

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    edited September 2017
    Carol – Equifax’s site says our information wasn’t affected. At the moment, however, Equifax’s response to their breach is so confused and underwhelming I think I’m going to wait and see what happens before deciding to whether put a fraud alert on our accounts.

    Becca – How sad to see all those beautiful forests damaged.

    Allie – I’m so happy to hear everything is OK in Florida! At least you can cross that stress off your list.

    The hip is better but it’s still kind of aching. I’ve got calories to spare so I think I’m just going to stretch and do my ab exercises. Tomorrow is strength training so I should probably let the hip recover first.

    Goodnight, all…

    -Yvonne in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    stats for the day

    took it easy today:

    bike ride hm 2 new gym- 4.39min, 134mhr, 11.5amph. .8mi = 64c
    apple watch- 37c
    walk-treadmill - 27min, 3.8sp, 3-4incl, 113mhr, 1.48mi = 115c
    apple watch- 128c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 14.05min, 145mhr, 12.9amph, 3mi= 133c
    apple watch- 128c
    walk sta 2 wk- 7.48min, 122mhr, 3.9ap, .5mi = 45c
    apple watch- 46c
    walk wk 2 sta- 8.40min, 3.6ap, 103mhr,.5mi = 42c
    apple watch- 47c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.20min, 9amph, 145mhr, 2.6mi = 172c
    apple watch- 142c

    total cal 571
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Evening ladies! I should have posted earlier. Procedure went well. I. Got up this morning, prepared my bathroom to be a comfy lace with everything I needed in a tiny space and sat there and drank my prep and water. Had my housecoat and warm house shoes on then cover d myself up with a warm blanket and sat and just let it happen. Eventually I was able to stand up and stretch my back. I propped my iPad on its mpnice little angle and watched NBC videos for over 3 hours. Ok, I had 2 polyps that he removed, said that they did. It look like cancer but will be sent off for biopsy. Came home, was freezing, tri d to take a nap but was to cold. Our Sunday School picnic was tonight and I didn't know what to do. I was tired, not really hungry even though I hadn't eaten since yesterday. Since I had been sedated, I was not supposed to drive so Chalrie drove me out and then I called him when I was ready to come home. It was exactly what I needed, for for the stomach and for the soul. Anyway, had a good time.

    Watched some tv coverage at the doctors office but nothing since. I sure hope Allies home is OK, she needs everything positive in the life she can get.

    MIchele, your cakes are beautiful. Is that a collage of her life beside her. With the expression on her face with the plaque, I am sure she understands everything you have done for her and hopefully will know she can turn to you when needed in her marriage. My parents told all of us kids that if we came home to them when we were married amd had an argument, that we could talk to them but couldn't move back home. We were married and needed to work it out.

    Joyce, Indiana.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Katla. Ohhh you yoga momma you! I am glad you are feeling better!

    Joyce, (((((((((hugs friend!)))))))))

  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi folks! I had a productive day today - cleaning house and doing some laundry. DH decided he's going tomorrow to buy a new electric range and a dishwasher.

    Scales showed a gain today. But I feel like I'm retaining fluid. Drinking more water today. Less coffee. Had my big salad and a turkey burger tonight.

    I'm only at 3000 steps today. I'm going to get my 5000 steps today. I'll do a Leslie Sansone video... but I'll have to do it on my iPhone. Still no internet. 2 weeks now.

    Hope everyone had a good day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :) My walking friend came through the surgery fine. The reason I know is that I called her cell phone to leave her a message that I'd called the painter like she asked me and she answered her phone while she was in the recovery room. I think her daughter is coming to stay with her when she comes home from the hospital

    :) the painters painted the gate and most of the trim today

    <3 Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    MicheleNC, I am so sorry about everything that happened regarding the shower. I hope you will be able to get through your hurt and anger and let Denise try to get along with her new MIL. I’m sure in time the true colors will show through and they won’t be as friendly but obviously for a newlywed, it’s important to try to get along with the “outlaws”; err.. oops.. I mean “inlaws”. The cakes are wonderful. Great job!!

    Rye, I love the magnet.

    Joyce, the worst of our weather is going to be tonight and early tomorrow but it is only wind gusts of about 40 mph. It’s raining now and has been for about 10 hours but should wind down by around noon tomorrow. Hopefully it is weak enough now for most people to be out of the damaging weather.

    Barbie, so glad to hear that the sky is clear. I hope the smoke doesn’t return.

    Lisa, cool artwork. You are just multi-talented!

    Lanette, thanks for the info and web site on the Equifax mess.

    CarolGA, we did take advantage of the fraud monitoring service.

    Susan, welcome. This is a wonderful group of ladies and a great place for support and information. Come often and join right in.

    Heather, your color scheme sounds beautiful. I hope your DH will learn to like it.

    Allie, so glad that court date is behind you and “You Won” this round. I can’t wait until you have moved. ((((Hugs))))

    Felicia, your trip sounds fabulous.

    Pat, sorry to hear about your SIL. I pray that his treatments are successful.

    Joyce, so glad the procedure went well. It’s nice that you went to the picnic and enjoyed it.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Time for bed as I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did 1 segment of a Beach Body Sampler DVD, held my plank for 2 min 52 sec, then the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT

    Sharon - supposedly Denise told Maria and Amanda how I felt. I'm willing to bet any amount of money that she didn't, same as she didn't say anything about the "invitations". I do feel bad for her, and I wasn't going to say anything on Facebook but handle this privately, but Maria posted this thing "thank you Amanda for such a gorgeous shower". Not even mentioning Jess at all. Amanda did squat! She went to the store and bought these paper bells and a balloon. Lots of work. Probably took her all of 20 minutes to buy it and pay for it. My heart does go out to Denise but she doesn't see or doesn't want to see that it's Maria who is the cause of a lot of this. Maria and Amanda. Sorry about the failed fridge. Look on the bright side -- there were probably food items that you had to throw out that you shouldn't have had anyway. Please go into your version of bridal shower drama. I need to know that it's not just me.

    matchka - yes, I agree it's all about Denise. Now if only Maria would feel that way, things would be a lot smoother. At the shower Denise said "I don't want a bachelorette party", so someone in Maria's family said "oh no, you'll get one". Speaking as a bride who had things done that I specifically said I didn't want done, that's not the thing to do.

    Lisa - your pics are spectacular

    As far as my being insulted, I admit that I was crying my eyes out during the drive from VA to NC. I was crying this morning. But I'm now getting to the point when I feel so bad about the cake incident, I keep saying "Amanda is really insensitive and dumb". When we were settling up the bill, even the waitress said to Jess about Amanda "boy, she is really dumb".

    Lanette - the wedding is October 27. She's having it on a Fri. The bad thing is that some people can't get off work. The bridesmaids need to take at least 2 days off work. Well, Jess does. Since the others are near there, they may be able to work 1/2 day

    barbie - you have no idea how many marble cakes are in the freezer for Vince to finish! He did tell Denise that I tried many, many different recipes before I found one that I was sort-of happy with. Even the waitress said that she was impressed.

    Allie - I'm sorry Tom didn't show up in court. Did the attorney give a reason for his absence?

    Vince is trying to find out how the condo is. But we don't think it's all that bad.

    Carol - I put a freeze on my credit when my wallet was stolen. Truthfully, whoever took it probably just threw it away. Well...while the freeze was on we bought the house. I had to show my Social Security card in order to buy it. But, really, it wasn't a big deal

    So sorry to hear about the devastating fires

    Susan from VA - welcome!

    Heather - get that cough checked out. You've had it way too long

    Wendy - we have a house right down the street that has bees. Talk about local honey! Can't get much more local than that.

    So glad everyone liked the cakes. Jess did a great job decorating, didn't she? I made the "veil". I was impressed how she made the purple in different shades

    Just had bowling, ceramics tonight then majongg. The husband of the gal whose house we go to, her hubby's birthday is Sat. so I made him a cake and took it there this morning.

    Allie - sounds like you have one good attorney, and TomCat is an idoit, as I'm sure you know. Glad to hear the FL place is OK

    patcoh - so sorry to hear about your SIL

    Joyce - that is a collage behind Denise that Maria made up. Denise asked me for pics of her when she was little because Maria was going to make a collage. Maria couldn't ask me herself???? I was pretty busy, first with the pool party, then company, making the numerous cakes until I found one I liked. After everything Maria has put me thru, she thinks I'm going to jump thru hoops for her???? I think not.pv7llzv6o1qm.jpg

    Picked up my checko tonight.

    Michele in NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,656 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Karen, congrats on Olivia’s sib!

    Michele, like Lisa the doll cake brought back memories, I got one for my birthday every year too… and loved them.

    Lisa – love the art!!!

    Allie – sending hugs!

    Lanette and Peach – thanks for the credit info – I checked and seem to be fine too….

    So for those of you not in California you’ll probably think I am weird, but we have very LITTLE thunder and lightning in CA and it’s even more rare in the summer, so tonight we are having thunder, lightning and rain, and the last time I remember that happening I was in high school - As a part of not having it I am uncomfortable with the thunder and lightning, I use to be petrified, but I am better. I really would like it to go away!


