

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Joyce, No worries friend, I follow a bunch of sites that the beautiful flower pictures come to me! Thanks though, you're a dear to me!
    The flower whisperer!
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    edited August 2017
    ~ Lanette - his given name is Jason...I'm the ONLY person who calls him Squishy and gets away with it! If anyone tries, he corrects them immediately and tells them that name is his special name from his OhMama ONLY!....he calls me OhMama instead of Grandma or similar - his other grandmother in town he calls "Honey" because she refuses to be called by a common grandmotherly name after my grandson started calling me OhMama at 2yrs old...long story, but if you read that my DSIL is bipolar - it's hereditary! We fully expect Squishy to be as tall if not taller than my son. My DSIL is an inch taller than my son, and my DSIL's father was 6' 6" from what I'm told. My brother is between them, and I'm the shortest person in my family as I think I've stated. So, I'm pretty sure, barring any disease or injury, he'll be at least 6' 3" and have shoulders as broad as the shoulder pads he'll probably be wearing at some point. He wants to play football at the University of Oregon. He'll be the 5th generation male in my family to do so if he does!

    ~ Becca - thank you for your kind words...I've saved only a very few of the "reminder" photos...that one in particular was a tremendous wake up call...I thought I was pretty cute/adorable in that dress that my Auntie made for me...it was literally a sleeve of stretchy t-shirt type fabric she sewed a seam down the side to connect it, then added a band of elastic at the top and I tied a string around my waist to "blouse" the fabric over...turned out cute I thought, until I saw that photo...

    Sunday morning is the rescheduled date "day" and I'm still overly excited about it...today I struggled with some self control because I waited too long to eat breakfast after feeling disappointed that we had to reschedule. I got lost in my feelings and went to Denny's for an everyday value slam breakfast...only good thing is I told them to bring me ONE pancake instead of two...so, that sort of helped keep the protein up and the carbs down since I didn't use any syrup (not a fan) and only had about half the pancake...so, I guess it was better than it USED to be when I'd saturate the pancake stack with butter and use the jams/jellies for toast on my pancakes...I guess there's small victories in my choices when eating with emotion instead of self control. Should have gone to my favorite local diner and get an egg white protein plate instead...but nope...I justified it because Denny's meal is half the cost...but twice what the other option would have been for my food intake...I'm not beating myself up over it tho and that's still progress as far as I'm concerned!! Then, my daughter enabled me and talked me into a CoffeeBean & TeaLeaf run and the Black Forest sucked me in...it's decadent, and exactly what I'd convinced myself I needed...440 calories in a 16oz frozen beverage that I COULD have opted for "no sugar added" but didn't...sigh...dinner was much more sensible (I'd had enough time to get my demon of self doubt back in the cage) and ended up being less that 400 calories, including my dessert of fresh blackberries and raspberries (half cup each)...

    Squishy decided he wanted to have a sleepover in OhMama's room tonight and is crashed out on my loveseat. His little self is adorable, and when I bought that loveseat he fit on one of the cushions but NOW, he's 7 and has to bend his knees slightly to lay down...he's 90 pounds and 4' 10" tall...I have to give him kudos also, because LAST year when he started 1st grade he had to see his doc of course. He was 103 pounds and 4' 6" tall...I'm VERY proud of him for learning more over these past few months of both his parents being aware of their caloric and protein counts. He's taken quite an interest in discovering what vegetables he can tolerate, and which he won't eat. Last year at this time, if it was green, it needed to be dipped or covered in ranch dressing before he'd eat it. Now, he asked if we could have "mashed caulitoes" (he hasn't figured out it's cauliflower yet) with meatloaf tonight for dinner!! The meatloaf was made with fine ground steel cut oats as a binder with egg and seasoning only with ground turkey and finely chopped red onion. It turned out great and he really liked it! Pretty sure we'll be having this again! The "caulitoes" is a word his Dad came up with to convince Squishy to eat it because it's like mashed potatoes, and this "flavor" of mashed caulitoes is made different than potatoes but tastes really the same and is so much healthier! The other thing about Squishy is, even with his brilliant mind, he's still only 7yrs old...

    My August Goals:
    ~ Stay under 1500 calories daily - not to include the exercise calories off either! ---
    8/1 = 1,289
    8/2 = 1,151
    8/3 = 1,295
    8/4 = 1,780 ***sigh*** I feel STUFFED because I overate and had too much sugar today...YUCK!
    ~ Walk 5k steps daily ---
    8/1 = unsure, no app yet
    8/2 = remembered the app mid-day
    8/3 = 3,980 **** gotta get movin!!
    8/4 = 4,675 **** YAYYYY!!
    ~ Plexus regimen ---
    8/1 = yes
    8/2 = yes
    8/3 = yes
    8/4 = yes
    ~ WATER equal or exceeding 64 ounces ---
    8/1 = 80 oz
    8/2 = 72 oz so far today (2hrs til bedtime)
    8/3 = 64 oz just before bed now...so, I'll be up at least once to pee...LOL!
    8/4 = 70 oz

    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn'
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    My dinner the other night! Maybe a bit too much rice-a-roni but it was so good! Husband pigged out and ate pretty much the rest of the pans worth, (minus this portion), and even complimented me on it! He's the best and I think I'll keep him! We are realizing that retired living is just small little plans, throughout a day, doing things that keep us happy, and laughing a lot!
  • chantele63
    chantele63 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, all. I have not participated in a group before but would like to give it a try for extra support. How does one join a group? I am 53 in Texas and hope to lose about 70 pounds.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Dorrie, You are doing great with your goals, and being accountable! I need to start logging again. Middle son comes tomorrow night!!! I'm so excited!! The last time we saw each other was last December! Its been a year since I have seen my daughter in-law! I'm going to just let life happen, and not overly try too hard! She is shy, and I don't wanna scare her!

