

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    Chris in MA – I absolutely agree, maintenance is harder than losing! Good for you getting back on track right away – that’s the secret. When I went to WW, I tried to keep my weight within the 2 lb allowed “fudge” from goal weight when I was on maintenance. I remember when I threw in the towel with them… I had a great week, weighed myself at home before my weigh-in, had what I thought was three pounds to spare. My scale had always been within half a pound of theirs. Stepped on their scale and was within a tenth of a pound of being over! I had not consumed no food or water! The receptionist made some comment like “oops, you are getting close” and I am sure noticed the look of horror on my face. That was it. Even if their scale was messed up, I was horrified that I was so tied to "the number". I was totally derailed for a couple years. MFP and you wonderful ladies have brought me back to reality. I am very grateful. B)

    Katiebug – glad the water aerobics worked for you and was gentle on your knee! I’m with you on getting the hair/face wet on something like this.

    Leigh – where in Oregon will you be staying? Totally understand about the cleanup before the house-sitters get there. Although they’ll probably be so tickled staying there they won’t notice a dust bunny! Hope your son takes care to keep things tidy.

    Machka – interesting reading about your ride… and visualizing dodging the potholes! And the cold wait for the ferry. Glad you made the last one in plenty of time. Hope your DH is feeling better.

    Joyce – I saw a feature on TV about the motorcycle group that accompanies bullied kids – not sure if it was in your town. I think the group was made up of police officers and other “professionals” who like to dress up in their leathers and ride. I’m sure that little guy’s spirits were lifted for a long time. o:)

    Gloria – fabulous photo of you and your girls!! Thank you for sharing!!

    Allie – hope you can pull the photos off that hard drive. I’m glad you mentioned it – I just did a back-up! :#

    Kate – how sad for your friend and neighbor. My only thought is – I’d make sure to square it with her son (and/or other children she may have) first before offering to go in and help her clean up. He might feel there are “buried treasures” in there that he doesn’t want outsiders going thru or accidentally throwing away.

    Lisa – Egg is just gorgeous. o:) Thanks for treating us to the sweet photos of her!

    Dana – sorry Dolly interrupted your sleep, hopefully she’ll be content in her kennel tonight. Have a nice meal at the Shangra-La. Love that poster about being grateful for people kind and loving. Sums up this group! <3

    Becca – totally agree that retirement is little plans through the day. DH and I are learning more and more to enjoy each day and not worry too much about tomorrow. Takes a lot of retraining to get there after years of focusing on the future!

    Katla – we had a wonderful, cool, smokeless morning. Was overcast until about 9:30 then a nice blue sky appeared. Weatherman says smoke may return for a few days, but it does appear the furnace will be turned down a few degrees. That hoof care lesson should be interesting-when I was a kid we had ponies, unshod. A nearby Amish farmer would come trim their hooves a few times a year. We kids were “horse nuts” and took care of these critters – I don’t recall any hoof cracking. Hopefully it’s nothing serious for Arrow. I miss Mary too!!

    Heather – glad your DH perked up for the dancing. The food sounds great and so nifty there are healthy choices for you! So much to do on that small cruise – sounds very special! :)

    Ryenday, great progress since April. Good for you!!

    Becca – I am a Rice-a-Roni fiend. Love it hot, love it cold. Haven’t had it in years…. I’ll have to grab a box and see if I can doctor it up with some healthy stuff…. Bet adding sautéed veggies and a little meat of some type would be something even my DH would eat. You are my cooking muse!

    Toni – I saw RV’s on the road this morning when I did my shopping, also thought of Rita.

    RE- I never tire of reading your story and seeing your photos. Very inspirational.

    OK ladies, sorry for being longwinded.

    I picked up some Garnier coconut shampoo and conditioner for curly/frizzy/damaged hair. I’m afraid using the Velcro curlers have done some damage. It’s looking better and smells great after the shampoo this morning. I refuse to be a frizzy-haired white headed old lady, but these curlers are not good all the time. It will get tamer in the fall and winter.

