

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited September 2017
    Machka, I hope we get some photo tours of your exotic (to me, anyway) countryside- it sure sounds like you will be enjoying the summer to it's fullest! Me, I'm looking forward to TX fall, summers are hard here for outdoor activities, fall and spring, tho, especially up here in North Texas are often glorious weather. I battle summer insects - mosquitoes LOVE me - so right now I'm praying for an early hard frost so that I can enjoy my back yard again. ( BTW, my father's lineage is Croatian - and somewhere I think I came across "Machka" before because I had a sense of familiarity and understanding it when I saw it).

    I love your underside hair color idea! It wouldn't work well on my baby fine hair, I'm personally wondering if I might get some primary colored hair extensions woven into my hair. Maybe as a goal weight reward to myself I coul save up for some. Not sure how well they would hold up to regular swimming tho.

    Michelle I join the go and grin and bear it advice. And I'd advise Jess to do so as well. If the two of you support each other throughout this ordeal then make a promise to yourselves ( much like a goal reward) to do something special and fun together like a massage morning or mani pedi appt together, or maybe a visit to a local public gardens... whatever the two of you would both enjoy but rarely take the time to do. That way you will have something to 'grin' about when you are in grin and bear it mode.

    Joyce Sometimes when I read your messages I get so homesick for Chicagoland ( where I'm from) because things you write like: the wonderful smell in the air when a storm rolls through - bring my sense memory back to the Midwest. We really don't get that rain storm smell here in Texas- there is one actually, but is very different to my nose. I was glad to leave the big city but I miss the Midwest (especially weather and smells) a lot.

    I'm still accompanying my MIL at her rehab appointments- she doesn't need me, but I know she will cancel if I don't go with her. Her PT says she is getting stronger. I don't know if us taking walks this fall is a possible goal, but I keep it out there as a possibility and I'm hoping she sees it as something to work towards. We are good friends and I enjoy the time we spend together but sometimes being with her makes me miss my mom so much I come home for a cry. I know it wasn't very fashionable and some found it odd but (excepting my DH) my Mom was my best friend all of my adult life.

    Same old same old here - but a funny: my affectionate kitty, Kidd Kirby, keeps head bumping and head rolling my arm -(every a.m. he is on couch next to me). If he sits on my left when he does this he inevitably triggers my Apple Watch. Usually his nose starts the stop watch app, and I'm grateful one of these affectionate sessions hasn't sent out any inexplicable text messages yet - lol. When he triggers the workout app I'll know I have found my new exercise coach!

    Rye (with a stopwatch happy Kidd Kirby) in TX.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    Michele, I haven't followed well the whole shower drama, but if your daughter is the bride, then you go, smile, and have a good attitude. It's all about the bride, not your other daughter or the groom's mother. Try to be drama free for the bride's sake.

    Just my two cents.

    Willamette w, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    My prayers are with you today, Toni. Be strong.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
    edited September 2017
    barbiecat wrote: »
    <3Toni, I'm thinking of you today. Even with your difficult task, remember to come from a place of love. You and your husband have a long history that has not all been bad. You are doing this to protect yourself, not to punish or hurt him.

    :)Pip, I noticed the smoky air this morning when I walked the dogs, I hope that smoke will not be a problem for you and Kirby and the others in your ride.

    i noticed that too... when it was smokey last time, it didn't bother me, we'll see this time
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Rye - cute cat, so fluffy

    Peach, sorry you had a bad day with carbs. They are my weakness too. I just told my husband that I won't be buying those crackers I like because I can't stay away from them. Can't have them in the house.

    Michele, the earrings are just the normal earrings that look like a hook. They do make little rubber things that will slide up the hook which keeps them from sliding out of your ear. I use them.

    Toni, I feel for you. Be strong like I know you are. This is a scary step for you but I'm so happy you are taking care of yourself. I always told my daughter (after my divorce) that I would rather be alone than with someone that isn't right for me. This is the hard part. Once this is past, you will have a feeling of relief and peace. (((HUGS!)))
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Janet ~ Love those ornaments. My mother in law had some similar that she had made. They even had spots in each where she inserted a photo of a family member. I will have to look for them.

    Toni ~ Hugs for what you are facing. I know it will be hard but hope you will be strong.

    Rye ~ Kid Kirby is a doll!

    Alison ~ Here's hoping the best for your house in Fla. We are planning to go to Daytona in two weeks and hope the storm doesn't cancel the trip because we have been no where in two years.

    Michelle ~ I am totally confused. Is Maria having the shower instead of Jesse? Where will it be? As everyone else said, go and hold your head up high.

    Went for the first day of jury duty this AM. Got there before 8, was put on a panel of 24, and then the lawyers did not choose 12 from the 24 until 1 PM. So we sat there all morning. I was glad I didn't get picked because my allergies were really bad and I could not hear what the judge and one of the lawyers was saying. When this happens, the congestion causes fluid in my ears. Tomorrow, I will be sure to take a decongestant if I have to go back. I was surprised that most of the ones picked were young and did not seem to have lived in the county for that long. I think I was one of the oldest ones on the panel.

    Carol in GA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Went for the first day of jury duty this AM. Got there before 8, was put on a panel of 24, and then the lawyers did not choose 12 from the 24 until 1 PM. So we sat there all morning. I was glad I didn't get picked because my allergies were really bad and I could not hear what the judge and one of the lawyers was saying. When this happens, the congestion causes fluid in my ears. Tomorrow, I will be sure to take a decongestant if I have to go back. I was surprised that most of the ones picked were young and did not seem to have lived in the county for that long. I think I was one of the oldest ones on the panel.

    Carol in GA

    You have my complete sympathy. I have a similar personal experience. We were called for 8 am and sat in the jury room for hours, close to 50 of us. In the end they sent us all home. The defendant showed up with a surprise witness that his own attorney didn't know about so the trial had to be rescheduled. It was a very long and frustrating morning. :grumble:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just checking. Trying to keep on keeping on.
    Janet- beautiful ornaments that your family will cherish forever.
    Rori- will the Thunderbirds be at the AF Academy or Peterson?
    Toni - thinking of you today. Good luck.
    SueBDew in TX
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Checking in. Yesterday was a fail for me. Doritos and a chocolate cupcake.
    To all my new friends who feel like they "failed" because they slipped up on their diet, or comforted themselves with more food than planned, you might find it better to re-frame your thoughts and say "I am one step away from success!" Consider your slip ups as temporary setbacks that you can overcome with just another step in the right direction.

    Courage to you all to keep striving towards your goals. I find it helpful to focus on on all the things I CAN do, all the things I CAN eat rather than dwell on the can'ts. Today I am heading out for my long run, training to do a half-marathon. I may be slower than a turtle running through peanutbutter, but if I can't run, I'll walk, and if I can't walk, I'll crawl! My goal today is to run one hour and thirty minutes, with my dog Jock, through the forest. It is wet wild windy weather outside and I will bring along a total change of clothes because I will probably need it. I could go to the gym and run on the treadmill instead, but I DO love the forest and Jock loves to go too. I am just going to download a new audio book on my phone to listen to as I run. I am fighting off a little cold but my daughter and grandkids have diarrhea and vomiting so my stuffy nose and scratchy throat seem like nothing compared to that. <3 Wendy
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Wendy, yesterday was not a "fail". Doritos and a cupcake was only two out of the many things you did "right". No one is perfect. Perfect is unattainable. Tomorrow is an opportunity to do the day differently.

    Terry in VT.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thank you ladies for the nice compliments on the ornaments, I so enjoy working on them.

    Carol I'd love to see the ornaments you mentioned. How cool is that?

    Josephine, your local craft stores my have some kits available, that's where I started out years and years ago. Its just sequins, seed beads, craft pins and ribbon and/or trim of whatever sort you like. I'm pretty sure you can find some instructions and videos on You Tube or some such web site, you might check that out. If you lived close I'd love to have you come over and we'd work on ornaments and visit :) Your son could see the 7 llamas out in the pasture :)

    Janetr OKC

    Sad news - DDnL#2 lost the baby. They drove to the specialist in Jackson, MS to have a sonogram and hopefully hear the heartbeat ... there wasn't any. I know she is devastated. I doubt that Will is taking it any better. I wish I could be there to 'hold them in my arms' - but; have to do that from 500 miles away. If this had not worked, they would have to go back to 'ground ZERO' and start all over again. One of the things she as laughing about last week was that the baby would not be born during 'hunting' season. I'm just afraid that she will feel that Will has abandoned her since this is the 'busiest time of the year for him' and he would not be able to take off and drive the 125 miles (or more) to Jackson, MS every other day. I asked him when he called 'if they were going to try it again' and he cut me off and said he'd talk to me later. Later may be 2 weeks from now, if then. I called Louis and told him, he is also very disappointed. The OB 'specialist' had been so positive about this one and that it was looking good. I just hope that Tami doesn't 'think' that anything she did this past weekend, when she was stopped up with a sinus infection had anything to do with her losing the baby. She had had a 'breathing treatment'; then the GP talked with an OB who said the steroids were 'ok'. She got a shot; then picked up the Rx; but, did not take them (had not heard back from the 'specialist's PA by the time we left). She has been so upset because she cannot seem to procreate for Will (as in the Bible that says a wife should do this). He loves her more than life itself and he did not marry her to have children, he married her because he loves her and Mallory - and, that IS his 'family'. She had told him after losing one of the babies before, that he needed to just divorce her and find a woman to have a baby with. He is NOT going to do that and I hope she doesn't do it. It would crush him. Please pray for them (for a different reason). I might read; but, at this point ... don't think I can post anything.

    Michele - You 'can't buy class' ... it is something that gets instilled in you. Maria is trying to 'buy' love (either from Denise or even her own son). Especially, if this is her 'only' child or 'only' son. She wants Denise to 'like' her by doing things for her, even 'if' they are 'only to her satisfaction'. I agree - do NOT stoop to her level with the drama. You and Jess can say your 'goodbyes' to Denise and slip out; then, go do something once you leave that you will both enjoy. It is Denise's day (and shower) and maybe she will have her 'eyes opened' before too much longer. She'll really need you and your advice. But, I still want to come up there and give her an @$$-whooping!

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Beth one of the differences between the IP and pressure cooker is that you can brown your meats, saute your veggies etc right in the IP.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    Lenora prayers for your family. I understand it is a loss for you too!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Lenora -
    Sad news - DDnL#2 lost the baby.

    I am so very sorry. I hope she and Will can find their way to peace despite this sorrow.

    Mia in MI

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
    so sorry grits