
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Toni in TN Sending so much support, prayers and big (((hugs))). Wish we could all be right there to hold your hand when you cry, but know that we are there in spirit. You have given this time, thot and prayer and you have come to the decision you think is best for YOU. Hang in there. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, I agree with the others. If you don't go you will be stooping down to her level. I just can't imagine not going to my daughter's wedding shower. She is my daughter. Even if I didn't agree with the person she was marrying, she is still my daughter and needs all the support. With all the future MIL problems, she will be stressed enough and not having you there would add to it and having you there will help her. And it would be nice for her sis to be there also. Weddings, births and funerals are times you need to bury the hatchet. If you don't go, I can just imagine her calling all her snooty friends and telling them that her own mother wouldn't go to her shower. Take some of Allies stress tea, take a big breath and go. Paint a smile on your face if you have to but go if only for her sake. Also all said with love she will need a good relationship with her Mom during this marriage.

    Oh Toni, thoughts with you all day tomorrow and after. I'm sorry you feel lonely in a physical sense. I'm glad you trust us.

    Storming here. The cats are enjoying watching it from the back door. The air always smells so nice while it is raining. Southwest of us in Illinois it is storming a lot worse. Am thinking about Florida and even the Gulf as Irma approaches. I am so proud of our nation and how individual and communities have opened their hearts and pocket books for victims of Harvey. Can we afford Irma right after? There was a story on TV tonight of an 8 year old girl that decided to open a lemonade stand to have money to buy a camera. After her Mom showed her pictures of the damage in Texas (smart momma) she changed it to Harvey help. She has raised $2500 and still going. I am sure that a lot of people are giving her more than the 50 cents she is charging.

    Monday's is One of Charlies favorite nights as we go to Hacienda and he gets his taco salad. I usually get the chicken taco salad but since it is almost all tomatoes and lettuce I had to change tonight. I did splurge and get a chicken chimichanga. I took most of the shell off and had the chicken and the queso sauce with it. I imagine the serving size of the sauce is about 2 tsp but it was spicey so it made it a half way OK taste. They make the best tea there!!!! I figure I will be eating a lot of bananas this week.

    Michelle still isn't feeling much better. A holiday weekend could not have come at a worse time. She called the on call doctor and told him what the nurse practitioner said last week when she saw her that she needed a cat scan. We were hoping that he would have left a messages with the office to get that ordered. But he wouldn't so she has to get up tomorrow morning early to call. Hopefully they can get it scheduled for tomorrow. Michelle is a worker. She is just like her Dad. In the 35 years he worked, he probably called in 10 times. Michelle is that same way. This year she has dealt with an injured knee that would not heal and still has problems with, respiratory problems a bad cold, flu and not this . She won't say it but I think she is lonely also. She has a boyfriend of several years but he works full time, a room mate but he stays in his room and plays video games. She has her dogs which are mans best friend but right now they are a burden since they are two BIG dogs and an old ailing one.

    Ok, enough of me whining, but I love her. It she is an adult, very independent and same stubborn streak as her Dad. Christina said she got the best of both parents. Michelle says she got the worst of both parents. And she said it lovingly but she got her stubbornness from her Dad and sarcasticism from me. I don't ink I a, sarcastic at all but says I have sarcastic humor.

    Night, night, Joyce, Indiana.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,598 Member
    edited September 2017
    Toni - I will definitely be thinking of you and sending you love through the ether. <3<3<3<3<3<3

    Michele - Yes, I would go if I were you and put a brave face on it. Be gracious and charming so everyone can see what a wonderful mother Denise has. :D Do you know the expression, "Noblesse oblige" ??? It means, if you are noble you have to do your duty. You are the superior person so don't stoop to their level.
    I must say I'm glad we don't have weddings over here like you do in the States. I have never heard of a bridal shower, nor a rehearsal dinner!!!! :o:*;) Talk about "over egging the pudding! " The "Hen Party" and "Stag Party" over here has got beyond ridiculous, with brides often going abroad for them, or a whole drunken weekend devoted to them.
    We have DH's nephew's 2nd wedding next May. I'm not looking forward to it, but we will make the effort. His first wedding was to the woman who took their child back to the Philippines and the family had to go out there to get her back. His ex is still crazy. :noway: We will have to stay in a hotel as there's an evening dance, even though it's only about an hour or so away. It's his girlfriend's first wedding and they have a little boy together. I expect she will want the full works. The first wedding was a long way away and in a castle! Well, the marriage did not go well. :s:'(

    Janetr - beautiful ornaments. I know what you mean about charging for things; takes the joy out of it.

    Terry - I would buy those earrings - I like all of them. :D

    Yoga today. It is raining at the moment so DH's cricket may not start on time. His friend is bringing his brother with him, which DH is not delighted about. I agree - I much prefer a twosome conversation, unless you know both of them equally well. Much more intimate and revealing. With three you tend to stick to general topics.

    Hope Kim is ok. Haven't heard from her in a while. I have emailed her.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,598 Member
    Katla - Can't remember if I congratulated you on the forthcoming grandchild. That is their first, yes? What a wonderful thing for you all. <3

    Still coughing, not sleeping well. :( I think I can feel a gradual improvement, but it has taken a toll on my spirits. Low energy.
    I think I need to get back to my memoir. ;) If I am low, that is usually the trouble.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Morning ladies...DD wants me to get Tal on bus today was going to go into work early .but will get in for hopefully 8:15.
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in. Yesterday was a fail for me. Doritos and a chocolate cupcake. Today I must reform to my other 40 days of doing better! Taking the first pill and drinking water, reading the paper and snoozing another couple of hours.
    Those are exactly the ornaments I want to learn to make! I peered closely at them but still am wondering about the details.
    I love earrings but they get caught in my hair and then I take them off and lose one. Mostly wear them on special occasions and have only a few of those.
    Sorry to read of the illnesses here-most sound like weather change and just plain tiredness. Get your rests and indulge yourselves in slowly moving.
    I am a retired teacher and am so glad to miss it.
    Expecting a good day today if a bit full. We will see. Need to drink more and eat less.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    toni one step at a time, sending strength to you <3

    Janet beautiful ornaments, such fine detailed work.

    Josephine as Heather might say "done and dusted" on the junk food fail. Today will be better.

    A sticky, humid morning woke up to a bad headache, gonna check my b.p. To see if there's a connection.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    morning peeps - only 20% chance of rain during the ride... fingers crossed
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited September 2017
    Michele ... I agree with everything the others have said ... you must go to the shower. Once the gifts are open, you can leave ... assuming that the gift opening takes place towards the end of the event. So very sorry that this wedding has turned into such a stressor for you.

    Toni ... I will praying ... such a sad thing to see a marriage and the promises it once held come to an end ... hugs.

    I accomplished a lot this weekend but my list is still incredibly long! My DH was beside himself with frustration that he couldn't help. We had long talks about what he can do and what he does that I absolutely cannot do (i.e., breadwinner). Very hard for a man who used to have what seemed like superhuman strength ... of course he's paying for that now.

    Slipped on the food choices, so looking to get solidly back on track today.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    edited September 2017
    <3Toni, I'm thinking of you today. Even with your difficult task, remember to come from a place of love. You and your husband have a long history that has not all been bad. You are doing this to protect yourself, not to punish or hurt him.

    <3Michelle, I say go to the shower and be thinking of what you can bring to the event and how you can love and support your daughter. She is the important person.

    :)Katla, congrats on the upcoming grandchild

    :)Pip, I noticed the smoky air this morning when I walked the dogs, I hope that smoke will not be a problem for you and Kirby and the others in your ride.

    :'( The painter didn't come yesterday to get started so I hope he comes today.

    <3 Barbie from warm and smoky NW Washington
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Instant Pots ... I'm late to this ... but is Instant Pot a brand name? Or, are you referring to pressure cookers in general when you all discuss this?
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Michele, good advice already on the shower. My personal opinion is that this is the time for you and Jess to show the future in laws what it's like to have class. Suck it up, smile graciously, do what you planned to do all along in regards to your favors and the cake, apologize for the confusion by the change in venues without casting blame, and support your daughter. I would not add to the drama. Denise will eventually figure this stuff out for herself, but right now she just needs her mother's unconditional love.

    Janetr, love the ornaments. You are very talented, too. My post directly under your pictures without commenting on them makes me appear to be ignoring them as I raved about Terry's earrings, but we must have been posting at about the same time. You and Terry are both incredibly gifted.

    I drugged myself up with Zyrtec and Tylenol and am headed to the gym. I'll only get two days of my class this week, so I have to make the best of it.

    Have a good one, my friends.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Morning again...
    Watching hurricane Irma..cat 5 and models showing it hitting south Florida..our Florida place is a double wide in a 55 Park and could possibly get wiped out..which I am being selfish at this point means he won't be able to buy me out..but also worry about all my dear friends down there...
    How trivial and trite I am,I apologise.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Walked 4 km today and logged my food. I did go over a little bit, but for a few days, I'm easing back into weight loss mode.

    And the preparations for the next cycling event have begun. That will be a 3-day event over a weekend in October. We've got 2 of the rides designed and ready to go, and I'm fixing a third.

    We're also getting the 2018 season of cycling ready ... both the official rides, and also some ideas for training rides.

    We're talking about cycling up Mt Wellington again ... that's a long steep climb. A lot of cyclists around here do it as a bit of a challenge. I've done it twice and my husband (who was cycling here when he lived here before I came along) has gone up 4 or 5 times.

    We're also talking about overnight tours. Cycling 100 km or 150 km or something out, staying overnight, and then cycling back the next day. Good way to get some decent distance in and also to see something of the area ... perhaps seeing parts of Tasmania we haven't really visited yet, or I haven't anyway.

    So we'll see how it all works out. :)

    Looking forward to summer!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    edited September 2017
    Lanette love the ornaments.


    Terry spectacular earrings.

    I am sorry what should be a fun and joyous time for you and daughter (her shower) is fraught with such strife. She deserves for this to be about her and no one else! Prayers!

    Pip have a great ride!

    :heart: Margaret
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,598 Member
    edited September 2017
    Allie - Why shouldn't you be worried? I would be. Are you insured? I'm sure you are also worried about the safety of your friends down there. <3

    I couldn't stay at yoga because of my fits of coughing. Horrible noise. It just wasn't fair on the others, so I came home and am spending a lazy day resting and napping. Going to cook guinea fowl with roasted fennel and other veg for tonight. I felt sorry for myself and had a 400 calorie lunch, so I've got to be very good this afternoon with hardly any exercise today. :s:'(:#

    Cricket is almost a wash out, but he hasn't come home yet. Won't be long I think. It's miserable out there.

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Beth - Yes, Instant Pot is a brand name for an electric pressure cooker with lots of different functions. I have the 6 ltr. Duo 7, which makes yogurt. There is a whole "cult" around it, including Facebook groups, Utube, websites, apps etc. I am utterly smitten. :laugh: