

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    edited August 2017
    NYKaren- There are a few versions of crack salad online. Most have the "sweet and sour" taste to them (vinegar and brown sugar). I made up my own with less sugar. It is: a small head of red cabbage (small chop), about a cup and a half of shredded carrots, 6 oz of chopped medjool dates, 8 oz feta, half a cup of walnuts. Mix all of this together with about 1/4 cup of olive oil and 3-4 T lemon juice. I don't add any sugar or salt/pepper. The feta gives it some salty, and the dates give it the sweet and it is PERFECT!
    Chris- Well, thank you for the kind words and compliments. The state is getting involved in regulating home daycares. That has it's pluses and minuses. The pluses are more accountability for following laws and standards (for those who tend to be lax in those areas), they have a website where you can find any licensed provider and they give them star ratings. The minuses: They give us ratings and categorize us with the centers, who get points for staffing, management, admin duties, whereas no points are awarded for experience/years in the field. Anyway, the majority of my daycare parents are very happy with me and are kind enough to show their appreciation. They are also wonderful about "word of mouth" advertising. I have never had to advertise any openings. I fill up quickly and the majority of my families arrive at the recommendation of other families in my care! Congrats on the loss!
    Machka - I think you should wear a cape when you bike! You and pip both! Cycling powerhouses! My DH is a good candidate for earplugs while he sleeps. I wake up to the birds and love it, and he lays beside me and grumbles about "those d*mn birds!"
    Heather- You are hot stuff! I bet you keep them on their toes!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,234 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka - I think you should wear a cape when you bike! You and pip both! Cycling powerhouses! My DH is a good candidate for earplugs while he sleeps. I wake up to the birds and love it, and he lays beside me and grumbles about "those d*mn birds!"

    Thanks! :grin:

    I actually wouldn't mind if it were just sounds of nature ... birds, wind, rain, the waves at the beach below, etc. ... but we live close to a school and the parents start dropping kids off to the before-school care at about 7 am, or possibly even earlier. The road in front of our place gets quite busy with parents driving up and down, and parking and banging doors, and kids and parents yelling, etc. ...

    I'm up about 7:30, and I do like that last half-hour or so of sleep. :)

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kelly, Mia was born March 9th, on my 20 year old grandson' s birthday. I believe Olivia was born before that.

    Janetr okc
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    edited August 2017
    I have used earplugs since my early 20s when we lived under the DBILL who has just died. It was an old house and they decided to have their kitchen above our bedroom. Hmmmmmmmm. I discovered wax earplugs and they have been a lifesaver. The only problem is I can't do without them now, so they are my "what can't you leave home without " item. I carry pairs with me always. Fantastic for hotels etc. Even ships!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    PS - anyone with their Internet on can see our ship going through the lock in ten minutes time
    www.kiel-canal.de :D We are the Brunsbuettel end
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    Morning, all,

    Nice to be back again, and moving forward.

    -God knows I judge myself enough for all of y'all combined. But, as Edith Ann says, "That's the truth." At last.

    August goal: Full disclosure, to take the psychic weight off.
    Weight loss goal--Lose five pounds in August.

    Lisa in West Texas

    Glad to have your here and I congratulate you on your perserverance. It seems that medical intervention is not a cheat, but a tool you employ to take you better a place. The one tool you seem to be looking for is one that keeps you in maintenance. Since you are working with a doctor who seems to be invested in working with what works, you may want to explore LCHF WOE (lowcarb/highfat way of eating). And on MFP there is a group for that, actually w groups (LCHF and LCHF Women 50+y).
    I am currently viewing this video to understand the physiology behind LCHF WOE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqwvcrA7oe8
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lenora: I loved the story about Ghandi and his unpleasant professor. Thank you for sharing! I wonder whether the old goat later bragged to everyone that he taught Ghandi everything he knew. :smiley:

    Becca: Enjoy your son's visit. :heart:

    Sharon in Lethbridge: I'm already well enough adept at using hoof picks, but won't go to trimmer's class. I'm glad I spoke up. I'm so sorry about there being more fires in BC. We've had many fine vacations in BC over the years & I love the people and scenic beauty. :broken_heart:

    Withanee67: Welcome, you sweet young thing. :wink:

    NYKaren: Happy approaching 2nd Anniversary. :bigsmile:

    Chris in MA: Congratulations! Maintenance is an ongoing challenge and the thing that keeps us from slipping into old bad habits. :flowerforyou:

