Tattoo: Would you tell your S/O?

highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
My hubby doen't really care for tattoos, he thinks they are trashy. I don't have any, but not because I think they're trashy -- because I was scared to get one BECAUSE other people think they're trashy, and also the pain of getting one. I've decided I don't give a crap what other people think about it, I want to get one because I alwayy have wanted to. I KNOW if I tell my husband it will be a fight and he'll be a total d i c k about it. I have an appointment booked to get a not-that-discreet arm tattoo and I don't plan on telling him until it's too late. I'm thinking this is going to go the same way naming your baby an ugly name will go. Tell people in advance and they will have an opinion, tell people with your kid in your arms and "he's beautiful!" Am I deluding myself? I just don't want to hear him ***** and moan up until the day I get it done. Thoughts?


  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    sounds like the key to a successful marriage
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I think mutual respect in a relationship would demand that you tell him (not ask for permission), how he deals with the information is his business.

    I just know that I couldn't do something against my DH's wishes without at least giving him a head's up.

    I don't think I am making my point very well. I'm not implying that you need his permission or approval to get a tattoo. You're an adult. So is he, so he can act like an adult and accept the fact that you have a tattoo (or not), but I wouldn't surprise him with the tat.
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.

    Dang. That's kind of harsh.
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.

    You put her in line! good job
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.

    You would divorce your wife over her getting a small tattoo?
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.

    wow, aren't you a charmer?
  • doowop713
    doowop713 Posts: 268 Member
    If he is your husband and cares about your opinion and wants, then after a carefully planned discussion about the significance of the tattoo you want to get, he should be at least able to understand. He may not like it but he should be able to respect your decisions. As long as you CAREFULLY planned it out, it has a long term significant meaning, is done by a legit place, and explained to him beforehand, it should be fine. I don't understand why a wife would hide something like that from her husband. I wouldn't hide a thing from my boyfriend. I wouldn't want him to hide things from me. It's reciprocity and respect.

    No offense to your relationship, just saying...
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.

    Did you tell her to "Shadup and go make a sammich!"?
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    I think mutual respect in a relationship would demand that you tell him (not ask for permission), how he deals with the information is his business.

    I just know that I couldn't do something against my DH's wishes without at least giving him a head's up.

    I don't think I am making my point very well. I'm not implying that you need his permission or approval to get a tattoo. You're an adult. So is he, so he can act like an adult and accept the fact that you have a tattoo (or not), but I wouldn't surprise him with the tat.

    Mutual respect ALSO = Respecting your husband/wife's desires for you to not do something as well. I do so for her every day.
    I could not agree more about not "surprising" him with something permanent.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Thanks Calliope, I think deep down that's how I feel also but now there is a 3rd fear I must get over before getting it LOL
  • elledeery
    elledeery Posts: 866
    Married or not, your body is your body and you should do what makes YOU happy, your husband didn't marry you for your tattoos or lack there of, he married you because he loves you and if a tattoo is all it takes to break a marriage then clearly there were underlying issues to begin with, he'll get over it and perhaps if it's super cute it may even turn him on ;)

    My thoughts, be honest with him about him because hiding it will just lead to more of an argument but do you, nobody can tell you what to do with your body!

    Good luck and happy inking (if you go ahead with it!)
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    If tattoos are trashy then someone needs to carry my *kitten* to the curb.

    ETA: it's your body and opinions are like *kitten* . . . everyone has one.
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    how would you feel if your husband came home with a tattoo, knowing that you hated them? not so happy i would guess.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I think mutual respect in a relationship would demand that you tell him (not ask for permission), how he deals with the information is his business.

    I just know that I couldn't do something against my DH's wishes without at least giving him a head's up.

    I don't think I am making my point very well. I'm not implying that you need his permission or approval to get a tattoo. You're an adult. So is he, so he can act like an adult and accept the fact that you have a tattoo (or not), but I wouldn't surprise him with the tat.

    Mutual respect ALSO = Respecting your husband/wife's desires for you to not do something as well. I do so for her every day.
    I could not agree more about not "surprising" him with something permanent.

    But it worked so well with our 2nd child?! lol KIDDING!!!!
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    If tattoos are trashy then someone needs to carry my *kitten* to the curb.

    Been saying that for months about you now..
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.
    Awesome! and totally alpha
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I am overwhelmed with the feeling of love in this thread.
  • czardastx
    czardastx Posts: 127 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.

    I hope she and her next husband are happy...
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    My thoughts:

    Well from the "hubby's" point of view, I have to totally agree with HIM. When my wife mentioned the possibility of getting a small tattoo I told her that it would be fine, her next husband would probably like it. No argument, no further conversation was needed.

    You would divorce your wife over her getting a small tattoo?

    ANSWER - She never got it so she was not willing to find out.