
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Absolutely nothing interesting happened in my world today. B)

    Sending good thoughts out to all.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Meg: Holding you and your family in prayer and light today. We are still in the throes of the butterfly migration here, too. Magical.

    Becca: Congrats to your youngest and a big thumbs up to his proud Mama and Dad. You've raised an exceptional young man.

    Barbie: I'm going to look for Dan Harris' book. I love guided meditations and use an app every morning to find one that fits my mood and need for the day. Right now I'm listening to the audio version of one of your other recommendations: "Finding Ultra". Egads! Intense! The body can really do some remarkable feats.

    DH has been glued to the Viet Nam series on PBS this week. He has made some interesting and intimate commentary to some of the subject matter. I knew he enlisted in the Air Force and was part of the 'advisory' period of the US engagement in VN, but I'm learning more about him this week than in our entire 32 years together.

    My condo sale is in another little tangle. This time it's the release of a lien from decades ago when one company sold my mortgage to another. Somehow, the lender can't find the proof my title company needs. We're supposed to close this Wednesday. So, this is truly a test of my spiritual principles. I'm not going to let this send me into a funk, but lighting a candle and praying for a small miracle.

    Stay well friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited September 2017
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    M in Oz Sorry about the tooth. Inserting a pin is different than a root canal and that procedure is very expensive. I do think you need a second opinion. When the root canal did not feel right it was a good time to go back into dentist to find out why. Unfortunately too late for that. Why did the root canal fail? Is a good question to start. Is the tooth breaking because of your bite? another good question. Is it the materials they are using? Are you careful not to chew ice? Hard foods like nuts? Popcorn? It is so frustrating when you think something is fixed and you have to go back to get it fixed again. Especially your teeth. (((M)))

    Thanks! :)

    I didn't go back to the dentist after the root canal because I was going through about 2 months of measles, a pile of long distance cycling events, and finishing another course ... going back to the dentist was the last thing on my mind. (Things were chaos a year ago!!) And she said that it might take a little while to settle. It did kind of ease up a bit and I just figured that might be as good as it got.

    I do grind my teeth at night, and suspect that might be part of the problem ... but oddly none of the dentists I've seen here have asked me about that.

    I also have a theory that doing long distance cycling drains calcium out of the body and is hard on teeth. But that's just my theory and I've never heard a dentist talk about it.

    I don't remember why it broke the first time ... suspect maybe a granola bar? The second time it was a chocolate covered coffee bean in the middle of a 400 km bicycle ride. Made for a rough last 200 km! And this third time ... I knew it had started to develop a crack 2 or 3 months ago. It just felt different. I try not to eat anything on that side at all, and don't recall eating anything particularly hard (I rarely eat nuts, don't crunch ice, and haven't touched popcorn in years ... I don't even eat carrots because of that tooth), but all of a sudden, it just fell apart.

    This most recent dentist tried to tell me that this often happens with root canals ... and yet I've had two other teeth done which have lasted much longer.

    Anyway, I'm planning to go to my husband's dentist to see what they have to say.

    It just annoys me because I've already dropped well over $1000 on several appointments, X-rays, a filling and a root canal ... only to have the tooth fall apart a year later.

    M in Oz

    Machka -

    Is this one of your molars? I think it's a good idea going to a different dentist. I think there was someone else on this list who had to have root canals redone who might have input.

    I am surprised the tooth wasn't replaced with a crown in the first place, but over here, insurance normally pays for a crown a year which inspires dentists to go that route.

    SW WA State

    It is one of my molars, and we couldn't afford the crown at the time of the root canal. Getting to that point was over $1000, and a crown would have been an additional $2000 and we just didn't have the money.

    I haven't had a crown on either of my other two root canals, and they've been fine ... but it seems to me that the dentists in those cases (in Canada) did put some sort of less expensive temporary cap or crown on which in one case has lasted 18 years and in the other case has lasted about 10 years, with no problems whatsoever.

    I am at the point now where I might just suggest that they pull it. There's hardly anything left of the tooth now anyway.

    M in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    <3Rori real estate deals are a mine field of challenges. Sending good thoughts for a smooth outcome. I've tried guided meditation and found the simpler "focus on the breath " more satisfying --and it can be done anywhere anytime

    :)Josephine , I find walking the dogs very cheering and uplifting

    <3 Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did 50 min of a Tracy Long DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Cathe Drill Max DVD.

    I'm supposed to volunteer at the Green Room and then I'm going to get my hair and makeup done at the local college.

    Katie - oh, that is so great about the MotherGroom. I still find it funny that even tho I was so hurt by Amanda's actions at the shower, lots of people posted on Facebook about how good the cake was, how they haven't had anything as good. That makes me smile.

    You go Allie!!!!!

    Lisa - PHEW!!

    Heather - you only use butter and sugar? If the cake is left out for a while, doesn't the butter get soft? I would think you'd need at least something like Crisco to help it keep its shape in the heat. Is icing sugar a special type of sugar, maybe? Update: I googled it and Icing Sugar is the same as Confectioners Sugar. At least, that's what I took away from it.

    machka - so sorry about your root canal woes. Get a second opinion. I wish I had before I had the root canal. To this day I don't think I needed it.

    Yvonne -- ROTF

    drkatiebug - Denise told me (how true this is, I don't know. Maybe she was just being nice?) that she liked my dress better than Maria's.

    Dana - you've certainly moved a lot, too. Lovely pics

    Heather - how far in advance do you ice your cakes?

    Volunteered at the Green Room then got my hair done at the local community college. Personally, I'm not all that crazy about how she did it. But then again, I realize it was just a student. She said that not many people come in asking for updos so she asked if she could take a picture for her portfolio. She took an extra long time to do it, but then again, this may have been the first time she ever did it. I didn't have time to get my makeup done. Came home and Vince took my car to get new rotors and brake pads. Then he came home and took a pic of me in my dress for me to send to Denise. I realized that the gal who did the alterations forgot to take it in on the sides, the pin was still there. So I'm supposed to take it to her next Tuesday. I also tried dancing in the dress and I'm going to ask her why it seems that I keep stepping on the dress when I dance.

    Rori - saying a prayer for you for the sale of your condo.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 new gym- 5.19min, 136mhr, 10.1amph. .8mi = 64c
    apple watch- 35c
    jog treadmill - 4.50min, 8.50min mi, 7.0sp, 165mhr, .5mi = 71c
    apple watch- 64c
    floor exerc- 23.10min, 2 sets of 10ea, burpees, squats, running stationary lunges, squats w/jump, single leg toe touches, ceiling to fl single leg touches w/5# weight, hamstring leglifts, push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts, crunches, sit-ups w/8# ball, on butt-knees to chest, on side, leg lifts, l shape, on side, leg lifts, to back, on side, leg lift, inner, ball balancing alternate legs, 136mhr = 137c
    apple watch- 106c
    other- Trampoline ball toss- 3.35min, 2sets 15 w/12#ball, 4 diff throws, 113mhr= 31c
    apple watch- 36c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 14.25min, 12.8amph, 139mhr, 3mi = 118c
    appple watch- 93c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 15.35min, 149mhr, 11.7amph, 3mi= 154c
    apple watch- 116c
    jog sta 2 wk- 6.01min, 145mhr, 11.57min mi, .5mi = 76c
    apple watch- 61c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.01min, 9.53min mi, 147mhr, .5mi = 61c
    apple watch- 56c
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.07min, 8.2amph, 151mhr, 2.6mi = 199c
    apple watch- 146c

    total cal 911c
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    Yogi again
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Yogi is so shiningly beautiful!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    In other health news ... after that weird episode, I went to the Dr who sent me for a whole lot of blood work. That all came back normal. No diabetes, no thyroid, good cholesterol level, etc.

    However, one thing we noticed the last time I was in the Dr's office, and again this time, and something I've noticed at home a few times .... my blood pressure is up. In fact, they put it at Hypertension Stage 1. This is really odd for me because my blood pressure my whole life till now has tended to be quite low, even borderline too low. It's not unusual to see readings like 115/55 or 110/52 and things like that. Now, all of a sudden, I'm seeing 140/95!!

    Apparently the headache I've had the last couple weeks could be attributed to that.

    So, I'm to monitor my BP twice daily ... she suggested finding an app for that! And I've been referred to the cardiac clinic. And I go in to see her again in a week.

    M in Oz
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Good evening!

    Philip had his massage chair set up at the brewpub this evening, so that was something different. I think it really made us realize that we should rotate locations for this free chair massage thing, because it gives him a chance to meet different groups of people. Our town has a downtown open house kind of thing every third Thursday. He’s been setting up in one particular shop every month, but the owners were taking a break this week. The people there have been lovely but by now they all know him, and I don’t know if it’s doing anything for his business. So we’ll look at some other places where we could set up.

    Just wanted to say goodnight. I’m leaving for Dad’s river house tomorrow. There’s no internet there, and I don’t usually get a cell signal either, so I may absent until I get home Sunday unless I end up somewhere that I can check in.

    Hope you all have a fine weekend!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    3 months ago I started swimming - after not swimming a lap in probably 35 years. In ten days, I will be participating in a swim for cancer research fundraising event. I can’t back out, for myself and also because people have pledged because I said I’d swim a mile in the event.

    I’m scared silly. I’m absolutely ridiculous! I’m 52, been swimming only three months, and slower than molasses. I’m fat and out of shape and will have to stand there with the stream of fit 20 year olds - stand there in my bathing suit showing all the fat rolls and cellulite in all their exposed glory and unless I can avoid it I will have to have my picture taken with them!

    I will certainly be the oldest female participant- and certainly the slowest. I’m going to finish dead last, and many of the swimmers will be sitting around just waiting for me to finish because the team competitions start after the main charity solo swim. (And why the kitten did I choose to sign up for the mile and not the 1/2 mile? I could probably have finished the 1/2 mile and no one would have had to wait on me)

    What the kitten was I thinking?!?

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Machka I was typing along on Facebook on my old FireTablet and the keyboard split . How do I get it back to normal? My DHs newer Fire has the option to split the screen or not, but we can't find that option on mine. Thought you might know. Thanks.

    Janetr okc
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Wendy thanks for an alternative for a tooth ache. I agree inflammation needs to be addressed. My dental hygienist told me she noticed that when her diabetic patients were having difficulty controlling their blood sugar they had more gum disease and the opposite was true their gum disease was better when blood sugar was under control. I know gum disease is a different issue. What they have in common is inflammation.

    M in Oz could the tooth issue and your high blood pressure be related? Might be a question to ask.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Machka I was typing along on Facebook on my old FireTablet and the keyboard split . How do I get it back to normal? My DHs newer Fire has the option to split the screen or not, but we can't find that option on mine. Thought you might know. Thanks.

    Janetr okc

    Interesting ... another friend of mine said the same thing happened to her just recently. I'll have to see what she's done about it.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Machka I was typing along on Facebook on my old FireTablet and the keyboard split . How do I get it back to normal? My DHs newer Fire has the option to split the screen or not, but we can't find that option on mine. Thought you might know. Thanks.

    Janetr okc

    Interesting ... another friend of mine said the same thing happened to her just recently. I'll have to see what she's done about it.

    Thanks, my husband Jack, figured it out. Ex-flight engineer, he said here let me see it. I being my obstinate self said you already looked once. So of course, I walked out of the room and he figured it out.

    Thanks for responding. :)

    Janetr OKC

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DJ! So sorry. Hope you don't have a black eye and that you can get your glasses back quickly.

    PIp, not only is your pup beautiful but the rug he is on looks so clean for a dog to be sitting on it!

    Well it looks some of you guys need to get out some more and move more often! LOL? My heavens, that's a lot of moving. We moved to several places when I was a kid because Dad was a preacher but once I got married, we have stayed put. We bought a starter house and then 6 years later bought the house we are presently in. As far as a bi level, we could shoot ourselves for buying it. We got it because it was double the space of a ranch. You don't think what stairs will be like when you are in your 60s when you are in your 20s. But we are still doing them. We bought a 40 pound bag of cat food and a big thing of kit litter tonight and carried them in the house. Tired but got them in here. It toom hen who of us to get the strap around the kitty litter container off. One to pull and the other to turn the container. Felt like we were in some kind of a red neck joke or something.

    Well my sister is gong to have a cardiac cath tomorrow. They may have to do a stent. She is scheduled for a knee replace,et. In October so the doctor said he will try to put in a non metallic stent in?????? I have never heard of that. But he said he doesn't want to have to make her wait one full year to have the knee replacement.

    Charlie doesn't feel like he is a Vietnam vet. He was in the Navy during that time but never saw any active duty so therefore not a vet. I have tried to convince him that being a medic state side on one of the NAvy bases was important also but he doesn't see It that way. And he is not one to watch docementaries on an actual war. He likes to watch shows depicting a war but they are fiction, especially a good ol' cowboy and Indian movie!!!

    Allie, if hope when you go in your empty condo, you just stand there and twirl around and sing. Take your grand daughter with you if you don't want to sing. They have no trouble doing that!

    Speaking of grand daughters, Ellie had an entrepreneur fair at her school last night. They were given a budget of $20'to develope a product and then sell it. Well she made slime and slime with glitter mixed in. She brought in $44 so she had a profit of $24! She was proud of herself. That child delights me every day.

    Heather, I'm afraid if one of my grand kids wanted a Frozen cake for a birthday I would go to Walmart bakery and order it!

    Night night, Joyce, Indiana
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Rye, I am so proud of you! I knew I would be slow and last and struggling when I ran a full marathon for my 50th birthday, but I did it anyway, just for myself. Good on you for challenging yourself and stepping outside your comfort zone. Being uncomfortable is the only place where you can grow. Once you conquer this challenge, you will become unstoppable and you will keep on challenging yourself and getting stronger in order to meet these new challenges. A year from now, my goodness, who will you be? <3 Wendy
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    3 months ago I started swimming - after not swimming a lap in probably 35 years. In ten days, I will be participating in a swim for cancer research fundraising event. I can’t back out, for myself and also because people have pledged because I said I’d swim a mile in the event.

    I’m scared silly. I’m absolutely ridiculous! I’m 52, been swimming only three months, and slower than molasses. I’m fat and out of shape and will have to stand there with the stream of fit 20 year olds - stand there in my bathing suit showing all the fat rolls and cellulite in all their exposed glory and unless I can avoid it I will have to have my picture taken with them!

    I will certainly be the oldest female participant- and certainly the slowest. I’m going to finish dead last, and many of the swimmers will be sitting around just waiting for me to finish because the team competitions start after the main charity solo swim. (And why the kitten did I choose to sign up for the mile and not the 1/2 mile? I could probably have finished the 1/2 mile and no one would have had to wait on me)

    What the kitten was I thinking?!?


    You're getting out there and doing it! That's what counts. :)