

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did 1 hr of a bosu DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Cathe Pure Strength DVD.

    Joyce - I would like Maria just to know how much I was hurt. I just don't think that that family thinks. At the reception I do intend to tell his mother that Christmas Eve is very special to me. That because of logistics, Pete and Denise can come to see her the week before Christmas and the week after Christmas. But to be honest, they aren't going to come see me twice. So I'm inviting her to my house for Christmas Eve.
    Michele in NC

    Shouldn't Pete and Denise decide how they spend their first Christmas? [Ducking]

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did 1 hr of a bosu DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Cathe Pure Strength DVD.

    Joyce - I would like Maria just to know how much I was hurt. I just don't think that that family thinks. At the reception I do intend to tell his mother that Christmas Eve is very special to me. That because of logistics, Pete and Denise can come to see her the week before Christmas and the week after Christmas. But to be honest, they aren't going to come see me twice. So I'm inviting her to my house for Christmas Eve.
    Michele in NC

    Shouldn't Pete and Denise decide how they spend their first Christmas? [Ducking]

    Willamette Valley, Oregon


    Who knows, after all this wedding stuff, they might be planning a quiet Christmas together in Cape Town, South Africa or something. ;)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Machka Get to a doctor and have an ultrasound on your gallbladder. Do not wait. If you have an emergency surgery, it will be a SURGERY not a day surgery using laparoscopic methods!
    I was driving alone from Austin to Amarillo and then on to Denver. I had a coffee to go and I was about 30 minutes outside of Amarillo. I had a awful attack right between my breasts. I thought it was a heart attack or something. I turned around and went back into town and bought some TUMS antacid tablets and drank some water. It passed! Thank God!
    I didn't learn my lesson there. A few weeks later when I was back in Austin, my sister and I had some Starbucks coffee. It happened again! It passed, so this time I made an appointment with my Dr and he sent me to a surgeon after the ultrasound. The surgeon advised me to have surgery ASAP or in a matter of weeks I would be in the emergency room! So I scheduled surgery and 3 days later my gallbladder was out! At first it took my body to adjust. You can't eat anything with fat in it. It will go right thru you! But now, I eat everything I used to with no problem. Good luck Machka!

    I have an appointment for first thing tomorrow morning.

    Timeline (because I'm on the other side of the world, and I'd like to get it down before I go see the Dr)

    Monday - busy work/uni day, not eating my usual food, dehydrated + intense and very sweaty spinning class.

    Tuesday morning - episode on bus on the way to work.

    Tuesday - sore, like I did a huge upper body workout and very tired.

    Wednesday - OK, except for jaw, that was still a bit achy like when you've been to the dentist for a root canal and have had your mouth open for an hour an a half ... and very tired.

    Thursday - today ... feeling pretty good again.

    Friday - tomorrow ... Dr first thing in am.

    And thanks. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Maschca, thanks for the utube of the taz. I will send it to my daughter. She loves critters, loves the marsupials, she presently has two wild chipmunks. She was the one I had dreams of the Tazmanian devil while I was pregnant.

    Good choir practice.myou could tell her very stern lecture last week of people not listening to their rehearsal tapes paid off. The guys new their music better tonight. We have two scold altos, me and one other. She was sick tonight, had to leave early. I hope she isn't sick on Sunday since the song we are singing. Has a lot of the split alto music. When that happens, the choir director sings that part. But choir practice does sound a bit weird when you know you are the only one singing that part. You don't want to sing to loud just in case you make a mistake plus you don't want anyone to think that you want YOUR voice t be heard over the others but you know that you have to sing it strong enough so that the director knows what all parts sound like.

    Everyone take care, love you guys.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Hello all

    Lisa - He has some demons he hasn't dealt with. He finally talked about the sexual abuse from an older neighbour the last time we went for counselling. Basically it was it happened, he's dead now.

    Lanette - We are both adult children of alcoholics.
    Larry's Dad was addicted to prescription pills from quite a young age.
    Great NSV to have those jeans fit loose.

    Lenora - I am sorry about your toe. I hope it feels better soon. Darn glass.

    Machka - thanks for the photos of the Tasmanian devils. The video of the baby was so cute.

    I hope I didn't give anyone here the impression that Larry had been physical with me. I told him that I felt he had been verbally and emotionally abusive and that will need to be addressed. Other than that I was not ready to talk with him yet today. I did make supper but it was M&M Fiesta Bake. Made it and left it on the stove.
    As for following the $$ I do know where they go. He doesn't have a separate bank account. I pay all the bills. I see his credit card statements. I prepare his stuff to go to our accountant. I'll be okay. My name is on pretty much everything. I went through financial distress with my first husband so I've always made sure of these matters. I know that if I can't figure this out with Larry that my brothers will be there to see me through. And my wonderful children. I better stop because I feel like I could write for ours. Time to get back to my journal.

    I was sick all evening and night. I texted my boss that I wasn't coming in and never received an answer. I find that I don't care so much. I slept off and on until about 2 p.m. this afternoon. I think I ate wrong. Okay, I know I ate wrong and it set off my silent reflux. I need to do some menu planning and then shop. It is looking like I better stay away from any tomato other than fresh.

    Waterton - Oh, Waterton. I watched as a rancher I know slightly took the reporter to what was left of his ranch.
    Nothing. He did get his 100 horses out though. I heard they moved the bison to Saskatchewan somewhere.
    So far the buildings on 5 ranches are gone. Some of the houses were over a 100 yrs. old .
    The weather has cooled and they were getting some rain. I pray it is enough to save the townsite and the Prince of Wales. I am wondering where the grizzlies went?
    Praying for more rain here for us.

    Feeling grateful for all of you lovely ladies.

    I am thinking of going to the Senior's Centre tomorrow morning for the writing group that meets every Thursday. I will only be able to go every 2nd weekend but it's a start again.

    Goals for this Month
    -Move more, eat less
    -Laugh with a relative or friend
    -Do something nice for myself each day.
    -Start doing things at NordBridge (Senior's Centre)
    -Keep shredding old papers
    -Get my passport squared away.

    Sharon in Lethbridge where it is still smoky
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited September 2017
    Good start, Sharon! <3

    Beth - Pants would be great! I have taken to wearing silky leggings, socks and small heeled ankle boots under dresses, skirts. Much more comfortable than panty hose. It has changed my life! :D

    Margaret - I rang them and asked them about the cough. They said the jab was fine as long as I didn't have a temperature.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Sharon Sorry to hear of Waterton.

    Beth Lots of women wear pants to weddings - and you will be so much happier.

    Heather 'Morning!

    Karen in Virginia awake with the early birds
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited September 2017
    Suebdew - My cough does feel like whooping cough, but without the whoops! All my son's family have had the same cough, ( I caught it from Edie), and all have had their whooping cough jabs, so it must be a different bug. I am coughing less today. The nap on the sofa yesterday seemed to be a turning point. I'm still having the odd fit, but it's less severe. :D Here's hoping! It's only lasted two and a half weeks so far!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I am very worried that something has happened to our friend, Gloria (Gloworm).
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Suebdew - My cough does feel like whooping cough, but without the whoops! All my son's family have had the same cough, ( I caught it from Edie), and all have had their whooping cough jabs, so it must be a different bug. I am coughing less today. The nap on the sofa yesterday seemed to be a turning point. I'm still having the odd fit, but it's less severe. :D Here's hoping! It's only lasted two and a half weeks so far!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    One of my coworkers got croup about 3 years ago. He's in his 50s and had a bit of a laugh (between coughing) that he somehow managed to catch a young childhood malady.

    Go to the Dr!

    I really wish I had gone earlier with my recent sinus infection ... I could have had about 5 days of my life back.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    Morning Ladies
    Sitting outside with Buddy and slept until almost 7 this morning.i was awake for about an HR at midnight.
    This weekend going to take apart my bed and sleep on the mattress and box spring.get rid of my bureau at the dump,it is falling apart.then seriously go through the rest of my stuff down in the spare room to see what I really need and want and donate the rest..
    We are getting the remnants of Irma with a bit of rain today..
    Going home and walking the dogs and get there food ready for tonight,and get more clothes for tomorrow.Sean will be going into prison tomorrow am for 10 days and they will keep him in the infermary for 5 days because he is on meds.
    Today is my day out with Doris..we always have a wonderful time.I just love her so.
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Happy day to you all.
    MACHKA Thanks for the video-I have felt so pressured by things that I don't stop for little things and take joy. But I did and babies are just cute.
    BARBIECAT That little white pup is precious.
    JOYCE Oh, no--a fuss at church! We had something similar last week and I did not know what to make of it. I haven't been a member long. It has sort of been on my mind but I thought it came out well. The bishop wasn't there but he left a message. (I don't know where he was but he is military and I suppose he was at one of the disaster sites as his unit goes when/where needed.) He wrote and the fill-in person read to us--We were not respectful, did not listen/pay attention during services, did not take the messages seriously. I did not disagree to be honest. In any case, his solution was not to have designated speakers but to have a music service where we sang favorite hymns. It was lovely but will it bring us back to better? I know I will try harder not to be late and won't sit on the far side of the church again-more crying babies and can't hear that well. This church is not like what I recalled from years ago-no hand fans! We have air conditioning. Maybe someone here is of an age to recall those funeral home handfans! Folks bring their kids in (good) but then the kids eat and scream or play about and they don't slip out until the baby calms. My kid grabs a hand of bread rather than one piece and I can't get to the basket first to hand him his 1 piece-why don't the 'passers' realize that only adults should take the basket as other kids likely do this too? Everyone has a smart phone and they logon to the hymns and various passages via those. I guess they are all onsite but then who knows. I am not a smart phone user-not smart enough! Anyhow, your post made me think of last Sunday. Mine not to reason why, I just try to sit and listen but I don't get up to speak. Will work on keeping son from bread basket.
    Sorry to read of those feeling ill. Something is definitely going around here but then with back to school, it happens. I left my son with baby sitter last week when I worked. He was alone outside and playing when I got there (6:30 pm) as once before and had wet himself. I rarely let him out alone-bug bites fester on him and just well the potential for trouble as he seems to seek it out. This bothers me. The next day she posts on Facebook how sick her child is and so forth. Argh. Well, complaining won't fix that.
    Okay, what is this KETO you talk about? I understand low carbohydrates and polyunsaturated fats as well as portion control. I know deficit and the difference between cardio and strength but KETO is a mystery.
    Off to drag son out of bed and start his lessons. Please let this day be better than yesterday.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Facebook messages make me think that Gloria has passed away. I am waiting for someone to answer my message there.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited September 2017
    Carol What? Oh I hope you are mistaken. I am not on FB w/Gloria. :(
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Carol - Oh no! I hope you can get some info. So sorry if it's true. :'(<3:'(<3

    Heather UK xxxxxxx