
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Sentencing yesterday was grueling. I feel like I have been hit by a train. He got 50 months, $6600 in fees/fines, recommendation was to Englewood Colorado with a report date of 11/29. We won't know facility and report date for several weeks because the Bureau of Prisons has to make the final determination.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,581 Member
    Machka – I don’t blame you for wanting to have that tooth pulled. I have one that’s full of fillings because my insurance was maxed out and the dentist thought he could buy a few more years before the crown expense. So far so good.

    I have several root canals and had never heard of any “going bad” until Felicia’s experience. My dentist refers root canals on teeth with several roots like molars to an endodontist. I have a couple tricky ones right now cause me pain from time to time…could just be a small cavity starting back there, or ill fitting crown, receding gums, TMJ, etc. I used to not mind going to the dentist until my old one retired and his replacement turned the place into a torture chamber, lol.

    I now have a new very nice dentist in another office, who put me on prescription fluoride for sensitivity. GACK!

    Wendy, thank you for the idea about propolis. I’m going to investigate natural remedies.

    Also Wendy, lovely that you folks call winter squash pumpkin! I never ate any winter squash until I decided to raise them in the garden a few years ago – sweet meat, delicata, butternut (which appears on one of your pumpkin soup illustrations). Many of them are sweet enough to substitute for pie pumpkins. I sometimes make a “12 spice soup” with butternut squash, coconut milk, and chickpeas – plus lots of other veggies.

    Dana – you and your DH are the cutest couple! So glad you two found each other!! And have your Dolly baby to complete the family.

    Machka, Dana, Lisa – fascinating to see all of your moves and what was happening in your lives at the time, thank you for sharing.

    Katla – on your bone density scan, did they take a picture of your hip/femur and lower spine? Did they add your wrists? It’s been a long time since my Dexa scan and want to get another one before year end. I hope your exercises and meds are doing the trick!

    DJ – OUCH! Hope you heal quickly and they get your specs adjusted.

    About Vietnam – DH was over there in 1968 – 1969 then back to the states. He never talks much about it. We don’t normally watch PBS but I think can get the app on our Roku TV.

    – that cake is adorable and I’m sure will be a hit. Sounds like your cough is finally on the way out. How exciting that DIL is going to be on TEDX. I just discovered I can get TED podcasts on IHeart on my Fire tablet. I sometimes listen to music or talk radio (boring) when I can’t sleep. So this was a good find.

    – oh my word – I’m sure you are ready for DH to get his surgery and heal up! Plus that was something about Blue! It’s good he didn’t kill the little thing but I worry a little that my dogs will “worry” something that will bite back like a raccoon. I bet it won’t wander in your yard again.

    Meg - big HUGS! Is there any kind of rehab they'll put your DH through while he's incarcerated? Will he end up in a Federal facility? He is one lucky guy to have you in his life.

    Need to head out and finish my strength training. I used to be on BP meds but have dropped them - I think my strength training is doing the job keeping it within 120's - low 130's over 70's. My doc is cool and said 130's is not a problem for my age. If it gets lower than the 120's I tend to get light headed, so need to keep some pressure in this old bod, lol.

    SW WA State
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,581 Member
    Ladies - do any of you have no-contract smartphones like Tracfone, Consumer Cellular, etc? I've had a Tracfone cellphone for years and RARELY use it. I don't call anyone except DH sometimes to tell him I've been delayed at a meeting or shopping so he doesn't worry. And if I have a roadside emergency I could call 911, AAA or DH. We don't have kids or relatives or friends that I want to talk to (email or FB messenger does just fine). Plus the cellphone quality is atrocious. We still have our landline and always will because of E911.

    In fact, I have over 3,000 minutes on that account.

    When our internet went kaput for a week a couple months ago, I ended up taking this laptop to different hotspots around town so got caught up on email. I was thinking I can see a cell tower from our house, so maybe having a smartphone wouldn't be a bad idea. But again, would I even use the thing.... and I think the data minutes expire at the end of each month.

    So not sure if it's worth the expense and hassle at this time.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2017
    Carol in GA asked "Machka and Janet ~ We have never had a tablet so I looked up the Amazon Fire. Can you do email on it? Can you do internet searches? I am very naïve concerning modern technology. I was greatly surprised when I had jury duty to see so many of the jurors using their devices."

    Absolutely you can do all that on it, just like a regular laptop or whatever. I can watch movies from Amazon or where ever, get on Facebook, has a regular internet search engine. Jack can even take pictures with his, mine is older and does not take pictures. I love it, much larger than a phone screen but not as cumbersome as a laptop.

    I do still use my old PC on my desk a lot tho in the evening.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Cheri - Good morning, good morning..........I'd sing the rest of the song but don't remember the words. Lucky for everyone here lol

    Happy first day of Fall :)

    Janetr OKC
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited September 2017
    Felicia - What a sad story about your Sophie. I can imagine both your sense of loss and your relief when she disappeared.

    Meg - Sending strength to you. Looking at it superficially, 50 months isn't a lot more than 42 months, but I'm sure the difference will make itself felt for every passing day. :'( I forget where you're located. Is Englewood CO far away? Also, is there any standard for early release for good behavior? Like it or not, almost nobody in Scandinavia serves the full sentence. Most prisoners who behave are released after half their time.

    Hubby and I just had a delicious dinner based on something between Hairy Bikers' chicken and Skinnytaste's balsamic chicken. (Heather, thanks for introducing those two websites into my inspiration repertoire!) To go with it, we opened a bottle of a flavorful white wine we've loved for years but that is no longer available in Sweden (not to mention Norway). Last year, our daughter imported a case or two privately when her fiancé defended his PhD thesis, and they gave us a couple bottles. Today was her birthday (My baby is 36!) and we opened it in her honor.

    But I was a good girl, too! I logged everything ahead of time, and when I saw there wasn't room for it all in my CICO budget, I went out and ran intervals to burn the excess. Yay me! s0819.gif

    /Penny, patiently paring away pounds at the North Pole
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Ihscpil, I had a Tracphone for years and loved it. It was a god introduction to a smart phone. When my husband had his heart attAck, we knew it was important he had a cell phone for when he was out. He used my old cell phone which was a flip phone and very easy for him to operate. Flip it open and its on, flip it closed and its off. He tried to take some pictures with it and didn't like them at all. And he really wanted to be able to take pictures of his grand kids and cats to show at Karoake. So I researched what Tracphone would be the best. I have idea how many minutes he has built up on it since I keep on buying the yearly plan. I bought a very masculine leather case off Amazon and he loves it. Took quite awhile to learn even how to answer it but he sure loves the camera and just knowing he has a phone.

    Sisters cardiac cath as negative but she did go into atrial fib during the procedure. I don't know if she will go home tonight or not.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I have an Amazon Fire tablet, and I love it. I do not have it connected to any account, so I don't use it for buying anything. I have a hotmail account, and its connected to my grocery store members card, so I can get digital coupons loaded on my members card. That is handy! I can video chat with anyone on My Messenger, so hoping to do that when son gets his laptop. I do not have a phone number attached to this device, but can still hit the "call" phone picture on Messenger, when I wish to video chat with my sisters, or sons. I have a couple games loaded, which are fun, as well as a puzzle game app. The neat thing is any picture I have in my folders can be turned into a puzzle, so that's cool! Also all my apps are only the free ones, so I am not using real money to pay for games. I can't seem to down load the app for myfitnesspal though. I have this thread bookmarked, and go to my food journal kind of via a back door. Hey whatever works! I used to have it, and it was nice to scan a pantry item using the barcode scanner on this.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Another hot day in TX. Played golf early but still got hot as it took 4 hours.
    MEG- sorry the court was so tough. You have been through a lot this past year. Please take care of yourself.
    Heather- love the cake. Looks good enough to eat!!!!
    Penny- good for you to run off the excess calories.
    Not much happening here so I think I will take a nap.
    SueBDew in TX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    DJ ouch!!! Hope glasses are fixed!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,581 Member
    I have an Amazon Fire tablet, and I love it. I do not have it connected to any account, so I don't use it for buying anything. I have a hotmail account, and its connected to my grocery store members card, so I can get digital coupons loaded on my members card. That is handy! I can video chat with anyone on My Messenger, so hoping to do that when son gets his laptop. I do not have a phone number attached to this device, but can still hit the "call" phone picture on Messenger, when I wish to video chat with my sisters, or sons. I have a couple games loaded, which are fun, as well as a puzzle game app. The neat thing is any picture I have in my folders can be turned into a puzzle, so that's cool! Also all my apps are only the free ones, so I am not using real money to pay for games. I can't seem to down load the app for myfitnesspal though. I have this thread bookmarked, and go to my food journal kind of via a back door. Hey whatever works! I used to have it, and it was nice to scan a pantry item using the barcode scanner on this.

    Becca, I love my little Amazon Fire Tablet too. You must have wi-fi in your building (or maybe with your computer connection). It does a lot of things smartphones do. I also use free apps and play Sudoku, solitare and word games. Having Messenger is a great feature on it. I can get MyFitnessPal on it OK tho haven't used it for logging but can check this thread all the time. It's a pain to type on the teensy keypad but nice to read things.

    If they have a big sale on them I might upgrade to a larger one...I think they did have a sale a couple days ago and I missed it. Christmas is coming!!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    I have an Amazon Fire tablet, and I love it.

    I too have an Amazon Fire tablet and love it. Use it for just about everything but mostly reading and playing puzzle games!


  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am also in the Amazon Fire camp. I have a lap top, but I don't use it much. I only recently got a smart phone, and I am liking that as well, but my family knows I get a little anxious when I've misplaced my Kindle. :grimace:

    Sorry court was difficult, Meg. I don't know/remember where you are. Might he be within convenient visiting range?

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I've had a Fire tablet or several years and then bought Jack one a couple of years ago now. We'd be lost without them.

    Janetr okc
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    I have a Samsung Galaxy tablet. I use it for almost everything except my memoir and printing. It is rarely far from my hands. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx