kelly - Glad your time with the little one visiting went so well.

    Kate - Love the umbrellas.

    Barbie - Looks like lots of work but should be nice when you are done.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Kate - love those umbrellas! <3 Are they up permanently or was this a special occasion? And where are they?

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lost my post! Kids got home a little while ago from their visit with their friends. Trey said that Jenn and Stacy almost had a 'huge blowout'. Of course, Jenn was 'hormonal' (on her period); Trey said Stacy was just being a "B".

    Another issue is they took Jenn's mother with them and I can barely take one day of her and her mouth and incessant talking. She'd talk to a rock if wasn't rolling down a hill; and, would probably run after it talking about it being "Purdy, Purdy, Purdy." Very country but would do anything for you. She's just a 'lot' to take if you are not in a good mood.

    Trey is dark red; but, he is like my Daddy, he burns and it turns tan. Very light skin with black hair; so he will really look very Hispanic when it does turn dark.

    Lanette - What kind of dog is Rosie (or mix?)?

    Ladies in TEXAS - My DH and I are planning on making a 'loop' through the state. Coming in from NOLA to Houston, then to San Antonio, then to Austin, Waco, and Dallas and then back down from Monroe, LA to Vidalia, LA. I've been to San Antonio and LOVED it. Stayed in a hotel across the street from "The Alamo" and the "River Walk" was right outside the back door. If anybody knows the name of it ... I would appreciate it. The other towns we'll probably do a Hampton Inn type of motel/hotel so we'd get a Continental breakfast. I've Googled all the cities; but, I told Louis I had no desire to stay overnight in NOLA (it'll be a long drive from her to Houston); but, I did want to stay in San Antonio a couple of nights. That is where I ended up taking my training when I went to work for the Federal government. Anybody got some 'inside' or 'resident' names of restaurants that are not so touristy in any of the cities?
