

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Re Wowza!

    Karen in Virginia
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Gloria lovely daughters.

    Becca love the flower picture!

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: That rhododendron is amazing, literally tree sized! Beautiful! :star: "We are realizing that retired living is just small little plans, throughout a day, doing things that keep us happy, and laughing a lot!" This is so true. Enjoy one another! :heart:

    Chantele63: You joined by posting. Come back often. You can find us again easily by clicking on the blank star at the top of the page. It will turn yellow. That is the bookmark that will get you back here whenever you want. :smiley:

    Gloria: Your daughters are lovely! So are you. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Thanks for letting me know about the cruise ship line. I haven't heard of Saga before. I doubt my friend will ever take a cruise again, but I'll keep the information for the future. DH and I always wanted to take the Washington State Ferry to Alaska but it doesn't seem likely now that he gets motion sick so easily. :ohwell:

    Machka: What a ride! You are far more adventurous than anyone I know. :star:

    I'm still thinking about Mary. Has anyone heard from her?
    I have an early riding lesson today to avoid the heat. I will start at 9 am. I've asked my teacher to give me a lesson on hoof care, too. I need to know what is ugly but okay, and what is a potential health problem. It is supposed to reach 89 today, which is a drop compared to the last few days, but it is going back into the 90's tomorrow through at least Wednesday. :grumble:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    edited August 2017
    Katla - What went wrong with your friend's cruise? I'm interested. :) Saga is exclusively for the over 50s and most are well over 70. The Saga Pearl ll is a small cruise ship, which we like. Unfortunately they are replacing it in a couple of years time. :'( Saga has 98% excellent ratings. The food and service are exceptional. All inclusive. We will probably take one of their last cruises to say goodbye to our lovely cabin. :'(
    DH has been off colour today, but not too bad. He managed some lunch and accompanied me to the Swing dancing class, which was great, but he had to leave before the end as he felt dizzy. I was very tired from over indulging on the vino last night, but kept going until a short nap this afternoon. Feel a but better now after some strawberries and a cup of tea.
    Tonight is a formal evening so the purple dress is coming out for an airing. It starts with the Captain's Welcome Cocktail Party, so I shall have to monitor my consumption very carefully. It's usually just a glass of bubbly. We will be dancing again tonight and I may do a turn with the "Gentlemen Hosts" , who take unpartnered women round the floor. Last night we had a long chat with the resident pianist and I also chatted to the fitness coach on my walk round the deck. She used to represent Ulster in swimming. :D She is young still and not particularly slim! :o
    There's always some musical entertainment each evening. Some better than others. It ranges from string quartets to Elvis impersonators, so a wide mix.
    This afternoon I listened to a very good lecture with slides on Marine Art.
    There is so much to do, but you can't do everything! Going to spend the next hour making myself beautiful. :D
    The food here us sooooooooooooo good that it is easy to eat well and healthily. For me the easiest option is to go low carb and so far I have had a lot of fish with extra vegetables. All served in a lovely dining room with real linen and fantastic waiters. There is a more casual restaurant upstairs, but we love being pampered. Our table for two is near the Captain's Table. We hope to be invited there one day as we have unexpectedly graduated to the top tier of Saga membership, sapphire and gold. :D:D:DB)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Go Ryenday! :drinker: Great news! <3

    I lost 58 lbs in all from my highest. I have kept it off for 3 years 8 months. :D It can be done!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good morning friends,

    Beautiful day here and cooler!!!! I am going to work this afternoon so will miss out on enjoying the weather later. I have been thinking of y'all in the NW with your heat wave, fires, etc.

    I have not been sticking to my August goals. I felt so determined on the first but lost that inspiration so quickly. I am beginning to see how much being around my hubby brings me down. Determined to do this one day at a time and find the joy in being me.

    RE - Great, gal! Your transformation is amazing!

    Heather - Your cruise sounds lovely. What ports will you be visiting?

    Lisa - Egg is beautiful. She looks so affectionate!