    Kim from N. California
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    So for those of you not in California you’ll probably think I am weird, but we have very LITTLE thunder and lightning in CA and it’s even more rare in the summer, so tonight we are having thunder, lightning and rain, and the last time I remember that happening I was in high school - As a part of not having it I am uncomfortable with the thunder and lightning, I use to be petrified, but I am better. I really would like it to go away!

    I love thunder and lightning ... even though I've nearly been struck by lightning twice.

    Sadly, thunder and lightning storms are really rare here in Tasmania, so I only get to see them maybe once or twice a year and they're just not spectacular.

    Some summers in Manitoba, they were a regular evening feature! :)

    But I can understand how you feel.

    M in Oz

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yvonne: It is very sad to see our forests burn. It has been a bad year for our state. The fire in the Columbia Gorge wasn't set by a lightning strike, though. It was set by two teenaged boys playing with fire in tinder dry woods. That makes me both sad and angry. Firefighters saved the historic Multnomah Falls Lodge and I've been hearing hopeful stories about the big old trees surviving to (hopefully) reseed the land. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying for the best. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    Joyce: I'm glad your procedure went well. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Good news about your friend's successful surgery. :bigsmile: I love your new color scheme. :star:

    Kim: I enjoy a good thunderstorm when I'm not worried about tinder dry brush catching the world on fire. If it is raining, the world is probably safe from fire for now. (((hugs)))

    It has been a long day & will be a longer day tomorrow. I have a committee meeting to attend tomorrow evening that is likely to last for hours. I'll review the materials again in the morning.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kim and Machka We have thunder and lightening so often here I don't even take notice some times. But I do enjoy it and I love when its dark and lights up the sky with bolt after bolt of lightening. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it to pg 19. At this rate is will be next year before I am caught up.

    Work was uneventful but not looking forward to tomorrow when Boss will be there.

    Took Harmony to dance - hiphop. She looked so cute. I know, I know. I really need to load up some photos.

    Jheri's car needs replaced. The motor is toast. I don't think they were doing their maintenance and it was almost out of oil. She and her partner scratched a store window when they were doing removal. This has never happened before. She was in total melt down state tonight. I just want to hug her and make it all better. That just doesn't work as well for adult problems.

    Larry was able to fix our fridge for about $15. A little old switch caused the problem.

    So Larry was on a roll tonight. Told me he was seriously considering leaving. He listed a number of reasons.
    My weight has made me disgusting. I haven't tried hard enough to stop the balding. I am too lazy to be useful. That I played it up when I had the accident so I could stay in the hospital longer. (Sure everyone wants to live on a rehab floor). That I stayed in the hospital longer when I had cancer because I wanted to be waited on hand and foot because that's what I like. (Not sure if he realizes a doctor decides how long you stay). The list went on. I am not sure what this is all about if it is the time of year again or what. All I know is I am pretty sick of it all. I asked if he wanted to go back to the counsellor because we were doing so good for so long. Apparently he doesn't need to because I am the only one with a problem.

    I know this problem seems petty in light of all the hurricanes, floods and fires. I am praying for each and every one of you.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge with a heavy heart.
  • tiffaniedemayo
    tiffaniedemayo Posts: 38 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    Joyce The worst part is over. Thank goodness! I asked for my first one too, was having to many days in a row that I wasn't "going". The gastroenterologist was great, he found polyps, removed them, and woke me up, all was over in less than an hour! I dont remember being cold, but it was winter, and the pellet stove was cranked!
    Our friends in Florida just let us know, they are all fine! No power, but no one is hurt, and their house is ok.
    Wishing everyone the best! o:)
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Sharon: just what you need Larry flipping out on you. Offer to pack his bags for him.

    Kim: What part of California are you in? I was born and raised in Citrus Heights and attended Sacramento University. I have family in the Willows area too.

    Michele: I love your cakes. I made the same type for my daughter's birthdays.

    Lisa: those flowers are gorgeous and sound like they were fun to create. Show us more of your artwork.

    Well, tomorrow is my "long run" day. I plan to go for an hour forty minute run. I add ten minutes on each week. The weather here is cruddy, cold and windy...but Jock and I will head for the forest with an audio book and try to stay out of the worst of the weather. At least the air is not smoky. I spent the afternoon with three little girls riding our horses in the arena. They are keen despite the near-stormy weather. We got rained on a little. Before that, I babysat my granddaughter Clara so that my daughter could take a break and have some "me" time. She went to the library and climbed the Durie Hill Steps and Tower, a favourite with tourists to our city. I did her dishes and baked banana chocolate chip muffins for her. It was a pretty good day. Now I am going to spend the remainder of the evening curled up with "South" by Ernest Shackleton, even though it makes me hungry to read about these poor starving men surviving on seal blubber.. <3 Wendy
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Oh, Michele: How in the world can you plank nearly three minutes? You must have stomach muscles made of iron! :o