

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Yvonne- I love your pets! Phineas is gorgeous! Pooka looks like a typical cat. Too cool for humans. Luna is adorable. KIki (why is she a pink peril?) and How did Six come by his name, Six, not Green Meanie (he must be a stinker).
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Sisters, I have been flying about trying to keep all my balls in the air. Went for my long run yesterday, two and a half hours of bliss, listening to the essays of CS Lewis and laughing at his clever logic and sayings: Mare's nests and owl eggs...drove home in time to meet my students after school and ride for a couple of hours as well as trimmed Little Joe's hooves, wormed two horses and de-liced one. Then put dinner on, and while it was cooking on low, got into my bee suit and went out to do some hive work. I ate like a hippo last night, two slabs of white vienna (yes I am having an affair with it too!) fried in olive oil and rosemary, fish and veggies and 4 icecream sandwhiches (the whole box!) but didn't gain any weight. I am back in the 120's so the scale and I are on speaking terms atm. I managed to fast on Sunday and dropped off three ugly pounds in one day. That book by Jason Fung, The OBesity Code, states that fasting is the only way to re-set your weight. It sure is satisfying to have a big drop on the scales. Sometimes I can fast, sometimes I can't. Usually depends on my stress levels. Too much stress and I have to eat in order to cope.

    So today I have queen making and then I need to take Major to the vet for his final puppy shot and to buy him a new collar as he is growing into a Great Big Beastie! I am going to the gym to work out tonight, hopefully with my oldest daughter.

    Oh, and I looked at youtube at Maine Coone Cats walking. Those TAILS! and Tufted Elephant Ears. I have decided that sometime in the future when I have room in my cat world, I will be owned by one of these magnificent beauties!

    Keeping all of you in my prayers for Courage, Faith and Wisdom. <3 Wendy
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    K J - Orkney is an island to the north of Scotland. It has large numbers of really ancient villages and ceremonial burial sites from the Bronze Age. (My passion) I have watched endless tv programmes on the place. We would have to fly to Glasgow and then onward, I think. The weather, obviously, is unpredictable and in the summer/early autumn the midge problem is daunting. I think the spring would be best.
    Nowdays it seems remote and peripheral, but many thousands of years ago it was the centre of a huge culture which influenced Stonehenge. People must have travelled by boat to worship together from many hundreds of miles away. The stone tombs and ceremonial centres they built would have required much sophisticated planning and thousands of man hours.
    DH is not nearly as keen as me, so I either go on my own, or drag him along.
    I think I could get him to Montreal if it's for my 70th birthday in 2 years time. I am currently reading a detective novel set in the area and have read many others. One of my favourite films is Jesus of Montreal. Love anything with a French inheritance.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Yvonne, you have such cute pets. They are all so different.

    Meg, too bad the girls are fighting. Don’t get involved and just let them figure it out. So what if the other grandmother is there. You will be the one that respected their wishes and didn’t butt in.

    Wendy, slow down girl! You wear me out just hearing all you do. Congrats on the weight loss. With my low blood sugar I never could fast. I’d be in a dead faint on the floor.

    Heather, I hope you get the trip you want and don’t have to wait until your 70.

    Finishing up here at work and then heading home to take Tony to the vet.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Heather - I would love to see Orkney. The archeology there is fascinating, for sure, plus - we used to raise Shetland Sheep which are closely related to the Orkney sheep (naturally short tails that don't have to be docked - very hardy little things!) On my bucket list!

    Beth - you must be living on adrenaline! I'd say you deserve a nice long vacation!! Sending warm thoughts your way!!

    - look at your housefull of "helpers". Cute furbabies! How is the remodel coming along?

    Meg - hope the new baby arrives just fine and also hope stars align on the rental sales! I bet you are also running on adrenaline! WHEW! Is your DH fully on the mend now?

    Kelly - I was just thinking the same thing about the older female movie stars. They've been carved and sculpted and tightened, for sure and they ARE Stepford sisters, lol. One of my favorite actresses is Helen Mirren -- I think she had a few things done but still looks lovely and mature. Um, don't bother calling the fundraising hotline and thinking you'll be talking to George Clooney. He'll be talking to ME! <3

    Katla - thank you for the Apple Cider Vinegar info.

    Wendy - your fasting idea is great and I'm hearing more and more nutrition experts recommending it. Have fun with the queens!

    Pip - wonderful view of Tacoma! Is that a normal dog-walking route for your kids?

    Mary - are you using Apple Cider Vinegar for Acid Reflux? Neat photo's! Shep looks like a good traveler. Are you almost home in MN or AZ now?

