
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    My DH won't have the flu shot either. He says he hasn't had the flu since the 50s. :o Well I have, twice, and it is no fun. No fun AT ALL!
    I have been doing some research on the FROZEN movie (which I have never seen ) and listening to a couple of the songs. I found LET IT GO very touching. Very interesting and complicated theme. Wikipedia is very informative. I now feel I am in a better position to decorate the cake tomorrow and will know what it all means instead of just random figures. We are giving her an Elsa costume for her present. A very complicated character which has a lot of resonance with me and I'm sure many others, which is why it has grossed over a billion dollars! LET IT GO! :D<3

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    M in Oz your tooth should have lasted more than a year. My DH grinds his teeth at night and wears a special night guard to help him not grind down his teeth. I too am surprised your dentist didn't ask or notice to make a suggestion what to do for this. Hope you find a solution soon.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Alison ~ I am surprised that the owner you are leasing from has not done a total cleanup of the condo for you. We have a rental house that we spent 3 months getting ready for the next renter as the former renters had trashed it.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Agree, Carol,. Allie, although the outgoing tenant had left it ok and I could not take money out of his deposit, I still had a company in for a deep clean. That is the least the landlord should do.

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,582 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    M in Oz Sorry about the tooth. Inserting a pin is different than a root canal and that procedure is very expensive. I do think you need a second opinion. When the root canal did not feel right it was a good time to go back into dentist to find out why. Unfortunately too late for that. Why did the root canal fail? Is a good question to start. Is the tooth breaking because of your bite? another good question. Is it the materials they are using? Are you careful not to chew ice? Hard foods like nuts? Popcorn? It is so frustrating when you think something is fixed and you have to go back to get it fixed again. Especially your teeth. (((M)))

    Thanks! :)

    I didn't go back to the dentist after the root canal because I was going through about 2 months of measles, a pile of long distance cycling events, and finishing another course ... going back to the dentist was the last thing on my mind. (Things were chaos a year ago!!) And she said that it might take a little while to settle. It did kind of ease up a bit and I just figured that might be as good as it got.

    I do grind my teeth at night, and suspect that might be part of the problem ... but oddly none of the dentists I've seen here have asked me about that.

    I also have a theory that doing long distance cycling drains calcium out of the body and is hard on teeth. But that's just my theory and I've never heard a dentist talk about it.

    I don't remember why it broke the first time ... suspect maybe a granola bar? The second time it was a chocolate covered coffee bean in the middle of a 400 km bicycle ride. Made for a rough last 200 km! And this third time ... I knew it had started to develop a crack 2 or 3 months ago. It just felt different. I try not to eat anything on that side at all, and don't recall eating anything particularly hard (I rarely eat nuts, don't crunch ice, and haven't touched popcorn in years ... I don't even eat carrots because of that tooth), but all of a sudden, it just fell apart.

    This most recent dentist tried to tell me that this often happens with root canals ... and yet I've had two other teeth done which have lasted much longer.

    Anyway, I'm planning to go to my husband's dentist to see what they have to say.

    It just annoys me because I've already dropped well over $1000 on several appointments, X-rays, a filling and a root canal ... only to have the tooth fall apart a year later.

    M in Oz

    Machka -

    Is this one of your molars? I think it's a good idea going to a different dentist. I think there was someone else on this list who had to have root canals redone who might have input.

    I am surprised the tooth wasn't replaced with a crown in the first place, but over here, insurance normally pays for a crown a year which inspires dentists to go that route.

    SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    I work for a dentist, have for 11 years.. now when you get a root canal you are basically deadening the tooth, so no live roots to keep it stable.. what we usually do after we put permanent filling in is we put a crown on the tooht. if you do not crown the tooth it will become brittle and break ,a crown keeps it all together like a coat of armor.. hope this helps. yes grinding can also crack teeth.. and getting a nightguard can help that..
    Hope this helps any of your questions..
    Oh he is doing alot of the work, but like I said I am washing out cupboards and putting my stuff in early.. I will be watching Faith this weekend ,so I cant do much this weekend. and Think my DSIL is upset with me because I agreed to take my dad down to his 60th College reunion in November and it is her birthday weekend, and I am sure she wants to go somewhere ,and wanted me to watch momma, so she will have to fork over the big bucks and pay someone..
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well today I didn't go to my normal volunteering at the senior luncheon today. I was just worried I might miss a phone call today from Navy sailor son! Sent my husband out for groceries, and he did pretty good except, the ham slices he got were brownish, not fresh looking at all. He said ham is ham..... Lol!

    For lunch I cut about 8 slices off the huge zucchini, lightly breaded them and baked them. Turned out well, but next time I will toss them in flour first.

    Thanks for all the congrats!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    mepeiffer thanks :0)
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Very true Katla! When husband was in, there would be months and months without a word then 8 letters would come! I would put them in date order and read the emotional rollercoaster he was on like me!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just got home and slept for three hours.
    Lisa-DH was in AF for 24 years so we moved a lot also. In fact, we were in UK and my daughter was born in Lakenheath. We were at RAF Wethersfield. There was another place we were stationed that you were stationed but I forgot to write it down. Might have been Nellis. We were in CO also but at ENT and the AF Academy.
    Becca - great news about your Navy son.
    Elaine - thanks for your thoughtful words.
    Heather-I bet the Frozen cake will be beautiful. I love that you did research on the movie.
    Dana- great picture of you and hubby.
    Meh - thinking of you.
    SueBDew in TX
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Oh my gosh Pip! I love Yogi! Gorgeous pup!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :)Elaine, my husband has meditated for years and I wasn't inspired by him, but when I read Dan Harris's book, it all clicked for me. I stared meditating immediately and got all the way up to 16 minutes a day before my spine surgery last September. I am convinced that what I learned in meditation made it possible for me to be calm and present through all the stages of the surgery from finding out that I needed it to getting back to a normal routine. However, during the recovery, my schedule changed and I lost my early morning meditation time. Also, my husband thought it would be great to meditate together but our schedules were a mess and we ended up meditating for only a few minutes just before bed. I finally decided that it wasn't working for me and went back to meditating right after breakfast and before the after breakfast dog walk. I am usually alone then (hubby still asleep). Sometimes he gets up early and when I'm ready to meditate, I tell him that I'll be shutting off the light and need quiet. Then he will usually meditate with me. Dan Harris has a podcast called "10% Happier" I listen to it regularly and that further inspires my resolve to meditate.

    :)Katla, I hope the news from the bone density scan is positive. I just realized that I balk at a bone density scan for the same reason I balk at yoga and getting a flu shot. I don't like to do anything that requires that I wear clothes that are different from my normal stuff.

    <3 Barbie

    This is me except that I keep my hands in my lap.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    M in Oz Sorry about the tooth. Inserting a pin is different than a root canal and that procedure is very expensive. I do think you need a second opinion. When the root canal did not feel right it was a good time to go back into dentist to find out why. Unfortunately too late for that. Why did the root canal fail? Is a good question to start. Is the tooth breaking because of your bite? another good question. Is it the materials they are using? Are you careful not to chew ice? Hard foods like nuts? Popcorn? It is so frustrating when you think something is fixed and you have to go back to get it fixed again. Especially your teeth. (((M)))

    Thanks! :)

    I didn't go back to the dentist after the root canal because I was going through about 2 months of measles, a pile of long distance cycling events, and finishing another course ... going back to the dentist was the last thing on my mind. (Things were chaos a year ago!!) And she said that it might take a little while to settle. It did kind of ease up a bit and I just figured that might be as good as it got.

    I do grind my teeth at night, and suspect that might be part of the problem ... but oddly none of the dentists I've seen here have asked me about that.

    I also have a theory that doing long distance cycling drains calcium out of the body and is hard on teeth. But that's just my theory and I've never heard a dentist talk about it.

    I don't remember why it broke the first time ... suspect maybe a granola bar? The second time it was a chocolate covered coffee bean in the middle of a 400 km bicycle ride. Made for a rough last 200 km! And this third time ... I knew it had started to develop a crack 2 or 3 months ago. It just felt different. I try not to eat anything on that side at all, and don't recall eating anything particularly hard (I rarely eat nuts, don't crunch ice, and haven't touched popcorn in years ... I don't even eat carrots because of that tooth), but all of a sudden, it just fell apart.

    This most recent dentist tried to tell me that this often happens with root canals ... and yet I've had two other teeth done which have lasted much longer.

    Anyway, I'm planning to go to my husband's dentist to see what they have to say.

    It just annoys me because I've already dropped well over $1000 on several appointments, X-rays, a filling and a root canal ... only to have the tooth fall apart a year later.

    M in Oz

    Machka -

    Is this one of your molars? I think it's a good idea going to a different dentist. I think there was someone else on this list who had to have root canals redone who might have input.

    I am surprised the tooth wasn't replaced with a crown in the first place, but over here, insurance normally pays for a crown a year which inspires dentists to go that route.

    SW WA State

    That was me. Still in the process. Very frustrating. Will write more later.

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Just worth mentioning something regarding teeth. Five years ago I went to the dentist because of terrible infected back molar which already had a filling. I was told I could have it pulled out for $200 or have a root canal for $1200. I could not afford a root canal but I googled info about them anyway, and found out they were not always a good idea as they acted as a source of constant infection in the body. So I went to my local health food shop as a last resort, told them I was in agony from my tooth and I was going to have it pulled out unless they had anything that could help me. They recommended a tiny bottle, a tincture of extra-strength propolis to use a drop or two every few hours and then only as needed. I was skeptical but desperate, so I tried it, fully expecting it to fail as the level of my pain was a ten+. It WORKED. It killed the pain. It killed the infection under my tooth. I still have my tooth, five years later. No root canal needed. I keep a bottle of Propolis on hand in the bathroom and at the slightest twinge of any toothache, I use a few drops. Also works for sore throats. (Be careful though as I have heard it can cause a reaction and throat swelling in some people.) For me, I have not needed to go to the Murder Shop ever since I found out about Propolis. This is a natural antibiotic that bees gather from trees and use in their hives to prevent disease. For instance if a mouse gets into their hive and is stung to death, they embalm the body in propolis to keep their hive from being infected. I even take this on holiday with me, just in case. I don't leave home without it, LOL! <3 Wendy
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hello My Friends,

    I had wanted to catch up tonight but that's not going to happen. Today I went to get nails done then came home for the Cable Man. We've been having lots of problems with our TV and internet, so that's one reason I have fallen so far behind.
    Tonight I had a Moose meeting at a different location. As I was going into the building I tripped on uneven pavement and landed on knee, hands and cheek right at the bottom of my glasses. The glasses flew but didn't break. They are bent and I hope the glasses place can fix them. I'm not ready to fork out big bucks for new glasses. I put ice on my cheek and hand while I was at the meeting so the swelling is down. I'll just have a black eye in the morning I'm sure. I don't think anything is broken so that's the good thing. It's hard to read with my crooked glasses on my head so I'm going to sign off and go to bed early. First think in the morning I'll go see if I can get my glasses fixed.

    I have been thinking of you all and send you best wishes for success on what ever you attempt.

    Much Love,

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Just looking in to see how you were doing. Son saw YOGI above and said--that looks like Mae (his dog). And of course Mae sat up and wagged her hopeful tail for food. Sigh, I just sent the 2 dogs and the boy out for the last potty call. Can't shake the blues today.