
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    stats for the day:

    jog- 19.33min, 143ahr 6.1-6.4sp, 156mhr, 2mi = 223c
    Apple Watch- 221c
    trampoline toss w/8# ball- 7.48min, 4 diff ex, 3sets of 10122mhr = 54c
    Apple Watch- 51c
    *new rope pull- 2min, 120ahr, 131mhr, = 30c
    Apple Watch- 41c
    outdoor walk some with yogi- 34,19min, 2.9ap, 106mhr, 1.6mi = 137c
    Apple Watch- 182c

    total cal 444
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    tomorrow, I start the first morning going to the new gym so new bike route before and after the gym workout
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 477 Member
    Sue in WA - I usually get my fiber from food. I add ground flaxseed or psyllium husk or chia seeds to my food. But if necessary - I'll supplement with Metamucil.

    It's a balancing act trying to keep carbs limited to 25g per meal and 75g total for the day. I know a lot of people use net carbs - subtracting fiber from carb total - but I prefer doing it this way.

    Raw almonds are my go to snack. 1 ounce is about 24 almonds. I keep snack bags with 24 almonds in each bag. Each bag is 160 cal, 6g carbs and 3g fiber.

    1 Tablespoon servings:
    • ground flaxseed - 2g carb, 2g fiber
    • chia seeds - 4g carb, 4g fiber
    • psyllium husk - 8g carb, 7g fiber
    • sunflower seeds - 1.5g carb, 1g fiber
    • hemp hearts - 1g carb, 1g fiber

    Beans are generally high in fiber - but also high in carbs. So I usually have 1/2c of beans with salad - or boost the volume by adding meat to beans.

    Fruit - high in fiber and carbs. I use a small portion. I keep frozen blueberries and raspberries to add to Greek yogurt with chia seeds.

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Oh boy! Preacher's on!
    Had a lazy day. I had a 3 hour nap!
    Happy Labor Day for those in the US!

    Dana in Arkansas
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Michele ... I'm way behind ... but two foods that work as diuretics are celery and watermelon.
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 477 Member
    September Accountability
    Sunday - 9/3/2017
    1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B8, L0, D31, AS20, BBS23 = 82g)
    ✔2. Fiber 30g (42g)
    ✔3. Vegetables - big salad daily
    ✔4. Track every bite and complete the MFP entry daily.
    5. Steps - average 5000 steps, 30 Fitbit minutes (1982 steps)
    6. Lose 10 pounds
    ✔7. Sleep - track daily
    ✔8. Dress to shoes daily
    ✔9. Declutter weekly in the zones

    • Weight Monday 9/4 = 293.0
    • Carbs - not terrible. It was a high fiber day. Had Quest bars and they have around 20g carbs and 13g fiber.
    • Sleep - I was in bed by midnight... but read until about 3:45am. Hub came to bed griping about my reading... so I switched to Audible book.
    • Decluttered under kitchen sink

    --Ginger in Texas
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    (I dyed my hair on the weekend and it is RED! I have to wait a week to put the second box of bleach in as I am going blonde for summer-but I can't face going to the gym as a redhead. I prefer to blend in and not be so noticeable.)

    I know how you feel. The first time I dyed my hair was back when I was about 18. I didn't leave it in long enough and it turned a clown-like orange/red. The next day, I had a wedding to attend. I wore a hat.

    I've been dying my hair ever since, and it's a bit different each time.

    A number of years ago, I dressed up as Catwoman for halloween, and dyed my hair black. I used a temporary dye and figured it would wash out in a month or six weeks like all the other temporary dyes I had used before. But it didn't wash out! I had black hair for the longest time!

    Right now, I've got a 3-part thing going on. Dark brown underneath, which went really well. Then reddish on top, which turned much too much like that clown-like orange/red at first. But I put in blond streaks on top of the red and it actually looks all right.

    M in Oz (specifically Tas)

    Lol. The first time I used temporary dye on my hair was when I was a student in London in the 1980's. my friend Dana ( a natural redhead who had bleached blond hair) convinced me to dye my hair temporarily purple with him for a party. His hair turned it a brilliant pink and had to grow out. I had kind of a purple/pink hue for quite some time. It was the height of PUNK style around London at the time.

    The coolest part was the London Punk crowd now embraced us as their own type of people and now they'd smile and talk to us. We easily got into a number of clubs we otherwise would have joined a long queue with the ordinary folk. Was actually perfect for the college London experience now that I think of it.

    Rye in TX

    Nothing like a change in hair to make all the difference. :)

    I keep threatening to dye all or part of mine royal blue ... however, a friend of mine got hers done so that half of it, underneath, was rainbow striped, and the top was dark brown or black. So if her hair was hanging down straight, it would look dark brown or black, but if the wind blew a bit or she wore it up, you'd see the rainbow. If I ever did do royal blue, I might do it that way. :grin:
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    @margaretturk - if I took that test I would most likely fall in the falling category - I have always been a pretty slow walker as I have a short gait.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Michele thank you so much for your kind remarks on the ornaments. I enjoy working on them.

    In regard the shower situation, I can't help but think of one of Barbie' s favorite quotes, loosely translated here, "Don't trade what you want the most, for what you want at the moment". You are upset right now and feelings are hurt so don't make a hasty decision. Denise will only have one wedding and this should be a very special time for her. She is your daughter forever and you will want her to be a part of your life forever. In the big scheme of things, Angela and Amanda will be an insignificant part of your life after the wedding. I trust you won't do something in anger that you will regret the rest of your life. Big ((( hugs)) take a deep breath and hang in there. This is said in love, I know it's not easy. <3

    Janetr okc
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    @tngram2seven - I'll be thinking of you and sending you strength. I've been where you are and I know how difficult it is. ❤️
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Made it through the collection of long distance events + an assignment and a test at university ... as well as working full-time and fighting a cold/flu/sinus infection. Whew!

    I am glad to be out the other side of all of that now!

    My next test at uni is on September 25th, and our next set of cycling events is on the Royal Hobart Show Weekend (end of October).

    So our focus for the next little while will be rest, catching up on stuff, and easing back into the exercise again. I'd like to work on speed and strength on the bicycle for a couple months.

    M in Oz.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    Katla, I agree on not calling the *kitten* at the gym an *kitten* and just thinking it. How often do we deal with them in everyday life, but just ignore and think about our response? You never know what some people will do in this day and time…..it’s sad.

    Allie, your game of Sardines sounds like fun for your dgd. Glad you are having this weekend.

    Joyce, sorry you are off tomatoes for a whole week. Bummer.

    Kelly, I think it’s great that you got the day off. I hope you enjoyed it.

    CarolGA, it would be nice if you got on the jury for an interesting case. :#

    Heather, that was a nice treat for your DH to cook for you. Mine never puts salt so I often have to add some to get flavor from his cooking. Lol

    Margaret, glad you enjoyed the fair. Glad you can walk at a good rate, too.

    Terry, I love the earrings.

    Janetr, great ornaments. Those are terrific gifts.

    Kay, I hope you feel better soon.

    MicheleNC, this is just my opinion but….Of course you have to go to the shower! Why are you guys going to let that woman ruin it for all three of you???? You, Jess and Denise. I’m sure you know many of the guests and what would they think if you and/or Jess weren’t there?

    Toni, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Think of us sitting on your shoulder giving you strength. I have to believe you will feel such a relief after you tell him. ((((Hugs))))

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It was a beautiful day here. DH and I went to the Moose Lodge for their Labor Day celebration. DH had their buffet which was hamburgers, hotdogs, sausage and onions and a number of sides. I had a salad with chicken on it. I did have too many beers so got my calories there.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Michele, go. I agree with DJ.

    Rori, air show sounds fun.

    Toni, We'll be there with you in spirit. Bravely go...

    Janet, such gorgeousness...

    Sorry the answers are short, on my phone, and hate the tiny keyboard.

    Love y'all,

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    WildhorseWendy: I still eat the things DH & I both love, but I've had to put the recipes into a calorie counter and measure my portions so that I know how much I'm eating. In order to lose weight you want to lose & let your DH cook what he wants for dinner, you will likely need to measure your own portions & count your calories to stay within your goals. (Or exercise like crazy to work off the excess calories. :wink:)

    Margaret: Congratulations on having your knee issues behind you! :smiley:

    Rori: Thanks for your kind words about the new grandbaby. We are all very excited and hoping for the best possible outcome. :heart: :heart: :heart: Congratulations on your plans to see the Thunderbirds in Colorado Springs. :bigsmile:

    Terry: The earrings are gorgeous. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Putting in an appearance at the shower sends the right message IMHO. It is what I'd do. Good Luck with your decision. (((HUGS)))

    I had a busy day today. I walked with DH while he used his new scooter in the neighborhood, including going to the grocery store a mile or so away. Then I harvested beans and pulled up the plants. It came out very well. I have a basket full of beans to freeze tomorrow, plus a small box of cherry tomatoes and a small container of blueberries. I'm eating the rest of the blueberries with my breakfasts until I run out. I've got plenty frozen. Not too shabby for the tiny amount of space in my flowerbeds. :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."