

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.39min, 139mhr, 11.7amph. 1.4mi= 82c
    apple watch- 55c
    0 Runner- 50min, 36al, 13ah, 110ac, 10.45min mi, 127mhr, 4.65mi= 358c
    apple watch- 393c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.59min, 14.7amph, 130mhr, 1.4mi= 57c
    appple watch- 47c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 15.27min, 146mhr, 11.9amph, 3mi= 150c
    apple watch- 106c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.50min, 147mhr, 9.28min mi, .5mi= 66c
    apple watch- 58c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.53min, 9.30min mi, 160mhr, .5mi = 70c
    apple watch- 54c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.25in, 8.7amhr, 162mhr, 2.5mi= 196c
    apple watch- 141c

    total cal 979
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of deep water today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 10 Pounds Down Better Body DVD.

    After exercise, made a donation to the salvation army. Unfortunately, the person who opens the store hadn't come in yet (they open at 9 and it was 10) or else I would have stopped in.

    Yvonne - I really don't like a fan blowing on me except when I'm exercising. But it's really not good to have it blowing on you after you are sweaty but cooling down.

    Margaret - unfortunately, it seems that not very many people at all plant plants around here. Most of them have some sort of landscaping business that comes in and cuts the lawn and puts mulch around everything. Nothing more. I like mulch, but I also want something different in addition to the mulch. I remember when we lived in Stroudsburg, the man planted hostas underneath the trees. The main reason was so that he didn't have to mow around the trees. I'm thinking something like that might be something different from all the mulch always around trees. The landscaper next door put mulch around their trees and he made a little mound around the trees. As I understand it, this isn't a good thing to do. I had forgotten about impatience! Maybe it's because I don't think of them as perennials. Thanks for your suggestions on the plants. First we'll need to see that the bushes we planted will take, then we'll mulch but I want to put something in there along with the mulch, just to give it color and "something else"

    Ginger and Barbie - remember that filing cabinet we had in the garage for 10 years that I kept asking Vince to go thru so I finally got so sick and tired that I took everything out and we got rid of the cabinet? That was only a year ago. Well, I finally got him to go thru those papers (only because they're having a shredding thing here where you can bring as much as you want for them to shred for free). FINALLY!!!!

    Love all the pics. Arrow is so very majestic. I'm always enamored with pics of horses, they are such special animals (next to cats, that is....lol)

    M - Vince is the same way about having things on the Internet. Now Jess' bf got some sort of thermostat that's hooked to the Internet. I know Vince said that he'd never have something like that. He just doesn't like knowing that it's possible for someone to turn on/off your heat when you're not there.

    Lenora - let us know what the doc says about the dizziness

    barbie9112 - welcome. Another barbie. Glad to meet ya

    We had a few trees in the backyard that I wanted gone, so we did that today. Vince sawed them down and another day he'll use the ax on the stump. I must have gotten my steps in carrying all those branches to the back of the property.

    Terry in VT - woohoo!!!

    Called about getting Denise's gown steamed. Called the local dry cleaners, they can do it for $15. So I called David's down in Charlotte, they can do it all in one day. So I'll probably go there.

    Carol - I'm so sorry for you

    Wendy - can you give me the exact recipe for the Lassi?

    KJ - I still remember that in grade school they were teaching us long division one way. I just couldn't get it so I asked my girlfriend's mother to help me. She could only show me the way she knew. But that I got

    erienge - welcome. How right you are! It's frustrating when a young thing talks about losing 10 pounds in a week. I just think to myself "wait"

    redrose - welcome!

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Kids have gone home, dinner made, house cleaned up; so I have a little time to

    Pip- What a great pic of Rocky, Bullwinkle, and Floyd! How long ago was that pic taken? Did you always have goldens in your life? I love me some Yogi, too! He looks like such a sweet boy!

    Oh well, better get a little more laundry done so I can go to bed with no worries. Next time I talk to you all, I will be back from TX! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    that was taken way before yogi was born, rocky is gone now... growing up we had dobermans but I had always wanted a golden and when I got with Kirby, I got my wish
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Machka, maybe you could help my daughter. She is taking a Java course but is struggling. Can you recommend a website that could help her to better understand? Thanks,

    Java is not my programming language. I've picked up VB and C# instead.

    However, W3Schools might have some tips:

    Funnily enough, when I was learning C#, I downloaded a pdf of C# for Dummies which was amazingly helpful. Many times we get thrown in at the deep end with these languages, and the Dummies books provide a lot of the basics and explanations. There might be a Java for Dummies pdf she could download ... or buy the book.

    What is she struggling with?

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Terry the demand for queens is insatiable. We need hundreds for ourselves and then I get lots of calls from other beekeepers we know who want any "spare" ones I make. I could spend all day, every day making queens and still not have 'enough'. So I just do what I can, and what time I am willing to devote to it, which is approximately twice a week, then I may have to spend a little time on other days, taking the queen cells out and putting them in the incubator. My husband then takes the incubator out to the hive sites where he is making splits, and puts a queen cell into every split to make a new hive. Nine is really a drop in the bucket, but it is a start and what it means to me is that I have put the starter hives into the "queen-making mode" and have managed to manipulate the environment correctly so that all conditions are favourable for queen-making. Some hives just won't make queens no matter what you try and some hives are really good at it so it takes a while to find and create good queen-making hives. And you have to "keep" them good because if you take the reigning queen out of the hive, then the hive will slowly begin to grow weaker and die if there are no new bees hatching from eggs...so then you either have to put the queen back in for a while to strengthen the hive, or you have to put frames of larvae in that are about to hatch. (I know, too much information-bet you wished you hadn't asked, lol!)

    I find it fascinating! :)

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited October 2017
    Michele This is only my very own version of Lassi. There are many different types but I drink: 2 Tbs coconut milk mixed with hot water, a dash or two of cinnamon and a 1/4th tsp of turmeric. I stir it around and it mixes pretty well. I am going to add pineapple juice for a sweeter, more tropical flavour next time. <3 Wendy
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    edited October 2017
    exermom wrote: »
    M - Vince is the same way about having things on the Internet. Now Jess' bf got some sort of thermostat that's hooked to the Internet. I know Vince said that he'd never have something like that. He just doesn't like knowing that it's possible for someone to turn on/off your heat when you're not there.

    It would be highly unlikely that someone would turn the heat on/off when you're not there. I haven't used a system like that, but would imagine there would be a user account with password and all in order to be able to make changes. It could get hacked, of course, but I wouldn't imagine that hacking a thermostat program would be on the top of hackers priority lists ... they're usually after more valuable things like credit card details.

    If I had a greenhouse, I might be tempted to get something like that.

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    erienge wrote: »
    I am quickly reminded of one of my favorite movies, Fried Green Tomatoes. The scene where Kathy Bates rams her car into the young girls' Volkswagon Beetle. I love what she says, let's face it girls, I have a bigger car and better insurance. Or something like that. That's the way I feel around young, sassy little things.

    That's my absolute favorite scene in that movie. I often feel just like she did, although I control the ramming of the car issue. lol

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hi y'all!

    Terry – How exciting to be so close! I’m actually in just about the same place, with just under four pounds to go before I’m below that milestone. I’ll still have a long ways to go, but it will sure feel good to get under 200.

    Josephine – Maybe you needed a good cry! I tend to cry when I get angry… sometimes I wish I could just shout and throw things instead. Or maybe put on some boxing gloves and learn to use a speed bag.

    Carol – What a shame. Can you transplant the calla lilies?

    Kelly – I think one of the reasons Tom Petty’s death has so many people heartbroken is that he was so relatable. He wasn’t just a great musician… from everything I’ve seen and heard, he was also a really decent human being. We all felt like we knew him!

    I finished my work day, then found a movie to watch on Amazon Prime while I did my time on the ski machine. (The movie was kind of dark, a little funny, and really entertaining! It’s called The Dressmaker, and I’d never heard of it before.) Now that I’ve earned the break, I’m righteously retired to the sofa watching reruns of “Rehab Addict” on DIY.

    Good night, sleep tight!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    langman22 wrote: »
    Machka, maybe you could help my daughter. She is taking a Java course but is struggling. Can you recommend a website that could help her to better understand? Thanks,

    Java is not my programming language. I've picked up VB and C# instead.

    However, W3Schools might have some tips:

    Funnily enough, when I was learning C#, I downloaded a pdf of C# for Dummies which was amazingly helpful. Many times we get thrown in at the deep end with these languages, and the Dummies books provide a lot of the basics and explanations. There might be a Java for Dummies pdf she could download ... or buy the book.

    What is she struggling with?

    M in Oz

    I will add that programming isn't really my strong area. I can manage in it, if it is not too complicated, but I'm slow and my code isn't pretty.

    My specialty is a bit more in the database and web-design areas with overview of IT in general. I'm also quite good at MS Office products from past study and use, although that sort of thing is only incidental in the degree I'm working toward now.

    M in Oz
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, you really favor your great grandmother. She is a beautiful woman, full of grace.

    Terry, I know I should think more about going with my kids but it is such a long trip just for 2 days. And they are goi g to be doing a lot of heavy duty hiking. We would be drive one car so if ey hike, we would have no car. And yes, the house has 2 1/2 baths. It is the rental house her boss bought for his miners who live there Monday through Thursday night and it's empty for the weekend when they go home. I don't think I could live like that but they love the money.

    I th k we will be seeing some pictures of Juakeem tomorrow!

    Well today was my failure day. I don't think it was the blues like some of you other ladies are having. It was just plain failure. And it is mainly due to bad planning. Yep, planning is the key. Didn't go to choir practice and instead went to Walmart and got some brownies.

    Michelle did come over and bring her dogs over for a good run in our backyard. I always like to see those two big goofy guys play. And her older one comes up on the deck since he sees Mozart at the door. I love the posturization a dog has when he is trying to play with a smaller animal, but our house is not dog proofed at all. So they stay outside. Michelle is well aware I don't like dogs but I love them because of what they mean to her. I also realize that these guys are her children and I don't push her to have children. Her Dad doesn't understand it and he does ask frequently. To him, dogs and our cars are 'just animals'. He realizes they are social but still just animals.

    Joule, Indiana welcoming all the new ladies here today
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    I also realize that these guys are her children and I don't push her to have children. Her Dad doesn't understand it and he does ask frequently.

    I am so thankful my parents never said a word to me about having children. Oh, my mother did say one thing ... she told me that it was up to me whether I had children or not and she wasn't going to get involved in that decision at all.

    When I was about 27, my ex and I were visiting my parents and I made some comment that we were thinking about trying for children, and her only response was, "Are you sure?" and basically told me to think it through and be absolutely sure that's what I wanted to do. And then the subject was dropped.

    Just a few years later my ex and I split up, and it was 10 years before I moved in with my current husband (a year after we were married). By that time we were over the whole kid thing ... and soon after I discovered it would have been incredibly difficult for me to have them anyway.

    We, women, aren't required to have children ... we can have a great life without them. And these days, we've got that choice! :):)

    Machka in Oz
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2017
    Sending strength and good thoughts to everyone who's feeling overwhelmed by the forces of nature and dark side of human nature. :cry: Sometimes I just want to give up and crawl into a hole. But as my mother told me long ago, that's a cop-out. I mustn't give myself that luxury. As a thinking human, I have a responsibility to do what I can to improve things.

    My reboot on the healthy living front continues to go well. Funny how that works. You get weeks or months when you simply can't be bothered, then suddenly *poof* and everything runs smoothly again.

    One of our newbies asked how to curb late-night snacking, and a non-newbie said something about how hard it is to convince oneself that a raw carrot would be a good late night snack. On that theme, I'll write about what works for me. (Many of you already know about this, but for the newbies, here's one of my best strategies for healthy eating.)

    Every morning, I prepare 500 grams (1 lb 1.5 oz) of raw veggies to eat as snacks. That comes to about a quart in volume and averages 175 kcal. My goal is to eat them all before the day is over. Frequently I don't get around to eating them during the day, and I'm sitting there with a bunch of prepped veggies in the evening. That's when they come into their own!

    I totally agree it's hard to convince myself that a raw carrot would be a fantastic late-night snack. But when I have them prepped and ready, and I know I should eat them and they won't be as good the next day, I CAN eat them. Path of least resistance. >:) By the time I've stuffed them into my mouth, all snack cravings are gone. o:)

    Another advantage to this strategy is I'm sure I get my vitamins and minerals. In MFP's food diary summary, I essentially always exceed my target intake of fiber.

    Today I'll try to harvest the black currants. It's late in the season so they're overripe, but I'll harvest them anyway and make jam and/or cordial for my son. (I'm indifferent to black currants but he loves them.) Many of the raspberries still haven't ripened (!) but some have. I'll save those for my husband, who arrives tomorrow evening. I didn't save the extra-bonus strawberries, though! I laid the strawberry patch to rest for the winter last time I was here, a month ago, leaving a few stray unripe ones in place. Ripening is always a long, slow process in the cool air of the High North: they soak up the midnight sun for months, developing an intense flavor. Our August strawberries are amazing, but those three little October strawberries were mind-blowing.

    I've also got the potato patch to harvest. That involves so much digging I think I'll wait for my husband.

    I'll end with a sad little story completely devoid of evil. Last time I was here I noticed a stray reindeer among the sheep on the field below the house. A Saami has his reindeer herd pastured up in the mountains of this island in the summer. In fall, he rounds them up, loads them onto a boat, and takes them to their winter pastures on the mainland. But sometimes a few reindeer get left behind. This fall, one solitary reindeer has been hanging around.

    But reindeer live in flocks. Since he didn't have any friends, he joined up with the sheep that wander around the village. Now, a month after I first saw him, he's still hanging around with the sheep, but I think he has now become a sheep. His coat has become much lighter; he grazes much closer to the sheep, and when they lie down in a sheltered, sunny spot, he's right in the middle of the cluster. The only thing different about him is he's slightly bigger and has antlers.

    In a few weeks, the farmer who owns the sheep will be enclosing them within the fold on his property. That's going to mean one lonely reindeer. :cry:

    /Penny, in harvest mode near the North Pole

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Oh, a couple things I forgot to mention. When I started out on this veggie thing, it was inspired by the notion that I was more likely to be successful if I added a good habit, than if I deprived myself of a bad habit. A psychological trick, but it worked.

    I started small, with just one carrot and a bit of bell pepper, and slowly worked my way up to the huge amounts I consume today.

    Also, since my husband doesn't have a snack pack of veggies, I serve sallads or cooked vegetables with meals as well. No wonder my shopping cart looks like a farmer's market! :lol:

    /Penny again

  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Josephine! I think I read somewhere that today is your birthday! Enjoy your day, celebrate your life, and know that we are thinking of you and hoping you have many more!

    Tere in Richmond VA