    Rye - I've noticed if I eat wheat/gluten products and dairy for my evening meal, I am more prone to sinus headaches throughout the night.... now I'm starting to ponder the links between digestion, food, and sinus! Thank you for mentioning it, I think there's something to your theory!

    Becca - any more updates on DH? I know you'll keep us posted B)

    - I want to transport myself to VT immediately and ride along on the trip to the vet with Tony. Want to see your spectacular scenery in person!!

    Took puppy in to get her staples removed this morning ... she's now been cleared to resume her maniac schnauzer puppy activities. Hope that's the last of the vet visits for a long, long time!

    That's the latest! Enjoying the wind and rain today!

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Heather - I would love to see Orkney. The archeology there is fascinating, for sure, plus - we used to raise Shetland Sheep which are closely related to the Orkney sheep (naturally short tails that don't have to be docked - very hardy little things!) On my bucket list!

    Pip - wonderful view of Tacoma! Is that a normal dog-walking route for your kids?

    Mary - are you using Apple Cider Vinegar for Acid Reflux? Neat photo's! Shep looks like a good traveler. Are you almost home in MN or AZ now?

    That's the latest! Enjoying the wind and rain today!

    SW WA State

    no, not a normal route. that morning i was walking to the bus station to go to california and kirby wasn't going so he walked with me and took yogi
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2017
    Lanette - we are back home in Arizona! I use the Apple cider vinegar for feeding the good gut bacteria … I know that it works for acid reflux as well. When I started using the brags apple cider vinegar I researched it and one of the ladies on here was having acid reflux and it worked for her I think!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) Went for my bone density scan this morning. Having to wear clothes I don't normally wear and weathering a huge windstorm were offset by seeing a line dance friend in the waiting room and having Jake go with me and then go to the grocery store after. I am a fraction of an inch shorter than I was two years ago. The results of the scan will go to my doctor and she'll tell me about them.

    :)Carol, I love retirement for many reasons including that I can be home when someone comes to make a delivery or do a repair. I found a new group of social contacts in my line dance classes.

    :) Bernie is part Maine Coon and has a long bushy tail, uses head butts to show his affection, has tall ears, and is heavier than other cats I've had. I read a series of mysteries with a Maine Coon cat and the cat weighed 25 pounds.

    :)Meg, sorry to hear that there is so much drama around the birth of your grandchild. I hope you can stay detached from it and just enjoy the child.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    edited October 2017
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Ladies, I fell into a bag of cheetos (a big bag) so so so so wrong. Anyway, I'll be back on track tomorrow. Have to drop off my car for a big repair, and Thursday I have an all day music conference which should be lots of fun.

    Strength and <3 to all facing challenges today, NYKAREN

    Lolollol how does on fall into a bag of Cheetos. It’s ok just cop to it, whaaaa I ate the whole damn bag, I couldn’t help it, it was there sayin “eat me, eat meeeee”

    So how many calories was that anyway
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Another reason this group is so terrific - this has been a terrifically informative conversation about Nexium and GERD over the past few days.

    I haven't watched PBS in a while, but several years ago there was a gal who theorized acid reflux was caused by the pyloric sphincter not opening because the stomach did not have enough acid in it. So we weren't thinking the process through and taking antacids made it worse. I have read taking a little vinegar in water stimulates the stomach emptying, but there are pros and cons to introducing more acid there.

    Is she right? Not sure. I do know that I often feel food just "sits there" for a long time after I eat. I also never seem to get hungry, but my GI tract is otherwise working fine.

    I have a book on natural medicine written by Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno, who started Bastyr Naturopathic college which trains a lot of the ND's in the Pacific Northwest.

    The book discusses GERD and natural treatments. They mentioned something called D-Limonene which is made from citrus peels and stimulates the stomach emptying, and the treatment calls for one - 1000 mg capsule every other day for 20 days. I am intrigued so I ordered a bottle from Amazon ($10) and will see how that works.

    And if things don't get better, I'll go back to the doc and see if she has something new up her sleeve.

    SW WA State with rain clouds looming!

    You can have a test done to track and time your digestive process. I had it done a couple years ago, and apparently my digestive processes are "normal" but just a bit on the slow side of normal. My mother has also had the test done and her digestive processes are a bit slow.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Thought I'd share pictures of our babies... going to try to make the link thing work so you don't get ginormous images:

    Phineas and Kiki (a.k.a. The Pink Peril):

    Looks like my mother's cat ... and my sister-in-law's cat! :)