

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele – Louis and the boys are avid hunters; Will manages a hunting plantation/preserve for 5 guys. They have ALWAYS drilled into my head to NOT swerve to attempt to not hit a deer that has run out in front of you. All that would do is possibly make you hit another car (oncoming) or a tree. Hitting a deer is a ‘soft’ target. But, the other night riding home at dusk, one ran out in front of us and it surprised Louis and he just about swerved to miss it. I looked at him and said, “so that ISN’T what I am supposed to do when a deer runs out in front of me?”

    Tere – Maybe it is because the area has expanded into their surroundings, that is one reason they come into neighborhoods, also, there might be a small spot of woods that is close by. They get pretty brave, even around people.

    My DDnL#2’s birthday is today. I called her when Louis asked me ‘if’ today was her birthday. DDnL#1 is on the 9th. DYS’s is on the 31st. I am ‘sure’ that he is giving Tami a lot of grief about being older than he is. They are going to go out to the lake; but, she knows he will be working most of the time. This is the start of their busy time.

    Sharon – Since our DOS has started working for him, he has allowed him to start doing quotes and into the checking account; so Trey being a former paint store manager until it closed up because of his boss’s mishandling things, he tells Louis bid a lot less than any of the others quoted, so he started on raising the quotes, and they have not raised an eyebrow but once or twice.

    Louis says that I pack like I am moving in.

    Josephine in VA – The protein bars I eat with my coffee at night and that gives me my chocolate fix for the day. Funny that I cannot eat them during the day, they make me a bit sick to my stomach; but, they are really good (the ones I chose; I don’t like the ones that are crunchy; it is like the part that is crunchy is a bit stale tasting. But, I don’t care for Rice Krispy treats anyway and that is how they are made with a super sweet covering.

    Tidewater Virginia – I have moments that I have a serious case of C.R.S.; was told by my Neurologist’s flippant nurse that I had ‘mild age related dementia’. It was ‘how she said it and then that my other labs were unremarkable’. I did not ‘think’ that made me feel anything, at the time, than ‘unremarkable’. I asked for my records to be sent to my GP and made an appointment to talk to him. He was a bit shocked at her bluntness, especially since it had been 3+ weeks since I had had the MRI done. I had to call his office and I would have liked to have had an appointment with him. But, my appointment isn’t until next week. I called the hospital and told them they really needed to get a Neurologist full-time since the other one did not take my original one’s patients. I had seen her before and liked her as much as I did the one.

    Karen in Virginia – I’m so sorry to hear that your grandson is now hospitalized in a child and adolescent psych unit. I’ve been in a psych unit a couple of times. One was a horror story out of “One Flew Over The Coo Coo’s Nest”; but the other time, with a new Psyche helped me out a lot to get my bipolar medication straightened out and to make sure that I wasn’t on anything that negated their ability to work. Participation in everything is ‘key’. Talk therapy helps and group therapy helps, they will probably give him a schedule … even crafts gives you something that is fun and different. It must be hard on a parent for their child to be going through all this. Some, such as the smart, awkward stage, unless he is ‘genius’ will begin to work themselves out. I had a classmate, whose son was ‘genius’ and when another classmate with boys the same age asked them both to go deep sea fishing the father of the ‘genius’ was concerned that he’d be ‘bored’. I feel for all of you. Learning to live with a ‘mental disorder’ is also hard on adults; but, I think for a great deal, they/we have learned what our ‘coping mechanisms’ are. I have an ‘aura’ before a ‘bipolar episode’ or ‘seizures’. I will wake my husband up (sometimes with a blood-curdling scream because of a bad dream of someone I love dying. That is what lets him know that I need to have him call my PsycheMD. But, unless he ‘witnesses’ a ‘seizure’ he has the mindset of I can ‘go to bed, and sleep it off’. Actually, he thinks that on both things. Last time I was in the hospital for 3 weeks; and, because it was 2 hours one way, I did not even see him. I talked to him every day; but, it just wasn’t the same. But, we had to also have a ‘family meeting’ before I could be released. The counselor finally told Louis that ‘he was also responsible for my being there’. I was angry that my BF took me up there because Louis had a big job to finish. That might be the only time I had actually felt the ‘depression’ side of being bipolar and I did NOT like it one bid. Even his parents should participate in the ‘talk therapy’. It would help them understand better about what is actually going on with him.

    Allie – You know you have a huge ‘prayer chain’ from all of us on this thread; it will be okay and things will turn out for you, you just need to let God be the one in control

    Kelly – I pre-struck my meals; and, tonight Louis brought home chili that Taylor made, so I am going to go over my CI; and, the fact that GYN told me to lay off on the treadmill until the steroids kicked in. I wasn’t happy that he told me that it would probably make me ‘retain’ water. Trying to get in as much as I can; but, I think I peed 3 cups earlier this afternoon. I’d think I was finished; but wasn’t by a long shot.

    Janetr in OKC – We’ve missed you. You do have a lot to contribute, you just don’t know it. We like to hear that you are ‘ok’. I like the Confucius saying … so true!

    Rye – The Easter that my middle sister had the ‘hat from Hell’ my oldest sister had a bright red, Jackie Kennedy hat. She did not remember it; and, her husband said, ‘how can you say that, every Sunday morning that was the first thing that went on while you put your make-up on. She still couldn’t remember it. But, she is now 72 and for the past couple of years when she is sitting around or reading, she ‘hums’ which drives my middle sister ‘wild’. Last year was the only time I noticed it. I could understand it – it would drive me crazy, too, after 5 or 6 days of it.

    Bianca from South Africa – My DDnL#1 would ‘fly off the handle’ like that. We had gone out to eat at a pizza place in Americus and her Mother had spent a couple of nights with them. DOS and she were having some issues; and, DOS and DH were up in the front seat; her mother and I were sitting on either side of her, and the 3 girls were in the back. Emilee was driving Madison wild, by constantly ‘touching her’. She is a ‘sneaky’ one; but, since she is the ‘baby’ she gets away with a LOT. She doesn’t do it around me because I will get in her face and tell her ‘if she doesn’t stop, I will spank her’. But, I wasn’t going to say ‘anything’ with Jennifer’s mother in the car. Madison screamed out, ‘stop touching me’. Jennifer turned around and hitting all 3 of them. Taylor was bunched up in the other corner; so Emilee and Madison got the brunt of it. She then said, “I wish you’d just leave, I am tired of you!” Patsy looked at me, I know my eyes were wide open, looked up and Trey was looking in the rearview mirror. He just shook his head. She finally turned back around and made the comment that she was ‘tired’ of being ‘sick and tired’ of them always fighting. When we got home, her mother went and packed up and left without a word. About 5 months ago, her GYN put her on Wellbutrin to help calm her down. I can tell when she has miss a dose, because I used to take it and it is a medicine that gets in your bloodstream quickly; but, it also ‘leaves’ your body quickly. We decided that we just would not ask them out whenever we went. Now we go out and it is a ‘date night’. So much better without the screaming or yelling.

    But, I am like you, hitting a 10-year-old is physical abuse. They can’t defend themselves. It probably goes on at home as well. Unfortunately. It’s hard to know what to do in that situation, especially if it is the ‘first’ time you’ve seen it. You probably would have gotten a ‘mind your own *&^&^$()* business’.

    When our boys were in diapers and they acted out, they got a ‘cupped’ hand on the fanny; the ‘sound’ of it got their attention long before they might have even felt it. When they were young and fussed with one another; I made them stand in one square on our kitchen floor and hug one another. In less than 5 minutes, they were giggling at one another. I did tell one woman that she needed to mind her own business when I got out of my car with a 3 ½ year old and one that was 27 months younger. He was a 'drop your feet on the ground and take off'. He was in a ‘harness’ and when she told me I ought to be ashamed of myself, treating him like a dog; that pissed me off. I told her that I’d rather have a child on ‘what she called a leash’ than to have him ‘run out in the parking lot when people drive like fools through them; and, about that time, … I say, ‘like that idiot' … so mind your own business, you're entitled to your opinion; but, you don't know how quick my baby is.

