

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    LANETTE - thanks for good thoughts and yes we go to Rhodes in September

    Maybe I can use this year to lose a few more pounds and truly be a new woman, painfree, specs free and lighter

    PIP - love your doggies celebrating 4 July

    Kate UK <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    awww you guys~ thank you for all the love.. on the condo... yes if it is meant to be it shall be, I showed my dad the pictures on the computer, and drove him by the place, he never knew it was there..and he was pretty impressed too..I told him its not that I dont want to live with him, but never in my whole life have I had a place of my own.. I had an apartment for about 6-8 months but I had my kids there with me..
    But this would be mine alone.. it's scary and exciting at the same time.. and like you say and I say, If it is meant to be ,it shall be...
    Took Dad to the picnic, met a few of his church friends, he is the elder at the church he has been going there 45-50 yrs.. through 3 -4 pastors.. and only the Foran's where we went to the picnic are original members like him..
    So this is a weird week, worked monday, have off today, work tomorrow, have thursdays off normally and will work friday and saterday..
    I just got the tax bill for the car 565.00 and the light bill with the AC was 160.. think I will have to dive into my secret stash to pull off these 2 bills,I hate going to my cash, but will make up for it next paycheck and get it put back in savings...
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Like the new profile pic Rori and Allie
    Expecting little sleep tonite due to fireworks :s NYKAREN
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    awww you guys~ thank you for all the love.. on the condo... yes if it is meant to be it shall be, I showed my dad the pictures on the computer, and drove him by the place, he never knew it was there..and he was pretty impressed too..I told him its not that I dont want to live with him, but never in my whole life have I had a place of my own.. I had an apartment for about 6-8 months but I had my kids there with me..
    But this would be mine alone.. it's scary and exciting at the same time.. and like you say and I say, If it is meant to be ,it shall be...
    Took Dad to the picnic, met a few of his church friends, he is the elder at the church he has been going there 45-50 yrs.. through 3 -4 pastors.. and only the Foran's where we went to the picnic are original members like him..
    So this is a weird week, worked monday, have off today, work tomorrow, have thursdays off normally and will work friday and saterday..
    I just got the tax bill for the car 565.00 and the light bill with the AC was 160.. think I will have to dive into my secret stash to pull off these 2 bills,I hate going to my cash, but will make up for it next paycheck and get it put back in savings...

    I think your lawyer would advise you to use your joint charge card to pay those bills!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kate UK: Having my gallbladder removed was a huge blessing. I hope your wait is short. (((HUGS)))

    Margaret & Dana: I took Master Gardener classes years ago and plan to do so again next spring. We didn't pay any fees that I recall, but we were obliged to donate time to help and advise others. :smiley:

    Lanette: Have you tried lactaid to help combat the lactose intolerance? It is not perfect, but it does help me. I keep some in the car and on the kitchen table. You need to take the Lactaid before your first bite for best results. Taking it afterward is not so productive. The lactaid supplies the enzyme you need to digest lactose. :flowerforyou:

    Janetr: Katie Tindall is adorable. Thanks for sharing! :heart:

    Pip: Yogi & Floyd look great in their red, white, & blue bandanas. I love the photo of Bullwinkle, too. :bigsmile:

    Rori: I'm sorry that your DH can't do all of the things he used to be able to do. I know what that is like, too. Mine is physically challenged and I never expected that to be a blessing, but it is compared to some other problems. :broken_heart::heart:

    No time to read more. You are all a blessing in my life.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – Cracker is so vocal and animated; it isn’t at all difficult to know what she wants; but, let ‘either’ of us leave the house and leave her with the other … she goes to the door several times and then comes back and ‘fusses’ at the other as if to say, ‘why did they leave, was it something I did, go get them’!!!! She really plays hard outside and in. Louis started something and I told him, ‘you’ve done it now; she will not let you just get away with it once’. Sure enough when she brings over her ‘dead squirrel’ she is ready for him to throw it. If he ignores here or puts the newspaper or magazine in front of his face and laughs, she just ‘jumps in his lap’. She knows what “Mama and Daddy” mean. And, ‘go get in your bed’. She thinks if only a small part of her is touching the bed, then she is ‘in it’.

    I was vacuuming the house yesterday and had my back to the kitchen and did not hear Louis and Cracker come in until she started barking like crazy! I screamed and jumped 2 feet off the floor, it scared me to death! She can’t stand anything that makes a lot of noise; she doesn’t think we should be near anything that does.