    Its late and I need sleep!
    Night night my ladies!
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    ~ Becca - sweet dreams! I'm sure you won't scare her!! Have a BLAST with your family!

    ~ Chantele63 - welcome! I'm a newbie to this group (less than a week), so I can't give you many pointers other than jump right in and share what's going on with you, or if you find something you want to respond to, then the suggestion would be that you address it somehow to that person in your response. Some use bold font, others the @ symbol, and some like me just start listing people. It's hard to keep up with because there's so many of us! But, you'll get the hang of it soon I'm sure!! Suggestion is to also use a salutation at the end of your posts to include the name you prefer for yourself, and where you're from is always a good thing...

    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Dorrie - Waiting with bated breath to hear about the date. Your grandson is adorable!!

    Dana - I hate when you lose a post like that. I bet you were very witty in it.

    Wendy - Send anyone a friend request. Some will respond, some will just keep it on this thread.

    Allie - Tom is feeling desperate and he desperately wants to control you. STAY STRONG!!!

    Katla - It's so nice that you could reconnect with a good friends.

    BVJ was evacuated this evening due to warnings of serious thunder storms. DD gets paid either way. So glad that we went over that contract so well.

    Greysyn went to a movie with Jacob. So glad to see him socialization. Really glad that he is interacting.
    Keira and I busily made some crafts,did puzzles and sang.

    Went to the 420 clinic. A lot of paperwork . I'm a little surprised that she suggested so much for me. Now to wait until their Dr. has approved the operation. Still getting the shot in my back.

    We did an Escape tonight. The Baker Street Five. It was a hoot however we didn't solve it. Mojitos at Hudson's and that was the perfect thing. So much living, laughing and loving. I miss them.

    Sharon in Lethbridge ( need a jacket tonight. Yeah)
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Reading all your posts. Welcome to all new girls, I read everyday but don't always say much just mark my place. Great bunch of ladies, full of wit, wisdom and good advice on all sorts of subjects.

    I have been good on food front this week and hope to see a loss tomorrow, which is my weigh in day. Going to gym later, been doing plenty of exercise at home too.

    Catch up later

    Kate UK <3
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    @Machka9 - thanks for the tips on how to respond individually. I used to notice that Mary seemed to be able to do this and never asked her how.

    Gloria in WA
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Michele in NC...I smile every time you post that you used Gay Gaspers DVD, she was a childhood friend of mine. Her real last name is Gasperski. She was a cute little red head.

    Chris in MA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Hi all,
    Barbie - the pool was closed for maintenance this morning so I went to the Line Dancing class and really enjoyed it! My first time!

    DH is feeling a little seasick today. I am going for lunch in a minute and hope to do the Swing Dance class at 1.30. I hope he will join me, but I might go on my own. I also walked 12 laps of the sundeck, which is well over a mile.

    There is one very obese man on the boat. Knowing what I know now about overeating I feel sorry for him and much less judgmental than I would have been once. :'( He loaded his plate up twice with piles of cakes at the tea. :'(

    Katla - It is Saga.

    Must rush, Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    I haven't posted anything this month yet but rest assured I've been keeping up with all of you. Welcome to all the newcomers.

    Well now that July is over, my birthday month and all the celebrations, it is time to get back on track. I've been pretty much in maintenance since the beginning of summer and hit an all time low of 54 pounds lost on my birthday which was July 15. And then the fun and games began, birthday celebrations and a weeklong vacation. Although I didn't go as hog wild as I would have in the past but I did manage to gain 6 pounds! I was on plan for the days nothing was going on and I am now diligently back on track. As of this morning I am 1 pound above my maintenance range and less than 2 1/2 pounds from that all time low. I knew that I would gain and I also knew that I would get it back off. Maintenance for me is as much of a challenge as losing weight, I guess vigilance is the answer.

    I have been working every day since I got back from vacation, today is my 12th straight day and I won't get a day off until August 12. It's not an ideal situation but for now it's something I just have to deal with. The first thing I do when I get home from work after I feed the dog is to exercise. It helps relieve a lot of the stress of the day.

    Time to hit the showers and get ready for work.

    Love and hugs to everyone!

    Chris in MA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,219 Member
    @Machka9 - thanks for the tips on how to respond individually. I used to notice that Mary seemed to be able to do this and never asked her how.

    Gloria in WA

    When you click quote, you can do what I just did here.

    If there's another person you want to respond to on the same page, you can click quote again, and you'll have both quotes. As long as it is all on the same page, you can keep clicking quote!

    And then just delete out the stuff you don't want.

    If you want to quote stuff on two different pages, do what I said above, then copy it all. Go to the next page, and paste it in the response area ... then click quote on the ones you want to respond to. :)

    It's a bit cumbersome, but you'll get there in the end. :)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Just a quick check-in. No time to respond, but I did read everything.

    Yesterday my gym group met at one of the member's pool and did water aerobics. My first time ever. I'm not really a fan of the water, but it was actually fun. I couldn't believe I could touch the bottom of the pool with my knee during a lunge. I sure can't do that in the gym without my knee screaming in pain. The only thing I didn't like was a side bend with the noodle over my head because water would drop in my face. I don't like getting my face, eyes, ears, etc wet.

    Have a great weekend, my friends!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy Saturday all. Laying low today--storms and flood stress in the area. Perhaps a good day to clean out my vegetable crisper :p and get back to better eating this week. Strategy is stronger than willpower.