
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    No call today, but maybe tomorrow. Have the sliding door open, and as I am playing on my tablet I hear something munching on grass down below. I go out on the balcony and see an elk ( cow), happily munching in the moonlight. She's not alone, there's several down the street. Simple pleasures. I will take each any every one tonight!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Became, it is a harsh reality that sometimes what we have always wanted in life doesn't happen when we actually have the opportunity to do it. When he finds his niche, he will soar. He is aa Gosset and Navy. You just can't beat that.

    Lenora, when my brother was I the Navy, him and wife just could not get pregnant although I am sure they had fun trying. When she was young, her doctor said her reproductive system was very immature and to never expect to get pregnant. So while in the Navy, and Navy paying for it, Debbie had tons and tons of fertility treatments. There was never any invitro but they ended up getting pregnant and then she became pregnant a second time without treatments. I guess he joule started her system.mi think it is a total miracle what doctors can do to help couples become parents whether it is by their one egg and sperm or by a donor. Or even a surrogate. Congratulations, I'm sure you will have many happy hours being Grandma!

    Saw another great movie to hint. I do t k ow how many variations they have made on 'mY friend Flicka' but they are all great. This one was just called Flicka and it starred Tim McGraw. At the end he say My little girl and they had tons of girls in various ages with their horses. I am afraid I let so,e liquid emotions fall down my face.

    Allie, it just warms my heart so to hear you tell of having happy time with friends and not washing e floor and vp wing up at 3 AM doing laundry. Oops, forgot to do my laundry tonight.

    This week I start my one week prior to diet prep for my colonoscopy. Then Sunday is the foods only what they say and then clear liquids and the wonderful drink they provide which I repeat the next morning. I feel kind of silly having it done wince all the problems I was having is gone. But it is gone only because I am takin medication to stop it. And it also means the medicine is a second cholesterol medicine. I know one medicine can be toxic. But it sure helped my cholesterol and triglycerides to be pretty wonderful. It I have to go off of it, then I have to be responsible for that womderful level. But no lettuce or tomatoes for a whole week! What is a woman to do???????

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of a Stott Pilates DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do an extreme strength DVD.

    Joyce - I've been texting with my friend, Carol (Denise's godmother). She said that she was confused by the new invitation. She felt that perhaps it should have been noted that this was just a change of venue, not a new invitiation. What's done is done, but it just hurts that evidentally Amanda talked Denise into doing it this way. Why did Denise even bother to call Vince to get his opinion if she wasn't going to follow it? He even wrote something up indicating that it was just a change of venue. I hope a lot of people are confused and so don't come. Serves Amanda right. Maybe Denise will see that Amanda is totally worthless. Jess has been asking Amanda to look into places for the bachelorette party, she told the girls that Denise would like a burlesque. Of course, Amanda hasn't acknowledged Jess' email (Angela did). So we told Jess to send Amanda a text asking her about it. I wouldn't be surprised if this turned into another stressor. I hope Michelle is will get better and not have to go to the ER

    It's a beautiful day here, I think I might go out by the pool before Steve gets up.

    pip - thank you for doing what you're doing for MS. Good luck

    katla - I've gotten to the point where I really don't use any artificial sweetener. Give me a little bit of the real stuff or give me nothing.

    Went out by the pool for a bit before Steve woke up. We'll probably go bowling later in the day

    Meg - hope you feel better and good luck tonight

    Heather - did you use regular size chocolate chips or the mini chocolate chips? I made a banana chocolate bread for dessert tonight and just found out that Steve doesn't care for chocolate. Big problem even in the future. Looks like I'll need to make two desserts from now on.

    Lisa - good comeback

    My eyes are REALLY burning, so it's very hard to read right now.

    I was talking (texting) with my girlfriend, the one who is Denise's godmother, my good friend. She can't come to the shower (well, now that her mother passed away maybe she could). Anyway, I sent her the text Vince wrote about it being a change of venue, Carol said that the invitation she received didn't say anything about that. It was written in the same handwriting as the "save the date" cards (which means Maria wrote them). She said that she was confused about the second invitation. I know Vince is quite pissed that Denise let Maria talk her into sending out another invitation when he told her that it would only confuse people, which it did. Denise called saying how Jess told her about sending Thank You cards and I was going to. It was a misunderstanding, Jess was talking to her about the favors I was making being my way of saying "thank you" to the people who came to the shower. Sorry, I can't see right now.

    Jess just called. She's so upset that Maria sent an "invitation" that she (Jess) doesn't want to go to the shower. I'll go, deliver the cake, and then leave. I made a big mistake and said to Denise that Maria already screwed up two marriages, I hope she doesn't screw up Denise's. Well, Denise got upset at me for saying that. I probably shouldn't have but I was so upset. Actually, Steve invited us to his house either the day before to ice the cake or the day of the shower if we don't stay.

    Lenora - trust me, I would NOT say anything against IVF. Having trouble getting pg myself, I feel the pain and the joy even doubly.

    Michele in NC
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Sounds great Lisa where there's a will there's a way! Just like the Little Train that Could if you say you can you can. :)<3:)
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    joyce I can totally relate to having to prep for the colonoscopy, mine was 2-3 weeks ago--my summer tomatoes had just ripened on the vine and I couldn't eat them!!! I will say that it is a very important test and I was grateful for good result--rori mentioned this, afterwards you really do feel wonderfully light and healthy--funny. I hope it goes swimmingly for you and then back to tomatoes and lettuce!

    Thanks for all the replies to rude gym guy--they made me laugh, I'm sure it was just a one off, the gym is pretty relaxed with a multiage mix of folks, so back I go today.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Today was cool and sunny, not an ideal beach day, so my friend and I decided to rent bikes and hit the bike trail. I haven't been on a bike in over 40 years and had no idea how long I would last or even if I would remember how to ride. I am proud to say we rode a little over 15 miles and I found it joyous and really not too strenuous. I guess 4 years of hitting the elliptical at least 5 times per week made a difference. I didn't do nearly as much as our riding queens Pip and Marcelyn, but it was respectable. I never even put a bike helmet on. It was much easier after the 7 mile mark when my friend pointed out that the bike had gears!
    A couple of pics from today at The Cape.

    After my first bike ride in over 49 years, I am on the right.


    Keep it up and you'll be doing centuries (100 mile rides) too. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Regarding strength training ... I used to be a bodybuilder back in my early 20s. :) I worked with a coach who wanted me to get into all the comps etc., but I was too shy.

    Nevertheless, I've continued to do weights and other strength training activities since then.

    Sometimes I go to the gym, sometimes I workout in our home gym, sometimes it is simply a matter of walking long distances with a heavy backpack or climbing stairs ... of course, it is always some combination of that each week.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Machka, Happy Spring to you. As the days get shorter here, I am heartened at thinking that they are getting longer for you. I love the changing of the seasons and would not like being somewhere that didn't have the changes throughout the year. Now I have to be more mindful of changing the batteries in my flashlight since I take the dogs out around 4 AM for their first walk.

    It is such a relief to see daylight again when I come home from work, and we're talking about cycling after work again because we'll be able to start in daylight. :)

    Unfortunately we're supposed to have the coldest week of the year this week with snow down to 200 metres. It's 7:30 pm and only 4C with a "feels like" temp of -1C.

    So while the cherry trees and daffodils are in bloom ... it's not very spring-like out there. Maybe next week.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Hi all, once again I'm behind in reading posts. Don't know how you all stay up tot date. Because I'm still new, I'm still trying to remember who is who. Anyone have any suggestions would be welcome.

    I'm pretty new here too ... and I find quoting people individually like this helps me sort out who's who. :)

    I'm a 50-year old Canadian-Australian (hence the Oz part of Machka in Oz :grin: ) who lives in Tasmania, works full-time, goes to university working toward a Masters in IT, and who cycles long distances.

    Oh, and incidentally, Machka means female cat in Serbo-Croatian. My father's heritage is Serbian. And if you're wrapping your head around the pronunciation, it is like Match-ka. :)


    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    I am doing a major backup/data removal from my old storage computer this morning. I decided I need to get that stuff off the old thing and onto a thumb drive once and for all as it's due to be retired and I would hate to get the dreaded "blue screen" and lose things forever!

    I do backups every 6 months or so ... just in case. And the stuff that I consider particularly important (my bicycle log, my current homework assignments, etc.), gets backed up quite frequently.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    (I dyed my hair on the weekend and it is RED! I have to wait a week to put the second box of bleach in as I am going blonde for summer-but I can't face going to the gym as a redhead. I prefer to blend in and not be so noticeable.)

    I know how you feel. The first time I dyed my hair was back when I was about 18. I didn't leave it in long enough and it turned a clown-like orange/red. The next day, I had a wedding to attend. I wore a hat.

    I've been dying my hair ever since, and it's a bit different each time.

    A number of years ago, I dressed up as Catwoman for halloween, and dyed my hair black. I used a temporary dye and figured it would wash out in a month or six weeks like all the other temporary dyes I had used before. But it didn't wash out! I had black hair for the longest time!

    Right now, I've got a 3-part thing going on. Dark brown underneath, which went really well. Then reddish on top, which turned much too much like that clown-like orange/red at first. But I put in blond streaks on top of the red and it actually looks all right.

    M in Oz (specifically Tas)

  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Howdy one and all! Supposed to be sunny and rather glorious here today. Our bishop had been in Texas this past week and he told us a bit. THEN he said watch the weather, buy milk/bread, and be ready just in case (twice). I will venture into the attic later this week and figure out how to block the windows there. We lose about 1 of the 4 windows there each big blow.
    Getting an early start today-kid is just awake and maybe we will have extra time to do something fun.
    I love these sayings you share.

    Tidewater Virginia
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :)Terry in VT, One of the greatest things about the women on this thread is the wealth of experience. I have gotten so many good ideas to improve my eating, exercise, and other habits just by reading about what they do. I have also found books that have inspired me thanks to their recommendations.

    :) Breakfast finished, meditation next, then dog walking. It will be very warm so I hope to get home early enough to work a bit in the yard before it's too hot. The house painter is coming today to do some prep work. I hope the heat doesn't deter him.

    <3 Barbie from warm NW Washington
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    (I dyed my hair on the weekend and it is RED! I have to wait a week to put the second box of bleach in as I am going blonde for summer-but I can't face going to the gym as a redhead. I prefer to blend in and not be so noticeable.)

    I know how you feel. The first time I dyed my hair was back when I was about 18. I didn't leave it in long enough and it turned a clown-like orange/red. The next day, I had a wedding to attend. I wore a hat.

    I've been dying my hair ever since, and it's a bit different each time.

    A number of years ago, I dressed up as Catwoman for halloween, and dyed my hair black. I used a temporary dye and figured it would wash out in a month or six weeks like all the other temporary dyes I had used before. But it didn't wash out! I had black hair for the longest time!

    Right now, I've got a 3-part thing going on. Dark brown underneath, which went really well. Then reddish on top, which turned much too much like that clown-like orange/red at first. But I put in blond streaks on top of the red and it actually looks all right.

    M in Oz (specifically Tas)

    Lol. The first time I used temporary dye on my hair was when I was a student in London in the 1980's. my friend Dana ( a natural redhead who had bleached blond hair) convinced me to dye my hair temporarily purple with him for a party. His hair turned it a brilliant pink and had to grow out. I had kind of a purple/pink hue for quite some time. It was the height of PUNK style around London at the time.

    The coolest part was the London Punk crowd now embraced us as their own type of people and now they'd smile and talk to us. We easily got into a number of clubs we otherwise would have joined a long queue with the ordinary folk. Was actually perfect for the college London experience now that I think of it.

    Rye in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    was just told about 60% chance of rain during the ride... oh well... high of 75 at least. hope it changes
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,576 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    was just told about 60% chance of rain during the ride... oh well... high of 75 at least. hope it changes

    - when/where is this one? Sorry, I lost track!
