

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    My hubby is going to drive me crazy about this vacation. Now he wants to go to Havana. Yes, Cuba.

    I mentioned to him in passing that I would love to go to Cuba. I really would. But have you looked at the travel restrictions for that place? One of them is that you must carry cash, for everything. No credit cards. Second, you can't just go as a tourist; you have to have some kind of purpose for going. He said, "Well, we can just arrange for a tour of a school. As educators, that's a legitimate reason." Oh, my. I told him I just can't do that. I do wish to go to Cuba, but now is not a good time. He said, "Well, it's only fun if it's difficult to get in." My anxiety level is going up just thinking about it.

    I said, I just want the beaches of Baja. :sunglasses: As Katla mentioned, that's risky behavior enough. I've looked at the travel advisories for Baja a dozen times since yesterday. I just keep telling myself, "Well, I visit Chicago all the time . . . as many murders there as there are in Baja." :grimace:

    We'll see where we end up. I hate drama. I just want to get to a warm beach somewhere. Is that too much for a girl to ask for in December??? :smirk:

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    There's always Australia! :)

    We've got warm beaches in December. :grin:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Happy Chocolate Milkshake Day!

    I didn't know ... but I did pop a teaspoon of "drinking chocolate" into my vanilla yogurt. :)

    I'm not fond of vanilla yogurt on its own and always thought there should be chocolate yogurt rather than all these fruit flavours. Then we went to Switzerland ... and sure enough, there is chocolate yogurt!! But it's hard to find back here in Australia, so I make my own.

    M in Oz
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    I’ve been a little depressed….still looking for another job…still “supposedly” negotiating…still financially strapped. Praying for a successful outcome by the end of the month. DH is so supportive but I think we will need to make some serious lifestyle changing decision if nothing happens by the end of the month. :( Oh Mary, the job search world is so awful…..I’m praying for your husband’s success. o:)

    Michele: The cakes were beautiful. Sending you lots of hugs! Our DMS is going through the same mindless love of almost in-laws that Denise seems to be going through. We’ve been through this with some of the other children too. It will pass and OMG what a rude awakening it was for them when they finally figured it out that family is family and nobody will love you like your family will. Eventually everyone’s true colors shine through. I think sometimes we need to handle our adult children with long handled spoons. Just last night DMS (who came by with the same girlfriend) came to me and told me that I didn’t love him anymore because I never called him and asked him to come over for something good to eat anymore. He further advised me that he had come over and enjoyed leftover shrimp mac and cheese casserole when DH nor I were home. This is one of the sons that would show up every Sunday for dinner and leftovers. Since when does he need an invitation? :s DH was amazed as he said DMS was the one that isolated himself with his “new” girlfriend’s family. I have a “whatever” attitude about it. DH remarked last night that people often take advantage of me trying to do the right thing and I that I never get any credit for what I do. Although he was right although I didn’t comment on it. I decided sometime ago that 1) I am going to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do; 2) I may not get earthly credit but I will get some heavenly points; and 3) I will only do what I want to do regardless of what anybody else wants.

    Allie: Tomcat checked out long ago so don’t waste your time thinking about him showing up for anything. You are doing great on your own.

    Sharon: Sending hugs! All the ladies had great advice. Start your “contingency” plan. Take this time to work on yourself and your self-esteem. We are here for you but you have to decide what you want to do. Who knows a miracle may happen and you will have developed great self-esteem and have some money socked away. If the miracle doesn’t happen you will be ready.

    Mascha: GO TO THE DOCTOR NOW AND DON’T MESS AROUND! I can think of at least three people that were diagnosing themselves and ended up with life threatening illnesses including myself.

    Tere in RVA

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Sharon has he always been like this or is this a sudden outburst? There are medical reasons people can have a change in personality. Regardless I agree this is abusive behavior and best to consider to make plans, so you are not the target.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) Coyotes are howling in the distance so the dogs didn't want to walk before breakfast. I hope they 'll be gone by the time I finish meditating so we can go on a good walk.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi all, while my husband was working on painting the porch, I made the mistake of mowing the lawn yesterday as I was afraid by the time we came back from vacation it would waist high. That was a mistake. My foot really hurt last night and today it is painful to. Going to try and stay off it as much as I can and ice it a lot. I'm really trying to stay positive about going away but I know that I won't be able to walk like I hoped. On the positive side I lost 1 lb today! Finally I'm off that plateau.

    Janet, sorry to hear you are one of those affected by the Equifax breach. We aren't one of the ones so we were happy about that.

    Becca, congrats on losing the 2 lbs. Water or not, it's 2 lbs you are no longer carrying around. You described your anniversary meal so well I can taste it!

    Mary, that is awful what the company did to your husband. I'm in HR and I cringe when I hear things like that. Hopefully he will get a job with the competition and take $$ away from them.

