What made you get serious about weight loss?



  • becky6323
    becky6323 Posts: 74 Member
    My husband had a massive heart attack at 32. 100% and 99% blockage in the 2 main arteries. While he is 180lbs, 5'11" but very active he would be the last person you would expect to have 3 heart attacks and need 4 stents and wear the Zoll Lifevest for 2 months. This was a real wakeup call since we have 3 kids at home, one who was only 6 months. Well, testing on the kids show that they are also cursed with hyperlipidema (rediculously high cholesterol) so diet changes and exercise was critical. My family is more of the cancer/diabetes genetics and husband's family is heart attacks. My kids need at least 1 parents to spoil their grandkids and I vowed that would be me. So far down a little over 40lb in 10.5 months.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,507 Member
    Went to the doctor and when they weighed me, I almost died. She told me I was 299 pounds. Right then and there, I decided I had to change my life. Started counting calories, doing cardio, and lifting heavy. I have a long way to go but, I'm closer than I was.

  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I had gallbladder attacks pop up on me. Before I could schedule it as a more routine surgery, I had a really bad attack and subsequent infection that almost killed me.

    My family has a predisposition to gallbladder problems on my mom's side, but I knew my eating habits contributed greatly. I also was suffering from a lot of joint pain which I now know is osteoarthritis, partly from carrying around extra weight for so long and being clumsy in my big body.
  • BalerionTheBlackDread
    Honestly, I looked through pictures of when I was just starting college and fit as *kitten*, then compared them to pics of last year when I looked like a bloated clown. It was like hitting rock bottom, I went on a run immediately after looking at those pics, and I haven't given up my fatloss journey since
  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 244 Member
    One of my close friends shoots and trains in pistols, rifles, shotgun with a local club. After a lot of asking if I was interested I went along to give it a try and really enjoyed it.
    At the next visit (Apr-14) he said to me, very quietly.....'I know you don't like exercise but when we're on the range we either walk briskly or run between the targets.'
    It was a catalyst. I was weighing in at 217lbs and knew it was a problem.
    So, here I am today at 113lbs.
    I have my firearms licence, I'm a Range Safety Officer, own a few firearms and more than enjoy the sport.
    All because of a few words.
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    For me it was arthritis in my knee being more and more painful the fatter I got amd the terrible self image that came with having depression and being fat at the same time. (granted my self-image isn't any better but I'm just over 20 lbs lighter.)
  • pilarslayer
    pilarslayer Posts: 234 Member
    I have been a heavy kid as long as I can remember and In high school I wanted to get fit and loose weight. This was because girls didn't pay attention to me and I wanted to be able to maybe have a relationship but, before I started to loose weight a girl and I started to date. About nine months later she left me for another guy. I was destroyed but, thought well now I need to start working out so that I can go home and show her.
    My starting weight was 255lbs and I haven't lost much but, now I weigh 225lbs can run a 8 min mile and lift pretty well.... I'm not done yet though I want to see 200 on the scale and 405lbs on my dead lift!