

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    edited August 2017
    Machka9 wrote: »
    @terewilliams ... the animal in the photo is actually a potaroo, not a wallaby. A wallaby looks like a small kangaroo. Both are, however, marsupials. ☺

    Here's a list of many of the "roos" (macropods) here in Australia ... :)


    Personally, when I see one, I call it a "hoppy" ... because they hop and half the time I can't identify them at first glance. :grin: Although the potaroos are a bit different.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    welcome Anne from Rochester stick around and chat, we are a fairly friendly and yes, talkative bunch! I think it takes great courage to say enough with a job, good for you.

    A rainy day ahead, have to make progress with my school work today and a rainy day is as good as any. We are headed to a 4 day trip to Montreal this coming weekend, looking forward to that. DD finishes summer job and starts packing For her sophomore year at college. Reality that she is going and I will be back at work is sinking in. Back to the to dos!

  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    Good morning from Vegas,

    Had a BLAST on my date that was from Saturday evening until Sunday evening!! LOL!! More details later – gotta get dressed and out the door for work...I'll try to catch up on reading too...

    My August Goals:
    ~ Stay under 1500 calories daily - not to include the exercise calories off either! ---
    8/1 = 1,289
    8/2 = 1,151
    8/3 = 1,295
    8/4 = 1,780 ***sigh*** I feel STUFFED because I overate and had too much sugar today...YUCK!
    8/5 = ***gotta figure this out
    8/6 = ***same as above
    ~ Walk 5k steps daily ---
    8/1 = unsure, no app yet
    8/2 = remembered the app mid-day
    8/3 = 3,980 **** gotta get movin!!
    8/4 = 4,675 **** YAYYYY!!
    8/5 = 7,306 **** I'm a ROCK STAR!
    8/6 = 3,374 **** my calves were hurting!
    ~ Plexus regimen ---
    8/1 = yes
    8/2 = yes
    8/3 = yes
    8/4 = yes
    8/5 = yes
    8/6 = no
    ~ WATER equal or exceeding 64 ounces ---
    8/1 = 80 oz
    8/2 = 72 oz so far today (2hrs til bedtime)
    8/3 = 64 oz just before bed now...so, I'll be up at least once to pee...LOL!
    8/4 = 70 oz
    8/5 = *** unsure ***
    8/6 = *** unsure ***

    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Tere - Happy birthday! (belated, though it is)

    Anne from Rochester - what NYKAREN said goes for me, too. Unhappy and angry is no way to spend your life, but so many just don't seem to have the courage to quit. Shows great strength, well done, you! And many good wishes for your next steps.

    Janet R - So good to see your face. I understand that feeling of nothing to contribute. My only hope right this second is that my own dilemmas will help someone else face theirs, but my ability to actively help someone else with weight loss or exercise questions is zip at the moment. Mia's a beauty!

    Allie - Thank you for checking in regularly, we worry with you up in the middle of all this.

    Heather - hope you are having glorious fun on your cruise!
    You have incredible self awareness and you are taking the steps that work for "you". Each one of us is different and there are so many different approaches, just as there are so many different women on this forum. I have incorporated bits and pieces of many of the successes expressed here which have helped me get to where I am. My hope is that I can return the favor in kind and help someone else. Chris in MA
    Chris - thank you once more for that gracefully phrased nudge.

    @lpina2mi Don't know what to call you, sorry! - you caught me on exactly the crux of my own dilemma, which you could not have known. I'm struggling to get to some form of balance. Restrictions on specific food categories aren't sustainable for me. (Others probably also struggle with this, but I can only answer for myself). I know this, because I have tried them all--restrictions inevitably trigger binge behaviors for me. I am trying to find a way of eating that I can live with now as well as for the rest of my life. And maintenance seems very, very far away right now.

    All that said, this discussion has brought one mini-epiphany for me. I'm resisting logging because I know that restricting calories doesn't just trigger a backlash, but rebound, adding more pounds back. Not saying I won't be logging my food again ever, but trying to help that inner deprived child understand that it's a tool and a means to an end.

    Thank you all for all the pics of babies and flowers and the beauty and grace you bring to my life.

    I do love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Tere ~ Happy Birthday! I started to say I will be 59 this month also but then it dawned on me that I will be 69! :)

    Alison ~ Stay strong and stay safe!

    NY Karen ~ I am so happy for you being able to spend time with your daughter. I have never been to NY City but would love to see the sights there. DH would never go with me.

    Carol in GA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited August 2017
    Karen and Lanette love the wildflower pictures.

    Heather gorgeous picture of you. The happiness bubbles out of you.


    On Saturday went to a blessing ceremony of my neighbors for their daughter. They are Hmong. I was they only non-Hmong person there. I felt it was an honor to be invited. DH had another obligation, so he wasn't there. I had a delightful time and tried a lychee fruit for the first time. You definitely want to peel them before you eat them. They look like small red sea urchins. Delicious. I love how they come out for each other as a community. Wonderful.

    While channel surfing last night I watched a wonderful talk and discussion show given by a man who due to an accident is in a wheelchair since the age of 13. The show was on our local PBS. His friend, teacher, and student also was part of the program. His friend had ALS and also was in a wheel chair. The theme of the talk was mind body connections. I wish I had recorded it. He and his friend were wonderful teachers. They had quite the discussion on how we are such a fix it and overcoming society. Sometimes this attitude gets in the way of healing. He talked about the importance of opening yourself to experience your world through your nervous system. It was fascinating to listen to him. It was like listening to a a blind man in the sense that when one loses their sight their other senses become stronger. His sense of self and the importance of connecting to yourself and others was heightened. He teaches yoga. It was like listening to a a yoga master.

    Some of the practical take things he talked about was to lift your chest because it opens you up to experience. Become aware as you root your feet to the ground and become aware as your body talks to itself. Take the time to really experience the taste, texture, smell of your food. Become aware of the smells around you.

    Many of his ideas rang with the idea of Mindfulness.

    Rori he did talk about the importance of if you are dealing with someone with dementia or PT is to touch them frequently (if they are comfortable with that) to help them stay in the present. He explained that someone with dementia or post traumatic syndrome is struggling to stay in the present. Their minds are pulling them throughout their past. Touching them helps ground them to the present. One of the most touching moments of the talk was when he reached out to his friend and touched him. One could feel the healing exchanged between the two.

    :heart: Margaret
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    <3 Happy Monday Ladies! <3

    Joyce - what does Charlie think of all the fuss about Christmas? I can see my DH saying he'd just as soon stay home and have a TV dinner. :s

    Dorrie - that was a LONG first date, LOL. Details, girl, if you want to share. <3

    Anne from Rochester - you are very courageous! So glad you were able to walk away from a job that was stealing your happiness. I'm sure you'll find something better! We wish you the best! (((HUGS))))

    Lisa - I very much appreciate your continuing insights. Your journey is also my journey (and some others in this group, I'm sure.)

    Gotta get ready for the cleaner who's coming in an hour, and I'll head off to the PT appointment. It's going to be warm today but I'm wearing sweatpants and a T shirt. DH will babysit the puppy in his shop.

    Catch you later!

    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    It was my husband's birthday today. The ride we did on the weekend was sort of part of the celebration. We make some attempt to ride our ages in miles on or near our birthdays. It's kind of a cyclist tradition. So the ride on the weekend was his age plus some for good measure. :)

    Unfortunately, we're both doing battle with a bit of a cold that's going around this part of the world ... and tired from the weekend ... so I brought home some cakes which I picked up on my way home from university and a card, and that was that. We will do something special later when we're feeling a bit better.

    Meanwhile, today was my work + university day. Lots of walking!

    I had a quiz worth 5% of my total mark in the tutorial (computer lab) and had been up quite late last night studying for it. Fortunately it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be.

    Then I had a couple hours off between the tutorial and the lecture, so I spent that time trying to download the student version of Oracle onto my little laptop. My head wasn't quite in it, so after waiting an hour for the download to complete, I realised I had missed a step and had to do it all over again. Brilliant! Oh well ... got it done, I think.

    I napped for a while when I got home ... needed that!

    And the evening has been homework.
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Tere Happy yesterday birthday! Thanks for the prayer and I will be thinking of you here.
    I have never heard of nor seen a poteroo(?) but will have my boy help me look it up online. Educational moment!
    I can jump on the scale and see it is lower than when I started so I actually feel sort of woo-hoo about that. (I can not actually read the scale though as the marks are too blurry.) Yesterday's roast was GOOD! And of course, tons of leftovers. Sort of problematic-there are lots of things I could eat but I can not get the kid to indulge in anything much. He only had milk for breakfast and I know they won't be fed at his camp and then he wants to swim so will not eat when I pick him up either. I think I have a lunchable I can take and threaten him into eating it in the car. But then I think high-sodium, not fresh, and not really cheese. Likely I will end up stopping at Chik-Fi-Let--he will eat their chicken tenders and then play and I can read. Hmm, a plan emerges...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    I have never heard of nor seen a poteroo(?) but will have my boy help me look it up online. Educational moment!

    Actually potoroo (I spelled it wrong earlier). It looks sort of like a large rat/rabbit thing ... but is a marsupial. The ones we have here in Tasmania are the long-nosed variety. :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Good Day Ladies!

    Yesterday was I acknowledged my 59th birthday! <3 Had a really quiet day – still having a little wheeze going on but expect that to be cleared up by tomorrow. DH and I went to the movies and that was it. Plan to celebrate next Saturday at a favorite restaurant with some friends. Tried to put on some shoes DH bought me a few months ago but could not manage the heels. :(

    Happy Birthday!!

    (and I have trouble with heels too ... arthritis)

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    A quick hello! Slept in until 6 and kids will be here within minutes. Lost four pounds this week! Whoot! Down 6 pounds in two weeks on this Mother/Daughter weight loss adventure! Happy dance!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    happy bday terewilliams!!!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    A quick hello! Slept in until 6 and kids will be here within minutes. Lost four pounds this week! Whoot! Down 6 pounds in two weeks on this Mother/Daughter weight loss adventure! Happy dance!


    Good job! :D Have fun with the kiddies today!

    SW WA State