Fit For Life ---Challenge Group

I wanted to start a group of people who are striving to be FIT FOR LIFE!! We're in this for the long haul, and we're determined to be fit and healthy!

We will:
--help support each other get over hurdles
--ask questions
--share workout routines/ideas
--share new foods/recipes
--rejoice in each other's successes (weightloss, exercise accomplishments)
--create personal goals (monthly or weekly) to help in our journey to being FIT FOR LIFE!

I personally think it would be helpful for each of us to pick our "weekly goal" or "challenge". Where one person may be strong, another may be weak, so if we choose somthing personally that will push us each week--we will feel accountable to meet that goal/challenge while others can maybe help us through our goals. What do ya'll think???

SO, every FRIDAY (or Thurs/Sat/Sun, if you are absent :wink: ) we'll come up with a new CHALLENEGE/GOAL for the following week!!! That way we can start workin hard on the challenge on Monday!

*** FIT FOR LIFE*** ....yeah baby!


  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I can start!

    So, I have always been pretty active, but food has been my biggest downfall. I am currently training for a Half Marathon, so I have been focusing on trying to eat cleaner foods to help my body be the most productive and efficient it can be. My biggest weakness is getting in my early morning workouts. I know I am the most productive in the morning, but I am notorious for hitting the snooze a bazillion times. Serious. Haha!

    MY CHALLENGE/GOAL: for the next week (and maybe for a few weeks, to make it a habit) is to GET UP EARLY at least 4-5 times during the week! I have to get up at 5am in order to get the workout done and get ready before work. So, its gonna be challenging, but I think it will help kick my booty into a higher gear and hopefully drop a few pounds as well.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Dawna: Thank for starting this thread. I have to give some thought into the weekly challenge but I know it should be centered around food. I have to start small so I don't get overwhelmed but I'm thinking something about sweets/junk food. I don't know if I can committ to it for next week b/c I will be on vacation but I'm thinking when I return.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    This is just what I need right now! Count me in! :)

    Starting today and for the next week (and hopefully after that, too), I'm not going to eat when I'm not hungry. I've been making excuses for myself and my bad eating lately because it's my summer vacation and my because food choices are so so limited, but honestly that's no reason for me to be munching on snacks all night. I want to lose a couple of pounds before I go to my parents' house in August, and I think I can really do it if I stop the mindless eating.
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Oooo love this idea! I'm in!

    Hmmm, well at the moment I'm really trying to increase my swimming stamina. I usually do the majority of my swimming breaststroke but have been building up my front crawl because its exhausting! So this weeks challenge for me will be to add two more front crawl lengths onto my programme.

    YAY Good luck to all who join this brilliant idea! :)
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Choco-- Hey girl, thanks for joining!! So excited for you to go on vacation!! How fun!! you always amaze me with your vacation habits, so I have no doubt you will do well on your vacation, even if you do splurge a little bit!! You're doing great at rockin the workouts!!!

    sngnyrslp- Welcome!! Thanks for coming!! I hear ya about the mindless eating, especially when I'm surrounded by people I have a hard time restraining. Great challenege. It will make wonders of a difference. Tell us a little about yourself! What do you do for exercise, what do you enjoy doing, why did you come to mfp? anything! Looking forward to getting to know you!

    lu123- Welcome and thanks for coming to join us! I love your goal to increase your swimming stamina! I've been wanting to start swimming, maybe after my Half Marathon. I used to swim laps during my college summer breaks and I loved it! Keep checking in and tell us a little more about yourself!!

    I'm really excited for this group and to get more people involved!!! At the end of each week I'll try to post what each of our goals are for the following week. We can check in each day and give our highs-lows :) I'm exciteD!!! :bigsmile:
  • jenniffer86
    jenniffer86 Posts: 65 Member
    I would love to join this group!
    My name is Jenn.. I'm 24.. and my goal this week - (or starting monday) haha would be the mindless eating this aswell..
    I feel like every night, I tell myself.. ok your going to eat better tomorrow.. but then tomorrow comes and I end up eating something bad for me. ( Snacks, fastfood..) I dont know why.. I just feed into it. ugh.
    A big part of it for me , is I hate my job, and am so bored.. it's like I'm eating to get out of the office, and because I'm bored. lol
    So this week, I plan on "planning all my meals" and following through! Really trying to eat under, or AT my calorie goal.. and try to get more exercise.
    I mainly just workout on my ellpitical, or do a workout dvd. I've been thinking of starting up running... because I hear it's a fast way to loose weight.. (I just hate running) but I need to do something!! I'm sick of staying the same weight.. and I know I only have myself to blame. IT has to be a diet and exercise change. And I would love to have ppl hold me accountable.. maybe then I'll be able to get somewhere with this...
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    sngnyrslp- Welcome!! Thanks for coming!! I hear ya about the mindless eating, especially when I'm surrounded by people I have a hard time restraining. Great challenege. It will make wonders of a difference. Tell us a little about yourself! What do you do for exercise, what do you enjoy doing, why did you come to mfp? anything! Looking forward to getting to know you!