    We enjoy Rice a Roni, too. Usually we have it with fish or salmon. Had left over soup last night and still have a meal of it to freeze for another time. It is our favorite. Ground beef/turkey (not too much), cabbage, onion, garlic, 2 cans of diced tomatoes, 2 cans of light red pinto beans, and beef broth. Hubby has it with garlic bread or a hard roll, which I try to resist.

    Has Rita been posting lately? I wonder how her RV adventure is going.

    Toni in Middle Tennessee

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Lenora: There are several farriers in the area. My teacher uses a different one than Arrow's owner uses. I'm trying to learn about the dos and don'ts of horse shoeing and hoof care. I lack both experience & training in this area so when I see a chip or crack in a hoof I don't know whether to worry or not. I lean toward worrying when I don't understand things. I want to know enough to understand when to worry and when things are okay. :embarassed:

    Pip: You are so far beyond me in fitness and I admire your dedication. Your HRM seems to either be on a sabbatical or taking too many coffee breaks. Is it an essential item for training? Do you really need to carry around something that is mostly not recording? Can you return it for a refund or exchange it for one that works? :flowerforyou:

    Janetr: I have been wondering about you. I am so happy that you posted!

    Has anyone heard from Mary lately? I've been missing her and worry about her because of the Lymes disease.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

    That is sweet of you to say that. I am just trying to do the best for me. The hem is just the chest strap. The app is on my phone so there is nothing really extra that I'm lugging around. I do like that app, you can create exercises, I love that it gives me my maximum heart rate the the Apple Watch doesn't. The checks in the mail for the compliment
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    kate sounds like a very sad situation your friend and neighbor is in. Perhaps you could have her over for tea more than just once a week, to get her out of the house and surrounded by an orderly home - she might get the hint. she will reach out for help when she's ready. NYKAREN
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kate ~ I am sorry to hear about your neighbor and friend. At age 85, she is probably totally overwhelmed with what needs to be done in her home. I know that I will be if something happens to my husband.

    Lovely and cute pictures of Gloria and daughters, Egg, Squishy, and our Re! :)

    I regretted going to the mail box today as there was a Jury Duty Summons for me for the first week in September. The thought of getting myself there by 8 AM, the traffic, and walking from the parking lots is too much. Hope I can get a cortisone shot in my knee right before.

    Love to all,
    Carol in GA

  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    ~ Kate - my only suggestion, the one that worked for my Nana when almost the exact same thing happened is - just go over there and tell her, not ask her, tell her that today you're going to tackle getting ONE box out - and you'll be back tomorrow to sort again ONE box...it's not overwhelming if it's just one box at a time in their minds. Then, suggest the 2nd day that you can leave another box just in case she gets the urge to put something in it. That's how we ended up clearing out 66 years in the same house with a grandpa that wouldn't get rid of ANYTHING - including old newspapers and magazines...entire room filled with newspaper and magazines and old bills...letters she kept, and some of the magazines that were historic...everything else we boxed up in that room and took to the "landfill" but in actuality we burned it in the bin at my uncle's house...along with many other items that were easily disposed of that way...(NOT in Vegas)...

    This morning has been crazy so far...Saturday mornings are Squishy time, and it always starts with bowling in his junior league. He started this past fall, and has improved tremendously. Today is a team mate's birthday, which we didn't know about, and now we have to scramble for a birthday gift for this 7yr old and attend a birthday party we weren't prepared for...meaning mentally and with time constraints too...my daughter has to be to work this afternoon, leaving me with taking my grandson to a strangers house and actually going inside and being social...

    One thing I wish I could explain is I'm actually NOT a people person - or maybe it's I'm not a "strangers" person...but...for my grandson, who is bouncing off the walls with anticipation and a nervous wreck about picking out the perfect birthday gift and "OMG OhMama can you hurry up? I need to take a shower and comb my hair, there might be GIRLS there!"...I'm pretty sure my face was the funniest part of that conversation!!

    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Meant to add -
    Machka - you and Pip amaze me!

    Rye -way, or should I say weigh to go!