

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kelly: CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your support network!!!!!!!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Bad network connections here. I hate that. Post more tonight.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – Don’t feel bad, honey, I have a ‘terminal case of arachnophobia’. I see a spider, I am hyperventilating for as long as I don’t see its dead body! We have a wood house, so having spider webs is a given; but, I hate them around the door, so Louis has to pressure wash them away several times a year. I keep telling him that 'if' I see one by my backdoor, he is going to be brushing them away on a daily basis.

    Terry – We have field mice, too – Tux gets a lot of them; but, I really don’t need him to ‘present’ them to me at the back door. If I don’t see any alive, then he is doing his job. He gets paid the same either way, food and water, a nice place to sleep, lots of hugging and playing with … what more could he possibly ask for? While Cracker is part “Rat Terrier” I don’t think she will mess with those things – she’s an ‘inside dog’ don’t ‘cha know.

    Rye – I got bitten by a spider in 3rd grade. We had a teacher who was a bit ‘off her rocker’. The first day she told us that under no set of circumstances were we to get ‘out of our desks’. So I watched this spider drop down from the ceiling onto my arm, biting me when I moved trying to get it off me. I crawled up in the desk, [never put my feet on the ground] and stood up and screamed bloody murder. She walked over and literally slapped me so hard that I fell over the front of my desk; then I spend the entire rest of the day standing out in the hall. But, at any given moment in the three 3rd grade classes there were 2 or 3 kids standing in the door frame. We’d play ‘change sides’ … the principal NEVER looked down the 3rd grade wing whenever he came out of his office. I guess he knew there’d be children in the doorframes.

    Heather – Yeah, the Pandora bracelets and charms are very expensive. I have a bracelet that I put my charms on that I get whenever I attend a Women’s Retreat in the Fall. Got to get my reservation in. Won’t have to pay until I get there; but, I will send in a little bit of money as soon as I can. Wonderful weekend and my sister usually comes. Not sure if she will this year since it would be the first time of going off without her DH who had a bad stroke last October. Got to get a ride, so I guess I will call Lynn. The only issue I have with her is that she speaks of her late husband (now dead going on 4 years) as if he is still alive and right there with her. Last year she was upset that she could not find someone to ‘date’ or go ‘out to eat with’. One of the ladies ‘suggested’ pretty strongly that her talking about her late husband the way she does might be a turnoff. She still does it. They were HS sweethearts; as is her sister-in-law and her brother were/are.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2017
    Terry wrote "Janet, keep crafting. It helps me to. The picture if of a centerpiece I made a few years ago. Actually, I made a few as everyone wanted one."

    It's just gorgeous. I love fall :)

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    There are many great health benefits to fasting. A great book to read is by Jason Fong

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Penny - I know I am not fluent as I have never actually spoken any Swedish to anyone. I do try to repeat the phrases I learn on Duolingo and today on the train I did 101 phrases in Swedish. :D But my active Swedish is non existent. I just tell myself I know more than I did 4 months ago when I started! I love languages. <3 It is the best way to get under the skin of a country.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Wendy: Fasting didn't work for Jesus because he was murdered for speaking out and sharing his truth. :grumble: You look good with blond hair. :smiley:

    Our Monday chapel speaker would have added (and did) ". . . by a dominate culture lighter skinned than He was." :grumble: (Ha! figured out your blue grumbly guy.)

    And I agree, I love the blond hair. My belly will never, ever look like that. :mrgreen:

    Finished one big project, eating lunch while I brace for the next one.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    There are many great health benefits to fasting. A great book to read is by Jason Fong


    I love fasting -- even if just to skip one meal. I don't do it often enough.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    ryenday wrote: »

    Oh, dear, I’m sorry! The mouse lived. I rescued him and relocated him to the great outdoors where I hope he thrives.