    That's the latest. Have a great weekend!! <3

    SW WA State
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    My sons dogs in the background! Bobbie in the chair, and Aurora the German Shepard sitting next to her.
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Howdy! It is a lovely day here and I did not go to work! I do work tomorrow but generally I work no more than 12 hours a month so this was just an odd week. I got us up early and cleaned the church for 2 hours, took boyo to swim lesson and then we swam for an hour. I made him leave though as the forecast said thunderstorm and the yard was yelling to be mowed. Got 2/3 of the yard done--need to move some tree trimmings before I can do the rest. We have a 4 pm church meeting and then I am coming home and crawling into bed!
    Thanks for the good wishes about my pain-it isn't bad in general. I have kidney failure which manifests as back pain when I am on my feet for hours like when I work. But I really do not work much and can be seated as needed at home. I have several pain killer options but I just do not want to take them 'until it gets really bad'. Mostly, I am trying to avoid going to the hospital because I would have to leave my son with strangers/babysitters.
    Next week is Fire/Life Safety Camp M-F mornings so I will chauffeur the kid there and back (just to the fire station). I am thinking to do some extra water work-outs on the days I haven't anything else to do--maybe join a class at the Y for the week. Sigh, I could also clean the house and organize the thousands of pieces of legos and toys that are everywhere. Decisions, decisions!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    And no the dogs are staying at her parents home and not here! Not that I don't like dogs but I like visiting dogs in their own homes not them visiting my home.
    Don't hate me!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Had wonderful dinner. Moules and lobster. They were so funny, coming over to apologise for running out of the stinky cheese I love. They produced another one which didn't quite cut it, but not too bad. I am a cheese tyrant. >:)
    Now I've been to visit the It experts tonight :D my phone now has WiFi. Hope to show you the first day drinks just before we left port. We were so happy.
    Ooops, the file failed to upload. WiFi at sea is unreliable.
    Going down in a minute to watch the show. Spoke to a nice couple earlier. I spotted them across a crowded room.
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited August 2017
    Becca: I know, Right! I'm 53, zits are not something I should be worrying about at this age. But I did want to share, I too use coconut oil to moisturize my skin – but I have learned I must keep it away from my face. If I get any coconut oil on my face I will get a zit there. Just an FYI in case it helps you out.

    Rye in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,745 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Kate I like the Dorrie's idea of one box at a time if she is willing. I also think getting her away from all the mess just to give her a break is a wonderful idea it might help to bring back the friend you remember. She has too many things on her plate.

    If the place is a firetrap because of all the hoarding that is an issue for social services. Her safety and those of those who would have to come to help her is the first consideration.

    My mom's home was hoarded by my brother. They hired College Hunks and it was cleared within a week or so. It was costly ($5000.) It was worth it because they did they heavy work not us. This had to be done so my mom's house could be readied for sale. There was no way I could clean that house out with my brother. It was hard at the end I would go in to go through some things and would pray he would not show up because he would have had a fit. When I took my mom's desk he proceeded to take the top off a hutch my dad made, so that my niece could not get it. That is how possessive he was of the things in my mom's house. Dealing with hoarding is a very tricky issue and sometimes needs professionals.

    :heart: Margaret
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    karenOlivia fix!!!!!!! So cute!!!!

    Yeah, ain't I a stinker!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Thanks for all suggestions re-my friend her house isn't a firetrap or anything just needs a clear out and a good clean Really need to decide how to offer my help I've tried being tactful but wonder whether to be more insistent

    Olivia is so cute they grow up so fast

    Heather looks like you're having a great time enjoy

    Kate UK <3
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Heather and hubby. Have a wonderful time! Cruises are so much fun!
    Take a lot of pics for us!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,745 Member
    stats for the day:

    all apple watch

    yoga - 40min, self class = 197c
    rowing machine- 30min, 60aw, 5074meters, 3.15mi = 242c
    FLOOR EXERCISE- 23min- Plyometrics exercises- 3sets of 10ea, squats w/jump , single leg toe touches, ceiling to fl single leg touches, , hamstring leglifts, push-ups , all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles , leg lifts , pelvic lifts, crunches , sit-ups , on butt-knees to chest = 138c
    other- years word- 48min = 227c
    taking yogi to water and playing catch, walk/jog- 40min = 263c

    total cal 1067
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Kate I would sit down with the son and her to propose how you would like to help them. If they agree, work on it with them. Start with the kitchen so she can cook and get her groceries put away. Her Parkinson's could change and she may have to go into a home sooner than later.
    I would suggest bringing a shredder over for any papers that would require a shreddder.

    Have a great evening!
    Dana in Arkansas