

  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited August 2017
    Karen in VA: I am so sorry to hear about your grandson. How heartbreaking for all of you, but how fortunate that they realized in time. I hope he is able to get the help he needs!

    Heather: Have a lovely time! The dress is stunning!

    Bianca: I also second what Mia said. I would speak to the school counsellors or a teacher. They are in a better position to follow whether this was a one off or a regular occurence.

    Ryenday: What a beautiful photo!

    Ginger: Hope you feel better soon!

    Becca: What handsome sons! Love the Oregon coast photos!

    Tere: Sorry about the asthma, but what a wonderful NSV!

    Gloria: Hope the eczema clears soon. I have had recurring problems with psoriasis, which has many of the external symptoms as eczema. I had bad patches on both elbows and across my knuckIes that not only itched, but actually bled. I tried a cream by Arganorganics called Healing Touch, which helped a lot. I don't know whether it is available in the USA. Mine has gone into remission since I started MFP. I think upping my water consumption may have done the trick.

    For the soup lovers: Have too much zucchini in the garden? This soup was really tasty - http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/zucchini-potato-and-cilantro-soup-238289

    Epicurious suggested that it is 164 calories per serving, MFP put it at 220. It was wonderful hot. I wanted to serve it cold to guests last night, so I added 3 ounces light cream, which made it 251 calories per serving.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,219 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm going to throw this question out to those who have been around for a long time. Why is the forum set up this way so that you can't respond to one person at a time. I often wonder if people don't hang around just because of the complexity of keeping track of something you want to say, finding a method that works for you to post to multiple people at once, and the possibility of losing your whole post. I know at times I am frustrated by it and don't bother posting - it's not that I don't want to interact with everyone it's just that as busy and complex as my life is I want the things I really enjoy doing to be less complicated. If I could just answer to a person's post when I have the response in my head it would be so much easier. That said I am thankful to have this forum. <3

    You can do multiple quotes or use the @GloworminWA feature. :)

    Had to drive to Laughlin/Bullhead City after work tonight – for sure wasn't in my initial outlook for the day but hey – I roll with it for my kids...it's now almost midnight, and I'm wiped out...however, I have a date for breakfast in the morning...EEEKKK!! First time meeting/First date...I'm overly excited and very nervous!! LOL!!

    Good luck @trulydivyn725 ... I hope the date goes well. :)

    M in Oz

  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Tere in RVA - Don't be afraid of pain. I didn't feel any pain. I've had two oral surgeries before this one - to insert bone growth material. The first time - I didn't grow enough bone. So I had another surgery - a sinus lift - to insert more bone material. This grew enough bone. The sinus lift sounds scary... but I didn't have any pain. Cold pack for swelling and pain meds for the first day. But, I feel fine now. Taking antibiotics. Swishing twice a day with Perodex antibiotic rinse. Swishing with warm salt water after meals. I go back in a week for a check-up to make sure everything is going well. Then I'll have to wait awhile for healing to get the crowns.

    It is expensive - but I'd do it again.

    --Ginger in Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    morning ladies~
    slugging a cup of tea down and then taking a shower... today is the last of the long days,at least this will be a 1/2 way decent paycheck, got paid tues and alot of it to bills already... electric bill, and credit card bill for my lawyer...
    we shall see how everything goes Monday, have to stay overnight with Faith Weds when I get out.Sean and Jean going to N.H. for my brothers court date on thursday.. hope things go well..
    Heather~ you and the DH have a fabulous time on the cruise....
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    I went to the dermatologist this week because my eczema has been out of control and I am so tired of itching. Even taking pills for itching hasn't stopped it. As soon as the doctor walked in the door he said "I bet you're itching all the time" So he is putting me on Prednisone for 15 days to stop the inflammation and a big tub of a steroid cream. After all the stories from people on here about the adverse effects of prednisone I am apprehensive about taking it. However not so apprehensive that I won't do it because I am so frustrated by the constant itching. When I went to the pharmacy to pick up the meds I didn't know what to expect because the creams from dermatologist always seem to be extremely expensive. The pharmacist said 224 and I said Two hundred twenty four? She laughed and said "no $2.24. Whew! I did find out from the doctor that people who had eczema as a child tend to get it again as they age and the older you get the worse it is. Whooppee...NOT!

    I have decided to not look for work again until school is back in session. I tried getting oldest grandchild into an at risk program but seems there is nothing available in WA. Since he hasn't been arrested, kicked out of school or I forget the other thing, he doesn't qualify. What about 'at risk' do the people who put together these programs not get? The whole idea is to keep them from getting involved with criminal activity or dropping/getting kicked out of school. This is exactly why you hear from parents whose kids have done something horrible say they tried to get help for the child to no avail.