    Ha! That he lived doesn't make me feel any better. I hate the little vermin. Hate, hate, hate them. :cold_sweat:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    evening ladies~
    I came home and threw my jammies on and having a cup of sleepytime tea.. have the windows open a crack and will sleep well. here is hoping.. going to run a few errands tomorrow, and then maybe have my friend Doris down..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Heather wonderful to be able to help your friend with end of life issues, a true friend. Also love the bracelet idea, I often need something to fidget with to keep myself in check. Better than snapping a rubber band on your wrist.

    Still waiting on blood lab results.......
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    My grumpy father told me to go home ... so I did! He was without pain when I left, so hopefully this episode with adhesions/obstruction is past.

    Grumpy husband is in a lot of pain ... Tuesday's back surgery can't come fast enough.

    I've never used fasting as a weight loss tool. Will have to rethink that idea. I plan to get on the scale tomorrow ... not sure what I'll see. I ate very little the past few days but also had very little activity.

    Michele - I went to my friend's son's wedding on Saturday and I was thinking about your wedding coming up. This wedding was an outdoor ceremony in the Rose Garden at Casino Marcy in Delaware Park in Buffalo. An Olmsted Park. It's October ... most of the roses were long since gone ... but the warmer weather had some of the hardier varieties still in bloom. So there were bees. Lots of bees. And flying ants were hatching under some of the roses. While most of them lifted off into the late afternoon sky ... quite a few found their way onto the brides gown ... and started climbing. The bride was completely unaware, but her maid of honor was nearly hysterical. This was also the first wedding I've ever attended that didn't have chairs for all of its guests. The way the rose garden is laid out meant that only a few chairs could be set up ... very strange. And the bride was 20 minutes late!! The reception .. the dinner was delicious ... but an open bar for the entire event led to disaster. My husband and I left early. Every wedding has it's issues! Hoping yours is problem free.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Good evening ladies - It's been a LONG day. Worked today while waiting on the a/c repair guy. He finally got here and replaced our A/C that went out just before vacation at the end of September. I will be moving back into the master bedroom tonight, I can't wait to sleep in my own bed! Hubs is out of town, but he'll enjoy the cool master bedroom when he returns. I got the yard mowed after work, but my mower is having issues. It barely made it up the side of the ditch. When hubs is home long enough, he'll look at it and hopefully it's an easy fix. Fingers crossed this is the last time I'll need to mow the pasture this year, but that's just wishful thinking. I've got the laundry going now and then I'm thinking I'll curl up in my comfy bed early tonight :smiley:

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Ok 1 more post.

    Can someone tell me how to post where the person's post shows up at the top of my post? There are times I'd like to respond to a specific post but I don't know how to make the post I'm responding to show at the top.

    I'm probably not very clear so if you understand what I'm asking and can help that would be great.

    Thanks, Terry
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2017
    langman22 wrote: »
    Ok 1 more post.

    Can someone tell me how to post where the person's post shows up at the top of my post? There are times I'd like to respond to a specific post but I don't know how to make the post I'm responding to show at the top.

    I'm probably not very clear so if you understand what I'm asking and can help that would be great.

    Thanks, Terry

    Terry, at the bottom of their post you have the option of "Quote. Click on that and their post will be in the reply box and you can edit out as much of their post as you want but make sure it is within their [/quote] and don't write anything in that area. Make sure to write below the body of their [/quote]
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Good evening ladies - It's been a LONG day. Worked today while waiting on the a/c repair guy. He finally got here and replaced our A/C that went out just before vacation at the end of September. I will be moving back into the master bedroom tonight, I can't wait to sleep in my own bed! Hubs is out of town, but he'll enjoy the cool master bedroom when he returns. I got the yard mowed after work, but my mower is having issues. It barely made it up the side of the ditch. When hubs is home long enough, he'll look at it and hopefully it's an easy fix. Fingers crossed this is the last time I'll need to mow the pasture this year, but that's just wishful thinking. I've got the laundry going now and then I'm thinking I'll curl up in my comfy bed early tonight :smiley:

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    Trying something new and hoping it works.
    Okie, there is nothing better than sleeping in your own bed!