

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,544 Member
  • SuperDivvy
    SuperDivvy Posts: 7 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Dana. Just FYI, that friend in the first pic is my sister. She is wearing glasses, and I am in the pink shirt. We are 7 years apart, with me being 55 and she is now 62. With her coloring her hair, and I just let my hair go grey, we look the same age!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited July 2017
    Pip. I am prone to the tan dots with the floral! It goes with any wood you have in there! The floral is so fun looking. Busy happy, not busy looking.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,700 Member
    went to visit my DB and DSIL.. always nice to spend time with them, dear friends of mine went to the open house across the street, would love them for neighbors, but wont be staying in house...beautiful weather today.. and again I had so many knots that I felt like a pretzel.. she got them all out.. fantastic...
    and I have to pick my son up the next 2 days and take him to work..glad to help out where I can..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,916 Member
    :)Pip, I prefer the solids over the patterns
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,112 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    PIP ~ Green Solid
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,051 Member
    edited July 2017
    Pip Teal is one of my favorite color so # 1

    Katla have you tried apple cider vinegar. I had a friend with acid reflux who was faced with the same choice as you she tried apple cider vinegar first and fortunately for her it worked. I wish doctors were more open less toxic ways first. Unfortunately they are pressured by the pharmaceutical companies. I remember being at my doctor office once and a pharmaceutical rep was waiting outside the door. It is their job to convince the doctors their drug will cure or relieve the symptoms of their patients. Unfortunately the side effects of these drugs sometimes are not known until years or when massive numbers have taken the drug.

    Becca love the pictures.

    :heart: Margaret
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,337 Member
    Pip, I actually like them all...but I think I like the solid colors better. Red would be my #1.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Pip: All are nice, but my vote goes for the solid salmon/red.

    Katie: Bravo. What a lovely gift to your entire family.

    Colorado Foothills

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,822 Member
    Hello ladies: I am glad yesterday is over. I do not like entertaining especially large groups but I let one of the ladies at church talk me into being hostess for a table at our church tea. Someone else had to back out. It went well but it always makes me anxious. I would not have done it except that my DGD was so enthusiastic and wanted to help. Now I have to get through book club meeting at my house on Thursday. How I ended up with two such events in one week I will never know. Talk about being out of my comfort zone. Hoping to host the book club out on the gazebo picnic style. Have to come up with a dessert.

    Pip - I vote green but I am partial to cool colors.

    Chris - Belated happy birthday.

    Rori - Hope things go well for the sale.

    Katiebug - Glad things went well for you. I understand about stomach in knots.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Talking about health care and the pharmaceutical companies – I think that ‘young, cocky SOB’ who owns the rights to the Epi-pen ought to have his *_(&^&%^_)(*)&%^$^ cut off and roasted over a pit. To raise the price of a ‘life-saving’ drug that ‘if’ you don’t need it in a 6-month period of time, you have just wasted $600+; but, if you need it and cannot afford the $600 charge for one shot … there is something wrong with this picture. And, all he does when he has been dragged into court for ‘price gouging’ is ‘smirk’. I used to have to have one; thankfully, that has not been the case. My GYN put me on an inhaler; and, I swear it did not feel like it had anything in it (for 120 puffs) taking it 2 puffs at a time 2x a day … and my bill for this 3” tall container was $70 – I told him, I’ll use it ‘when I need to’; but, ‘not at that price – my insurance doesn’t pay for it if I get it at K-Mart and CVS/Caremark could not give me a price because they did not have the written Rx. Thankfully, I haven’t really needed it; but, at this time of the year I have to be careful about going outside because of the heat more than anything.

    My cholesterol has not come down any and I got put back on medication for it. This one hasn’t had any ill effects like the 2 you see advertised … Crestor or Simvastatin.

    When my boys were little, I just went and bought things for them, brought them home, let them try them on; and, returned what did not fit. They wore school uniforms for 9 years. By that time, they had ideas of what they liked in clothes and I’d take them to buy whatever they wanted, if they needed it. I cannot, for the life of me, pull out of my memory bank what we did for them in HS. But, when they were little 7 and 9 or 8 and 10; my DYS on was a ‘clothes horse’ in that he would change 3 or 4 times a day and throw them on the floor. They got a lesson in washing and drying their clothes and why they separated them in white, lights, and darks. I never washed their clothes again. They were also taught how to cook as well. Both are very good cooks. I sure hope that Will has made some gumbo for us to bring home.

    I had a MD, who called those warnings ‘laying on the cloth’ meaning they have to put the worst case scenario on their medications to prevent (or help with) medical malpractice and/or class action suits that are furiously filed by some attorneys. I worked for a law firm that dealt with medical malpractice and you would be surprised how many people my bosses turned down because the cases were not severe enough to warrant the expense. HOWEVER, when they got one, we were busy beavers because even if you are talking ‘settlement’ you still have to prepare to take it to court including dismissals (by prejudice – or not). Days, late nights, weekends, including Sundays. The Senior partner’s ‘closing argument’ was always ‘if you only award them $10 a day, that won’t even cover their medications’ and please consider that this person (name) was a teacher making XXX amount per year, which is well over $10 a day – they also have a life expectancy of 75 years (at that time – 25 years ago) … I’m sure it has gone up. When that is the last thing a jury hears … they start thinking about how expensive it is to take care of someone who has become a paraplegic or quadriplegic for the rest of their lives. Not including loss of consortium of the spouse, and how it would be for their children to not have their parent be able to see them play ball, get ready for prom, or walk down the aisle.

    I do not believe in "Tort Reform" ... because of putting a cap on medical malpractice would bankrupt most family; but, I do believe in a Judge Dismissing a claim of millions of $$$ by someone 'stupid enough to drive through a drive-thru, order a cup of coffee, putting it between their legs, and getting burned when they drive off. That, in my opinion, is frivolous - not a claim that my bosses would have ever taken.

    I do think MDs probably over Rx medications based on the pharmaceutical companies hawking their latest drug. When I take my medications with me to the MD; I am often asked, because of what I carry them in, if I am a sales rep. But, I also have 5 different BIG bottles of vitamins and supplements. I probably take 6 different medications for my seizures and bipolar disorder that I will never be able to come off. Most of the others I know when I am not taking them and I don’t like how it makes me feel when I am off them – one being my thyroid replacement medication, which I have been on for nearly 39 years.

    Margaret – I also don’t think have the government ‘involved’ in ‘health care – public health’ is how it should be. I think when it was more competitive you could somewhat cherry pick the type of insurance you needed or wanted. With the Affordable Act (ObamaCare) they wanted ‘everybody’ to have to pay for services that they had either ‘outgrown’ (such as birth control or maternity benefits). I don’t think an elderly couple or even anyone over the age of 50 or 55 should be forced to pay for others to have or prevent from having babies. It is bad enough that we pay taxes to fund Medicaid and people don’t even try to work on birth control. Mainly because they have found a way to work around the system and they do it. They even have meeting to ‘teach them how to work the system’. When you see a big Mercedes parked in front of ‘government housing’ it really makes you wonder ‘what is going on and why’. More money claimed because they won’t name the baby-Daddy/Daddies and it doesn’t pay for them to work, due to the high cost of childcare. I could go on; but, I won’t. It is just a ‘mess’ simply because Nancy Pelosi said, ‘well, we’ll have to ‘pass it to find out what’s in it’. You can easily make things the ‘law’ but ‘undoing it is almost impossible’. But, our Congress has voted themselves ‘raises’, full life-time salaries, and Cadillac insurance benefits by ram-rodding legislature through and getting it signed by sticking it in the middle of something that they know will get passed. What is the matter with READING 1300 or more? Why leave it to a ‘law clerk’? There’s a lot that our government wastes money on and people’s palms are being greased because of it. Politics is SNAFU … Situation Normal – All F***** Up. I think there ought to be ‘term limits’ on Congressmen and Women and it should not be a ‘career’. Serve you time, then go back home and mingle with the people you swore to protect and get a job yourself. I have NO use for politics or politicians. OFF my Rant Stand.

    Pip – My choices would be 1-4, in the same order you posted them here. My least favorite is the last one. But, I am not so sure that Kirby would like the pinkish-coral as much as he would the greenish-teal ones. But that is IMHO. I also think that the 3rd one, the pinkish coral washes out the pattern for the curtains. Fourth is a total no-go, for my tastes.

    Dana – My most expensive drug (from my mail order) is $85 or $90 a month; it just went to generic, so now it will only be $10. Louis take a brand-named asthma drug with is that price; everything else is $10 that we get through them. I started getting my Nexium through them as well, to save $30. The only drug that is about $38 at K-mart is a ‘controlled substance’ so I would rather pick it up than to get it through the mail even though it goes to our POBS. Sometimes when I get all that I get from K-Mart my bill is less than $6. Take Detrol, which I get at K-mart which I think is my most expensive I get from K-Mart … and it is now ‘generic’. If I got the brand-named Seroquel from K-Mart, it would have been over $1200 a month.
    I’ve seen older people picking up medications and being told $600 – how do they pay for it? It almost makes me want to burst into tears. What are they doing without in order to buy their drugs?

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,343 Member
    Did the DVD Half Hour Pilates with Elaine Hayes (did it twice. The plan for tomorrow is to do a segment of Crunch Bikini Body DVD, hold my plank, then take the extreme pump class.

    Warning...Warning...Warning....rant to follow

    I am SOOOOOO mad. Not upset, really mad. I purposely told Pete's mom a long time ago that I would take care of the shower favors. So what does she do? She ordered them yesterday. Even Denise said that they are these junky things. I really don't want to incorporate those junky things into my (what I think) decent favor. Amanda said "well, there can be two favors.". No, I'm mother of the bride, NOT her. She should stop acting like she is. Evidently Jess mentioned about the platter to the girls and they liked the idea. Maybe we could do that for the bridal shower? No, I'm sorry. I'm not saying anything, but I don't want to go thru all that trouble for the bridal shower. People are going to go out of their way for the reception, not the bridal shower. So I just told Amanda that I don't know that I can get a platter at this late date. She thought the idea was neat. But Denise wanted that tree/leaf thing which in 5 years is probably going to be in storage. Well, not my wedding.

    She did tell me that the dress that his mother showed me she went to order and they didn't have her size. So she bought another dress but she wasn't sure of the size so she bought two dresses and is planning to return the other dress. I know that where I got my dress they don't take returns. But not my problem. Now for the nice part: Denise did tell me that she really likes my dress much more than his mother's. As a matter of fact, after the wedding she wants me to give her my dress and she'll have it altered.

    I'm just so p***ed off about the shower favors. I'd like to do something for my daughter, and here his mother has to go and take even THAT away from me.

    OK, Rant over...for now

    I finally got some pool time in. How I missed that while I was at Jess'! I think pretty soon another bottle of Coppertone will be hitting the dust

    A friend of mine gave me a good suggestion for something to put in the favor bag. First, I do have to check with the church to see if they allow this. She suggested maybe a packet of bird seed. Well, I'll see what the church says.

    barbie - I hear ya about liking to talk about your plans. Could it be possible that the main reason Jake wants another car is because he misses the ability to go somewhere if he decides to?

    machka - I color my roots so I only usually have to get my hair professionally colored about once/year.

    Chris - happy birthday!

    tere - I'm afraid that your GD will purposely not find anything at the consignment shop. We tried with Denise taking her to the mall to get a bathing suit for the "girls spa day". She didn't want a bathing suit and refused to get one at the mall. I think she regretted her decision....but it was HER decision. I don't care for those places where they do the shopping for you. I'd prefer to handle my own produce, smell the cantaloupes. I'm always afraid that they're going to just pick any old thing and I'll get the not-so-good items.

    About mattresses: Vince needs something soft for his back. Me? I really don't care but would prefer something harder. There are so many mattress stores around here!

    You can certainly add me to the non-TomCat club

    Allie - If TomCat wants to be SURE he doesn't come home from FL and be totally cleaned out....maybe he shouldn't go.

    About food stores: We have a Food Lion near us, but it's really, to me, more of a bread-and-milk sort of place. It's very small, dingy looking. I have no idea why they don't expand, there are empty stores on either side of it. Well, there's another more decent one in Conover. In Hickory there's a Publix and a (few) Lowes grocery stores. Closer to me is a WalMart Neighborhood Grocer and just up the street is a WalMart Supercenter. Unfortunately, it looks like the WalMart Neighborhood Grocer ran the IGA and the BiLo out of business. Well, the IGA very seldom had much at a decent price and BiLo had good sales, but that's all.

    Katla - I don't know what it is, but when I went to Jess' riding lesson, everyone there was on the slim side. I tell you, since she's been taking riding lessons, I do have to say that she is looking better (size-wise). She's still on the overweight side. I didn't want to say anything, but I weigh less than she does. But she is getting, how can I put it?, better shaped. I know you are, too.

    Went to pick up the food from the church for the food pantry then went to WalMart to get chicken for Vince to grill tonight. Also got a few other things. When I was about to leave, Denise called to ask me if I'd gotten her a garter. I told her that I didn't, that I wouldn't buy something without consulting her first (unlike someone I know). Well, I told her that I'd buy it. Here I am thinking that I'd get one at ACMoore or something like that. NOOOO...she wants this certain one that has a garter you throw and one you keep. What the h*** she's going to do with the one you keep, I have no idea. What's going to happen to it in 5 years? Well, it's not me who's going to have to store it!

    Came home, went in the pool, then got the chicken ready for Vince the grill, made chocolate chip cookies for Rummikub Tues along with a key lime pie. I'll also make some of the spanikopita that I have.

    Ahhh...new cars. Vince took a Tiburon for a ride (this must have been about 15 years ago) and I just asked "when are you going to get it" Then I get a call from the insurance company about adding it to the policy...lol. Of course, that went out once the Genesis came out. Well...I figure it could be worse,

    Karen in VA - I agree with you about the health care. You did forget one thing, tho. Some people will sue over the littlest tineyest thing. And that is the cause of so much, all the added tests, added meds, etc, etc, etc.

    Spoke to the bridesmaids to tell them that I would take care of the favors. Now I know what Jess meant by the fact that Angela is the nicest of the two. She is. Something inside of me, and I can't explain it, just doesn't trust Amanda. She is pete's stepfather's daughter. I don't know. It just seemed to me that she is agreeing with everything and talking about how great Pete's mother is and how much she's doing. Yea, doing things that I should be allowed to do. Angela seemed to be more understanding that Amanda.

    Does anyone know if that Mini Babybell cheese needs to be refrigerated?

    Rori - don't you have a key to your pool at the condo? I know that we do. It's only open until dusk but I don't seem to remember there being any special time when it opened. As a matter of fact, the year the last space shuttle went up we were down there in July, I remember going in the pool early in the a.m.

    DJ - GMTA...Maybe TomCat does't need to go to FL?

    Kim - that is so funny about your grandparents falling "out" of bed

    Kim - what a wonderful neighbor you have!

    Love all the pics

    Allie - wonderful, you deserved that massage. Was it one of the ones that you're going to get paid for? So sorry about your aunt

    I think I know what I'll do about those "favors". Tell me what you all think of this. I'll ask Amanda if I can have them to incorporate into "my" favors. Then...oops...I forgot to put them in....now isn't that a crying shame? If his mother can't remember that I asked her not to buy them, then I can't remember to put them in the bag.

    Lenora - feel better fast. You're being much too kind to that inventor of the epi-pen. So sorry about your chol numbers.

    pip - I think I'd go with the solid pink (or is it red?). The curtains are a print and I think the solid would be a good compliment

    drkatiebug - Knew you'd do great at the funeral.

    Michele in NC
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,051 Member
    (((Michele )))