

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • maldomaldo
    maldomaldo Posts: 29 Member
    I seem to fall into this category, but just barley, lol...

    I have successfully lost and gained weight many times.

    Started again in June as my A1C, Cholesterol, and BP was elevated. I knew it was coming, but I had always prided myself that I did not have to take medicine, now I'm on 3, and working to get off of them.

    Once I get motivated, I can stick to a regime pretty well, but then some life changing event derails me, this is were I struggle. As I am a competitor, the Apple Watch works well to motivate me. My exercise regime is walking, swimming and cycling. I'd like to lose another 80 pds, I'm down little over 20.

    Im married for 32 yrs, 2 college kids, and work full time outside the home.

    Saw someone mention the Moose Lodge, my mom which passed away 3 yrs ago, was the Deputy Grand for State of Texas.

    Hello from Texas

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Well I have politely interacted with Prudence, and its been cordial, and friendly. She was going down the river walk path in her electric scooter, and stopped to say hi. She asked if my kids were still here. (My brain heard, your kids are gone, what can I have her do). But I told her they were apt hunting and would be back this afternoon. She didn't ask anything from me, and that was that. Maybe our friendship has come back to what it was in the beginning. Kind of went full circle. Just friends, and neighbors. The fact that she hasn't needed me to help her in four weeks, says she is just fine. I hope she gets her apartment soon in Astoria. She will thrive there!

    Kids drove to Vancouver WA today to apartment hunt. I have had the best time with both of them!

    Hugs ladies!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hi MFP friends. Went to water aerobics this monring then came home and weeded my flower bed for two hours. Still have a lot to do. It rained 3.5 inches Sunday night so it was pretty easy weedinf.
    Need a na BBL
    SueBDew inTx
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2017
    Jeanine in TX - wow, sounds like you have your plate full. I read your profile and so sorry to read about your daughter's accident. You have come to the right place for encouragement, support and lots of helpful hints and ideas. This is a new lifestyle not a temporary diet. Not that we don't all slip back into old habits occasionally, but the best move is forward. Hang in there.

    My almost 24 year old (his birthday is Thursday) grandson lives in San Antonio <3

    Janetr OKC

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hi all, I hope Tuesday is a good day for you.

    Very little is happening here, except the dang twice an hour hot flashes. One of the many reasons I started to prioritize my health and weight in April was the hope (vain hope, it turns out) that I could alleviate hot flashes- but they seem worse than ever. Ok, that is not quite true. The hot flash duration had been 10 to 20 minutes- and that has significantly improved. But the intensity is unchanged and the frequency has never been worse. Sigh. Unless it is to go to the gym pool (the only place the hot flashes don't bother me) I have been close to a shut in - leaving my home only when absolutely necessary or it is a social obligation. I try to keep a happy face front - but honestly it is wearing me down.

    Another motivater for prioritizing health and weight was my college reunion in October. Unfortunately I feel so awful with the constant sweats and claustrophobia (typical hot flash for me) I'm considering just telling DH I'm gonna skip it. He's looking forward to seeing the friends we were going to stay with, but otherwise would probably be relieved (not his reunion).

    I have seen Dr. - Said nothing noteworthy - suggests better diet, weight loss, menopausal vitamins, etc. But I've been miserable since February and none of that seems to make any difference. And I'm so tired. Up 4-8 times a night. Oh, but the evening primrose oil mentioned here arrived and I took my first dose last night. We'll see, it is hard to be hopeful right now.

    Sorry folk, thanks for letting me vent. Mostly I just suck it up, but I think I'm chronically low on sleep and it is very hard right now.

    I think I'm going to take a nap - hopefully everything is going well for you all! Good news here was about a 10 degree drop in temperature today from the crushing summer heat!

    Rye in Tx
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Re, my daughter takes flax seed regularly for hot flashes, I don't know if it is in pill our natural form.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    edited August 2017
    Rye - I feel for you! I cannot imagine having hot flashes of your caliber during a hot Texas summer! >:)

    Have you ever heard of/read the book "What your Doctor May NOT Tell you about Menopause" by John R. Lee?

    As I was approaching menopause - mainly I had the horrible periods with hot flashes secondary, but I started using natural progesterone cream made by Emerita/Pro-Gest which is one he recommended. It's been nearly a decade, and I can't recall how well it worked with the periods and cramping, (I also had endometrial polyps) but hot flashes weren't really that bad and the hormonal migraines got somewhat better - so perhaps the Pro-Gest helped.

    I need to re-read the book as I recall he said using a little of the cream well past menopause has benefits, although thought on that may have changed, but it's worth checking out.

    Good luck!

    SW WA State
  • spiritbear555
    spiritbear555 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello ladies! Been awhile since I posted. Have been trying to catch up with all of you this afternoon. You are a busy group! Here, just outside of Vancouver (Canada) it has been miserable with the smoke and haze from all the forest fires in BC- worst fire year since 1958 they say. Went out for my walk this morning when it was still cool and darkish out and had a tough time. Back to the mall for the next walks this week, where it opens 2 hours before the stores open, it is air-conditioned with clean air and there is even piped-in music and not bad music either. Plus- almost no people too, which pleases us introvert-types. Miss the beauty of nature but better than breathing in the carcinogenic particulates in the air. Hope this fire/smoke business is over soon. Good friend was evacuated from their beautiful lake home in the interior of BC last week and they are still waiting to be able to go home. IF they have a home to go back to. It makes me appreciate that things could be a lot worse than enduring some haze and smoke. Almost forget what blue sky looks like and learning to appreciate fresh air when we get it back.
    Doing well with trying to control my "new" diabetes with diet and exercise so far. In training visit with the nurse in my doctor's office, was told I need to eat more. How often do we get told that??! ha ha But apparently if you cut your calories too low, your body holds onto everything you eat and stores it as fat. So I'm back up to 1700-1800 calories and indeed losing again. Who knew?
    Sorry, I forget who, but someone here was saying that they don't like cooking in the evening when it is hot. I figured out how to handle that one! We've been having 31-32C temps (around 92F) every day for so long now which is very unusual for us. By the time dinnertime rolls around I'm a melted dishrag and there is no way I feel like cooking. So now I get up at 5 a.m. and cook dinner while it is nice and cool still. (Yes, we are fortunate that it cools overnight!) Pop it in the fridge and then just warm it up later in the little toaster oven or microwave. Works for me and helps me stay on track too. (Not always as good as freshly prepared, but worth doing it to stay on track for me anyhow.) Also prep for lunch at the same time and presto- meals for the day are done before even having breakfast. I'm sure some of my neighborhood must wonder who is having these "unusual" breakfasts from my early cooking odors wafting out there... :)
    Becca How did your kids do in the apartment hunting? Hope they were successful. Glad you are enjoying their visit.
    Love reading all of your posts and about your life adventures. Think of you often, just don't post often. Between looking after my elderly Mom, my two great nieces, my garden and yard, church assignments, etc etc. not many breaks in the day. Some of you are busier than me and amaze me that you post regularly. Appreciate you!
    One of you lovely ladies posts anchors. What do they mean? I'm sure as a newcomer, that I missed that. :)
    Have a great week everyone! Pray for our fires to stop please. thanks! Bear Lady Weez'
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: I'm happy to hear that your son & DIL are apartment hunting in the Vancouver WA area. That is an easy distance for visiting. I wish all of you the very best luck. :flowerforyou:

    Rye in TX: I hope your symptoms get easier to deal with. I tried medication while going through the change but it seemed to make matters worse, so I just stopped the medication and let "the change" take its course. That was actually a very good choice for me. Everyone is different. I hope you find a course of action that eases your discomfort. :star:

    Heather: I'm glad the afternoon went better for you. (((HUGS)))

    We got DH's car back fro m the car dealer and it still has some problems. I'm wondering about putting a hold on the check we gave them. :grumble: DH says he'll deal with it but doesn't want to do it right now. He's currently resting, but is not asleep. Wish us luck.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Made up some No Bake Energy bites. Only 88 calories per 1 inch ball. I ate one tonight when my chocolate craving kicked in. I like them. Here is the recipe: Into a food processor put: 1 cup of oats, 1/4 cup of coconut, 1 cup of pitted Medjool dates (that have soaked in warm water for 15 minutes), 1/4 cup of natural peanut butter and 3 Tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa. Pulse on high until it forms a crumble. Roll into 1 inch balls and refrigerate. Will keep for 7 days. This recipe makes about a dozen balls.
    I haven't had dates since I was a kid. They are SO good! ttyl xoxoxo KJ
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited August 2017
    Re in Tx, awe I wish we lived closer, I would so be your walking partner!!!

    Katla. Someone in your town got their boat stolen right from their yard. Saw it on Facebook. Sad! I shared it with my coastie friends. I hope they find it! Hugs to you! Is the weather cooperating for you? Its like 68 here and overcast!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stats for the day:

    **new wahoo hrm :0) **

    apple watch-

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 11.51min, 127mhr, 14.8mph. 2.9mi = 87c
    apple watch- 105c
    ELIPTICAL- 45min, 1mi 3incline, 3resistance, 2nd mi 5incline, 5resistance, 3rd mi 3incline, 3resistance, 4th mi 3incline, 3resistance, .57mi 5incline, 5resistance, 131 mhr, 3984strides, 88average strides per min., 4.57 = 333c
    apple watch- 361c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.32min, 123mhr, 12.9amph, 1.4mi = 42c
    apple watch- 55c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 14.29min, 149mhr, 12.5amph, 3mi = 134c
    apple watch- 135c
    jog sta 2 wk- 9.22min, 142ahr, 150mhr, 3.3ap .5mi = 55c
    apple watch- 52c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.21min, 9.28min mi, 152mhr,.4mi = 65c
    apple watch- 64c
    bike dome 2 hm- 16.51min, 9.2amph, 155mhr, 2.5mi = 178c
    apple watch- 183c

    wahoo tracker cal 894
    Apple Watch cal 955
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did a Bob Harper Glute Challenge. The DVD says there are two challenges, but there's only one. Then I held my plank for 2 min 52 sec. Then the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do the 20-40-60 workout which is really a speed interval workout.

    Dana - how horrible for that engineer!

    Joyce - I'm so sorry for all you're going thru finding a place for Christmas. As you know, you can never please everyone. I know things will work out for you. I miss Sylvia, too

    Heather - love your pics! I forget, did you have WLS or did you just lose the weight by watching what you ate and exercising? You look fantastic!

    Margaret - we had a Hmong family come to talk to us at the Newcomers a while ago. She brought a piece of clothing with her. What colors! So intricate! I love lychee fruit. Was yours sweet? I've only had them out of a can and I'm sure there was sugar added. I didn't realize how important touch is to someone with dementia. Thanks for sharing

    machka - happy birthday to your husband. What a neat tradition -- riding your age. Feel better fast

    Lisa - congrats to your daughter. I know you're very proud of her

    sfbeal - welcome

    Dorrie - your date(s) sound great. So glad you had such a good time and he sounds divine

    Allie - I'm so sorry. Stay strong. Sounds like you have one really good lawyer, and Tom doesn't. Wonder if you can somehow bill him for your money lost? Tom wants to try AGAIN???? Yea, so he can have a live-in chief cook and bottlewasher. What a loser!

    Toni - thanks for your compliment regarding the crafting. I honestly don't think I'm all that great, but I sincerely appreciate your kind words. Don't forget to post pics. I like that theme

    Went to ceramics just to check on the glazing that I did yesterday. Didn't stay very long. Then went to mahjongg, bought gas then home. Nothing real exciting.

    Lenora - how sad that girl was killed. And to think it might have been avoided had she not been texting and driving.

    Bear - I usually prepare our dinners for the week and then put them in the fridge and leftovers in the freezer for another day. I do like to prepare my dinner ahead of time so this way I can log foods I'm going to eat. sometimes there are things that I can take out to keep within my calories.

    Re - when we lived in Stroudsburg, when you walked out the door of the Y, you were facing a DD. I know that the Y leased the land to DD so that they could get a source of income, but it was still funny that you walk out of the Y just to smell the donuts!

    tere - keeping everything crossed for you for this job

    Oh, I did see that I missed posting yesterday. So that's why there were so many pages!

    Did the 20-40-60 workout today then went to get some tulle. The plan for tomorrow since we have a Newcomer general meeting is to do a Crunch DVD

    Michele in NC
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    Hello Ladies!!! I can't find my July goals, so I will start fresh with August. It's remarkable to me that there are 18 pages already on 8/8! Wow!

    I'm on vacation this week and am trying to de-stress from work and from family drama that has been making me physically sick. So, I'm using this week to kind of "reset" and begin again.

    I am supposed to be up near Crane Lake, MN, by the boundary waters in a houseboat with my dad, brother and sister (and their families) for the week, but my husband and I had to cancel at the last minute. It's a long story, but I have to admit, I felt angry and a little bitter all day about the fact that I'm still at home and not floating in the beautiful boundary waters right now. I can physically feel an undercurrent of anxiety simmering inside and I know that cannot be good for me. I don't know if that even makes sense.

    Anyway, my biggest goal for August is to find a way to rid myself of so much anxiety and stress.

    August Goals:
    1. Weigh less on 9/1 than 8/1 (164.8 lbs)
    2. Consistently journal in my food diary
    3. Try to consistently drink at least 64 oz daily
    4. Take time to do one self-care item daily...at least 15 minutes a day.
    5. Remember....I work to live; I do NOT live to work.
    6. Continue looking for an activity I enjoy and try for 30 minutes of activity per day, 4 times per week.

    Tracie in WI
    Word for 2017: Serenity
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member