Today I Learned...



  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    TIL that Halley's Comet was first sighted historically (written about in historical texts) all the way back in 240 BC in a historical Chinese chronicle called Shiji. I also learned that I will be 72 when it next passes the earth (will be my only chance to see it).

    So, I have one more thing to add to my list of "reasons I want to live longer".
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    That Sprint customer "service" will do darn near anything but resolve the issue you're kvetching about.
  • 123liveoak
    123liveoak Posts: 2,239 Member
    That sometimes bigger is better
  • Caporegiem
    Caporegiem Posts: 4,297 Member
    jkou77 wrote: »
    That sometimes bigger is better

    When you're talking about pie, yes.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    edited August 2017
    TIL that I still have too many MtG cards and will probably never get through sorting them all.
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    TIL Rio's $12 billion 2016 olympic park is mostly abandoned and off limits to tourism.


    What a shame :( I wonder why they didn't maintain it for Rio's athletes to train for the next Olympics?
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    TIL Rio's $12 billion 2016 olympic park is mostly abandoned and off limits to tourism.


    What a shame :( I wonder why they didn't maintain it for Rio's athletes to train for the next Olympics?

    tax write off for Brazil
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    sw33tp3a1 wrote: »
    That I will be okay. Things are getting easier.

    nice post; hang in there, kid.
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    TIL that I still have too many MtG cards and will probably never get through sorting them all.

    You say that like its a bad thing...
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    TIL that I still have too many MtG cards and will probably never get through sorting them all.

    You say that like its a bad thing...

    I would like them in binders.. not in piles and piles on my desks and all my flat surfaces, lol.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL that 0.7 percent of the world’s population is estimated to be drunk at any given time (roughly 52 million people).
  • WorkerDrone83
    WorkerDrone83 Posts: 3,195 Member
    TIL about the Law of Inverse Ninja Strength. The more ninjas facing the good guy, the weaker they are. I see this in movies all the time.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL about the Law of Inverse Ninja Strength. The more ninjas facing the good guy, the weaker they are. I see this in movies all the time.

    It's true, they lose their strength when spotted.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Powdered coffee creamer is highly flammable
  • Gab149
    Gab149 Posts: 27 Member
    TIL that around 85% of people have a pattern of alternating from breathing in and out of one nostril to the other which happens in a cyclical fashion, with about four - six hours between each switch of the nostril. This can vary on nasal congestion.

    I knew it wasn't just my imagination!!!!
  • Gab149
    Gab149 Posts: 27 Member
    TIL that your brain physically changes every time you learn something new.

    This can be a chemical change (for short term memory), a structural change (for long term memory) or a functional change (for skills learned over a long period of time).

    Ergo, lots of brain-changing going on in this thread! :)
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I learned that I need to learn when to shut up
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    I'm not happy.

    Could your twin be the cause of that?