
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Dang! I can't view the Vietnam series because I live outside the US.
    /Penny, now peeved at the Pole
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    DJ ouch, was the sidewalk outside the meeting the reason you tripped? I'm so sorry you've gotten bruised up. Pamper yourself!

    Heather that cake sounds lovely. I too am inspired by folks that say yes even though it's a scary thing to do. Something I've been working on in my life for a while, when I start my guest conducting spot in December with a new youth orchestra I know I will be scared, and I'm just gonna do the best I can. There's a reason I said yes and was accepted to do this, I am just going to give all I've got and pocket the experience.

    Rori one step at a time, they will find it, but ugh no fun at all.

    Errands and chores and maybe a nap in my future today.


  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Oh, Penny, run, run, run. I am sure I couldn't do even 30 seconds fast but I like the idea of someone talking in my ear.
    Okay, I want PUMPKIN. Anyone have a LOW calorie, HIGH value pumpkin thing that can be made in 1 or 2 serving size? I will be snooping through recipes and suppose I will have to wait for something like a piece of pie to happen along. I never think other people's pie is as good as my own but we know I must not eat a whole pumpkin pie. Hmm, maybe just the custard part if I make it in a muffin tin and aim for only 6 servings? I WILL NOT MAKE ANYTHING FOR ANOTHER 2 WEEKS just in case I get over it. I will hide the can of pumpkin and refuse to buy a pumpkin, too.
    I forgot who suggested I walk my dogs to help with my grief. But...you have to know my dogs to realize that would be such a comedy. RB (short for Really Bad whose name is also Arabella Godiva--the silver dapple mini-dachshund) does not, much like a cat, do walks and finds a leash to be an evil thing that has to be chewed forthwith. Mae (Maybelline) the mostly Rottweiler is a bit afraid of things so you can think you are walking and suddenly, she shoots off to the side toward home so that you fall over or hurt your ankle/foot/leg. She might not run too far but then with the pain in my leg/feet and the boy shrieking and not really knowing what scared her (snake? Porcupine? groundhog, skunk or perhaps the elusive dream of catching the squirrel or cat) I have no chance of catching her and she will keep running if her boy is hopping and screaming and ... well, we don't walk. And...most dogs here are rather frightening (pit bulls or other like the Akitas that caused $1000 damage to RB) so I don't want my elderly pups meeting them. The dogs must recall that attack and they just are not dogs that walk. Then the only place to really walk is in the Historic Cemetery and it prohibits pets. I have the boy go into the yard and run with the big dog. Mae likes to go through the garden and pull down whatever. AND THEY THEN fuss so I go out and call all 3 (boy + 2 dogs) inside but one won't come so I wonder what was I thinking. Don't forget that it is prime mosquito season here for a bit longer. So, all in all, I thank you for thinking I am the sort of old lady who can walk dogs but I am the sort of old lady who just feeds her dogs and checks outside when the dogs say something is going on.
    Well, ladies, I hear the owl hooting in the tree outside and so I am snuggling back into bed to read the paper.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited September 2017
    Okay, I want PUMPKIN. Anyone have a LOW calorie, HIGH value pumpkin thing that can be made in 1 or 2 serving size?

    Here in Australia, pumpkin is a savoury thing ... not sweet. They don't do pumpkin pie and stuff like that here.

    Instead, you'll find pumpkin soup, pumpkin and ricotta ravioli, pumpkin risotto, roast pumpkin done with your roast chicken, etc.

    I buy La Zuppa pumpkin soup bowls for lunches about once a week because they're only 130 calories. Then I put steamed veggies and maybe add some spice like curry, chilli, or garlic.


    If I've got a few extra calories because I've done some extra flights of stairs or I've gone for a long walk at lunch, I might go with Moroccan Pumpkin with Chickpea Soup, again with veggies.


    Weight Watchers has a pumpkin and ricotta cannelloni which is all right. I don't go for many WW products, but that one is OK.

    When we go out to restaurants, I will often have the pumpkin lasagna or risotto.

    And my husband puts together a delicious roast chicken, with roast potatoes, roast pumpkin, roast carrots, and a few other veg.

    Coming from Canada where pumpkin was sweet ... I never really liked it. Pumpkin pie was all right at Thanksgiving in October topped with maple syrup, but that was all I ever wanted ... and if I missed out on that some years, I was fine.

    Then I came to Australia and started to try pumpkin as a savoury thing ... and now I like it. :)

    M in Oz ... where the pumpkin is good! And low cal! :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    I remember making something from WW pumpkin,sugar free vanilla pudding,and cool whip.think it's called pumpkin fluff you can make a parfait with that and the cool whip.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Good morning, afternoon, and evening, all...

    Becca - SO pleased Owain made it through training. You're such a terrific mom... hope you've had a chance to speak to him. Once basic training's over, the strictures lighten up so much.

    D.J. - Dang, I hope the damage was minimal! Falls are so scary, and I end up finding bruises days later.

    Machka - My husband's always had borderline high blood pressure, and they just finally started him on medication for it. Very low dose, we'll see if it's effective. At least it's very treatable, although with your history, they'll have to be awfully careful what they give you.

    Dana - that was quite a list--I haven't yet gotten to my forever home. Maybe someday. Maybe not. :)

    Penny - Started watching the Vietnam series, and it intended up being quite intense, even just the first episode. Have put it off until I'm at home alone--my husband, who's nine years younger, found it disturbing, which Burns' stuff can be. We tend to watch TV together that's fairly lightweight or educational. I'll watch the Vietnam series by myself--we don't always have the same tastes. I find myself desperately missing seasons. I particularly love fall and spring, and here in the desert, they're just dates on the calendar, there's pretty much winter and blast furnace summers.

    - so glad that, after 32 years, there is still more to learn about your husband's journey! Those had to be some interesting conversations. Sorry the condo's title is causing issues. Real estate transactions are always so stressful.

    Rye - way to get out of your comfort zone!

    Joyce - hope things go well with your sister's cardiac cath.

    Glad to be back home. Never was that fond of driving (and just drove ten hours in two days), but unless I develop a pair of wings, I'm pretty well stuck with it. This council covers 94,000 square miles, or something like it - 23 Texas counties, and ten in New Mexico, and my area of responsibility covers 22 of the Texas counties, and two of the New Mexico ones... It's keeping me busy, which is always a good thing. Much like a two-year-old, boredom on my part always gets me in trouble.

    After only two days gone, came back to a refrigerator that's a barren wasteland. Corey ate every leftover, and well, pretty much everything we had in there, as well as clearing quite a bit of the pantry! Time for an early shopping trip. Trying to decide whether to slate a haircut or just try to grow it out once more... Can't get my head around it this early in the morning.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in West Texas
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Heather Love it. Makes me want to start singing LET IT GO! One of my fun memories of teaching was listening to a group of fourth grade boys singing it with gusto!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited September 2017
    DJ ~ So sorry about your trip and fall. Hope your glasses can be repaired.

    Machka and Janet ~ We have never had a tablet so I looked up the Amazon Fire. Can you do email on it? Can you do internet searches? I am very naïve concerning modern technology. I was greatly surprised when I had jury duty to see so many of the jurors using their devices.

    Moving ~ I grew up in the house that I was born to and now my younger brother lives there. Boy, it has changed so much from when it was first built.

    My DH and I lived at Ft Knox for his tour of duty. We then lived in 3 different apartments, our starter house for 15 yrs, and our present house for over 25.

    Joyce ~ My DH stayed his entire tour at Ft Knox and never got sent to Vietnam. Some of the cadets he went to college with came through Ft Knox and he helped train them.

    Rye ~ In one of my devotionals yesterday, it was said that coming in first was not as important as coming in. I commend you for all the swimming you do.

    Penny ~ I often wonder if someone/something was chasing me, what would I do? I can’t run at all. You are doing great to do the interval running.

    Josephine ~ How old is your son? That is too funny about your dogs who do not like to walk.

    Heather ~ Awesomely beautiful cake! DGD will love it!

    Lisa ~ I would hate to do all that driving too!

    Carol in GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :)Josephine, How funny about your dogs. Even so, spending time with dogs and walking are two things that cheer me up. You might have to do these activities separately.

    :)Heather, great cake
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    <3 Good morning <3
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    <3 Good morning <3
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi all, trying to catch up with all that you ladies have been up to. We are on our way back home from our vacation and we don't want it to end! We have had such a good time and decided we could live in Delaware. Everyone was so friendly and relaxed. We will definitely visit again and narrow down where we would move to. Still have 3-4 more years to decide.

    Totally blew my eating. Going to give myself one more day then back to counting my calories and tracking my food in MFP.

    We are in New York and have about 4-5 more hours to get home. I think my daughter has missed us. I know she doesn't like being at the house alone. Having her live with us right now while she goes to school worked out well during our vacation because she was there to watch the cats and dog. We have been texting every day. She texted me yesterday saying she got a letter from the school saying that her grades have been so high they asked her to join a honors group. She was pretty excited. She has done well and I'm so proud of her.

    Well I better get out of bed and get moving. Got some sightseeing to do before we had out on the last few miles home.

    ((Hugs)) to all those going through tough times.

    Congrats to those who have had successes.

    I'll catch-up more when I'm home and back on track.

    Terry in NY headed back to VT
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2017
    Pip: I have a dear friend who wants a Lab. She'd be likely to settle for a mix if it is "Labby" enough. She loves the lab disposition. Where did you get your dogs? :huh:

    Barbie: They didn't make me wear weird clothes for the bone density scan. The only rule was no zippers or buttons. My yoga pants were perfect. I saw the scan results and they looked just like the last ones to my untrained eye. My doctors will read the scans and let me know what they think. :flowerforyou:

    DJ: I am so sorry that you tripped. I've slipped on ice and broken both wrists in separate falls a few years ago, which is why my doctors wanted a bone density scan to see how I'm doing now. :ohwell:

    Rori: I hope the condo sale goes through without too much hassle. :star:

    Machka: I hope you're able to get a handle on your blood pressure quickly. DH has a home blood pressure device. It is an ihealth product. :heart:

    Rye: Can you switch to the half-mile? I bet that is possible. :star:

    Joyce: Your DH is most assuredly a veteran, but the guys who went to Viet Nam came back with lots of horrible memories & trauma. He's lucky he was assigned here and not there. :heart:

    Penny: Can a US family member record the Viet Nam series for you and send it your way? :huh:

    Josephine: Make pumpkin pie filling and bake it in custard cups. Pumpkin cupcakes are also yummy--too yummy to resist. Paula Deen has a good recipe but it is not low cal. :wink:

    Heather: Your cake is spectacular! :star:

    I plan to go to yoga this morning and ride Arrow indoors this evening. A number of the women who keep horses at the stable ride Friday evenings. I'm hoping they're there. If not, I'll have a clear arena to mess around in. Weather has been rainy the past few days and riding outside isn't very appealing. At least the rain will help control the horrible wildfires we've had in our state this summer.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Rough night here with DH. He is so uncomfortable and says his stomach is constantly bubbling. He is hungry but eating makes his stomach hurt. He is restless but doesn’t feel like doing anything……. The list goes on and on! I am doing pretty good and haven’t felt like killing him so far. Monday can’t come quick enough. On the bright side…..I’ve lost a pound since meals are so light! ;) Last night we had scrambled eggs and I tried Gordon Ramsey’s method of cooking them. On the heat for a few minutes and off the heat for a few minutes. The eggs came out so creamy and light. They were delicious.

    OMG! Some small animal found its way into our back yard and encountered Blue. He showed his true colors by capturing it and playing. :'( I was hysterical and screaming for DH to get Blue to leave it alone. DH managed to get out of bed and finally got Blue to come into the house. Then he blasted me for getting so upset (you know I was wheezing to beat the band). He asked me what did I expect Blue to do as he is a pure bred hunting dog and any animal that ventured into his space, except another dog, would be subject to being attacked. So I wanted DH to at least go out and dispose of the poor animal’s body. He told me that he was sick and would not be venturing out to do anything. So I had to “pull up my big white panties” and venture out to do it myself. I guess Blue just played with whatever it was because nothing was out there and Blue didn’t have any blood on him. Later on I was on the computer scanning your posts when DH came downstairs and asked what I was doing. I told him I was on the computer looking for Weimariner rescue groups to come and get Blue. DH had a hissy fit (although he maintains that Blue belongs to me and he doesn’t have a dog) and advised me that Blue wasn’t going anyplace. I managed to hold my laugh during his fuss. :p You know I didn’t have any intention of getting rid of my baby. He didn’t get around to asking me what I had done with the dead body until this morning and I had to fess up that there wasn’t one. Thankfully the animal seems to have survived. Never did figure out what it was as I could only see Blue tossing something up in the air from the kitchen window. I know he is a hunting dog and has those tendencies. I just don’t want any animal hurt or killed. :'(

    Allie: I am so happy for you. Your journey has resulted in your beginning a wonderful new life filled with happiness and peace. <3

    Lisa: Loved your list. It makes me more encouraged to start chucking stuff out of this house and preparing to move.

    Machka: Your views are incredible! I hate root canals. Every one I’ve had has ended up being extracted. Next year is the year I will start my dental procedures of having lower dentures and upper implants. I am not looking forward to it.

    Becca: Congratulations on your son’s graduation. You may not have physically been there but I am sure he had you in his heart.

    DJ: Wow that was quite a fall! Hope you heal fast!

    Heather: Love the cake. It is always refreshing for me to confront my feelings and figure out why I am having an emotional tailspin.

    Tere in RVA

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Ginger: Happy Autumn Equinox! :bigsmile: We do have seasons here in Western Oregon, and it is clear that we're going into fall. The trees on the island across from us are still green, but that won't last long. I see a few that are starting to show yellow leaves but not many. I still have flowers and tomatoes ripening on the vine. We've had enough rain to help quench the fires to the east of us. They aren't out, but they are diminishing. :heart:

    Yoga today with my favorite teacher. YAY!!! I also plan to visit the stable this afternoon or evening and give Arrow some attention and exercise. I haven't felt good enough so far this week.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn