

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    So exhausted this am, slept in instead of doing water. My bad. (But I needed it.) I work from 2 to 8 tonight. Speaking of soup in the summer.....we've developed the habit of having crockpot soup the two days a week that I work til 9:00. I have made more soup this summer than all the winters of my life put together (probably not really, but it seems like it)

    Leigh - your soup sounds yummy. Hubby likes some meat/poultry in his soups. I'm thinking I could add chicken to yours. What do you think?

    Ginger - HI! Hope all goes well with your healing.

    Dorrie, Becca, and Heather - enjoyed the pics.

    Lisa - Send us another picture of Egg soon.

    Toni in Middle Tennessee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Toni I need to make soup with the half of chicken I have rec'd. I like to mix the stock with wild rice, and I have some broccoli in the freezer. That with some Parmesan cheese on top.... Heaven!
    Need to channel my soup goddess!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I always add tumeric and Cayenne pepper to the broth! Its hot in my belly, but not spicy hot in my mouth! Plus they say those spices are good for you.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Machka – My oldest granddaughter went on BC and she was ‘miserable’ … ‘didn’t need it’ and went off it because she stopped having her period. Not sexually active. She went to GP (female) and had googled her symptoms and came over to talk to me. Between the two ‘possibilities’ I leaned more to it being a ‘thyroid’ issue. She went to her with both possible diagnoses and asked questions and the GP ran a ‘full panel’ of the thyroid panel and Monday she got called and told it was her ‘thyroid’, she is ‘hypothyroid’ so she put her on a ‘low dose’ of generic Synthroid and will be rechecked in 3 months. She is going to a OB/GYN the end of this month to get her ovaries viewed with a sonogram. This was one reason I told my DDnL#1 (not her birth mother) that when she first wanted to put her BC, in HS … ‘how she thought she was legally going to do so’. When she told me, ‘well, we have the same last name’. I asked her ‘what are you going to tell her Daddy ‘if’ she were to have a stroke, or what are you going to say if she isn’t able to have children’? That ended that conversation; until she went off to college and she told me that she told her she wanted to be put on BC. I know my DOGD and I doubt it was ‘her’ idea. The other thing she asked her about was PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

    She was glad that the GP goes to this OB/GYN (female) and I told her to ‘expect’ that they will do a ‘pregnancy test’ as it would be routine for a young woman her age, whether or not she hasn’t had sex. I told her that it is probably going to be uncomfortable and trying to ‘relax’ will help out a lot. I know they are going to lower the CI and she is already working out. It is ‘sad’ that one round of BC and having thyroid issues has caused so many other issues. Poor sweetie. I also told here that regardless of what she tells her about knowing for sure that she is not pregnant; she OB/GYN would perform one regardless. I forgot to tell her that she might also get a rectal exam (my GYN) does on on me. He can tell if I have 'gas'; but, the worst part is losing the 'jelly' on the sheet. It also feels like I have had a BM [I know WTMI); but, I haven't.

    Rori – You also need to take a break each week, hire a sitter. My BF hired a sitter when her husband got out of the hospital. BF was still working and her DH was retired; but, alcohol use had destroyed his liver. They found this really nice lady who treated him so well and they could talk about whatever.

    Josephine – When I think about a ‘stubbed’ toe, I think of going barefooted as a child and taking off a small flap of skin that ‘hurt so bad’ it made me cry every time. You’d think I wear shoes. But, not me. Even now I go barefoot; until I try going the 8’ from our driveway to my studio and the ‘sticker weeds’ are out there for a short period of time in the spring. Now, I grab the nearest pair of CROCS and I wear them for the rest of the afternoon. I forget that I have grabbed Louis’ pair until he comes in, takes his shower, and starts looking for them.

    Sue – Yes, we’re planning on a Spring trip to Texas … maybe it won’t be unbearably ‘hot’.

    Michele – I worked with a little Jewish lady who was tattooed and in a concentration camp when she and her husband were ‘freed’. She’d wear 3/4th length sleeves; but, when she lifted her arms, you could see it. I made the mistake of asking her about it. I think my boss jumped 3 counters to get to us and sort of told me to do something else in the deli. But, she did admit that it was the “mark of the beast” meaning Hitler. They had a baby (late in life) as they were not together during the time in the camp. She really did not like talking about it; but, her DH was ‘very vocal’ about it and both very thankful they were ‘freed’. So, I can understand people not wanting to talk about their war experiences. My brother won’t talk about his 4 tours to Vietnam. Of course, when they were younger and he was living with us they asked if he had ever ‘killed’ anybody. His answer was – I was a MP and walked the fences, hear any rustle in the bushes you shot at it. I have no problem thinking he has PTSD (???) [Not sure those letters are in the right chronological order. He definitely moves on his own time … which is ‘slow’.

    Margaret – I remember we never locked our doors, even through the night sometimes; and, we left the keys in the car. Remember grabbing the keys to his ‘new’ Oldsmobile and taking a joy ride with several of my friends. Got run off the road by a drowsy truck driver, we spinned around and could have been hit by it; but, we ended up in the median and all I wanted to do is get it out and headed back home. Parked it; but, later when Daddy came home he asked who had moved his car. He had all the keys. He wouldn’t believe me when I told him that I had used the Chevy car’s key. So I had to use it to crank up both cars. He was amazed at the possibility of a key cranking 2 different GM cars that were owned by the same family. Never touched it again – feared what he’d do if I did.

    That was his first ‘new’ car; and, then after that he wanted a Cadillac; my uncle worked for GM/Delco and he had a company car, so he worked out all the first year kinks and Daddy bought the next 2 he had. That was one of the things on his “Bucket List” to do.

    Sharon – Louis ‘hates’ new construction … you have to be there at the right time and it messes up his way of doing other jobs. He hasn’t done one in quite a while. One guy in particular who would take Southern Living plans and change them a little and get a quote from several painters, most would not work for him because of his 'knee-jerkiness'. He'd take a detal mirror and look behind two doors that met in the middle to make sure he had painted the wall and that he had not gotten it on the trim. Louis would have to pull off the moulding and paint and he told him he was NOT a carpenter; if he wanted the painting done, that would never show, he'd have to get a carpenter to come take it down to let him paint the wall and the side of the trim. He'd fly off the handle and tell him, "I've paid the carpenters and they will charge me more to come back and do this. Louis said, I'm really sorry; but, I can't get a brush in that spot and if I do I'm going to get paint on the side of the moulding. He started 'docking what he paid' because Louis refused to do it. So the next time he called almost a year-and-a-half later to get a 'quote'. What he'd do is get a quote from Louis and then get another quote to see if he could beat it. One night he called here about 9:00pm and I recognized the voice. I told Louis that "IF" he did not give he a cost of $50,000 - sight unseen ... he and I were going to have a real problem. So when Louis heard what he wanted, he first told him that he had too many jobs on the books to even come out and give him a quote. So it was just the trim on the house, brick house. Louis told him, "Sorry Brady; for the house, sight unseen and you buying all the paint and window caulk my price if $50,000. I don't know what all he had to say about that; but, Louis said he was livid. Said that he had intended on getting him to paint the inside as well. Louis told him that he had stopped doing 'new construction jobs'; but asked him what he needed; how many rooms, how many cabinets and shutters, how many baths, was there going to be any wallpaper and then told him, well, again, sight unseen, you buy all the paint and caulking ... I'll do it for $150,000." Brady told him that he'd NEVER call him for a quote again!" Louis told him, "Well that is what I was trying to get you to say ...!" I laughed for a while after that, Louis said it made him feel so good not to give in. On this house that had chimneys at both ends; he decided that the original plans that had chimney's only about 5' off the roof, he added another 10 or more to it. The people would bought it took him to court because they were leaning inward and could break off and damage the house. When he could not produce a business license to be a general contractor, they won and he was told that he could not ever get a business license as a builder. He had been a 'round-the-corner-neighbor' and his pompous little 12-year-old son played baseball with our sons.

    He has ‘never’ advertised. It is all ‘word of mouth’ and he has a great ‘following’. Some people he had painted for, for years finally found out that he lived in Dawson, and I’d get calls weekly asking if he was still painting. He’ll be painting until they find him in the bushes with his wrist/arm moving up and down. The thought of having him ‘around’ 24/7 would only last about 3 days. Of course, he has said that it will take 3 days to figure out if he is dead. What upsets me, more than anything is him ‘going off’ on the property without telling me first. A lot of time, Trey is with him; but, not all the time. He'll be 76 the first week of November. He really wants to stop working; but, son has told him that he really did not want to take over the business and have to 'try' to find another 2 or 3 'honest', 'dependable painters.

    If your son is over 18; he might need to go with him. Privacy issues. You might want to call about what is required to get it (if he has to be there with his Dad) or even ‘ask’ if you can have a copy sent to you and tell them, he needs it for college and how much it will cost (certified)? They will probably send them to you that way, quicker than just asking for it. In GA, you now have to bring a birth certificate with you to get a DL.

    I love Keith Urban – he is just such a ‘cutie’.

    Karen in Virginia – Cyber bullying or bullying at school is something that should be more seriously taken.

    Our MDGD was bullied by a child whose parents were going through a divorce, apparently a nasty one. He took the older boy and he is in a very expensive private school, so her choice had to be either a church school or Terrell Academy or move from the house she got in the divorce. They moved to Lee County and put her into public school. It's been a good school district; but, it is also a school where anybody goes, regardless of age, race, creed, and Madison said she would not be able to do that if she knew what was good for her. She had systematically made ever girl in the class 'cry' and started in on the younger girls. Madison got in her face and told her to 'leave them alone'. A boy jumped between them because this 'bully' had balled up her fist like she was going to hit her. That was the day DOGD took a video of what was going on and forwarded it to Jenn; she drove as fast as she could to get to the school and the group of girls who had been standing around witnessing it scattered like roaches when the lights get turned on. She asked the Head Master if she could have her friend, who went to schools to talk about it for the entire school; but, when she got there it was only her class.

    HALLALUJA – Just found how to disable my touchpad when mouse USB is plugged in. Happy Dance!!!!!

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Hey all! Good afternoon! Happy Friday! Started out my day with a little cardio, due to the spider that dropped down from the ceiling. He obviously just wanted some coffee, but I was too busy crazy dancing to give him anything but the boot. Sorry all Buddhists and nature lovers, I was too shocked to escort him out the door and just stepped on him instead. Had my second cup of coffee in peace. Only three little boys here for care today. For one reason or another the other three stayed home. It's kind of like a mini vacation. A rainy day so they pretty much just played with legos all morning. Ate some lunch, then watched a short movie and fell asleep. Can't beat that!
    Here is my facebook post from today, that deals with our Naked Egg Experiment. Pretty cool, so far!
    Kelly LaMore
    4 hrs ·
    It has been a STEM summer at Miss Kel's. Lots of science experiments. I am posting an update of a days long experiment called Naked Eggs, because my older kids aren't here, today, to see where we are at. After sitting in vinegar for two days, the shells of the eggs are nearly dissolved. The vinegar has thickened the outer membrane of the egg, but if you hold the egg up to the light, you can still see the yolk moving about (still intact) inside the egg. I will store the eggs in the fridge for the weekend, after the vinegar has dissolved the residual shell, so that we can continue with the next step on Monday!
    Gloria- I know exactly what you mean about wanting to respond to comments immediately after reading them! It would make it easier, but would also make each thread longer. I just respond to who I remember and hope no one feels offended if their comment didn't stick in my feeble brain. I try. Also, on the Phase 1 nutrition plan you are looking for. I typed in: Phase 1 nutrition plan for Live Fit Revolution and a few different sites popped up. Pinterest had actual meal plans and food lists posted right on their site. Maybe what you are looking for?
    Heather- Wow! That velvet dress and shrug look amazing on you! Enjoy your cruise! Thinking of you and constructing your trip in my brain as you tell us about it!
    Leigh- Soup! Mmmmm! In my opinion, soup is good all year 'round! DH and DYS are not soup eaters, so I am generally making it just for me. But it is a wonderful thing to have in the fridge to eat through out the week! One of our science experiments this week called for making ph indicators out of red cabbage water. I was left with almost a whole head of purple boiled cabbage, so into some broth it went with a few other veggies. It was delish!

    Boy! As I am writing this, I am looking out my window at the barrage of rain falling from the sky. It has been doing this all day, and this is the first time in many years that I didn't take today (the last Friday of Coast Guard week) off. I usually take it off to catch the craft show when it first opens, to avoid the crowds. LOL! I am thinking all of the crafters have closed up their tents and are sitting in their cars drinking coffee and waiting for it to stop.

    Tere- Your hubby is an angel! He notices your weight loss AND makes it his business to help you dress to show it!
    Becca- Sweet pictures of your boys and the stories of teaching them love and compassion! You done good, girl!
    Dorrie- lovely pics of you and your children!
    Barbie- I hope your dancers have the same thought go through their heads as they see those with limited mobility and other ailments passing through your class. I know I often wonder and hope (and pray) that I will continue to have good health and good mobility/strength. It scares me to see my DH, who is my age, move so slowly and with so much pain and to know that this is what his quality of life will be like from now on. We went for a walk last night and it began to rain and his joints hurt so bad that he had to stop walking and wait while I (literally) ran to the car and came back and picked him up. I felt so bad for him as he apologized all of the way home and talked about how embarrassed he was that he couldn't keep up with me and made me run because I had to help him. I don't mind; I just hope I can keep it up for a long while!

    kids waking up! Gotta fly! Getting the grill out- in the rain- and making pineapple glazed chicken tonight! Whoot! ttfn KJ
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lot of conversation here since last night. No way I can respond to everyone.

    The way I brought up my kids, they had moral values I knew hat they had the possblitiy of being bullied. My kids didn't talk to me about a lot of things when they were growing up about things going on at school. But when you get home from work and your youngest has this look in her eyes, you know that something had happened. There had been a lot of locker burglaries at Christina's middle school. She was a kid that just would not stand for something like that. She over heard some kids talk about what they were doing and went to the principals office to tell what she had heard. Well what she heard solved the burglury problem but the kids figured out it was her. So they followed her home from school and as soon as they got out of the schools sight and grounds, they beat her up and bashed her head into the side of a brick house that was being built. With makeup and ice we were able to get the swelling done before Charlie got home from work at midnight. I know I should gave told him but I know his anger and what he would have done. Plus he would not have been patient at the school. I knew I could handle it. Turns out that since it was off school,property the school,couldn't do anything. They got a one week expulsion fir what they did to the lockers and their parents got a letter for what they did to Christina. The juvenile authorities were called and I can't remember what they did. I know I should have told my husband but with him working a stretch of evenings, he really wouldn't see Christina for about a week. Charlies way of handling bullies is to beat them up harder and they will remember you. That just isn't how I was brought up or how I taught my kids. They were brought up in the church from the moment they were conceived and people don't beat up other people.

    It is in the low 70s here and the cats are totally enjoying having the patio door open and my office window open.. I haven't heard any fighting.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    edited August 2017
    ~ Machka9 - the date was postponed til Sunday morning - he promised to take his nephew(s) school shopping, and their parents decided today was the best time instead of tomorrow...go figure...since I'm all about family first, of course I expect him to respond accordingly!! So, he's got Sunday all planned out, and has informed his side of the family that he's "off the grid" for the entire day...oh my oh my oh my!!

    ~ Lanette - thank you! Squishy is the reason I'm in Vegas, and I cannot imagine not seeing that smile as often as possible! As noted above, the date has been postpned til Sunday...however, he's invited me to video chat with him this evening to help us both "break the ice"...he agrees we've both been single so long it's almost like we're teenagers! I'm GIDDY! Lastly, when I decided to take the college plunge, my mindset was there's absolutely NO way I can be successful...I was wrong! I would have graduated my BS with honors if I'd taken the math classes in classroom (per the professor) because of the online format requires a person to type out the formulas and such using a keyboard, which is very VERY difficult. If you get one thing wrong in the algebraic formula, the entire question is wrong. My attention to detail is enormous, but math is NOT my strong subject! Even with a tutor, I couldn't get more than a 70/C grade on the refresher course and the required Algebra I course for my degree. I threw in the towel on honors after that, which I truly regret! I was a BRAT and half-a$$ed my way through a few more courses getting "C" grades also - telling myself that C's get degrees! Well, so do B's and A's...so when I went to commencement, and didn't get all the honors goodies, I was ashamed of myself for being a brat about it...I ended up with a 3.42 overall GPA. Masters however, I am a rock star with a 4.0 so far! Only a year and a half to go! LOL!

    ~ Becca - I cannot WAIT to get to 235!! I'm going to post a more recent photo of my daughter and I today too...thank you for sharing your sons with us, it's obvious how much they love each other!!

    More later ladies!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!
    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    Wendy, welcome. DH is "Dear Husband" or something else that begins with D, depending on the situation, lol. >:) So great your sis Emily is taking the lead with the healthy eating and exercise. We have one or two others in this group from Arkansas.

    Dorrie - great photo of Squishy... he's growing fast! What do his classmates call him? B) If he ends up 6 ' 3" like his uncle, he won't care if they call him Sue, lol. B)

    Kelly - neat naked egg experiment. Why are the eggs without shells different colors? Were they from chickens that laid colored eggs to begin with? I get eggs with lots of lovely colors from my organic egg supplier. Anyhow, those kids are lucky to have "Miss Kell" teaching them exciting things!! SUPER JEALOUS of the rain! Remind me I said this in a few months when we'll have the rains start out here in the Pacific Northwest and not end until June, lol.

    Heather - that dress is a lovely shade of dark purple, a great fit and very flattering! Your DH is grinning like he's posing with a supermodel! <3 Well, he is!

    Joyce - I hear you on the weatherman not getting it right. I recall that once again, several months ago, they predicted the "worst hurricane season ever." I haven't been watching the news much.... how many have there been this year so far? Also, interesting story about Christina and the bullies. When I was reading it, my mind was whirring thinking about what I'd do if it were my child. I'm glad the little monsters were suspended for the locker damage and the parents received letters. One of my favorite movies of all time is "My Bodyguard". My DH has a story about how he laid a beatin' on a bully who targeted a geeky kid when he was in school. It happened on a weekend at a teen dance, so school never was involved of course. The geeky kid was never bothered again. DH was one of those kids who grew fast and looked 18 when he was 13. :*

    Speaking of the weatherman, it's still DARN HOT >:) this afternoon and I'm waiting for that ocean breeze to blow in.

    Keep it cool, kids! The weekend is just around the corner!

    SW WA State
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Friday. Welcome to Wendy in AR. Also Dorris, your grandson is adorable.
    I played golf this morning at 7:50 and still got too hot. Haven't felt well all afternoon. Today is day two of tracking everything again. Joined a challenge and am determined to be a contributing member.
    Margaret, have you found our where you will be relocating?
    Allie-thinking of you and wishing you the best.
    SueBDew inTX.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    edited August 2017
    Well here I am typing on an IPad mini,at least I have this, my laptop. Gave out on me and Tom said he will take me to Sams to get another if I call off the lawyer for temp alimony. He says I am still responsible for bills here, why dont we just wait until the final.. to get it all done..
    He unnerves me to no end.....I do have to get another laptop, but will do so on my own...

    Good for you for sticking to your guns! Don't let him bribe you.
    Just so you know, since I got my iPad I never use my laptop anymore. You may not even need to replace it.

    Chris in MA
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    That's not bribery, Allie - that's extortion. Make sure you tell your lawyer. What a goober he is... but the other shoe had to drop sometime. Hang in there, girl--and note this, too, is about money. It will always be about money for Tom. I'm sorry... I wish it were easier.

    Love ya!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Today I swam for 45 minutes then went with MIL to her rehab. Proud of self - yesterday I did NOT eat more than allotted 1 piece of worlds yummiest pizza.

    Unfortunately right now I am tired and sore and pretty cranky. Even with over the top amounts of exercise Ive been doing I can only eat what seems to me to be a ridiculously small amount of food a day if I want to lose - and lose slowly ( about 2 pounds every three weeks/month). And today I'm either freezing or so hot I could cook dinner on my skin, no stovetop or extra heat necessary. Argh. Just ignore me, today is a bad day.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited August 2017
    Yep Allie be firm!!! Persevere! We are all mentally giving Tom the bird with our other typing finger! Sorry, I have no sympathy for him. Its time for you to walk in the sun and SHINE!
    Hugs to you!!

    Wendy in Ark, DH means dear husband, or dear daughter, or if we are really mad at dear husband it could mean another title ruder! I have never been into any name calling, and 99% of the ladies here aren't either, my brain just thought of it though!

    Well just rec'd the official letter filled out by my son in boot camp stating his official address. It was strange to see his handwriting, all block printing. This from a son that had the most beautiful cursive writing! I'm sure its been quite an adjustment for him! If you wish to write to him, just send me a private message and I will give it to you.
    Hugs my ladies