    NYKaren, I can relate to your feelings of joy and fear about DD. My only suggestion is to keep those lines of communication open. My daughter moved away right after high school with a boy and went from one bad relationship after another until she ended up in an abusive one. She was so far away and I knew she had to make the decision herself to change her life. I just kept the communication open between us and didn't tell her how to live her life just asked her things like "where do you think you will be in 5 years". She finally did change her life and left him to come home. She is now living with us while she goes to college. She is blooming now. It is so hard. You spend so many years protecting them and then spend many years watching them take care of themselves. She will see and experience amazing things. Traveling at this point in her life is perfect timing, before commitments tie her down. She just needs to be aware and keep safe. ((HUGS))

    Peach, next time smash the pea up so it is unnoticeable. LOL

    Felicia, my husband is from Cuba and we don't go. You can tell him that. There are only certain places they will let you go, mostly touristy places so you won't see what it really is like. One reason we don't go is that we don't want to give any money to a dictator. My husband rarely has contact with his relatives and when he does it is through letters that people smuggle out. If he talks on the phone, he hears the clicking noise of people listening in. There is so much going on there that it would fill pages and pages. Pick somewhere else to go. We love Spain! and Spain has beaches!

    Joyce, weird dream. I have them too, especially when I am over tired. I think you are someone with a vivid imagination. Hope you finish the dream tonight. I think you can go on line for dream interpretations.

    DJ, glad you were not too affected by the hurricane. That must be a relief for you.

    Michele in NC, when I have issues with someone because of their behavior the only way to not be mad is I feel sorry for them. Sorry that they are so unhappy with their life (usually they don't show it) that they have to act that way. Works for me. Is it really important to find out what "you did". Once you have the answer what will you do with the info. For yourself, choose to let it all go and move forward. The whole episodes is causing you to much stress. Find some peace. You can't change anyone, you can only change your reaction to them.

    Katla, glad the mammo went well.

    Sharon, don't feel sorry for anything you post. That's what we are all here for-to give you any support you need. ((HUGS)) Sometimes the ones we love say hurtful things because they feel safe to do that with you. Doesn't mean it's right though. I would suggest that you still start gathering info. Get a note book to jot things down.

    Heather, I'm so glad you are going to have your cough checked out. congrats on losing the weight.

    Tere, good attitude about family. I agree. Just tell your son the door is always open, It's up to him to walk through. The universe it just waiting for the right job for you. Hope you land one soon.

    Well got to get to work now that I'm all caught up. I like to send a post first thing when I get to work as I have 2 screens and I can read posts on one and write one on the other. Hope everyone has peace in their lives today.

    Terry in VT
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
    Thankfully with the equifax thing, kirby and I were not at potential risk
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Machka ~ At first I thought they looked like baby bears but that last photo is scary!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Machka ~ At first I thought they looked like baby bears but that last photo is scary!

    They're cute! Even when they growl. :grin: Although their growls are quite fierce and they do growl at everything. They're also small ... like the size of a small dog or a decent sized cat.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    The Tasmanian Devils - They are cute! I've never even seen a photo of one before, so thank you!
    It looks like they have articulated hands like raccoons - can the get into things? ( like open garbage bins or dog doors?)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    The Tasmanian Devils look small.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    Yep ... they are small. All the Tasmanian native animals are relatively small ... most are in the household pet size range.

    And they tend to eat dead things, like roadkill etc. ... kind of like vultures do. I haven't actually heard of them raiding garbage bins or getting into people's houses or anything.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good morning friends. Waiting for it to warms. Up a bit before I go pull weeds.
    Felecia - a friend of mine went to Cuba with an educational mission. They collected all sorts of school Supplies to take to the Children. When they got there they weren't allowed to go to the schools so they would walk down the Streets and give them away. She says she wouldn't go back. There are so many places with beautiful beaches I bet you will find one :D
    Michele- your cakes were beautiful. Looks like a lot of work and skill to decorate.
    Heather - sure hope your doctors appointment will result in Someone helping you with your cough. Have you been taking your temp? Walking pneumonia results in a very low grade fever.
    We saw the Tasmanian zd VIP when we were in Australia. They were a bit shy so we had a hard time seeing them. I would love to go. Back to Australia, except for the long plane trip.
    Hi Re and Rori, thinking of you. Take care of you!!
    SueBDew in TX
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oops, meant Tasmanian Devil.
    Also Heather, just remembered when my DH had a bad cough for a long time his MD said he may have had whooping cough. People who were vaccinated many years ago can sometimes get it.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,583 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    There's always Australia! :)

    We've got warm beaches in December. :grin:

    Ha! If only Alaska Airlines flew there. Australia is on our list of places we'd like to go. But since we are doing this trip mostly on points, we are limited to the one airline.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon