

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, you take care of yourself. Pajama days are the best.i went to the ER with a blinding headache one time but it was 230/130'. Demerol, amd B/P medicine did nothing for it. After CT scan they decided that it was pure stress and that was when I found the glories of sublingual Procardia. They don't prescribe that anymore and they only prescribed it for me because I was a cardiac nurse and they could trust me in taking it and watching my blood pressure after. I only used it a couple of times. I needed it that night because I was going to have to give a very bad review to an RN I was preceptimg. Yes, it was bad. Plus I had sang a solo that morning, was going to Disney World In the morning and had a patient that was going down the poop shoot and a cardiologist that wasn't believing me. That's why I hated it when we then started sending cardiac cath patients home the same day, This mans cath site had blown 2 days after he had his procedure. He was staying in the hospital to wait for surgery. He ended up having emergency surgery that night and that cardiologist never left the ICU that night. He also never apoligized.

    Beth, a lot on your plate. Are you the one who has the son who is disabled and you have to hav 24/7 care for him and it sometimes doesn't work out and you are it

    Sharon, I had to look up #Me2 because I had never heard of it. But I don't do Twitter as I found out that's what it is. Some of the twitter remarks I read were just awful. No one should be treated that way.

    Heather, that area you want to go to is so beautiful and rich in history. Can I come along?

    Allie, how is the condo letting you have your dog overnight? I a, glad they do. I groaned when you said you were going to fix dinner and then take Homer back to Tom. Tell me you didn't take the dinner to Tom.

    Kelley, I read you were barking today instead of planking. I tonight this bad stuff was hitting you also.

    I will have to look up a Maine Coone walk and also look into that guys videos to see if he has any insight as to some of my babies different sound. He almost made a bark yesterday when there was something outside. Both of the cats back away from the doorway real quick. But it was like a big exaggerated Woo Woo.

    Christina is still having to make several trips from the Lexington Ky area to West Virginia for different things regarding her bosses mines. It is driving her Dad crazy that she is om the highway by herself. It reminded him of the number of times I drove to their college and their home which is 3 hours away. When both my grandkids were born, I had to even get into Lexington to get to the hospital and then drive back to their home to sleep. When Trinity was born. I drove to the next town to take her to kindergarten while Dad stayed with Mom in the hospital

    Sleeping pill is working so night night, Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka I am also trying to learn more Spanish in the anticipation of spending my next year's or the year after holiday, walking the Camino de Santiago. I took Spanish as a child so I remember pico (little), but I have found lots of online free games where I can practice the most useful 300 words... My daughter did several "ways" on the Camino and spent 8 weeks walking during her year of teaching English in Spain. I love looking at her photo albums and imagining doing it myself. I have read lots of books about it, and I have my packing list (no more than 16 pounds) and my back pack. Just need a return ticket to Spain and at least 4 weeks off, and somebody to feed the furr family... Might be able to swing all that next year, after we "retire" from the travel agency and start full-time on the bees. July and August are our slow season for bees, so I see no reason not to take advantage and fly to Spain, and make a dream come true. Now, to persuade hubby! (And save up for tickets)

    Sounds great!!

    One tip our instructor gave was to try DuoLingo: https://www.duolingo.com/ and she showed us a bit. I'm very seriously thinking of trying it to build up vocabulary ... and it's not just for Spanish. I see that there are a whole bunch of languages a person could learn, and I'm thinking it might be a good idea for our next trip to Europe. (Hopefully 2019).

    Heather in the UK has used this site to learn several languages, ask her about it. She's a pro :)

    Janetr okc
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    becca one step at a time, sending <3 and healing strength your way.

    Katiebug scary episode, glad you are taking a day and Rori happy to hear you puttering! I think that's a first, but even your puttering is getting things done with some fun thrown in!

    Busy couple of days ahead which I am grateful for, will be getting some blood work run to figure out what's going on with me. But I am happy to have lots of work related issues to keep my mind occupied and keep me off of webmd, as my mother would say---don't borrow trouble!

    Love and strength ladies. NYKAREN
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Will reply later! Off to catch the train to London.
    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Karen - love the angels dancing on the pond! What a gorgeous setting - is this taken from your yard? <3

    - golly I hope something can be worked out for you guys and Whidbey. Will keep prayers and positive thoughts coming your way. I suspect your DH is pretty much tied to his surgeon and the hospital there? Sounds like they know what they are doing, so that's a good thing.

    Beth - glad the headache wasn't anything serious and so glad you had it checked out. Sending good thoughts your way!

    Joyce - I am fascinated by Christina's job. How did she land it? The information you shared about the Cardiac surgery was very interesting. Glad your headache was "only" stress. Seeing what all was on your plate at the time, no wonder. Mozart is just gorgeous...when do you think he'll be considered "full grown?"

    - I was wondering the fate of your tooth. Have fun with the Spanish - and the duolingo link. I'll share it with DH and he can entertain himself with it. He's picked up a lot of pidgin Spanish over the years. Do you think you'd like moving back to Canada? Oh, and thanks for the info about the GI transit time test. If I end up at the gastroenterologist I bet they'll run me through it.