    I'm going to throw this question out to those who have been around for a long time. Why is the forum set up this way so that you can't respond to one person at a time. I often wonder if people don't hang around just because of the complexity of keeping track of something you want to say, finding a method that works for you to post to multiple people at once, and the possibility of losing your whole post. I know at times I am frustrated by it and don't bother posting - it's not that I don't want to interact with everyone it's just that as busy and complex as my life is I want the things I really enjoy doing to be less complicated. If I could just answer to a person's post when I have the response in my head it would be so much easier. That said I am thankful to have this forum. <3

    I have been trying to find a copy of the Phase 1 Nutrition Plan from Live Fit Revolution. The website folded last year and I have not been successful in getting a copy. This nutrition plan is how I lost 100lbs and have kept off approx. 80 lbs over the past 4yrs.

    I started PT yesterday for my knees and could hardly walk afterward! But that's OK - I need to do this before my knees lock up and I can't walk at all. I refuse to let myself get to the point that I need a wheelchair.

    Well this turned out to be a lengthy post :smile:

    Hugs to all!

    Gloria in WA

    BTW Pip my brother died a few years ago and MS contributed to his death among other things. I also have a very good friend who has physically and mentally progressively worsened over the years. Such a waste of a brilliant mind. I would be honored to sign. <3

    message me your address and I;ll put you on my list ! thanks and I'm sorry for your loss
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all,

    Michele - Unfortunately, Contrave can't be split. They're extended release, without scoring, which means that you could end up with almost no medication in one half and all the medication in the other half. For those not aware--if a pill is not scored down the middle, with that little groove, you should not split them. A lot of people keep their prescription co-pays down by splitting pills--and if a pill is scored, it can be cut in half safely. Someone else suggested that, to keep the costs down, I ask the doc to prescribe the combination of drugs separately, and that might make it possible for me to take smaller amounts than they want you to start with. I'll visit with her on the 31st and see what my options are. For now, I'm just thankful that my eyeballs no longer feel like red-hot marbles rolling around in my head. Just a minor headache left this morning, and the nausea and dizziness are gone after 48 hours without it.

    Re- thanks for the good words. Chantix is the only thing that has ever made me not want to smoke, and I'm awfully thankful that I didn't have a bad reaction to it. Just minor nausea and vivid, high-action, saturated-color dreams. For me (also one of my issues with weight) it's very black and white. I'm either not smoking at all or I'm smoking a carton a week (almost a pack and a half a day). By NOT smoking, my husband and I figured we save on the order of $90 a week, or $4,680 a year. He was able to quit cold turkey, two weeks after me--but I've only done that successfully one time, and gained nearly 50 pounds doing it. Stayed off them for nearly eight years, and still went back to them. There is research out there now that shows Chantix can even be effective for helping people kick alcohol and cocaine, as well--which, thank goodness, is not my problem. I feel fortunate that I'm in the 44 percent that can successfully quit smoking with its assistance.

    Becca- You won't hear me say this much, but I'm actually thankful for Facebook--only because the kids are so far away. I'm able to "talk" to my daughter over Facebook messaging nearly every day, and see pics regularly of the grandkids growing up. Our son is off FB for the time being, so I text him once a week or so to find out if he's still alive. When I was in the Air Force, stationed in England, it cost me a dollar a minute to call my mother--the enlisted club had a set of phone booths where you would wait in line, and when you finally got a booth, could talk as long as your money held out. I was only able to talk to her once a month, at best, it was all I could afford on an airman's pay. And getting her letters in basic training was amazing--I remember how precious they were to me, and made sure to do the same for both John and Kels. I would start a letter at the beginning of the week and send them at the end of each week to the kids. They're a lifeline--nothing lifts your heart more than hearing your name at mail call.

    Actual day off today (I work Mon-Thurs), but have to get Egg to the vet. She's never happy about being crated, but behaves pretty well at the vet. She's getting quite fat and sassy; this should be her last shot appointment, and then we'll schedule her to get spayed in mid- to late September.

    Then it's a Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting at 9:30 a.m. at Wal-Mart, as they FINALLY installed self-checkouts, and they're celebrating with cutting the blue ribbon. With these, it is now possible to get in and out of Wal-Mart in a half hour instead of having to figure on at least an hour with wait-time in line. Pretty danged awesome, and a smart business move. So I'll have to wear my blue Chamber ambassador shirt to the vets.

    Next week, we'll be cutting the blue ribbon for the town's first (and only) Domino's Pizza. I could care less, but the rest of the town is ecstatic. It means there's another choice besides Pizza Hut, Little Caesar's (which is only about two years old here) and gas station pizza. Right now, there are about a dozen Mexican restaurants (we're 77-percent Hispanic population), two American-food restaurants, only one of which I'll go to, one Chinese buffet--which every small town in Texas has, and fast food McDonald's, Burger King, a combined KFC/Taco Hell, and one little burger joint named Howard's, plus the three pizza places. For a town of only 8,000, it's not a bad set of choices, but lordie, it gets old. We eat at home almost every night, might go out once a month, if that. Better for me anyway. :)

    Love y'all,
    Off to the races,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,219 Member
    I'm actually thankful for Facebook--only because the kids are so far away. I'm able to "talk" to my daughter over Facebook messaging nearly every day, and see pics regularly of the grandkids growing up. Our son is off FB for the time being, so I text him once a week or so to find out if he's still alive. When I was in the Air Force, stationed in England, it cost me a dollar a minute to call my mother--the enlisted club had a set of phone booths where you would wait in line, and when you finally got a booth, could talk as long as your money held out. I was only able to talk to her once a month, at best, it was all I could afford on an airman's pay. And getting her letters in basic training was amazing--I remember how precious they were to me, and made sure to do the same for both John and Kels. I would start a letter at the beginning of the week and send them at the end of each week to the kids. They're a lifeline--nothing lifts your heart more than hearing your name at mail call.

    I am definitely very thankful for Facebook.

    I lived two provinces over from my parents and brother for many years, and rarely talked to them because it was just too expensive. I lost touch with them and them with me, and we drifted apart.

    Then, after 13 years, I uprooted myself and actually moved into my parent's basement so I could go to uni and get a degree. It was also a chance to reconnect with them.

    And then I moved to Australia ... halfway around the world.

    If it weren't for things like Facebook and Skype, I think we'd be in danger of losing touch and drifting apart again, but instead, we are in each other's lives. And there are certain times of the day when my mother and I are both online at the same time, and we just chat on Facebook. It's so nice to have that real time contact so frequently. In addition, I've connected with aunts and uncles and cousins and all sorts who I rarely spoke to. :) It's been really good.

    Facebook is also how I keep in touch with what's going on in the cycling world. :)

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) I think there is nothing basically wrong with Facebook, the internet, alcohol, food, shopping, TV, and a zillion other things that get a bad reputation. It is uncontrolled or uncontrollable use of these things that are a problem. For many people, abstinence is the only way to deal with something that has gotten out of control. There are many things that I abstain from because I am unable to be moderate. There are others that I can use or do in moderation that others are unable to control. The more I learn about myself, the more effective I can be in keeping my life in balance.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited August 2017
    Written by Gloria:

    I'm going to throw this question out to those who have been around for a long time. Why is the forum set up this way so that you can't respond to one person at a time. I often wonder if people don't hang around just because of the complexity of keeping track of something you want to say, finding a method that works for you to post to multiple people at once, and the possibility of losing your whole post. I know at times I am frustrated by it and don't bother posting - it's not that I don't want to interact with everyone it's just that as busy and complex as my life is I want the things I really enjoy doing to be less complicated. If I could just answer to a person's post when I have the response in my head it would be so much easier. That said I am thankful to have this forum.

    Gloria in WA

    Sometimes Gloria if I know I want to respond to something individually I hit the quote feature at the bottom. I sometimes leave the entire quote or in this case with your entry I only left the part I wanted to respond too. I will read posts and if there is something I want to respond to I go to the bottom of the page and start my post. If it is more than one page I have to remember to hit post before I go onto the next page otherwise I lose that part of the post. I can only do one quote per post. I try to respond right after or very shortly after I read something I want to respond too. I used to try to put things on a word document but found going back and forth to that document took even longer. This way is more manageable for me. I don't respond to every post, but I think over time I do try to include everyone. As I build my post I do hit the edit feature in the upper right hand corner so that I can add more people and or make corrections. It also helps when people write their names at the bottom of their posts so it is easier to reply to them too.

    Dorrie love the pictures.

    Still working on the vintage clothes, straightening the basement, and shredding old documents.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member

    This is the dress from DH's 70th. I'm wearing it with a lace shrug to hide my arms. :D You can't really see the appliqué embroidery on the front but it is very beautiful. Must have been very expensive. :o. I feel a bit guilty for keeping it, but she does not want it back.
    Heather UK XXXXXX

    Heather - I took the liberty to post this because it got posted in July (last post of that month. I am way behind in my posting, so you might have posted it again in early August.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tere: I can see why you chose to marry your DH. He seems to be a winner, and treats you right. :heart:

    Heather: Enjoy every minute of your cruise. You look lovely in the dress you wore for your DH's 70th and the lace shrug looks wonderful with it. :smiley:

    Gloria: Prednisone for 15 days is not a life sentence. My mom had to take it for years and so does my cousin's wife. They both hate/hated the stuff but you won't be stuck with forever and it can be useful. I hope it helps. :star: As to posting, I normally use my computer. I open a Word document on one side of the screen and the thread on the other side of the screen and make my comments as I read. Then I copy and paste my word document into the thread. This gives me the chance to fix typos and make sure I'm saying what I think I'm saying. :flowerforyou:

    Allie: Stay strong. (((HUGS)))

    Has anyone heard from Mary? It has been quite a long while since I saw a post from her and I am worried about her health situation. Lymes disease is a serious matter.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    Tere – loved your story about your DH wanting you to take off your pants! That’s great about the skirt being too big as well. Someone mentioned about not owning a dress…. I don’t either. I think I have a skirt tucked away in the closet somewhere, hard telling if it fits tho. I guess I prefer pants because I don’t like pantyhose or my (hairy at times) bare legs. :#

    Heather – make sure to get a photo of you in the black velvet dress – it sounds gorgeous. Bon voyage! UPDATE – thanks Lenora for posting it. Oh lala! Tre chic! Adorable photo of you both! <3

    Gloria – hope the prednisone takes care of your eczema without any bad side effects. I’ve been on the 15 day “steroid pack” before for a herniated disk. No lasting side effects – it did the trick for me. Sorry to hear about your grandson and I don’t blame you for not wanting to go back to work until the kids are in school again. You have taken on a big task ((((HUGS)))).

    Dorrie – love your posts and pictures. Thank you for telling us about yourself and your family. Again, welcome to the group. Really enjoyed the photo of Squishy standing in the snow, lol. Cooled me right off. And your handsome son! I’m also 5’ 9” (actually have shrunk down to 5’ 8 ½”). Good for you working on your Master’s! I thought about going back to school to work on an advanced degree when I was in my mid-50’s but realized I didn’t have the self-discipline. You rock! Anxious to hear about the date! B)

    Becca – I want to hug your precious sons. Thank you for sharing that photo!! And thank you for the Oregon photos. <3

    Rye - save me some pizza! I once worked with a guy from Chicago who had pizza delivered out to Seattle for his 50th birthday.

    DJ – Happy Anniversary!

    RE – hope you get your internet fixed soon, and can get back to your strength routine. Glad you were able to pop in and check on us!

    – you mentioned about the folks coming to Bingo and some of them having mobility problems. I think was also a turning point for me – seeing so many folks even younger than myself having physical problems, some brought on by bad health habits. It motivates me to take better care of the body I have, keep making it stronger and lessen the need for drugs as long as I can. My neighbor across the street, my age, has severe knee problems – cannot walk very far, and she’s not overweight at all and eats a healthy diet. She got bit by a spider (they think) last week and it has turned into a major infection, she’s been on three different antibiotics and under a wound care regime – it might be MRSA. Wow, life can take a turn so quickly. :'(

    Katla – our thermometer got up to 98.9 yesterday, and we set the A/C up to 75. Our living room hit 78+ but we had a fan going and it was perfectly pleasant. The temps are rising quickly this morning but the weatherman says cooler… ocean air is supposed to start blowing in this afternoon for at least a while.

    Someone is having a birthday today or tomorrow…. Tere? I can’t find the post!

    OK ladies, I better get moving. Picked beans this morning, think I’ll blanche them in the Instant Pot then cool them & put them on the cookie sheet to freeze and bag up. Works great that way.

    Happy Friday! <3

    Cooler SW WA State
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited August 2017
    I typed a long post last night and my phone died! Gone, all gone!

    Try again later!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited August 2017
    Isn't that the most frustrating thing Dana???!!! My brain just goes aaack!

    Great pics of your grandson, son and daughter Dorrie!! I have some pics that I would love to get down to that weight!

    This is what I look like now at 235 lbs:
    ( I am in the pink shirt on the left, my sister on the right)


    My youngest son and I on the walk path from grade school in 2009. That was my phase of no bra, so pardon the droopage!

    Jenny Craig was doing all the thinking with my weight loss sadly. All I really lost was my money! Got down to 189 lbs though!!

    A firm bra wearer presently!