
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,993 Member
    Afternoon ladies.
    Tired .I slept well ,ran to store this morning,and then to lawyer.she has rough draft done,but we want to make sure we cover the bases with all his bank accounts she said I could pay for a P I.but don't think i have the money for that..she said it could be paid out of retainer...and 2 of her colleagues we're there the day the judge handed down the 10,000 judgement they were astonished...so glad she got that..she put in writing a draft for the proposal for the divorce .but she will be going to court Monday,as she still hasn't gotten everything from Tom's Attorney about finances....
    Maybe I will lie down for a nap...because I can...
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2017
    ctleonard9 wrote: »
    Early this year I injured my upper inner thighs and hip flexors over-doing the stationary bike and that set me back on my exercise for several months. Now I just started weight training again.
    Cat - This sounds like me. I injured my back last spring, lifting the front runner of a snowmobile carelessly. I've been paying for it with inability to exercise and the weight gain that caused. But now I'm back on track; started with weight training again about a month ago.

    Welcome to the group! You can get a lot of support and encouragement here. Hope you find your way back again!

    /Penny, semi-recovered near the North Pole
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    ((((((( <3 ))))))) for baby Brady

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Penny, you’re answer about the missing posts makes sense to me. Thanks. I’m finding I’m missing some posts too. People will be talking about something and I’ll think I must have missed that. Glad to hear it isn’t just me. I’ll have to go back further than I have been.

    Heather, such cute pictures. You just want to pinch their cheeks!

    Josephine, sounds like you are having a perfect b-day. I’m so glad. You must be happy that you can wear your wedding ring again. It feels good even if it isn’t clothes that fit again! And such nice compliments. I got one today too. A co-worker said she saw me from the back I was getting curves! Made my day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    Kate, love the trainers. People will see you coming a mile away. Love it!

    Heather, sounds like you are really relaxing. Good for you. We all need to slow our pace sometimes.

    Mary, sending good thoughts Brady’s way. ((HUGS))

    Becca, I used the power of smell the last two places I sold when I was having an open house. I always baked bread before anyone came and everyone always commented. I sold two places on my own. I hate paying a realtor. I want the $$ in my pocket. Not sure what I will do next time as where we live is off the beaten path. There are some avenues I can use so as the time gets close, I’ll have to do some research. Love the picture. I agree that memories, family and love aren’t in the pictures but in a person’s heart.

    Cat, welcome. Once you find us again, just select the star on the top right of the screen to bookmark us.

    Allie, take a nap, you’ve had a stressful day!

    Evelyn, so glad you came back. That’s a good idea about the flossing. I had forgotten about that trick. Sending good thoughts for your husband’s drs’ appt tomorrow.

    Janet, Happy Anniversary! Dinner and flowers? You’ve got a keeper there. But you probably know that already.

    Yvonne, put peanut butter on your celery. It’s good if you haven’t tried it. The comment your MIL made about having kids just goes to show you that once again people don’t think before the speak.

    Carol, could you put some of the lilies in a pot on a porch?

    I went out to lunch with a friend today and had a hamburger without a bun. I’m getting use to them that way. Going to have an Evol tv dinner tonight. They are actually quite good and healthy for a tv dinner. Here a link to their website. https://www.evolfoods.com/

    Well closing for now. You ladies have been very chatty today and it’s been hard to keep up. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love hearing all about what is going on in your life.

    Terry in VT
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I just had a copy/paste snafu and lost my whole post. I am one frustrated woman. Prayers for baby Brady, and hugs for all who need them. I'll stop by again later.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Or a slice of pizza from Giordano's in Chicago. I could eat a slice of gf bread, but have you tried it? Disgusting. And we do eat gf pizza nearly once a week (usually Friday night), and it's fine. But, definitely not Giordano's.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    Giordano’s delivers! Seriously! Twice or thrice a year the hubby and I save up for a special occasion like his birthday and order Giordano’s stuffed pizza delivered to us in Texas. I don’t eat the crust, btw, but celiac :( prob not even skipping crust! (Amazed, no one ever knows what I mean when I say real Chicago pizza i.e. stuffed pizza i.e. Giordano’s!)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    On Facebook each day you can see copies of posts you've made on this day in past years Below is what showed up today from 2012. Jack was still flying for ATI. This is why I was happy when he retired. He was sometimes gone for 12-15 days at a time. Normally it was gone 7-10 days, home for seven days bfore leaving on the next trip.

    "Jack just called he leaves Hawaii tomorrow for Wake Island, then to Tokyo, then I think he told me Greenland before coming back to San Jose, Sacramento and home. Guess it'll be a while before I see him!!"

    Janetr okc

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Hi all,
    Had a fantastic meal at the Ginger Pig. Then DH and I had an argument. :'( More a ridiculous row. Quite utterly stupid. I get over it quickly, but he harbours it. It was all about nothing at all. So stupid and sad.
    I try to make it up, but he's still upset. We seem to do this every now and then. We always get over it, but it is so unecessary when we are having a lovely time. We are both at fault.
    Tomorrow is another day. Let's hope we are feeling better. :'(:'(:'(

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Janet ~ Happy Anniversary!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Lanette trainers are the shops own make, very cheap, my other pair are LONSDALE not sure if you have them in US. Both are very comfortable. Seems to be a pink theme going on LOL


    Hugs for baby Brady

    Hope Mike the reindeer is not too lonely

    Kate UK <3
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member