    By the way, HEAPS of thanks to everyone who suggested the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)/Honey drink for acid reflux. Last night, I made myself a toddy after supper of 6 oz water, 2 tsp Bragg's ACV, 1 tsp honey. It was delish and really settled things down. I've also used Bragg's ACV in salad dressings for years so have a good stock of it.

    In fact, right now, I'm considering another (my 3rd) cup of coffee - loaded with plenty of milk. Will my tummy protest? Should I chance it???? Why not! >:)

    Sending good thoughts to you getting back on your weight loss and healthy eating programs! It was a wacky summer (winter for those of you who are upside down) for many of us. For me, autumn has always signaled a time of renewal. Back in the saddle and I mean it, lol. (((HUGS)))

    Glad Kim is OK and hope the weather changes improve the smoke in her area. Has anyone heard from Toni T?

    Better close for now - it's getting light out, need to make sure the puppies have some time outside before the heavy rains begin. Big old wind coming this afternoon so getting everything battened down.

    SW WA State

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Machka, glad you decided to take the course. You have a real love of learning. I think your bucket list grows and grows. I love it. Sounds like removing the tooth may be the answer. Good luck with that. Sounds like your steps challenge is going well. Congrats!

    Mary, love the photos. What a beautiful part of the country. Too bad about the window.

    Allie, Bingo is so much fun. Glad you putting “fun” into your new life.

    Becca, your right to take it one day at a time. Hope all is well with your DH. Sending good thoughts your way. ((HUGS))

    Rye, I’m with you. No cosmetic surgery for me either. I think wrinkles give a face character. Yes, all the young actresses look the same. Cookie Cutter faces. Be careful of fasting too much as your body thinks it is starving and hangs on to the weight.

    Rori, glad to hear Kim is fine. When I walk the dog, our outside cat follows us the whole way.

    DrKatie, wow that headache was so scary. Glad you called 911 and went to the hospital. Happy you are feeling better. If it happens again I hope you take care of yourself the same way. I love pajama days! I once had to go to the dr because I was at work and was getting a tingling feeling on one side of my face, unsteady on my feet and slurring my words. Of course my first thought was a stroke. Ended up in the emergency room, did all these tests that showed nothing, and it turned out to just be stress. Stress affects so many things. I try to be mindful of it.

    Margaret, interesting suggestion for time out. I have no little ones around me but I’ll keep that in mind. Don’t even mention leaves! My lawn is covered. I’m waiting for some warm weather so I can mow the lawn (and the leaves).

    Penny, happy to hear things are going in the right direction for you.

    Wendy, I highly recommend going to Spain. My husband went for 9 months to get his Masters and I’ve been a couple of times. It is beautiful. Our plan was to go next April, but we will have to see as they are having some political problems with Catalonia wanting independence from Spain. I’m hoping it is cleared up by then. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/08/world/europe/spain-catalonia-independence.html I’ll check with my husband about July and August. I know there is one month where everyone goes on vacation and so many places close. I let you know what month. I have been trying to talk my husband into becoming a travel guide for Spain as he is a native speaker and knows many out of the way places art history. He is so personable, outgoing and a history buff and also has a degree in fine art. He would be perfect for the job. So far no luck convincing him. I’ll keep trying. Enjoy your vacation.

    Joyce, glad the sleeping pills are working Watch out for dependence on them. Of course you already know that.

    Janet, keep crafting. It helps me to. The picture if of a centerpiece I made a few years ago. Actually, I made a few as everyone wanted one.

    Kate, what a relief that there is nothing to worry about!

    Lisa, good for you. Sounds like you are on track.

    Karen in VA, those pics of the pond are gorgeous. Wish I was there today. So relaxing.

    Pip, dog so cute you just want to cuddle up.

    Back to work.

    Terry in VT
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited October 2017
    Well, we're at the laundromat, doing what we always do on Wednesdays... Schedules are a comfort sometimes, plus husband has a Marine Gunny Sargent that he talks shop with!
    Last night before we were about to go to bed, I saw a HUGE black spider in my closet! I instructed husband to get it so he swipes it forward with a tissue. I hate when he swipes spiders! Squish it!!!! I know, I should be more tolerant, but its my phobia! Mr. Spider scurried into a space between two side board's at the base of my closet, where the track of the door is. Grrr! I sprayed around that, then told my husband to sleep on my side, (which is closest to the closet door). Then as I massaged his back like he had asked me to earlier, I kept one eye on that spot I sprayed.... He mumbles, "You are massaging like a mental person"..... "Shhh, its calming me", I whisper back. I tried keeping the light on as long as possible, but then he told me to turn it off. I realize I am silly, but I still freak out.
    Still looking in every corner of a room I walk into....
    Spider alert!
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Becca, you are so funny. We all have our phobias. Mine are mice. With the colder weather, I'm hearing them in the walls again. You would think with 2 cats and rat terrier I wouldn't have any. At least they are just the time field mice. Don't care too much for the small snakes in the wood piles either.