    Yay I love talking about myself! haha. I'm a college student in New York. During the school year I eat pretty well and exercise a few times a week, but over the summer bad things happen! Mostly because I live at other peoples' houses (family moved down south but I don't really spend a lot of time there). This means I really have to take what I can get when it comes to food (lots of preservatives and frozen meals, few fruits and veggies, etc.). This makes me sad because I LOVE healthy food. Also, I can only go to the gym twice a week because I mooch off of boyfriend's gym membership and he doesn't go all that often. So that's where I am now. I'm trying to lose a few pounds before going to South Carolina in August because I want to start 30 Day Shred while there and I know I won't see results if there's fat in the way of all that new muscle I'm gonna build!
    I like to run. That's a crazy thing for me to type! I used to HATE exercise, especially running, but it's grown on me over the past few months. I can do about 3 miles on a treadmill now, but I'd like to work my way up further. I originally joined MFP just to count calories but I've really fallen in love with the community. You people are fantastic! :)
    I hope some of the other people who've joined this group will introduce themselves too! I can't wait to get to know everyone better!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member

    lu123- Welcome and thanks for coming to join us! I love your goal to increase your swimming stamina! I've been wanting to start swimming, maybe after my Half Marathon. I used to swim laps during my college summer breaks and I loved it! Keep checking in and tell us a little more about yourself!!

    Half Marathon sounds exhausting, can't run to save my life ha ha! Good on you! I'm always envious of people who can run - sngnyrlp: 3 miles is A LOT in my book, congrats :)
    Hmmm a little about myself.... well I'm 21 (my profile on here says 22, I put it in wrong and now can't figure out how to change it haha) am a student at University in the UK. I'm trying to eat more healthily (less ready meals, more home-made stuff) as at uni I do try and eat healthy but at times (especially around exams) I end up just eating take-outs and junk food. At home I exercise 3-5 times a week, swimming and the gym. At uni I just swim a couple of times a week (the gym is too intimidating up there :S) I am hoping to join the life-saving club at uni in september too, hence why I'm trying to increase stamina of swimming :smile:
    Unfortunately I love to cook, puddings and cakes especially, I think its my downfall haha, bit of a sweet tooth here!

    Hope that gives you all a little insight into me anyway :smile:

    Can't wait to start this challenge now :happy:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey Jenn! Welcome!! I think the challenge of mindless eating and planning meals is a great thing. It has worked great for me. I even plan my snacks. It also helps with variety-- sometimes when I get into eating the same foods & snacks all the time, it leads to me craving something that I probably shouldn't eat. It is also a heckuva lot cheaper than planning dinner on a whim. Because then I always have to make unexpected trips to the store to pick up something.

    sngnyrslp- thats great your thinking of starting the 30 day shred in august. I know i always love to have a few DVD workouts in my collection so that when days are cold, or too hot and I can't get a workout in outside, or I can't afford a big gym membership, I can count on those exercises to get my heart racing!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    my challenge is not to get too frustrated about things and start thinking more positive about way i feel. i know my body isn't right yet and i know i have alot to go yet. plus i know it takes awhile, but i know that i will succeed and i know it will probably another year. i just have to believe in me that i can finish this weight lose journey. i've accomplish so much so far. i've lost so much inches and lbs. but i still have about 27 or 28lbs. left to lose yet. but if i still not happy with my body yet then i'll lose another 10lbs. i started out at 226lbs. now i'm 165lbs. to 169.2 i go like yo-yo in between those numbers for a long time. i'm still not satisfied with my stomach, thighs and arms, especially. i started out at a size 16-18 now i'm a size 4-6. the sixes are getting very loose. i'm not bikini ready for htis year, but i hope next year i will. plus my man wants to take me to las vegas next year and i'm so not ready to go. i'm still so insecure about myself. but I'M TRYING NOT TO BE. it's hard, because long time ago my ex-husband cheated on me when we were married and dating and left me for another woman. then my ex-boyfriend did terrible things on those chat site and the women was sending him pictures of them. now the man i'm with is little older then me and that's all he does is look at other beautiful women, even though he says he love me alot, for once i like to be the one that be noticing. that's why my challenge is start thinking positive things and stop being so insecure.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    lu123: thanks :D

    porterbaby38: Congratulations on all the weight you've already lost! I know how you feel about being insecure in your own skin, I have some days when I just want to stay in bed because I hate how I look in the mirror. But hopefully being part of this group will help you realize all you've accomplished so far and all you can accomplish! :)
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    First day down! I think I did a good job :) I had a small drink from Jamba Juice and some low fat popcorn for snacks but that's because I had 700 calories to eat so I figured I could splurge a little haha. I still have enough calories to make some soup, and since I haven't eaten a meal since sixish, I think I might actually be hungry. Either way, this group has already been a help. Every time I wanted a snack I just thought about my goal for the week and refrained. I hope everyone else has had some success too :)
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    COUNT ME IN!!! My Goal for the upcoming week is to exercise 6 days a week. That is always my goal, but I don't always make it. I love the way I feel afterwards, but doing it has been a struggle in the past week! I want to burn 500 calories per workout.
  • pbradshaw
    pbradshaw Posts: 10
    I would like to join this group. I have lost 6 pounds in one month but would like to pick up the pace and loose at least 2 pounds a week. I plan on walking 45 minutes at least 5 days starting next week. I would also like to start participating in some cardio vascular classes such as "Bodies in Motion" on Fit TV next week.

    Going for it!
    Patty from Texas
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    sngnyrslp: well done on first day, keep up the good work :smile:

    porterbaby38: wow that's amazing weight loss, its inspiring! I like your goal of being more positive, I think being positive is important when trying to achieve goals.

    1QueenB and pbradshaw: Welcome, both sound like great goals, keep those motivation levels up :happy:
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Welcome 1QueenB and pbradshaw! Good luck with your goals this week! :smile:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi everyone!

    1QueenB, pbradshaw & porterbaby---welcome!!

    porterbaby- I think your goal is perfect. I know how hard you've been working and you deserve to have good self confidence. You keep working hard girl, you can do this!! I think when you set goals for yourself and meet them, you will start to gain more confidence, so I'm glad you're here!

    1QueenB- great goal on striving to workout 6 days a week! once you do your workouts you will feel sooo good afterwards!! you can do this! Tell us more about yourself! So excited to get to know you!

    pbradshaw-- so glad you are wanting to increase the cardio in your weekly routine, that is fabulous! As far as losing at least 2 pounds per week, do you have much to lose? If you don't have too terribly much to lose, it might take more time. i lost my 25 pounds since last September, and its been soo hard. I just don't want to see you get disappointed. Tell us more about yourself!! So excited to get to know you!

    Well ladies, today I met my goal and got up early...well, at least early for a Saturday. 7am is early for me on a Saturday. I was able to get in 9.5 miles of running. I ended up with a 11 minute/mile pace overall and I was pleased. It was a beautiful morning and I really enjoyed the run. I know I can do my Half Marathon in August...I'm just so excited about it. I hope that my excitement doesn't cause me to overtrain and become injured between now and then. Well, Sunday is my rest day, so I'll be checking in with ya on Monday!!

    Hope you all have a great Saturday!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon and I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday afternoon! After an extremely long and somewhat difficult work meeting (supervisor was not in the best mood) yesterday I had a headache and could not wait to get home and chill out. I ended up falling asleep early but of course could not sleep the whole night so around midnight I was up channel surfing. At 3 am I was still up watching tv and came across the movie "Eddie Murphy - Raw". It was a movie w/Eddie doing stand up comedy back in the late 80's. The movie is very vulgar so if cursing/raunchiness is not your thing you definitely would not enjoy it but I love this movie. I can't believe I actually was able to see it when it first premiered in 1987 b/c I was only 14 years old. As an adult, I know there was no way I should of been aloud to see this movie so the movie theater was definitely messed up by letting my friends and I in. Anyway, watched the movie until 5 am and was up by 8:30 am.

    Today's workout is complete. I was able to complete 2.5 miles of a Leslie Sansone dvd while holding 3 lb weights in each hand before I began giving my house a thorough cleaning. I always try to give the house a nice thorough cleaning before leaving on vacation but was so busy w/work assignments that I could not do it before heading to PA, so, I got it in today.

    I want to take the time to welcome everyone to the Fit for Life thread. I think all the goals I've read are awesome and I'm so looking forward to sharing in your success. I've been at my goal weight since January but I'm still struggling to reduce body fat. While my eating is overall healthy there's a lot that could be improved and I know it's the eating that's keeping me from decreasing the body fat % like I would like. I know it's possible and I'm thankful to have a new group of ladies to share this struggle with.

    Dawna: When in August is the race b/c I have no doubt you'll be ready. You've really being doing a great job w/increasing your distance
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    today my challenge is to get my mind busy. my plans today is of course clean house, do the laundry (washing all t he blankets and bed clothes.) gave bud a bath that was a job, he didn't like it at all. went to the grocery store. did turbo jam-booty sculpt, and hip hop abs- total body burn. vaccum. i'm still working the laundry.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Hello friends! Just checking in! I've been doing well so far with my challenge for the week, I've even stayed pretty far under my calorie goals. I think the rest of the week is going to be tough though because I won't be able to get to the gym and I don't have much money to spend on healthy foods. We'll see how it goes!
    I hope everyone is doing well with their goals for the week :smile: