

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Just a little thing my DDIL posted today on her blog. (She didn't draw it herself) The point is, we are all different in what constitutes a "break" for us. She said she likes to go for a run, go for a walk with the kids, or walk down to the beach with the kids and visit the (excellent ) ice cream shop. :D I love to see some art, or design, and wander around a city looking at beautiful buildings and have a light meal under an umbrella. :D:D<3B) Also dancing. :D<3

    I'm with your friend ... walking down to the beach! :) Several evenings each week.

    Plus cycling.

    And photography ... and reading. :)

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    ryenday wrote: »
    Machka : be well! Put the symptoms and your self-diagnosis and anything else that may be pertinent into a log somewhere so that if indeed in 3 more years it happens again you might be able to pinpoint it. It does sound like dehydration or eloctrolyte imbalance could be the culprit from what you say, but logging all possibilities NOW could aid a diagnosis is it is something other than that.

    I'm actually planning to go to the Dr soon. I have to go anyway to arrange my "every 6 months cancer check ultrasound" in preparation for my "every 6 months visit with my gynaecologic oncologist" ... I figure I'll mention this while I'm visiting my Dr. Maybe see about some bloodwork. Probably time for a complete physical.


    Please schedule the doc visit sooner than later! If you still have your gall bladder, it might be flaring up. My kidney stone hurt in the middle of my back (and my bladder - thought I was getting a bladder infection.) Yes, keep track of the symptoms and write them down while you still remember them.

    B) We and your DH need you with us for a long, long time!! <3<3

    SW WA State

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi all,

    Rye, don't feel old at the swim fundraiser. You will impress those younger and they will be "I hope I'm like that at that age"!

    Carol - Equifax says we weren't affected. Going to tell my daughter to go there too. I agree, let the hip heal a little first.

    Lisa, the type of painting sounds like fun. Unfortunately my talent don't run in that direction. I believe everyone has something they do. They just have to keep trying things until they find the one.

    Joyce, so glad to hear the procedure went well and it is behind you (no pun intended). Good thing you had it done as it sounds like they found something. Keep us posted about the biopsy. (HUGS))

    Barbie, so glad to hear that your walking friend is fine. The house looks beautiful. Thank goodness the smoke is clearing for you. I hated to think of all of you breathing in the smoke.

    Michele in NC, I would just post all the things you did for the shower and not mention what the others did or didn't do. People will then see what you did. The others didn't do anything so will have nothing to post. I wouldn't criticize them in any way. Denise will get it without you having to mention them. I would be nothing but positive. Love the gecko.

    Kim, I'm sorry your are uncomfortable with the thunder and lightening. Hope it passes soon.

    Katla, it must be hard to see the forest burning. Such a waste and it takes them so long to grow. I hope what you are hearing is true and some are saved.

    Sharon, Oh Sharon, your husband reminds me of my ex. So hurtful. My problem was I heard it enough that I started to believe it. Don't do what I did. In your heart you know that what he says isn't true. Don't take on his issues. He owns them. Think of what's best for you. Maybe it is time to think about leaving him. Put yourself in control of the situation and not let him dictate what happens. Maybe start with talking with a lawyer to see what step need to be taken. Knowledge is power. Check out the bank accounts and make sure you have money. Start your own account if you don't already have one. It is hard as I thought about it many times but didn't have the courage to do it. Mine left me. I told him it was the best thing he ever did for me. It wasn't until he left that I realized how awful it was. Verbal abuse has no bruises that you can see but you can feel them. (((HUGS)))

    Kate, Greece?!? I'm jealous! Have fun and send pics.

    Becca, Happy Anniversary!

    Cockneylady, Welcome. What is your name? We are a good supportive group which you will find helpful.

    Machka, go to the dr now. Better to have it checked out just in case. I agree with Rye, track it in a journal.

    Heather, love the poster.

    Marcelyn, how awful for you friend and what a good friend you are. She is lucky to have you to help out. don't get the increate to property tax if the property is destroyed and that's who needs the money.

    Phew! I think I'm caught up for now.

    Terry in VT
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Chocolate Milkshake Day!

    Maybe I'll throw a spoonful of cocoa powder into my banana smoothie to celebrate...

    Lisa - What an interesting painting technique! I really like your paintings - the color is so vibrant.

    Barbie - Isn't it amazing what a coat of paint can do? The house is looking great!

    Sharon - It sounds like you really got dumped on. I know that hurts. Do you want him to stay?

    CockneyLady - Welcome back to MFP! This is a very supportive group of women. Losing your mother is life-changing so be kind to yourself as you start to find your way forward.

    Marcelyn - It's so good of you to take in your friend, and to help her clean up the mess. Hope the insurance gets worked out soon.

    After a day of rest I woke up achy again today, so I guess it's time to suck it up and try to move through whatever is going on with my hips.

    Everybody take care.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    CockneyLady: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. :bigsmile:

    Machka: Does heart disease run in your family? Some of those symptoms sound like a cardiac situation might be a possibility but dehydration is also a logical possibility. Do you have the option of checking in with your doctor's office or an advice nurse? :flowerforyou: I'm glad to read that you're already planning a Dr. visit. Be sure to bring this event up and ask about it. :star:

    Marcelyn: You are the kind of friend that is needed in an emergency. You pitch right in and help with practical matters. Regarding appliances as structure or content, I'm guessing her flood insurance will eventually have to pay for appliances. It is too bad they're making things hard for her rather than stepping up and getting it done. :grumble: Good luck with your upper balcony project. :smiley:

    One of my former teaching colleagues lives in Hood River, Oregon, the closest town to the east of the fire in the Columbia Gorge. She and her neighbors are beginning to worry about the fire heading their way & endangering their homes. Please send good thoughts their way and put them in your prayers. Unfortunately, there seems to be no rain in sight.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,581 Member

    So Larry was on a roll tonight. Told me he was seriously considering leaving. He listed a number of reasons.
    My weight has made me disgusting. I haven't tried hard enough to stop the balding. I am too lazy to be useful. That I played it up when I had the accident so I could stay in the hospital longer. (Sure everyone wants to live on a rehab floor). That I stayed in the hospital longer when I had cancer because I wanted to be waited on hand and foot because that's what I like. (Not sure if he realizes a doctor decides how long you stay). The list went on. I am not sure what this is all about if it is the time of year again or what. All I know is I am pretty sick of it all. I asked if he wanted to go back to the counsellor because we were doing so good for so long. Apparently he doesn't need to because I am the only one with a problem.

    I know this problem seems petty in light of all the hurricanes, floods and fires. I am praying for each and every one of you.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge with a heavy heart.

    Sharon that's horrible -- not petty at all. Those were mean things to say. I don't know what else to say -- I'm just sorry.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    I'm at work and just having lunch.. thought I would check in... Barbie your house looks adorable...have the weekend off.so might do the last bit of packing and getting things organized..
    Sharon -listen to your girlfriend's here..it took me a long *kitten* time to figure out that I am worth more than what my soon to be Ex was dishing...
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,581 Member
    edited September 2017
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Machka: Does heart disease run in your family? Some of those symptoms sound like a cardiac situation might be a possibility but dehydration is also a logical possibility. Do you have the option of checking in with your doctor's office or an advice nurse? :flowerforyou: I'm glad to read that you're already planning a Dr. visit. Be sure to bring this event up and ask about it. :star:

    Yes. I wondered the same. Best to eliminate a cardiac event then move on to the other less serious situations. Although, gall bladder problems are no joke. Mine was diseased and the pain was intense. Don't miss that thing at all!

