how much carbs is too much carbs? - dietary help



  • laurabadams
    laurabadams Posts: 201 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Well OP, you definitely got a lot of response to your question. lol Most of the posters are right. Carbs don't determine your weight loss. Deficit does. But if you eat mostly carbs, you will be more likely to hate the weight loss journey because you will feel very hungry and won't be able to eat as much volume. The thing I noticed most was when I ate close to a 40%, 30%, 30% balance of Carbs, Protein, and Fat respectively, I felt pretty good. Even at a deficit. If you feel good and energetic at a deficit, you are more like to succeed because you aren't miserable.
    Another thing to note is when you lose weight you aren't only losing fat. You are losing muscle. It's good to eat a little more protein than normal while at a deficit. I lift heavy so I eat .8g per pound of body weight, i.e. 125g, but if you don't lift heavy might shoot for .5g per pound of body weight.
    I hope all this info hasn't overwhelmed you! It's amazing how many opinions are out there! I just tried to stick with the logical facts as much as possible. To me, balance seems like a good idea. Too much of anything in any area of life seems to be a bad thing. That's just something I have learned with age. I can also tell you that a bad day here and there won't derail you. Dwelling on it might. But if you move on and shoot for a better day tomorrow, and get better at having lots of those days, you'll be just fine.
    I would highly suggest lowering your daily intake though if you want to lose 2 pounds a week. Unless maintenance for you is 2500 calories per day. My maintenance is 1700 calories a day. If I ate 1500 calories a day I would lose less than a half a pound per week. Everyone is different but just to give you some perspective. You need a 1000 calorie per day deficit to lose 2 pounds per week. I have no idea what you weigh but, if you are just mildly overweight 2 pounds a week might be overshooting it a bit. I wouldn't drop below 1200 calories per day. You need to eat that much just to get the necessary nutrients your body needs. If you are obese then 2 pounds a week is fine for a while and 2500 might actually be maintenance.

    More protein is definitely a good point, but if one is a volume eater, carbs and protein are the go to since they are 4 cal per gram. There is actually a volume eater thread to discusses that.

    Its actually been an interesting thread. It seems that those who need volume function better on low to mod fat. And those who dont like volume, do better with more fats and less carbs.

    That is a marvelous thread. Really learned a lot of great tips in there.