
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hi Ladies - I am back after a long weekend away with the hub. Weight was up a lb from before I left but I am sure that is mostly water. We'll see what the scale has to say on Friday. Have a great week!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yvonne: I can thank my union for retirement and healthcare. They've been there for me. Thank YOU for reminding me how much the labor movement has done for all of us. Happy Labor Day. :star:

    Mary: Travel safely and enjoy your new adventure. :smiley:

    Heather: Shopping for new birthday earrings with your DH sounds like a great idea. :flowerforyou:

    Re: Can you post to us from your home? Much better for your work situation, I would think. (((hugs)))

    Becca: You will be missed. (((hugs)))

    Felicia: Add me to the retired teacher list. I miss the excitement of back to school, but not the exhaustion. :noway: :star:

    I pulled up my bean plants this morning and have one last batch of beans to process. It feels good. I still have a few blueberries ripening, just right for adding to breakfast. I think I have enough frozen beans and blueberries to last a good long while.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Hi all!
    Had a treat this evening. :D DH cooked dinner. :D I heard him say the other day that he hadn't cooked in ages. He used to cook a couple of times a week, but with my calorie counting I preferred to know exactly what was going in my food so i did nearly all of it. But he was obviously missing it, so I asked him if he would like to cook tonight as he was doing the food shopping this afternoon. He was shopping because he will be out at cricket for four days taking our only car and needs lunches etc. plus veg and fruit for dinners, breakfasts. I suggested he make one of his best dishes - stir fry - and we had a very nice chicken and veg dish. I needed extra salt on mine, but otherwise it was good. :D<3 I prepared some shiritaki noodles earlier for me so he only had to put the heat under them for a couple of minutes.

    He will be at cricket all this week, so I can have my "funny" food for lunch. >:) On Thursday my friend is coming for lunch and it is all prepared apart from the hummus. I haven't made that because I have completely run out of freezer space. :sad: I have two big freezers, but they are bursting with our home grown fruit at the moment. No room to make Edie's birthday cake. :/

    I've been spending far too much time looking for a birthday present from DH to me. He always gets me little surprises to open, <3 but the main present I usually tell him what to get. :bigsmile: I was thinking of a sparkly dress/top for next year's cruise, but I can't make my mind up. I might just buy something really cheap and cheerful from Amazon as I won't wear it often, if ever again. Then I decided on real gold earrings as I am sensitive to other metals, but haven't succeeded in locating exactly the right pair on line. I am very fussy. :o We will be in Hove for my actual birthday, so I think we can trawl around the shops together. Brighton is famous for its jewellery shops in The Lanes, so I think that is the best idea. My ear lobes were quite painful on the cruise when I was wearing earrings all day, every day.

    Lots of love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    My hubby likes to cook for me on the weekends. It's one of his love languages so I hate to refuse it, but he likes to cook big lamb roasts with fatty roast veggies and gravy. I am going to ask ahead of time next weekend that he makes me a broccoli stir fry and cauliflower cheese instead. I'm going low-carb for awhile as I know it helps me control my crazy sugar cravings. I also buy my own pressies from my hubby, LOL. He hates to shop so I just pick something out I want.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    margaret that is terrific news about your walking speed. I also want to focus on balance and core strength as this will also help potentially lower risk of falling.

    Re I think of you always with us--whether you post often or not--you are staying under 200 and counting down, doesn't matter how long it takes you, you're on the path. ( <3 )

    Made a delicious Italian sausage, onion and pepper dish in IP, ive got food for the week and clothes all prepped as well. First day for school kids tomorrow :) - but going to be rainy :(


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    evening ladies~
    I am in bed, did take a nap.. but had to go grocery shopping.. I am beat ,but had a wonderful weekend....
    will check in later.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    I too thought the guy might be flirting. I'd probably laugh and say 'thanks for the tip you're probably right'
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi, well I went and spent some $$ on a book of exercises. Hopefully it will give me a place to start. The book is called The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises. 733 exercises! We will see. I'll try and get up earlier tomorrow and do some before I get ready for work. I've got to start somewhere.

    Finally started to lose again. 1 lb away from 30lbs!!

    Tried to use some of the leftover sterling silver jumprings and made some earrings. I tried a new pattern and think they came out nice I'll take a picture. Love to get feedback.

    Terry in VT
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Here are the 3 patterns I made. Terry

  • KristinaHajjar
    KristinaHajjar Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I've posted here but just wanted to check in. Wish I had more time to write my thoughts here.

    Anyway I'm doing well. I've lost 17 pounds since late May. I started the Ketogenic diet. It's working for me. I feel more energy, mental fog is lifting, my mood has improved and best of all my blood sugar is going down.

    Is anyone here on keto? I really love it.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Terry in VT , the earrings are gorgeous. I love them all.

    Janetr okc
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,576 Member
    Terry - those earrings are exquisite. I like long dangly ones like that. <3 Congrats on the loss and enjoy that big book of exercises!

    Kristina - You look great! Good job!! I think our Mary is on Keto. She's in the process of moving to AZ right now - she loves it too and her before and after photos are super. Maybe once she gets settled (or bored) she'll post them again. :)

    SW WA State
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Binged on carbs tonight! :'(