Does Slim Fast really work? Well it has for me..



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Its the whole chewing thing. Just an example. Weight Watchers (here in Canada, not sure about the US) has a policy of zero points for most fruits and vegetables with a few exceptions. However, if one puts those same fruits and vegetables into a smoothy, then they have points. All because they are no longer chewed. In WW's way of thinking, the act of chewing uses calories which negates the small amount of calories most raw fruits and veggies have. (I'm not on WW, my best friend is and that's how she explained it). Drinking takes no effort. Technically speaking I can agree that everything is food for nutrient contents et al but society has chosen to classify anything not chewed as drink (with the exception of the baby food you mentioned).

    No, No No! That is insane. Chewing doesn't negate the calories of fruits or veggies. Not sure where WW comes up with ideas. An small apple has 85 calories and you sure as heck don't burn 85 calories eating it!

    Not sure who classifies food and drink or if it really matters. Most of us refer to not drinking your calories as meaning not wasting calories on sodas and other nutrient devoid sugary drinks. Making a smoothie with fruits, veggies, milk, yougurt, protein powders is still food whether you drink it or eat it with a spoon. There's really no point to nitpicking the definition of food over drink.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    However, if one puts those same fruits and vegetables into a smoothy, then they have points. All because they are no longer chewed. In WW's way of thinking, the act of chewing uses calories which negates the small amount of calories most raw fruits and veggies have.

    Whoever told you that was the reason doesn't know what he or she is talking about.

    Also, a banana is between 80-100 calories. You're telling me the simple act of chewing that very soft piece of fruit burns 80-100 calories?
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    However, if one puts those same fruits and vegetables into a smoothy, then they have points. All because they are no longer chewed. In WW's way of thinking, the act of chewing uses calories which negates the small amount of calories most raw fruits and veggies have.

    Whoever told you that was the reason doesn't know what he or she is talking about.

    Also, a banana is between 80-100 calories. You're telling me the simple act of chewing that very soft piece of fruit burns 80-100 calories?

    This is how it was explained to my best-friend by the coaches she was dealing with in WW. I don't particularly agree with it but it was an example. I can see how it's a bad one...:)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    However, if one puts those same fruits and vegetables into a smoothy, then they have points. All because they are no longer chewed. In WW's way of thinking, the act of chewing uses calories which negates the small amount of calories most raw fruits and veggies have.

    Whoever told you that was the reason doesn't know what he or she is talking about.

    Also, a banana is between 80-100 calories. You're telling me the simple act of chewing that very soft piece of fruit burns 80-100 calories?

    This is how it was explained to my best-friend by the coaches she was dealing with in WW. I don't particularly agree with it but it was an example. I can see how it's a bad one...:)

    She needs to find a different meeting. Her leader(s) don't know what they're talking about. This is NOT the reason WW says to count smoothie, etc., points. It has nothing to do with chewing burning calories.

    I'm amazed at the people who follow WW who have no idea what they're actually doing and then everyone thinks it's a bad program because people choose to follow it wrong and not bother learning it.
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    I'd like to just add that i only ever had 20 pounds to lose...
    I lost the first 10 thanks to Slim Fast...
    And the last 10 using snack and meal ideas I got from Slim Fast 321....

    My weight is still off. And I do not desire to lose anymore.

    I'm NOT saying it is because it is SLIM FAST I lost the weight.
    I am saying the plan helped me.
    I know its not some freaking magical liquid that solved all of my problems.
    I know it is because it is a calorie deficit.
    I am not retarded.
    I am saying the plan can help people, and there is nothing wrong with that.

  • bexalicous
    bexalicous Posts: 66 Member
    From my personal experience - I tried slimfast but after two weeks I had no results and then I ended up in hospital due to my IBS becoming even more unbeatable then what it normally is. I had no clue to what I was putting in my body and stopped taking it. I've only recently started to feel a bit better and have less cramps.

    If it works for you then congratulations so far and hopefully you'll continue I lose weight healthily even after the slimfast.

    But for anyone else I would suggest they really look into these meal replacement products before consuming.

    I'd much prefer to be healthy and not in pain.
  • roonaldo720
    roonaldo720 Posts: 5 Member
    Ive lost 11lbs on it but had a bad month not been good :( im now using herbalife (my friends a rep) and tesco ultraslim (cheaper than slimfast) im gonna stick at it for while hoping for another stone off then maybe try just calories :))
  • gingernchai
    gingernchai Posts: 1 Member
    Oh the sanctimonious *****y in this forum....
    If it's working for her STFU!
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Oh the sanctimonious *****y in this forum....
    If it's working for her STFU!

    Strong first post and a necro to boot!
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member