

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Some of you might find this article interesting ...

    How Are Hot Flashes Related to Depressive Symptoms?
    Research sheds new light on menopause symptoms


    Interesting article. I have certainly noticed on the few occasions I experienced severe hot flashes, it was also accompanied by an utterly black depression. I have been taking my herbal hormone tablet religiously ever since the last Flash, about a year ago and haven't had another one. I also use a progesterone cream and take Vit D and a host of other good for ya stuff. I learned a HUGE amount from Roxy Dillon's book "Bio Young" She is a highly intelligent and qualified doctor who specialises in keeping women young through natural herbal hormones. Out of all the books I've read (and I've read a LOT) this is the one I most highly recommend. Here is Roxy's website: http://www.roxydillonantiaging.com/ Check it out if you want to stay young, sexy, healthy and don't want hot flashes, osteo or depression. Or wrinkles!

    <3 Wendy
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    edited September 2017

    A friend's sister once told her when she was having a difficult time with someone was to to think of them surrounded in purple light. I love the color purple and love this idea because it it encases them in color I like and then I no longer allow them to hurt me. Depending on the person and the situation I do sometimes think of other colors as a way to heal the situation too. I like bright white light to rid all the bad stuff and a blue turquoise color as a healing color. Sending purple around Amanda and blue turquoise around you. I agree apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    I thought of a great come back line to her rude comment, "At least, I have taste and manners." If you're like me I think of the come back when it is too late.

    :heart: Margaret
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,422 Member
    Lanette Major is growing a lot. I took him to the vet the other day to be microchipped and get another vaccination. He was so funny! He stretched out on the table like a frog and went to sleep while he got the needles. Did not even yelp or wake up. He has won the whole family's hearts, even hubby who thought he could hold out-LOL. When I take him for walks, people stop us constantly to pet him and ask what kind of dog he is. I answer he is a Biger, half-Boxer half-Tiger. Lol. People always ask if he is a Boxer because of his face. He isn't really but I have invented a new breed just for him because he is so special. <3 Wendyb4paqa6fgkd2.jpg


  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Long lazy day today!

    Carol in GA

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited September 2017
    Off to SiL for the night since they live much closer to where swim is held. It will be nice to see the nieces (3) - the eldest is host at the restaurant we will be having dinner at. I don’t think I’ve seen the eldest two in months, maybe not at all this calendar year.

    The incipient swimmer’s ear/ear infection has subsided as I hoped it would. I’ve been babying it and careful. I hate wasting ~fifty dollars just to get an antibiotic whenever I get the ear infections (and right now that is certainly not in the budget!). The pain and discomfort were gone yesterday and today only an occasional maddening itch to remind me.

    The weather seems to have moved out of summer misery! Yesterday and today’s high under 85. Crossing fingers it continues! When we moved into the house it had a ‘Whole House Fan’ in the attic. We would open up every window and turn on our private tornado in the attic! It cooled the house wonderfully in this weather. Unfortunately it broke, and can’t be fixed. We talk about having it removed and an attic stair hatch put into the opening. Maybe someday.

    Exhausted today for some reason ( thought I had a good and long night’s sleep) needed an hour+ long nap to get through the afternoon. Stress, I’ll assume.

    See you ladies tomorrow, hope you are having a good weekend!


    Wendy, Major looks so wonderful! Glad he stole your husband’s heart too!
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Wendy, Major is adorable. My dog lays with his back legs out too.

    Hot flashes? I swear that dry soy nuts cut mine in half. Doesn't take much and I put about a tablespoon on my cereal in the morning.

    Not sleeping? Could be as simple as the change in season. My DH feels that.

    Yup, it was a bladder infection. Now on antibiotics and feeling better.

    Last Saturday. Just trying to stay off my feet for a few days.

    Terry in VT
    Rye – My husband bought a ‘new’ Chevrolet Station Wagon, because we found that carrying all the ‘baby apparatus’ was really not working with the Mazda we had. We drove it for several years, until we had problems making the payments, so my sister and BnL (now ‘ex’) bought it, paid if off, and drove it many more years. It had peeling paint, and the fake wood siding was peeling but it ran like a well-taken care of sewing machine; so they gave it back to us for Louis to use as his ‘paint car’. Finally the lining started coming down and it was such a bother that we finally just torn it off. I don’t know how many years he used it; but the mileage on it was pretty high; but, nowhere near what his present paint truck has – over 400,000. But it has had a new motor and transmission put in it. I hate driving it if I am alone. The seats go to-and-from when you stop or take off; and to turn the key over (for me) is impossible. He even has trouble doing it because arthritis has set in. I had to take it into town to buy groceries and thankfully my DBnL (his brother) was there and I recognized the emblem on his back window and went and asked if he could come and try to crank it. No air, the seats look like a small animal have chewed the arm and the seats are split and ‘duct taped’ (something that I hope he doesn’t start in the house or my studio). His date tape ducted everything’ … and you cannot get it off without leaving the webbing that makes it so strong. His Dad would go to 3 or 4 grocery store to save 50¢ or more on groceries, then for other things he’d go to the commissary on the base. About the only ones I would take from him were for anything dealing with babies (such as diapers, wipes, and that type of thing). But, I have seen women in Publix with 2 shopping carts FULL of things; then they start handing the clerk 50 or more double coupons and the groceries might cost them $5 (which some put on an EBT card). I wish that maybe I had started paying more attention; but, I thought going to 3 or 4 stores was a waste of money. He’d buy stuff that he had no reason to use (simply because it had a coupon for it). I’d just shake my head at him. Besides being somewhat of a ‘hoarder’; but, only 2 places that there was just a path was in the utility room and the back porch went half-way the length of the house. Then there is ‘his’ bedroom, and the hall closet and beside his chair where he put newspapers that he would read front page to last in one day. He was a strange old bird; but, he liked me. OK, he was a ‘hoarder’ in the truest sense of the word. When he passed away, we ‘knew’ we ‘needed’ to through the magazines and papers because he would hide money there. But the weekend we had planned on going down … Louis’ daughter had had a truck come empty the house of anything that belonged to him; then she moved her grandmother to her house for a while, then into an A.L.F. Nana never even got to ‘enjoy’ the house being cleaned up. To me, that seemed a little sad. She still had neighbors she’d go and see. But, they moved to San Jose part of town and that was probably 15+ miles across the St. John’s River. But, that is something I just no longer discuss with anyone. To Louis, she died the day his Mother did; I am just hoping that Karma comes a’calling to her. We got $500 for Louis’ last old truck. Sold it to a black man and a few days later I saw him in town running a stop sign. No wreck, thankfully. We had been asked by the mechanic that Louis used that ‘if’ we ever wanted to get rid of it, he knew a man that was looking for any pick-up truck under $1000 cash.

    Yeah, he could fix it up and make that $500 - $1000 you wanted to make. One suggestion if you donate it would be to a HS, for a pep rally so they could paint grafitte on it and then bash it with a big sledge hammer. When I was a cheerleader we’d go to the junk yard and buy one for less than $10 and pay to have it towed to the school … out front; then someone would remove it and sell the metal. It was a win-win situation for us. That’s one thing you might look around about to find a place that buys scrap metal. At least you might get a few dollars out of it.

    Growing up my Daddy would buy us old cars to drive. I finally realized that it was ‘one way’ he could keep up with us. So ugly they screamed, ‘look at me and where I’m going’. Oldest sister had an old Nash Rambler … one of those that look like a bumper car at the Arcades. Middle sister ‘swears’ she drove a ‘hand-me-down’. I remember it was a Rambler but sore of dull burgundy. I had a 1960 Ford Fairlane and it was ‘baby blue’ in color and I drove the daylights out of it. We would cram as many people into it and drive to Macon and get in the drive-in because some nights they only charged the car, not the number in it. I could easily fit 10 – 12 people in it if we scrunched down and someone sat in someone’s lap. It had a bench seat in the front, no seat belts. But, it ran, the passengers would put gas in it (back when gas was 50¢ a gallon or so. The radio and heater worked; but, it did not have A/C. All four windows rolled down, too. We didn’t care, we were having ‘fun’. My BF’s sister would push their Dad’s car down the slope at the end of their driveway and drive it around, we’d get her to park it on the curb with the motor running and go out late after she came home. Most times, we rode down the hill from the square and built up enough speed to get it up into the driveway (sort of close to where it had been parked when he got out. It was OLD. I think it was a late model 40-something car/van – he used in his dry-cleaning business. He would deliver cleaned clothes to people who lived inside the city limits. There were 2 in town. One that my parents used (Dorner’s) and the one that he ran which was close to the part of town that was referred to as “The Bottom,” Small town living is so different than living in a ‘city’.