    Joyce and Michele – I’d invest in one of those laser pointers, too; but, the last 2 I bought did not work. So go ahead and buy the one up from the ‘cheapest’ one. I figured both the cat and Cracker would enjoy it. I know it is entertaining for sure. One of my friends had one for her cat. Hers was shaped like a small mouse; and, easy to hide, too.

    Margaret – We once had a 4-sided plug-in; and, I tried to take it out, because the plug plate wasn’t on it and I did not want it to catch the place on fire. Well, when I touched it, it was warm and the when I tried to unplug it, it was fused to the plug-in. We had to have an electrician come out and replace the entire plug-in. He had some other things around the house to do. Also, I got him to run down every plug and outlet and switch in the house as they were not noted on the panel. The electrician who originally put in the wiring when we bought the house ‘taught’ at the technical college. I would not let him ‘wire’ my doghouse. The electrician said that nothing on the panel was marked correctly; and, ½ of the kitchen was on part of the utility room (had the oven, refrigerator, washer, freezer and dryer all on one grouping of switches. He corrected that and was really surprised that we had not had a fire already; or that one of the appliance would not ‘flip it off’ as soon as we started another. We turned on every light in the house and he checked all the receptacles. It was like he just pulled wired and put them together. I was ‘so upset’ about it and it cost about $1000 to correct a job that we had been charged a little over that in the first place.

    Michele – When my Mimi made her sour cream pound cakes; she’d first wrap them in wax paper (like a present) then wrap them in aluminum foil the same way. They froze beautifully, no air pockets. The bread being frozen in its bag would mean it would have trapped air in the bag and that is what causes ‘freezer burn’. Ice crystals forming on whatever you have frozen.

    I’ve come to the conclusion (about grown children) is they are going to do ‘what they want to do and don’t ever think about the feelings of anyone else. Especially the young 20-somethings through the early 40-somethings. For them, ‘it is all about ME’. I will ask; then, mention something a 2nd time. After that – never mention it again. IF that makes them angry, so be it. I understand why Will isn’t ever going to ‘come home’ … because Louisiana IS home to him. He’s got a wife and child, a job, all his friends are there. But, when he does come home, he spends a day visiting with some of his old HS friends.

    One thing you have to watch when using pine straw [not hay] is when it gets wet, it packs down; and, it will grow some sort of ‘mold’ on it (right up next to the ground); but, they have been using pine straw as mulch in South Georgia ‘forever’. A few years ago, my GDs would rake it up and sell it by the trash bag full and made some pretty good money. Clean, no pine cones or sticks. Sometimes, the ones that are bundled up can have more to pick out than it is worth worrying about.

    It’s in Portland, Connecticut. My BF has her W/D in the closet in her kitchen. Plenty of space for a side-by-side set of them. Lots of cabinet space. Very well set up with every square inch designated for something.

    Pip – Bullwinkle looks like she has had too much to drink (and I don’t mean water).

    Allie – So long as there is not a ‘settlement agreement’ signed, then TomCat would be paying for ½ of the tax bill on the car and certainly ½ of the utility bill. Screw that #&%$(_**^! You should not have to go to any ‘stash’ or ‘savings’ to pay ‘joint bills’.

    I don’t know about the banking laws in Connecticut; but, in Georgia if you have a ‘joint’ account; to take the other ‘off’ of it, you BOTH have to be at the bank to do so. Setting one up isn’t that hard. But, at the same time, there really isn’t anything preventing one party on the account for emptying it either. Go figure! To me, joint means 50/50 at least. Louis and I both have ‘joint’ accounts but at 2 different banks; I don’t write on his, he doesn’t write on mine unless each of us know it. I have my DOS on one; but, I told him that ‘if’ his wife wanted him to be ‘on her account’ there, he’d have to come OFF mine first. I could see a lot of cursing and hair-pulling if I had money jerked out of my account to cover a check written out of hers. Ain’t gonna happen!

    During my time in art school in Atlanta; first I had 3 suitemates in a gated community; but, the landlord really did NOT want us there. We basically got ‘kicked out’. I had to live with Mimi for about 6 months until the commute got so bad that I was either ‘really early’ or ‘really late’ to class if I missed a 10-15 minute window. Then, moved into an efficiency with the ‘roommate from Hell-o Kitty. We were both art students and she ended up drawing a line (actually used red tape) down the center of the room and kitchen. One-half of the bath storage was mine, ½ the cabinets in the kitchen and 2 eyes on the stove … it was AWFUL!!!! Then I found an efficiency in a ‘old’ Spanish-style apartment building with a center courtyard. Live in a tiny efficiency and then one came open that had a much larger kitchen and a room that I could use as my studio and keep my easel set up all the time. It was an apartment full of much older people and I got the treatment. They were interested in what I was painting and drawing and they’d bring over food for me. Not that I really needed it, I worked in a deli part-time. But, it was nice to get ‘home cooking’ as a change.

    Have a HAPPY 4th, hope all you with fur babies don’t have them all upset tonight.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Grit- the sun was in hew eyes. But I was thinking that too, she looks a lil wasted
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    The red dot light I have looks like a tiny flashlight. It is turned on and has to stay on with your thumb. A thumb can get pretty tired. Tonight we were playing his game of fetch. I never knew cats played fetch. I do not have a good throwing arm at all so I gave the wad of paper to Charlie to throw. At first he would bring it back to me to throw. I guess eventfully he figured out to drop it at Charlies feet.

    I have watched fireworks on tv. I didn't like the artists that would be providing the pre fireworks entertainment on the Macy's 4th so I watched The Capitol 4th on PBS. By the time the fireworks were over, I turned it over to Macy's and the fireworks were just starting. It really is true that New York has the biggest fireworks. I did love the patriotic music on PBS. Dad loved that kind of music and I don't think he even knew that while he was listening, his arm was directing. So I sat there and directed it. Macy's did have West Point band and glee club so I enjoyed that. Mr Mozart enjoyed watching them. He just chased those fireworks all over the TV.

    Joyce, indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :/ When Jake and I took the dogs out awhile ago, Bessie was really scared by the noise of the fireworks. There are no fireworks allowed in our neighborhood but we are surrounded by ranchland and the foothills of the Olympics so lots of people are out in open areas setting off fireworks and probably shooting guns, too.

    <3 Jake's ability to do the things he wants to do is severely limited by his heart problems. He gets tired and out of breath very quickly. We worked together this morning on the yard but he had to sit down a lot and rest. He is always embarrassed by it but I am just so happy that we are working together and I don't care. I limit my outdoor working time to 90 minutes so I don't do something that would hurt my back.

    :) We laid down weed cloth and put rocks to hold it down. Tomorrow while I'm dancing, Jake will arrange to have the new rock delivered.

    :) I have the DVR scheduled to record the fireworks at the Capitol and at Macy's. We'll be asleep before either show comes on. I'll watch them in pieces over the next few days.

    <3 Barbie
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Lenora our home was built by an electrician so I feel confident about the wiring and outlets. DH was an engineer who designed electrical connectors so I feel confident when he tackles the electrical projects in the home. The outlet in question was twenty years old and its cover had gotten old and let water in.

    Lanette loved getting to see a Monarch on the milkweed I let grow wild in our yard. I think she might have been laying eggs. Enjoyed have a barb-a-cue with our boys.

    Tomorrow we will visit the refurbished State Capitol with some friends.
    I hear fireworks so I will go and see if they are shooting them off at the school up the street.

    :heart: Margaret
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Tonya Larsen's Step and Pump DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water class.

    Good luck Kate. Update: so glad things worked out OK. On to the next thing.....

    In many ways I really like the condo. There's so much that we don't have to do. Allie - what floor is the condo on? The reason I ask is sometimes I find it a bit inconvenient if I've done a lot of food shopping and it's raining outside. Then I have to navigate not only the groceries but also an umbrella. Now it's not a problem for us, but I remember at one time the elevator was out of order. our condo is on the third floor and MIL at the time wasn't in good shape, she couldn't walk up and down the stairs. But on the positive side, you don't have to worry about things like trimming trees/bushes, planting grass seed, cutting grass (hey, will you even know how to do that? You do it so often now) And no more shoveling. What ARE you going to do with all this time????? lol

    NYKaren - do you refrigerate the lemon squares before you cut them? What if you were to line the pan with aluminum foil, spray the foil. Then after they are baked, let them cool. You might even refrigerate them. Then take them out of the pan on the foil, do you have a knife large enough to go completely across the lemon square? Then maybe you can just make one cut. After you make that cut, wash the knife before the second cut. Did I make it clear?

    Painted the panels on either side of the front door, then went to Lowe's Hardware to get these pavers blocks for under the hose that runs to the hose reel (because it's always a pain for me when I have to cut the grass. I don't want to cut that hose so I have to be real real careful), had to go back to Lowes to get more blocks, bought gas and then cut the lawn (I use the self-propelled mower and weed wacker, Vince uses the tractor). Just as we finished cutting the grass, it started to rain! What timing!!! Now having dinner. For some reason I'm really tired.

    Happy Fourth! It rained really hard earlier, but it's not raining now and I hear lots of fireworks.

    Heather - here's hoping you don't get what hubby has and hoping he feels better fast

    Dana - you love landscape design. Have a question for you. Around our pool Vince was saying that he'd like to plant evergreen trees. Mainly so that it's pretty easy to cut the grass. I don't know how I feel about evergreens. I guess I like variety. He definitely doesn't want anything flowering so that the flowers will go in the pool, that's the main reason he doesn't want anything that flowers. I was thinking of some sort of creeping flower just to give it "oomph". See, all around the pool we have riverrock. There is a bit outside the pool area. What would you suggest?

    Denise texted a pic of the favor she's getting for the wedding. She's getting a koosh. You know, those things you put around cans. I'm not crazy about that idea, but if she likes it, that's what matters. Personally, I've never used a koosh and I think Vince has only used one a few times. Wonder how many people will take one?

    Love all the pics

    Rori - is your hair up in that pic? For that matter, is that you? Really like it. For whatever reason, I was thinking that Mars was black.

    All this talk about Master Gardener classes. Exactly what is covered? Which plants do well in which area? How to use plants most efficiently? You are talking to a VERY landscape-deprived person here.

    Tomorrow Vince plans to put the screening up around the front door so that the cats can't get out and the bugs can't get in. Then Thurs Fri and Sat. we plan to do the painting. See, we want to do it in 3 days because during the day we need to take the lock off the door but we need to put it back on in the evening.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) If you would like a copy of "Strong Women Stay Young", please send me a personal message with your name and home mailing address.
    <3 Barbie
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hello My Friends,

    I have tried to read posts some this week but the convention kept us very busy and worn out. We finished yesterday and took today to relax before making our 10 hour driv e back home. The weather today was beautiful and we sat out by the pool much of the afternoon. It's a nice view as our hotel is on the Riverwalk in downtown Tampa. Tonight we had a hard time finding a restaurant as many of them were closed. Anyway I just wanted to check in before I crash. I've been thinking of you and I wish you all a great rest of the week.

    Love ya,
    Myrtle Beach, SC from Tampa, FL
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) If you would like a copy of "Strong Women Stay Young", please send me a personal message with your name and home mailing address.
    <3 Barbie

    I highly recommend this, ladies! <3

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Jack and I walked down the street about a block and a half so we could see the fireworks from the city park. They were gorgeous and we actually could see them quite well. I love seeing them even at my old age. I clapped during the grand finale. Jack laughed at me :)

    Janetr OKC
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited July 2017
    Allie Tom should be paying a least half the bills. Do not pay them. I have an Excel spreadsheet with all our bills on it and we have it figured where I pay about 33% to DH's 67% according to how much income we are bringing in. It's only fair that he pays more if the mortgage and bills. We still have our own bills, like my phone and credit card.
    Stop being so nice or you will get screwed! And not in a fun way!
    "Nice people finish last!"

    Lanette and Margaret thanks for info on the Master Gardener classes. I'll call Garvin Gardens and find out more. It's a botanical garden on several hundred acres on Lake Catherine here in Hot Springs. It's operated by the University of Arkansas. Even though I can't do a whole lot of physical work I do have a marketing background with Texas Parks and Wildlife. I have experience talking to people that's for sure!! I even worked at a entomology lab at Nutrilite Products years ago.

    Instead worrying about boys I was growing plant starts in my room and raising livestock for FFA class! I guess I was a tom-boy! Did that change!!

    Lanette I haven't tried the kefir yet. I would like too.

    I have made Kumbucha Tea since the early 90's. I don't have a mushroom anymore to start one but you can buy or find someone to get one from.
    It has wonderful properties and has a nice carbonation to it.

    Janet. Cute little baby! Thanks for the picture!

    Pip I love your dogs! I like large dogs. We have an overnight guest tonight! Callie our neighbor's dog was afraid of all the fireworks so she's asleep in the living room!

    Well, I have been averaging 4 lbs a month. Not bad. I have blown it a lot too. I get so down over my physical condition sometimes. Food makes me feel better!!
    I have given up beer though! That's good!

    I walked 2024 steps today. Mostly with my cane. I hate that thing. People treat me like an old old woman!! Ugh!!
    We went to Lowes and pick up some stuff for the yard. DH bought me a hanging basket. Pretty vincas or periwinkles. Tomorrow we're going to the local nursery to buy two more azaleas and some mulch too.

    Well good night! I hope everyone had a great day!

    Dana in Arkansas