    So, Maui is off the table (we can't make the dates work with the kiddos school schedule), so we are considering Cabo. I'm a little nervous about Mexico, but I don't ever hesitate going to Chicago . . . and Cabo has beaches. :sunglasses: (ETA, not to insult anyone from Chicago. I guess technically Chicago has beaches, too. I have sunned and played in the surf there. But it's not quite the same, for me, as a warm ocean beach.)

    Updates on New Year's vacation to continue, I am sure.

    I missed work on Friday because I was on the verge of a migraine. I was on the edge almost all weekend, and yesterday was a little difficult. I woke up this morning with a headache, so I took one migraine pill. It has codeine in it. Turns out that was a mistake. I got to work without any problems, but now that I'm here, I am having a really hard time staying awake and focused. I can't drive home until this wears off, and it would be difficult to sneak a nap in my office. :sleeping: What a blunder.

    Oh, the fire across the street from campus is out. It burned a lot -- a few buildings were lost -- but I'm not sure anyone was using those buildings anymore. The land that burned is state property -- there is a prison on either side of the field that was burning -- fortunately the fire didn't get too close to either one. The rumor is that an inmate was working in the field and accidentally caught the field on fire -- something about a spark from a tractor. They don't grow anything in that field, so I'm not sure why they had a tractor in it, or an inmate alone, but it is all speculation at this point anyway.

    Trying to keep upright at work this morning
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Ugh, Jack and I checked Equifax and wouldn't you know it, both of ours "may have been compromised". Well guess we'll see what we need to do from here.

    Then to top it all off, for the first time in my life and hopefully the last, I showed up bright and early for my macular degeneration eye check and discovered my appointment is for next Tuesday NOT today. Ugh I just wrote it on the wrong day on my calendar six months ago.

    Hope my day gets better lol.

    Janetr OKC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Lisa--I do really like those pictures. You have a great talent.
    Allie--Glad the day in court went well for you. Just keep your guard up as now that money is involded who knows how he will act. Stay safe.

    Barbie--Great news about your walking friend and getting some more of the painting done. Love the way your house is looking.

    Pat--Sending prayers and got thoughts to your family and your SIL.

    Sharon--Sending hugs, why do men feel the need to say things just to cause hurt because they are unhappy. Who made it our job to make them happy. I am sorry for all the hurtful things he said. Remember you are a good person and worth so much.

    Cockneylady--Welcome back. I lost my mom last Sept and still having a lot of days not sure what I am doing. One day at a time.

    Marcelyn--What a great friend you are helping your friend and letting her stay with you. What a mess there is to clean up.

    So much going on, praying for those in the storms and fires. Keep safe. Blessings, Vicki Grand Island, NE
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited September 2017
    Barbie That is such a nice buttery color.

    Sharon I agree with everyone else...this is not petty, and it's all about Larry. By saying those hurtful abusive things to you, he is accomplishing several things, not the least of which is putting all the emphasis on your supposed failings, which gives him a shield to hide behind. Try not to hear the words, but look at his body language, the facial expressions, eye contact, behavior, etc. This is about him, not you.

    Lisa Tom and Larry show. LOL!

    Marcelyn You are an amazing friend.

    Karen in Virginia
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited September 2017
    Checking in here. My days start off better with you all in them, first thing!

    Yesterday was my first solid day of paying attention to what I ate, drinking my 8 glasses, and walking for 30 minutes. We walk on the path that borders the Columbia River, and yesterday it was beautiful, slight breeze, not too warm. I let my husband yack and yack, and said uh huh every so often. My husband is so chatty in the morning, talking about the news, politics, his scifi games he plays, and he tapers off during the afternoon. Like a kid that slowly runs outta energy as the day goes by. He still takes a nap now and then, never as hard as the naps he used to take when he was sick.

    So today I am down 2 lbs. I was up a lot during the night though, peeing the night away. I have a dry ease board in my kitchen, and I write all my food on it, then post it in the afternoon on MFP. It seems to solidify my morning eating, and then my dinner I just eat what I logged for me. Easy peasy!