    Yes, I agree ‘family’ can sure be ‘infuriating’ … especially when it comes to money.

    Taking a ball of cotton and soaking it in ‘rubbing alcohol’ the squeeze it into the ear canal is what we did every time we went swimming. The ‘alcohol’ will ‘dry’ the ears; and feels so good when you turn your head over to let it run out. By the time you have ‘swimmer’s ear’ … you need to be on antibiotics.

    Heather – My insurance will pay for this procedure.

    Wendy – Major is sooooooo cute!!!!!

    Michele – If you are a Christian you can pray for a “hedge of protection around yourself, your family, and home. In the first chapter of Job, God points out to Satan that Job is "blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil" (Job 1:8). Satan replies, "Does Job fear God for nothing? Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has?" It is common for Christians to adapt this verse and pray a "hedge of protection" around a friend or family member, but few people understand the original inspiration behind the phrase. I know people that are truly ‘evil’ and if I happen to be somewhere they are … I ask for a “hedge of protection.” Makes it a lot easier to deal with what may come. You were talking about inviting the ‘grandmother’ and (surely not Maria) to come visit you around Christmas. There isn’t any ‘social rule’ that you have to see them after the wedding or until they have children … that was the ‘hardest’ thing for me was ‘visitation’ when we went to watch Sherry in her dance recitals. Especially after they adopted a child that was born the same month I would have been due. Dot enjoyed ‘pulling or pushing strings or buttons.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    stats for the day:

    Manual treadmill- 20.31min, 13.40min mi, 156mhr, 1.5mi = 255c
    Apple Watch- 274c
    Rowing Machine- 15min, 55aw, 138mhr, 3245meters = 151c
    Apple Watch- 150c
    Rope pull- 10min, 131mhr, 332meters = 86c
    Apple Watch- 81c
    Arm ski machine- 10min, 133mhr, 121ahr, 48aw, 1547meters = 93c
    Apple Watch- 80c
    Fl Exercises- 19min, 2sets of 10ea, 121mhr, 14 diff exercises = 107c
    Apple Watch- 106c

    total cal 692
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Wendy- I love your horse and dog! Both are adorable!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    Janetr, I woke up Tuesday morning with what I thought was a cold. All the symptoms were here so I started taking my stand by: Cold=Ezz. I took it for two and a half days and no more symptoms. I hope yours goes as quickly.

    Becca, the deer was cute, I’ll agree.

    Joyce, I hope Michelle doesn’t have any problems with what she eats. After had my gall bladder out I was surprised to find that I never noticed a difference. I thought I’d have to change my diet at least a little but never did.

    Janetr, ahhhhhhhh at the fence kisses. <3

    M, I wouldn’t get rid of too many things too quickly as the sensitivity can always change again.

    NYKaren, so glad you see an improvement from the shot.

    Pat, so good to see you. Glad things are positive on your front. Check in when you can. (((Hugs)))

    Lanette, I love the story of the funeral director and the cousin. LOL

    Rye, heck I’d vent too if that were my BIL trying to get me to fix up a truck for his daughter. I’d tell him I would do it but the price would be $xxxxx to cover the expense. Lol

    Terry, glad you got on the antibiotics and are feeling better. Heal soon.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I went to a birthday party for a friend today that turned 80. She is in great shape. She still works and drives and you’d never know she was that old. I hope I’m in that great a shape at that age. Hell I just hope I’m still alive at that age. lol

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Evening ladies.
    Terry- Gallery Night was awesome. Five houses were open and each house had 5-7 artists displaying their work. There were all kinds of demonstrations and so much fun. Los of painting in different mediums, jewelry, glass work, photographs and more food than anyone could eat. Afterwards, 10 of us went out to dinner. (Didn't eat at the houses).
    Katla-sorry to hear that Arrow stepped on your foot.
    Worked in flower bed for 5 hours so I am beat.
    SueBDew in TX
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Allie, when one dream becomes real, a thousand become possible. Welcome to your new and improved life. Enjoy the heck out of it! :)

    Joyce, I never had a problem with food after my gallbladder was removed. Hopefully Michelle will be as lucky.

    NYKaren, glad the shot helped.

    DJ, I agree, I'd like to have good health when I'm 80. Heck, I'd like better health now. Lol

    Goodnight from VT Terry
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Sue, we have something in VT called "Open Studio" where you can go around to different artist studios and see their work and learn about it. I believe it is a state wide weekend event. I asked my DH if he wanted to have one at our house to showcase his drawings and he said "what am I going to do, show people the chair I sit in while I draw". He had a point and I had to laugh. He is very talented and has a Batchelor's degree in Fine art. His drawings are no more than about 5". So they are small. If you are interested, he has a website "www. federicodrawings.com".

    Ok now I'm really going to bed to read.

    Night ladies, Terry
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lenora: I wondered whether Alison's "no pet" rules were from the owner or the condo association, too. Great minds think alike! :smiley:

    Machka & Wendy: When I was going through "the change" a doctor gave me hormone therapy. My body's reaction to it was so negative that I quit very quickly. Going "cold turkey" was a huge improvement. Years later I saw articles warning against the hormone therapy that was prescribed for me. :grumble: I have no idea what is available now but my mind is full of warnings and I probably would choose "cold turkey" again..

    I was the last student in today's final riding lesson from my teacher. She will let me know when she's going to be at the stable so I can ride when she is there. That warms my heart more than I can say. :heart: She will also send me contact information for other good teachers in the area. :smiley: One of my fellow students keeps her horse at the stable and we hope to try a trail ride together. Keeping my fingers crossed for this to actually happen.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Ok so I'm still on...does anyone know if you can turn off the ads on MFP?

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve all. Starting this eve,tho not sure when it will be done.Our ride thru the hills,lunch out etc made for a great day.Dhs BD is tomor(10/1). We'll have spag & meatballs with garlic bread. His choice.No cake,but made him chocolate chip cookies,his fav.
    DD works at a school & they have an all day meeting tomor,so we'll have SIL here for dinner.

    Other DD just returned home from their 2 wk vacation in Wyo,MT & Colo.They loved it,but was glad to get back east & warmer temps.
    DD met a couple in Jackson Hole
    from London.
    Our SIL asked his oncologist not to sugar coat his diagnosis & is very appreciative that he didn't.Told him "we cannot cure this cancer,but we can treat it.No guarantee,but might live several yrs before it returns in a diff place."He has chemo next wk after 10 days off.
    Sounds like a lot of you having work done on your house & replacing appliances.I agree,they seem to be n
    made of smoke & air. Our fridge is plumbed.....2 nd one & never a problem.
    Allie.....hope your new life will be just what you want.
    Joyce,I also miss the ppl mentioned & often wonder how Sylvia is doing.
    Our oldest Grson (in Marines)was home for 2 wks.He's in SC.
    DJ......sounds like you need to cry or scream to let the complainers know how it affects you. So hard to have it in your home.Thinking if you.

    Meg,hugs for you.You are one in a million.
    Karla,I had the same med prescribed for the "change"in 3 days Dr took me off of it,so went cold turkey.Those 3 days gave me 10 yrs of severe,hormone related migraines.
    One of my hobbies is reading side effects for meds adv on tv.
    Scary Stuff!!
    Has been a long day,so will say goodnight & see you in October. Pat