    Margaret – The adjuster for the other insurance company called yesterday while I was at the doctor’s; I tried to call her back today and she never returned the call. I had never ‘heard’ of this insurance company. I hope they don’t give me ‘grief’ because the police would not write out an incident report – mainly because the man ‘left’ after giving me his information. I showed it to the police and he looked at it and asked, ‘he didn’t give you his policy number’? No Sir! Well, go report it to your insurance company and let them make contact with him. He (man who hit the car) had acted like a ‘horse’s patootie’. My Agent recognized him, once he heard his voice. He had said that his name was familiar. I’m not about to go get 3 estimates. I don’t have time for that and I have a body shop that is going to do the work. He told me that the price of a back door alone will make him go to his insurance company. I worked in the legal field representing people who had been involved in accidents. NOPE, not even going to ‘entertain the idea of him writing me a check’. He can pay the body shop. Wasn’t MY fault (this time – I certainly do not want my insurance company to end up fixing it). I’m just concerned about it now going to be Monday before I hear back from her; and, no telling how long it will take for an adjuster to come and we’re leaving on the 24th to go to Louisiana and I am afraid that the door will leak if we have a downpour like we’ve had the past 5 evenings. Rained this morning like that. At least it is parked under a carport; but, when we go out there it will be parked out in the yard.

    But, it is a shame when parents or caregivers take their frustrations out on a child or an older person. My best way of dealing with our kids was to ‘take away a privilege’. As they got older, took their cars away from them and they’d either have to get a ride or walk.

    Margaret - A lot of places have ‘vintage clothes’ shops. My sister and I went to one in Miami; and, I found this ‘gorgeous’ long dress and immediately thought of Taylor. She probably would not have worn it; but, it was beautiful!!!! Probably from the 40’s, thinking Ginger Rogers. She had wanted a ‘different’ gown. One thing about the bridal shop here is that they also have one in Adel, where everybody had to go before they opened up one here. They keep the names of the girls, where they go to school, and what dress they have bought, so they don’t show up at the same prom with the same gown.

    Katla – Is there a “Ferrier” in that area? Or do they take care of their horses’ feet themselves? One of my DOS’s friends (his mother is also one of mine) took it up while he was still in HS. Just to make some extra money – He works for UPS; but, now does this as a side job. Lives now, in Southern Alabama; but, lived in the Panhandle of Florida and was the only one in a 50 mile radius. He stayed very busy.

    Heather – When Will and Tami got married, the guys wore linen pants and had to stand up so they would not wrinkle. The little church did not have A/C; but, the walls were about 18” deep, so it was ‘cool’ inside. Beautiful wedding. She’s going to be in the wedding of one of her attendants on the 1st (while we’re still there), so I will be taking one of my 2 dresses with me.

    I know y’all will have a great cruise!

    Lanette – I don’t like to have perfume sprayed on me; and, even when they want to hand you that little pad with it sprayed on it, can be strong. The first thing I do when I get a magazine, is go through and tear out the pages with the pages that are centered with it, too. Louis’ nose runs so bad, if I happen to put any on, that I have stopped trying.

    On a steroid pack for the next 7 days, telling me that it will probably make me retain water; so if I am showing an increase in weight … hopefully I can blame it on that. Still won’t make me happy. I went over my CI tonight because I ate a fairly decent lunch, thinking I would not have to cook. Louis brought home some chili that Taylor had made. Served with rice and cheese … oh well! Can’t even do any exercise until the steroids get in my body and I have stopped ‘hurting’. IF this is what it feels like the have arthritis, I certainly understand the tears I saw my DMnL shed. I felt like someone had picked me up and slammed me against a concrete block wall.

    Mia – Before our DOS got custody of his first daughter, the school counselor told Jenn, several times, that they could tell when she was with them and when she was with her mother. At 6 year old, she was changing diapers and making formula. We are so glad that we got her out here when we did. No telling what her life would have been like all through HS if she had stayed with her Mother. But, it is sad that she doesn’t even refer to her as ‘her mother’. Jenn has been a much better mother-figure to her. This woman might be going through a bad divorce; although that is no reason to be screaming and hitting her. There might be something going on and it has become a ‘habit’ to hit. Sure, it needs to be stopped and the best way to do that is to talk to the counselor. That way your name doesn’t have to be dragged into it.

    I’m 3 pages behind, so I am just going to read.

    Today, I made 18 pints of figs! Only 3 did not ‘seal’ properly and after 2x, I just decided we’d keep one, give one to Trey, and the neighbor on the other side. Then I had to go buy another 12 jars in the meantime. I think that is why they did not seal properly, not hot enough. Louis said he was going to go down there and pick some more. I am not going; but, I will go buy another 12 pack of jars and cook them.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    **wahoo hrm not recording :0/ **

    all apple watch hr-

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 11.32min, 15.2mph. 2.9mi = 92c
    ROWING MACHINE- 40min, 49aw, 6266meters-3.89mi. = 278c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.47min, 14.6amph, 1.4mi = 44c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 14.35min, 12.5amph, 3mi = 113c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.58min, 9.46min mi, .5mi = 58c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.38min, 10.35min mi .5mi = 69c
    bike dome 2 hm- 18.17min, 8.5amph 2.5mi = 139c

    total cal 793
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 50 min Gay Gasper Training DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do an Extreme Strength DVD.

    Put down weed killer and then some of the Wet and Forget. Later we cut the grass, Vince needed to fix the tractor but I got all the walk behind mower stuff done and weed wacking. Tonight we're going for the dance lesson. I really don't want to just 2-step at Denise's wedding so we're hopefully going to learn some shag moves. Update: I think we got the standard "free lesson" introduction. Did a little foxtrot, swing (I'm surprised at how much I remembered!), rumba and a touch of shag. Vince did agree to sign us up for 6 - 45min lessons.

    Joyce - I got these bags at the dollar store. I figured I'd spent enough on the wine, I really didn't need to spend more on the bags. The wine itself wasn't real expensive, but the shipping really killed me. My girlfriend from Switzerland is going to send me a refrigerator magnet to include.

    Jess just called. Seems that Pete's mom wanted to add more people to the shower list. Jess told her that it was too late, that she already had the invitations ready. A few minutes later Denise calls Jess saying that she "forgot" these people, that they're invited to the wedding. If they were invited, why wasn't their names on the guest list? I bet that when Jess told his mother "no", she didn't accept that but called Denise to see if Denise could convince Jess.

    Also, talked to Denise. Now don't ask me to explain this. Seems that Pete's parents are having problems (again), the father wants a divorce (but hasn't filed or anything), and the father called Pete at work. Really? If we had a problem, I would NEVER bring it to my children. Not until we'd decided on something (like a divorce). No, Vince and I aren't getting a divorce. I remember a while ago Denise told me that his mother was at her house because she and the husband had problems and he wanted a divorce. You don't bring that to your children. Then, according to Denise, they went away for a weekend "and now everything is good". I'm sorry, you don't go away for a weekend and suddenly everything is fine. The underlying problem is still there.

    tere - what a wonderful NSV. One time when Jess couldn't breathe we were at this place in VA. One lady bought coconut macaroons. She was very nice, opened the package and offered one to everyone. Of course, we didn't take one. But as we got to the car Jess says to me "ma, I can't breathe". There's me going "I don't know how to drive her car" "I have no idea where the nearest hospital is" "for that matter, I'm in a different state!". We just had to wait until she could breathe again.

    Gloria - I keep a document open and as I read a post and want to respond, I write it in the document.

    Loved all the pictures

    Lisa - "Taco Hell" Love it...I know that's how Vince feels

    KJ - I remember doing that experiment with my kids (putting an egg in vinegar). I think we called it "dinosaur eggs". How did you get the eggs different colors? Put food dye in the vinegar, maybe?

    Wendy - welcome! You're doing just wonderful on here. Just play around, you'll get it

    Ally - an iPad for not getting temporary alimony????? TomCat sure thinks of you <insert scowl here>. So proud of you for sticking to your guns. He's something else, that's for sure.

    I still have the DVD to give away.....

    Michele in NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Re, see, love seeing your journey, and it inspires me! I have wrestled with getting a gastric or not. Sometimes, when I am feeling and thinking particularly mental, (in a good way), I tell myself I've had a gastric bypass in my brain. So I eat the smaller portions because my stomach pouch is only as big as a walnut! It works for a little bit!
    The crrrrazy one in Oregon!
  • MartiB856
    MartiB856 Posts: 85 Member
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Good evening all. I am home from work and I just can not do it much anymore. I ate a leftover sandwich for supper-the program said I had lots of calories available. It did not taste good though. That young one of mine is eating mac and cheese.
    SAND grit-I have kept and wear my husband's CROCS as well as have a lot of my own. But going barefoot is just what I do in the house. The toe is recovering well. I have not wanted chocolate of late but when it gets cold, I think I will want hot cocoa. End of November maybe.
    Well, I am going to creep upstairs and not take a pain pill. Up early tomorrow-it is the week A-C clean the church. Please let my boss not have scheduled the lady who calls out of work--I feel so bad when I have to say I just can not help you and Sunday will be my fourth day of working this week.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good evening!

    Welcome newbies!

    Wendy in Arkansas I live in Hot Springs, not too far from you. MFP really helps me. Everyone on this thread is so supportive from dieting, personal problems or car trouble! I've been here since March and lost about 20 lbs. 40 lbs total since last year after my back surgery. I want to lose 60-70 lbs more.

    Re What a transformation! You should be so proud of yourself! Way to go!!

    Becca You are such a wise young woman! I too spent money on Jenny Craig, Quick Weight Loss, Golds Gym, even injections from equine hormones!!
    They just separated me from my cash. Every experience was great in the beginning, but eventually I went back to my original weight and then some!
    I have learned to eat more wisely and slowly going down. Yeah us!!

    Good evening y'all!
    Dana in Arkansas

    Lanette Here are some snowshoes for you. Maybe it will make you feel cooler? Just imagine walking across some delicious powder!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    Good evening!

    Good evening y'all!
    Dana in Arkansas

    Lanette Here are some snowshoes for you. Maybe it will make you feel cooler? Just imagine walking across some delicious powder!

    Thanks Dana, I feel cooler already! It's cooling down a lot quicker than it did last night - perhaps the on shore flow is finally flowing. <3

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2017
    Allie and Michele - Brings to mind about TomCat ... the song ♫♫ 'How low can you go? ♫♫♪♪♪♫♫♪♪ How low can you go? ♫♫♪♪♪♫♫♪♪ Sounds like TomCat is struggling with getting down on one knee to act like he is truly sorry for where things have gone; but, he can't get low enough even laying prostate on the floor (like a flatten out TomCat as 'road kill'). Laugh in his face ... the court is going to give you some sort of 'temporary income' ... and to Hell-O Kitty about giving them ANY break from court or depositions. Show him you no longer need his sorry @$$. To be honest - I can't believe his 'nerve' of thinking buying an iPad or whatever is worth giving up getting temporary alimony. Use that money to buy your own damn computer. Problem is ... TomCat just hasn't gotten it through his head that he has done 'anything wrong'. That just isn't in his nature. He thinks he is "God's gift to the women he's had in his life'. That's what is commonly called a "Trip to take a 'work-of-art' home to Jesus" as the saying goes. I want to kick his @$$ (but closer to his nuthouse). That man has NO shame, does he?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @damnitjanet75 I posted this on Aug. 3rd, you must have missed it. Thanks for checking on me <3<3<3
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Rori, Karen in VA , Lisa - thank you ladies for thinking of me. I'm here and doing all right. I'm reading posts, at this point not feeling I have much to contribute.

    Love you ladies,
    Janetr In OKC

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lenora: There are several farriers in the area. My teacher uses a different one than Arrow's owner uses. I'm trying to learn about the dos and don'ts of horse shoeing and hoof care. I lack both experience & training in this area so when I see a chip or crack in a hoof I don't know whether to worry or not. I lean toward worrying when I don't understand things. I want to know enough to understand when to worry and when things are okay. :embarassed:

    Pip: You are so far beyond me in fitness and I admire your dedication. Your HRM seems to either be on a sabbatical or taking too many coffee breaks. Is it an essential item for training? Do you really need to carry around something that is mostly not recording? Can you return it for a refund or exchange it for one that works? :flowerforyou:

    Janetr: I have been wondering about you. I am so happy that you posted!

    Has anyone heard from Mary lately? I've been missing her and worry about her because of the Lymes disease.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Re, wonderful transformation. But it looked like your husband was quite in love with the old you also. The new you will just live longer with him. Thank you for sharing.

    Allie, I can't be,ieve after all of this that he is still trying to manipulate you with a new lap top. My laptop sits on my couch arm rest and I use my iPad pretty much for everything. I like it because it is an apple product and I feel safer with it. I even Ed it for a phone call tonight.

    Uhmmmm, that phone call. Some of the ones who have been here with me for a long time remember me telling you about Charlies sister, I don't like to call people parasites but she is one. She is a parasite off of society and has tried to be a parasite off of us. But it is totally against the family values I grew up wi to just totally write her out of me,life. But yet I feel so guilty to say that I have. Chalrie calls brothers on their birthdays and he thinks he has fulfilled his obligations as a 'loving' older brother. He has the same kind of feelings about his sister only he doesn't feel guilty about it. So when he called his brother and wished him a happy birthday earlier this week he told him he was going to call Karen and try to mend some fences. I reminded him of that today, I had already wished her a happy birthday on Facebook. He says he didn't remember saying that but yet he tried calling her earlier. Well he left a message and .eft. So I get the phone call. We talked about a little of nothing. She asked how we were. I am friends with her on face book because she is my kids aunt and she deserves to see them. She does click like on a lot of my posts and has been following about my new kitten. I guess she doesn't have much to talk about because she rarely posts. I am glad that some one came to her door and she had to hang up. I was about to use my cell phone to call my land line so I could make an excuse to end the conversation. We didn't end it with an ' I love you' or 'let's meet for lunch' . We just said good by. So I guess his/our obligation is over until next year. Do I still feel guilty, yes a little. Would my Mother approve, not one bit. And I base a lot of what I do on what my Mom would do. I do know he to make a phone call from an iPad now though!

    Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 60s. So I'm not sure how much we will leave the windows open. Maybe I won't leave the patio door open wide and just have it open a little and then on the other end and other side my office window u a little. Th cats were so good today. It was good not to hear them with Mr Mozarts attack ing !elody and her getting irritated. I swear, he is like. A little brother.

    We had a local story, or at least I think it was local. Sometimes our local stations carry things that aren't local at all and leave our own news out. Anyway, this middle school aged boy has had a lot of bullying and was afraid to go to school today and had been contemplating suicide. Some one caught wind of what was going on and contacted a local big motorcycle group. 100 motorcyclists accompanied him to school. He said he has the best 1st day of school ever. There are good people in this world.

    Becca, I have seen so many pictures of beautiful flowers on face book and thought you had posted them but you didn't. I have thought about sending them to your page.

    Joyce, Indiana