    Today I shall buy some yogurt for breakfasts. I tried that new yoplay yogurt called OUI! Its Greek yogurt, so tangy, but its rich flavor. Almost a buttery texture. I did a batch of Quaker vanishing oatmeal cookies last week, so I had two with the yogurt. I ended up frosting my cookie with it! My dear husband announced, " you have yogurt on your cookie????". To that I said, why yes I do!

    Well need to organize meals before I shop....
    Be well all.


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited September 2017
    Been organising a couple of meals out. That seems to be my job in life. One is for next week at our pub with DH's cricket friend and his wife. I am too late to secure our favourite table in the window. :sad: I have booked though. Once upon a time I would have cooked them a three course dinner myself, but this cough has knocked the stuffing out of me! :s

    Then I researched restaurants in Brighton for my birthday meal. Some of you may know I am allergic to piped music. I could only find ONE music free restaurant. Booked it for the Wednesday 4th. My birthday is the 2nd, but DDIL is working up in London. I will spend that day with the grandchildren after school. I have booked the best table by the window. It is a dedicated seafood restaurant, a bit old school, but I don't think they can mess up oysters. :D Most reviews are good. My son (a gourmet) seems happy.

    Next Monday we have a meal out with my brother and sister in law. Lunch at Rick Steins in Winchester. Fish again. :D My brother likes big portions and value for money. I fear he will be disappointed! :noway: I like elegance and excellent service. Napkins - the works. :D My DSIL is driving us there and back - what a luxury - chauffeur service. They are coming over early so we can subject them to all our cruise photos. :o:*;)

    My non alcoholic beer arrived today. I complained to the company and the delivery company about the actual delivery. The company phoned me back, which was nice. The beer is OK, tasty, but there is a metallic aftertaste. Only 21 calories. :D DH thought it was horrible.

    Kim - Had a sorrel sauce with my fish tonight. I just melt it, drain, and stir in some low fat creme fraiche. Love it!

    Do you get it that I love fish?!?!!? :laugh:

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Becca - you and I must be on similar cycles - yesterday was a good day for me as well, the best day in months, actually.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited September 2017
    (((Marcelyn))) prayers as your community puts itself back together. Good to see your post.

    I did look into freezing accounts. You have to give all your info again plus there is probably a charge for each freeze. So I still haven't decided what to do.

    Seems managing credit is like insurance. It is hard to live with and hard to live without it.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Felicia: Our daughter got married in Mexico at a lovely resort on the Gulf of Mexico in 2011. It was the Grand Riveria Princess Hotel in Playa Del Carmen. The room fee included meals at a very nice smorgasboard with a huge variety of good food. There was a lovely beach, sailboats to rent, & also nearby restaurants, cantinas, and a pay to order sit-down Mexican restaurant on site. There was an explosion the week after we were there and several guests and staff members were killed. It affected the building where my kids had their rooms. I'm sure that building is gone, but the hotel had many other buildings & may still be there—or not. I don't know. The area is lovely and there are many other resorts there. I'd take a look at the area if I wanted a Mexican vacation. As I recall, the explosion was caused my natural gas created by the decay of vegetation underneath the building. I loved the area.:star:

    Becca: Congratulations on today's loss!!! :bigsmile:

    Lisa, Becca & Heather: I've bumped up a couple of pounds and have taken myself off of alcohol for the foreseeable future. I can easily have none, but have a tough time sticking to my limits if only have one. It usually turns into more than one. :embarassed:

    My doctor reminded me that I need bone density testing and a mammogram. I called to schedule both. The bone density appointment is for a couple of weeks from now in Portland. The mammo is this afternoon, here in town. The "girls" are starting to hurt just thinking about it. :ohwell:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Becca - you and I must be on similar cycles - yesterday was a good day for me as well, the best day in months, actually.


    Awe Lisa today shall be awesome as well! I have declared it so! Haha!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ Belated Happy Anniversary!