    We have an air quality alert for the next few days due to smoke in the air from fires in Canada and elsewhere. Staying inside is probably a very good strategy but not much fun.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2017
    Allie – I agree with the others; about staying out of TomCat’s way. He is beginning to becoming 'unglued' because he has not been able to push you in to submission. Please protect yourself … even if you have to get a ‘court order’ or ‘restraining order’. Sure, it is only a piece of paper; but, you can then call the police and they’ll keep him from coming near you. I certainly would NOT allow him to live with you, even ‘if’ you are in separate bedrooms. Or that both of you are off during the day working. Now that it is down to the ‘wire’ so to speak with a ‘court date’ to settle the issues on a ‘temporary’ manner … ask your attorney before the hearing if it will take ‘everything’ into consideration or if the hearing is for ‘temporary’ alimony. You either want TomCat out of the house and still making the payments; or you need to let him have it and move on to a separate place. You are NOT ‘expected’ to pay for all things 50/50 … especially if he is make 2 ½ or more times as much money as you are. When the bills are divided out ask your attorney for the language that is a ‘hold harmless’ … so that you wouldn’t be expected to pay those bills that he will be ordered to pay if he defaults on any of them. Of course, that would also be the case if you default on anything that carries both names that you keep. Some companies ‘will’ not change or ‘drop’ the other’s name from an account – others won’t. Sometimes you would both have be there in order to remove the 2nd name. This is especially true of banking accounts. Now is the time to go ahead and complete the tear. :#

    This is a ‘funny’ story; but, I would not suggest doing it. Man and woman getting a divorce because he had an affair. Girlfriend/Mistress wants him to get the $1,000,000+ house that husband and wife had lived in. So he gets the court to ‘order’ her out of the place and gives her 3 days to do it. First day she packs up everything, 2nd day she gets everything out of the house and sits and drinks her wine and eats her shrimp and caviar by candle light, on her own, in the home they had shared. Third day she picks up after her meal. Then she has the idea of taking the half-eaten shrimp dipped in the caviar and puts them into the curtain rods and leaves the custom-made drapes hanging. And moves out and on her own. :o

    Husband and girlfriend move in. About a week later they keep smelling a bad odor and do everything from burning candles, having the carpet cleaned, spraying deodorizer; but, nothing helps. So they list it for sale. The Realtor finally gets frustrated because nobody wants to buy a house that smells and drops them. Husband offers her the paid off house at a ‘fraction’ of what it is worth. So she takes it and tells them they have a week to move out, including the curtains and rods (which they take). She has the house cleaned and lives a nice life in a home that he and she had shared (now paid for). Basically, he pays her off to take the house back with what they could have sold for. A win-win situation for her. :o

    So ‘ex’ husband and mistress move on, hang up the curtains and still can’t figure out what is making their new place smell like the old one. I’ve read this story several times before. This isn’t the story verbatim; but, it is pretty close.

    Like I said, I would not suggest doing anything like this … but; I thought it would be a story to make you ‘chuckle’ today.

    Welcome to all the 'newbies' ... enjoy all the pictures, especially those sweet babies. Newbies, come often and just 'jump right in' and you will find us to be a 'big chatty group' and you can 'take away from us what you need'. Lots of encouragement, leaning on each other to hold ourselves up in any type of situation.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Morning Ladies
    I just dropped off laptop to cousin's house to see what can be done.. went early grocery shopping and put it all away and went and fed DFIL,now to another memorial service for our next door neighbor Tom not going, he is at Carmax seeing how much his camero is worth.. will try and check in with you later
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Leonora--what a priceless story about Ghandi.
    Ladies-I had pumpkin waffles for 'brunch' and they were not worth the calories! And it has taken me until past 11 am to have it. Got to rush off to work today. Been having a down time since yesterday's mail arrived. It is always something just when I think I have it under control. But if I am factual, there are so many other folks who have more need and deserve less aggravation than me. My shot today must have hit a nerve and it is hurting/sore but done. Took all pills. And will drink a large cold glass of water to quell the nausea. So deep breath, give thanks the fiber has worked, and pull it together for 1-6 at work. Visited husband today and told him to make stuff better and get back here from wherever he is. His butterfly was gone so the boy picked out a red dragonfly to leave by the tombstone. Also prayed about it all and I hope God was not too busy. I so want to just stroll in a shady cool place with no bugs and no worries about money and the kid and the house and the dog hair everywhere. Well, son just wanted to go to the beach but I told him can't today, I've got work and he has to go to babysitter. I will take him when I can but I do not love the sand and difficulty parking and then hordes of people running and shouting. I am looking for a rainy day as he mostly just wants to play in the sand and chase waves. Take care and be of low calories out there.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Karen in va: Olivia is a doll

    Janet: Mia is a doll too!

