

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,219 Member
    H there ladies! I don't post often but love, love reading your posts and advice.
    Today however I saw something that has upset me deeply and I need advice on how to mentallys deal with it.
    I was picking up my twin boys from school. While waiting in the car another car pulled up next to me. The mom got out and a while later returned with her approx. 10 yr old daughter. Once inside the car, the mom started screaming at the child and started hitting her. The child tried to duck but the mom just kept on hitting her. Before I could get out to stop her she drove off still carrying on hitting her.
    I've never seen or experienced physical abuse.I'm just so terribly horrified by what I saw.
    I have never seen the child before, just so sad for this poor child.

    Bianca from South Africa

    Keep an eye on the situation and start documenting it. You might also try to find out what class the girl is in, and have a chat with her teacher about what you saw. The teacher may have noticed some "red flags" as well.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,219 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Becca, are those your photographs? They are amazingly beautiful and spectacular!

    Na, these are not. There are a couple of sites on Facebook that post these! I am a pic stealer sharer!!

    As long as there's a way to document where you got them, it's OK. :)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1 hr of incline intervals (2 min 4mph 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 3%etc). The plan for tomorrow is to do a Gay Gasper Training DVD. Don't remember what that one is like.

    Oh, I just realized that I downloaded the DVD Jeanette Jenkins 21 Day Total Body Circuit. If anyone wants it, just PM me, I'd be glad to send it to you. It didn't cost me anything, so I wouldn't charge you anything.

    Today has been one of those days. Usually by now I have at least glanced at the newspaper. I haven't even had time for that much. Went and exercised, took my "wash off the sweat" shower, then went to see the gal who is altering my dress to get a swatch of the material. Then go to Food Lion for one item since it was on sale, I had a coupon, and the store by me doesn't have any, then on to Statesville.

    I don't remember if I told you the saga. We got these beads for me to make wine charms for Denise's shower favor. When we got home the gal who was working with me said "oh, no, we need to make a set of 4 for each bag!" Yikes, that means 96 charms. Well, Vince went back to Michael's but they didn't have any more beads (when we were there there were a few more cards). Anyway, they called Moorseville store who had them and was going to ship them to Hickory. So I wait...and wait....and wait. Finally, after calling Hickory and just getting a "I'll call the Mooresville store", I called their corporate headquarters. It seems that Moorseville sent them to the Statesville store. So I drove over there since I didn't trust them to send them to the Hickory store. Takes me 1/2 hr there and 1/2 hr back. But I got the beads.

    Came home and went in the pool, needed to just unwind. Came in, got dinner ready, I was supposed to go to ACMoore about needlework, but by the time I could get there, it would be over so I didn't bother. I'll probably work on some of the charms tonight.

    Dorrie - take it from someone who has been here a while, you'll NEVER know everyone. By the time you know someone somewhat, they take a break. New people come in all the time.

    DJ - Vince's mother had some dimentia. I got very good at the "is that a fact" and "tell me more about it", even tho I'd heard the same story 50 times already

    Tere - I don't go on 95. I take 40 to 77 to 81 to 66. Not sure what roads from VA to PA, tho. Guess I'll find out. Thank goodness for the GPS!

    I want to get the freezer as empty as possible, so for now I'm not making any pops (although I'd love some because they're so low in calories and pretty good for you). For those who don't know, you take a 32oz container of unflavored yogurt (I've found Greek yogurt to be good), a 21oz can of OJ concentrate. Thaw the concentrate but don't reconstitute it. Mix the two together and pour into an ice pop mold. I can usually make about 20 pops from each batch. Each pop is about 57 calories (according to MFP). Not bad and very cooling. Plus, no added sugar, no preservatives, etc.

    Karen in VA - do even new eggs turn out easy to peel in the IP? Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the saying "the hearse doesn't stop at the bank". How very sad about your grandson! It's good tho that he's in the hosp where he can get professional help

    tere - there's a lady in the water aerobics class who uses the locker room that I use because there aren't a lot of people in there and she doesn't have to worry about perfume. My daughter has a sever allergy to coconut, if it's in the air she can't breathe. I've witnessed that and is it ever scary!

    Lisa - I, too, keep my "go to" bag with all toiletries, a phone charger, etc. and I refill things as needed before I need them. Would it be possible to take 1/2 of the contrave tablet so that you hopefully won't have a reaction? Let's hope it's a reaction to the combination with the Chantix.

    Have two questions for anyone - for one thing, I'd like to somehow designate that 4 of the shower favors are for the attendants and Denise. Any ideas how I can make it so that no one takes 4 bags.

    Another thing - Jess wants to make the cake that looks like a doll. Well, I have two dolls that can go in the cake. I'm thinking that using a piece of tule might make a good wedding veil for the one doll. But how to attach it to a plastic head with "hair"?

    Bianca - wonder what would have happened if you had called the police? Did you happen to notice if she's wearing long sleeves in summertime (not sure what your weather is like)

    Heather - you and dh look so elegant! Have a great time

    Penny, Penny, oh were art thou Penny?

    Ginger - heal quickly

    DJ - thanks for the link about the eclipse. Happy anniversary. Very sunny here

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stats for the day:

    **wahoo hrm not recording :0/ **

    all apple watch hr-

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 13.46min, 12.7mph. 2.9mi = 101c
    Ski Machine- 20min, 5incl, 15-20resist, 1.12mi = 160c
    bike ride gym to sumn sta- 1hr 6min, 45sec, 12.6amph, 13.9mi = 532c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.59min, 9.36min mi, .5mi = 54c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.56min, 10.24min mi, .4mi = 54c
    bike dome 2 hm- 19.04min, 8.2amph, another 90degree day, 2.6mi = 142c

    total cal 1043
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Mighty Mamas!

    I have been super busy and still have no internet at home! I just barely had time to keep up with you guys, today!


    Katla – I love soup any time! When it’s HOT for half the year – you just use the AC and move on... And that soup was delicious! I ate mine like tortilla soup –with some cheese and avocado.

    Meg – LOL – It really was good. Not low fat – not low cal – but really, really good. Hope your co-worker is ok.

    Karen/VA – Oh Sugar, I am so sorry for your GS. I hope he can find that “thing” that he can focus on that will allow him to enjoy life.

    Tere – If I am every feeling particularly masochistic, I only have to walk thru a perfume section of a department store to induce a throbbing headache. I feel your pain.

    Lisa – Thanks, Sugar! I am thinking good thoughts for you and the ciggies. It took me YEARS to quit – and I wasn’t really, seriously addicted. Sorry the Contrave is so hard on you. I hope it IS just the Chantrix. I totally understand needing some assistance in the weight loss plan.

    Janet – So good to see your smiling face, Sweetie. Hope you will at least give us a heart now and then to let us know you are ok.

    Have to run! But, so far, I am doing ok on my weekly goals. Because I have spent my mornings trying to fix my internet issues, I will probably not make the strength training... *sigh* Oh well.

    Goals for August 1-5
    Under Calorie Budget 4x OOXX
    Strength Training/Abs 2x OO
    Planks 2x OX

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Thanks Everybody. Looks like Griff will be in the hospital for 5-7 days. I'll keep you posted.

    Michele Older eggs work better, but in the IP even fresh eggs are relatively easy to peel. I believe it is because they are actually steamed rather than hard-boiled.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: I love the photos from the Oregon Coast! Your three sons photo is a real gem, too. :bigsmile: Thank you so much for calling me awesome! Aw, shucks. :embarassed:

    We sat out on the deck for a little while but slipped right back into our cool house. The smoke concentration in the air seems a little bit lighter than it was earlier in the day. I hope this turns into a trend. According to my weather app, it reached 104 today & will cool to 64 tonight, then go back up to a high of 94 tomorrow. I'll take it happily. Cooler weather is welcome. Less smoke in the air would also be very nice.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." Friedrich Nietzsche
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, I sure am glad my daughters had simple weddings and their husbands mOms just didn't want to have to do anything but arrive. Could you put those favors in a pretty decorated basket or box that is labeled in her colors for the attendants?

    I have a cousin that lives in Seattle that takes the most beautiful serene pictures of most
    Y lighthouses, oceans, whale watching, just nature. But most of them have an inspirational verse from the Binle attached to it. My uncle was also a Baptist preacher! I don't know if she would mind me sharing any of them or not. I know I am going to take at least one and frame it for my sister for her birthday. But she has given permission for that.

    Well our local weatherman on NBC that we trust so much and told us about showers tonight and it never rained. Then he talked about them coming about 2 AM but now he is saying that he isn't seeing them n Illinois yet. So I am glad I listened to my own self and watered my flowers. I need to make a map of the garden and make a way so that I, or Michelle knows how to prune and get them ready for the winter.

    Allie, keep thinking about you. Is some one going with you to court next week?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Finally got my prednisone and can breathe again! I did sleep most of the morning and that was good. DH woke me up twice calling to check on me then finally decided to just come home to watch over me. I was having the most lovely dreams. So it’s back to the office tomorrow.

    Some of you may remember a few years back DH (who was then SO) told me to go into the kitchen and take my pants off when I arrived home from work. I thought he had come up with something different and went along with it. Once I had the pants off he said “Now just throw them in the trash! I think we have enough money that you can go buy some pants that fit”. When I protested he profanely told me that the crotch of the pants was almost at my knees they were so big. Well, it happened again yesterday with a skirt! That was a great NSV. He committed his self to funding a shopping expedition next month. <3

    Karen in Virginia – I am keeping your grandson and family in my prayers. My family has had its share of mental health issues and it is stressful for all connected. My father (and most of his cousins) had genius IQs but really did not understand people nor emotions. He dealt with his inability to understand through weekend alcohol abuse. I and my siblings all came up with individual ways of dealing with him some good and some not so good. Growing up I was ashamed, embarrassed, and angry because I knew that on Friday nights and Saturdays I could not count on my father being sober. I would encourage them all to participate in family therapy if they are not doing so already. I know that counseling really helped me.

    NYKaren – Good for you…I know the kids will enjoy working with you and you will enjoy it as well.

    Barbie: You should see me stiff arming people at church to shake hands instead of hugging. Some of them are so insistent and I have to tell them that I am allergic to fragrances. I used to be so embarrassed. Once we settle down to one church I am sure I won’t have to say it so much. I do miss having my manicures and pedicures though as I can’t go into a nail shop where they are applying acrylics.

    Ginger – I am glad you didn’t experience pain with your surgery. I’ve been contemplating implants for a couple of years just am not financially ready yet and a little afraid of the pain.

    Michele – My father wore so much cologne that he could have left the house for 2 or 3 hours and you could still smell him. When my grandmother transitioned he stopped by my house on his way to the funeral home, passed by me and I started blacking out. I was sick through the entire funeral. Everyone and me thought I had picked up some sort of ailment. It was just asthma and my system shutting down from the colognes. I didn’t know I had asthma then. I feel for your daughter because it just makes life hard.

    Tere in RVA

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Good morning all!
    Woke up at 4.45, but that means I got 5+ hours sleep straight, which is more than I've had for ages! I will take DH up a cup of tea in a short while.
    Thanks all for the compliments on the dress. I actually bought it to take on our Mexican holiday, because we were going to an extremely posh hotel for a few days at the end. I never wore it! It was useful for last year's cruise and now will get a second outing. It's a shame we don't get to wear nice frocks very often. Personally there are no occasions in my normal life. The "best" dress I am taking is a long, purple velvet one, with some gorgeous embroidery. I borrowed it from my yoga teacher for my DH's 70th birthday and she doesn't want it back because she has got too fat for it!! It is very glam. <3 And very comfortable. :D Might be able to find a pic somewhere. I would never buy something like that, but to borrow it was great!
    We are so delighted we haven't got to share a car to Dover. Apart from the detour, the couple we picked up last year were dreary in the extreme! DH and I are very antisocial. :laugh: We thought we'd hate a cruise for that reason, but it all turned out fine.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Tere - So sorry about your asthma. I have a couple of friends who are sensitive to fragrances. :'( DH hates nail varnish, but he isn't allergic, just hates the smell.

    Gloria - I so feel for you with your grandson. <3 You have taken on such a lot. You are entitled to have eczema! I took my son to therapy for years and we had family therapy, but I'm not sure it helped much, although I did see things more clearly. My own individual therapy has been very helpful though. I had a long phone conversation yesterday with a very old friend who is having a lot of trouble with her nearly 10 year old grandaughter. She has her and her husband in tears every time she stays with them. The husband is almost prepared to not see her, but my friend still loves her even if she doesn't like her. :'(

    Breakfast arrives!

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    My grandson and I about 3.5 yrs ago...I call him Squishy...so, when I refer to Squishy, this is who I am talking about...

    His first snow day up on Mt Charleston was this past winter...he was 6 at this time...the snow was gone within 2 weeks after this trip up there...he had a BLAST!
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Karen in Virginia - I am glad that your grandson is receiving some help. Your heart must be breaking for him.

    Bianca - How terrible! I don't know how you process what you saw.

    Heather - You two look lovely

    -Sharon in Lethbridge ( one more day and then vacay)
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3