

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ So glad you are enjoying your son and his wife's visit!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    lpina2mi wrote: »
    Morning, all,

    Nice to be back again, and moving forward.

    -God knows I judge myself enough for all of y'all combined. But, as Edith Ann says, "That's the truth." At last.

    August goal: Full disclosure, to take the psychic weight off.
    Weight loss goal--Lose five pounds in August.

    Lisa in West Texas

    Glad to have your here and I congratulate you on your perserverance. It seems that medical intervention is not a cheat, but a tool you employ to take you better a place. The one tool you seem to be looking for is one that keeps you in maintenance. Since you are working with a doctor who seems to be invested in working with what works, you may want to explore LCHF WOE (lowcarb/highfat way of eating). And on MFP there is a group for that, actually w groups (LCHF and LCHF Women 50+y).
    I am currently viewing this video to understand the physiology behind LCHF WOE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqwvcrA7oe8

    Please don't take this wrong, but you are incorrect about what I'm looking for (I need to lose a lot, not maintain). I have also failed at every low-something, high-anything diet I've ever attempted, and gained weight in the process. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Thank you for the well-meant advice, it was taken in the spirit given, and while appropriate for some, is not appropriate for me. Perhaps for someone else, it will be the key that unlocks their door.

    Lisa in West Texas.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening my dear Friends,

    Michele, I don’t know what kind of bags you are using for the shower but maybe you can use 4 that are a different color or have different ribbon or something on that order. Or you could just put their names on those four bags. I’d think you could just glue the veil on the doll even if it has hair. You have to be sure to show us pictures of all this wedding and shower stuff.

    Gloria, that is ashamed that the only help for troubled boys is after they have gotten into trouble. I know what you mean about responding to posts individually. I think there are pros and cons to each way. (later) Fabulous picture of you and your daughters. 3 beautiful ladies!!

    Katla, I’ve been thinking a lot about Mary lately also. I do hope she is doing well and can get back to us soon.

    Allie, I can’t believe Tom tried to talk you out of the temp alimony. Yes, you can get a laptop with that rather than just forgo it. Duh.

    Barbie, cool deal on the mulch.

    Karen, Olivia is such a doll and I can’t believe how she has grown. It doesn’t even look like the same baby. Thanks for the O Fix.

    Janetr, Mia looks so serious and is just a doll with a beautiful Mommy.

    Sharon, it sounds like such fun to hang out with your DGD. I agree about the prices of absolutely everything!!! I don’t know how people can afford to eat???

    Heather, I so love hearing about your travels. So glad you are enjoying the line dancing. I really enjoyed it until my hips made me stop. I’m sure your instructor tells you that you can do any “variation” you need to for knees or hips or even memory loss. LOL We use to laugh when one of us did a miss-step, that it was our variation. Keep having a ball.

    Re, I hate to tell you young ladies but I just turned 70 and still get an occasional zit. I remember DH at about 40 saying, “I think I’m getting too old to still get zits!” Oh well, worse things could happen.

    Kelly, great pictures of the first day at daycare. That head of hair just gets me, since my DD had so little. What a doll.

    M, I hope you don’t wake the neighbors too early with your loud news. Lol

    Chris said, “KJ, I don't think I ever told you how I am so very impressed by what you do for your day care children. I have never encountered an in home day care provider who does so many wonderful activities with the children. I hope these parents appreciate the thought, planning and execution that goes into these activities. I read daily about what you do and marvel. You certainly go above and beyond just day care. I want to be one of your children!” I want to say “DITTO”. I am just so impressed and wish I had someone like you when my DD was a little one!!!!!
    Chris, congrats on getting that weight where you want it!!! That is just fantastic!

    Heather, so sorry I missed your ship online but I did get to see a barge. Lol

    Katla, I’m so sorry to you and all those in the path of the smoke in the NW. That has to be terrible especially with the high temperatures. I remember about 8 years ago when we had forest fires for a couple of months, how bad it got and this was nothing like you have. Stay safe ladies.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I went to bed last night and slept for about 1 ½ hours then was wide awake. I got up and watched an hour show I had recorded and still being wide awake, took a sleeping pill at 12:30am. I caught up on reading the posts and then went to bed. I slept until 8:30 this morning when I usually get up between 6 and 7:00. DH and I went to brunch and it’s been a beautiful, tho hot and humid day.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • knjiuv
    knjiuv Posts: 61 Member
    I can't believe that those precious girls, Mia and Olivia, were very sick little babies that we were so worried about for so long. They are so beautiful. I hope they and Jaquim can meet some day along with their big MFP cousin Bea.

    Well God has done a good job of watering my plants today. I think He is going to water it all day long. It is 66 degrees right now! It the temp in our house is 73 so Window World windows are working.

    Allie, I was thinking of so,etching last night as I was unsuccessfully trying to get to sleep. Can his lawyer use it against you that you have him share the same house?

    Church was good this morning. We had our full choir there except for one woman. She is bipolar and lately has had more bad days then good. Our soloist was one of our women that has a wonderful voice. She left the choir, alto section, because she wears to many hats in the church. She has a 10 year old dauber who sang with her this morning who also has a wonderful voice. Most off the song was in the alto range but when she got into the soprano range, her voice was fantastic. But the alto range was so good also. I look forward to when she is old enough tone in the adult choir.

    Heather, can't wait to see your pictures.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2017
    Lanette Wow! Your wildflowers have flourished. I have never had luck like that here...but it sure makes me want to try again, looking at yours. I love wildflowers that attract beneficial insects. We have a couple of native plant societies around here I can explore. Thanks for posting those photos! Also the ones posted by NYKAREN. So pretty!

    Karen in Virginia
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    lpina2mi wrote: »
    Morning, all,

    Nice to be back again, and moving forward.

    -God knows I judge myself enough for all of y'all combined. But, as Edith Ann says, "That's the truth." At last.

    August goal: Full disclosure, to take the psychic weight off.
    Weight loss goal--Lose five pounds in August.

    Lisa in West Texas

    Glad to have your here and I congratulate you on your perserverance. It seems that medical intervention is not a cheat, but a tool you employ to take you better a place. The one tool you seem to be looking for is one that keeps you in maintenance. Since you are working with a doctor who seems to be invested in working with what works, you may want to explore LCHF WOE (lowcarb/highfat way of eating). And on MFP there is a group for that, actually w groups (LCHF and LCHF Women 50+y).
    I am currently viewing this video to understand the physiology behind LCHF WOE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqwvcrA7oe8

    Please don't take this wrong, but you are incorrect about what I'm looking for (I need to lose a lot, not maintain). I have also failed at every low-something, high-anything diet I've ever attempted, and gained weight in the process. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Thank you for the well-meant advice, it was taken in the spirit given, and while appropriate for some, is not appropriate for me. Perhaps for someone else, it will be the key that unlocks their door.

    Lisa in West Texas.

    I agree Lisa,everyone is different and what works for one person may not for another. I let people know what worked for "me". After decades of trying and failing, a nutritionist suggested I try low carb, high fat & protein. I finally found the correct combination for "me". It may not work for everyone, but I throw it out there in case someone wants to try it. You have incredible self awareness and you are taking the steps that work for "you". Each one of us is different and there are so many different approaches, just as there are so many different women on this forum. I have incorporated bits and pieces of many of the successes expressed here which have helped me get to where I am.

    My hope is that I can return the favor in kind and help someone else,

    Stopped by a friends' house not knowing she was throwing a party. She didn't tell me when I phoned to ask if I could drop by. I stepped into a backyard full of yummy food, oh my! Fortunately I had not eaten lunch yet so I had a hamburger patty, some cheese and greens, then the desserts tempted me...Need I say more? I have a wicked sweet tooth.

    Came home and logged it all in, including my prospective dinner, and am still a bit under my calorie goal. Have to get a bit more exercise in though.

    Chris in MA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    Lanette Wow! Your wildflowers have flourished. I have never had luck like that here...but it sure makes me want to try again, looking at yours. I love wildflowers that attract beneficial insects. We have a couple of native plant societies around here I can explore. Thanks for posting those photos! Also the ones posted by NYKAREN. So pretty!

    Karen in Virginia

    Karen, I'm afraid I babied them. Put them in an actual garden spot that was tilled, fertilized, protected with row cover (the deer came in and munched a bit early on) and watered regularly....so no wonder they went nuts. Not too "wild", lol. That being said, they sure did thrive here and I think they'd have a chance elsewhere on the property, especially once they are established.

    I used to also get wildflower packets at the store and just kind of toss the seeds under the trees and in spots where I thought they'd look nice...the only ones that ever grew were white yarrow.

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Hi Ladies! I love reading everyones stories. I have been playing with the same fraction of a lb up and down for a couple of weeks. I am getting frustrated, but not giving up. I know it isn't linear, I know it takes time, but it is still discouraging when you log every bite that goes in your mouth (after it has been weighed) and you have only lost 2 ounces in a week. Grrr. Today I said screw it and we went and had an In and Out burger for lunch. We shared fries and I had no cheese or sauce so it fits in my cals fine, just not what I normally eat. Dinner was planned to be a big green salad, but the neighbor invited us for pasta. I had mentioned to him before I started watching what I was eating that I couldn't wait until football season rolled around again because he would make pasta to carb load his football playing son and I love his homemade pasta and sauce. We will go over and eat a lot of salad and a small amount of pasta. It's one meal, it will be fine. I need to learn to not be twitchy when I can't weigh what I'm eating ;) .

    I have been busy booking concerts this weekend. I booked the Rockette's Christmas Spectacular for November and then found 2 more that we thought we would like so I have been cashing in frequent flier miles and free hotel nights left and right. Thank goodness the hub travels a lot for work.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Morning Ladies
    I just dropped off laptop to cousin's house to see what can be done.. went early grocery shopping and put it all away and went and fed DFIL,now to another memorial service for our next door neighbor Tom not going, he is at Carmax seeing how much his camero is worth.. will try and check in with you later

    Hang in there Allie. As a word of encouragement, my husband had to pay his ex-wife $1700/month for 15 years. We just finished a year ago in June. That would buy a lot of laptops. You've been amazing thru all of this. <3

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) I decided to change the batteries in my pedometer and in Jake's. I didn't want to wait for a dead battery in the middle of a long walk. It was easy to do but each of us lost about 10 % of the steps we'd accumulated so far for the day :'(