    Re: Fascinated with the idea of one meal a day weekends. That would allow DH and me so much more social flexibility. Probably not something to tweak now while I'm in the midst of weight loss but I'm going to put it on a list of ideas for maintenance.

    Lenora: the Ghandi story was wonderful, thanks for relating it to us.

    Heather: your frequent updates have me imagining I'm there on the deck and in the dance classes etc. please keep it up, I'm loving them. My DH and I don't have any budget money for a vacay this year, but we have hopes for something spectacular next year, fingers crossed.

    Machka: your rides are inspiring. I have had a bike for three weeks or so now (after 3 decades or so not riding) so my rides are very short and local but I hope to build up to some nice distances by the fall when the weather and scenery will really make it worth while.

    Me: today is my DH bday and last night we spent with MiL and niece - the restaurant was AWFUL but the company was superb. Except for my daily exercise we are just relaxing and wishing fall would come quickly so we can enjoy the outdoors again. Hot Flashes are still pretty extreme, so I'm still cranky but trying hard to keep my temper in check and emotions on even keel.

    Happy day all.

    Rye in TX
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    edited August 2017
    Kelly - LOVE that pottery. I would have had to get at least one of his pieces, even a teensy thing. I love "usable" art like pottery plates, bowls, dishes....something made by a person and not a machine. And Joaquin at day care! What a sweet little poster! That crack salad sounds delish!

    Pip - looks like Yogi is having a great time in the water! Thanks for sharing....cools me off just looking at him.

    Becca - glad to see DS and wife have arrived....enjoy your time with them!! Great story about the nudist line dancing. Yes, that's something that could be burned into a person's brain B) . After being on the heavy side for so many years, I got used to "covering up" with a little jacket or sweater long enough to cover my belly and rear. Even now when it's hot, I'll still pull on a wrap of some kind if I'm going out in public. Maybe I need to take that line dancing class and be OK with the fact that I'm not a skinny super model!

    Heather - are there mostly couples on the cruise - are there also single gals or guys hoping to meet someone? I heard/read that sometimes wealthy women go on cruises hoping to hook up with the "pool boy", lol. >:) Hence STD's and HIV on the rise in the older age group and not just from cruise ships. Ooh lala!

    Lenora - great Gandhi story! Love his thought process...ZING!

    Rye - good job keeping those hot flashes in check. After years of being "hot", things are evening out for me and I actually get chilly in the winter - need an extra cover over my top half when I sleep. Really looking forward to fall and winter and cold floors when my feet will finally cool down, lol. B) Am I the only person on this list with HOT feet?

    Sharon - how exciting your DD got to see Keith Urban perform. I AM TOTALLY JEALOUS!! So sorry the forest fires are still burning in BC. Hopefully tho, they'll at least kill the beetles that have been destroying the forests in this area. I think that's how nature used to "clean up" the forests centuries ago when there weren't many humans in the area to worry about the smoke and loss of usable timber.

    Yesterday was a great day without smoke! Although I could see a blanket of it on the horizon north of us, probably south of Olympia, it never made it this far.

    This morning was nice a cool, rather foggy. 51 degrees for the low-- we really got the house cooled down, it will likely be up to 94 or higher today.

    I did a little research with a nearby weather site ... in 2016, it actually popped up to nearly 96 on April 18th, then we had a week of hot weather starting June 3rd where it got up to 102 and 104.9 and the rest, the 90's. August saw a hot week starting the 18th where we had a day of 100.9, then 99.5 and other temps in the 90's. Got nearly 2 inches of rain first week of September!

    So what we are having isn't quite so bad....just having two weeks straight in the 90's is tiresome.

    Got a little walk in this morning and my strength training, then blanched some green and wax beans (stovetop, not IP) and they are in the freezer.

    Going to write up something for the physical therapist when I go in tomorrow - the story of my tingly hands. They gave me one of their info sheets to fill out and bring back. Of course, most of the questions don't pertain to what's happening with me. So I'll do a narrative and skip their questionnaire. Maybe that's just the control freak in me.

    That's the latest. Enjoy your Sunday!!

    Sunny SW WA State
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Love, love, love the pictures of Mia, Olivia, and Joaquin! <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yesterday the smoke cleared out for a while but today my eyes are burning so I know it is back. Looking across the river, it is a bit on the hazy side. :ohwell: I have nothing fun planned for today—so far. :ohwell: