

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Terry and Cheri ~ You both have such attractive daughters and so are you! <3

    Chris ~ Adding you to my prayer list that you find the right fitting job. I am so sorry you are in a situation that stinks! About being retired...Sometimes I really miss working as I tend to be a homebody now and have very little social contacts.

    Mary ~ What beautiful scenery!

    Kelly ~ I couldn’t see your video.

    Cheri ~ Happy Anniversary

    Cats ~ We were cat people for many years…two beautiful Siamese! Now we are dog people. We allowed our son’s cat to stay with us for about a week and he immediately started tufting up the carpet. He went back to son as a result.


    Alison ~ So glad that you are able to still enjoy the pups! :)

    Does this sound crazy? For the last couple of weeks I feel like I am starving and just want to eat anything and everything I can get my hands on. Could it be a long forgotten trait of storing up fat for the winter? Probably just the anxiety of dealing with the ongoing flooring and again leaking frig.

    Carol in GA

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    edited October 2017
    September went better than anticipated ... hoping for a good October too! Roughly the same distance/hours as in previous years ... or more. :)

    Oct 2015: 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Oct 2016: 649 km (403.3 miles) = 49 hours 46 min

    Oct 1 - 51.40 km cycling (162.32 min)
    Oct 2 - 8.2 km walking (100 min) + 11.5 km cycling (40 min)
    Oct 3 - 5.8 km walking (70 min) + 23.6 km cycling (70 min)
    Oct 4 - 3 km walking (35 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min) + 15 min weight lifting
    Oct 5 - 6.5 km walking (80 min) + 14 flights of stairs (11 min)
    Oct 6 - 7.9 km walking (95 min) + 14 flights of stairs (11 min)
    Oct 7 - 26.9 km cycling (80 min)
    Oct 8 - 34.2 km cycling (105 min)
    Oct 9 - 5.5 km walking (65 min) + 18.5 km cycling indoors (40 min) ... spinning class
    Oct 10 - 5.4 km walking (65 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)
    Oct 11 - 9.5 km walking (115) + 22 flights of stairs (17 min)
    Oct 12 - 4.6 km walking (55 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)
    Oct 13 - 3.5 km walking (40 min) + 16 flights of stairs (12 min)
    Oct 14 - 35.8 km cycling (110 min)
    Oct 15 - 81.2 km cycling (255 min)
    Oct 16 - 10.8 km walking (135 min)
    Oct 17 - 4.2 km walking (50 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)

    2017 Monthly October
    Walking Distance (km): 74.9
    Walking Time (min): 936.3
    Cycling Distance (km): 283.1
    Cycling Time (min): 875.6
    Flights of Stairs Climbed Number: 146.0
    Flights of Stairs Climbed Time (min): 116.8
    Other Distance: 0.0
    Other Time: 15.0 (Weightlifting ... I tend to walk around with heavy backpacks and bags full of groceries and thing rather than weightlifting, but I keep telling myself I should do more)

    Total Distance (km): 358.0
    Total Distance (miles): 222.5
    Total Time (min): 1943.6
    Total Time (hr): 32:23:38
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    PIP ~ Nice city view!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    edited October 2017
    Another reason this group is so terrific - this has been a terrifically informative conversation about Nexium and GERD over the past few days.

    I haven't watched PBS in a while, but several years ago there was a gal who theorized acid reflux was caused by the pyloric sphincter not opening because the stomach did not have enough acid in it. So we weren't thinking the process through and taking antacids made it worse. I have read taking a little vinegar in water stimulates the stomach emptying, but there are pros and cons to introducing more acid there.

    Is she right? Not sure. I do know that I often feel food just "sits there" for a long time after I eat. I also never seem to get hungry, but my GI tract is otherwise working fine.

    I have a book on natural medicine written by Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno, who started Bastyr Naturopathic college which trains a lot of the ND's in the Pacific Northwest.

    The book discusses GERD and natural treatments. They mentioned something called D-Limonene which is made from citrus peels and stimulates the stomach emptying, and the treatment calls for one - 1000 mg capsule every other day for 20 days. I am intrigued so I ordered a bottle from Amazon ($10) and will see how that works.

    And if things don't get better, I'll go back to the doc and see if she has something new up her sleeve.

    SW WA State with rain clouds looming!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    i ride down that road every morning now on my new route from the gym in the morning. purdy view of tacoma
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    I was 13 pages behind, but now caught up! So some of these comments are a little old ...

    Allie … your condo looks great! Enjoy

    Kelly … Joaquin’s expressions are priceless! I especially love the one where he’s working with the water ball. And the Joaquin without the helmet is even more adorable!

    Chris … your job situation sounds horrendous. Hoping you are able to find something that recognizes your worth soon!

    Lisa … Congratulations on deciding to make a move! I hope you’ll love the northeast!

    Terry … I like your short hair! And the pictures of fall foliage are beautiful. Fall is my favorite time of the year as well and the recent hot weather has not thrilled me. Today, the temps are more fall-like.

    Rori … great photo of you and your husband!

    Sharon … Get out now …

    Rye … Congratulations on the job!

    Lanette … I loved the Mitford Series as well. Haven’t had time to read in ages … I need to get back to that!

    Wendy … I’ve been going through your links … informative and entertaining!

    Machka … thanks for the recipe links … I’ve been timid about trying some of what I consider the “exotic” spices … but think I will give these a try since you recommend them. As for the US … we seem to be in a kerfuffle about everything these days!

    Rita … beautiful photo of the sunset! Your comment about the males in your life made my heart hurt for you … I’m so sorry that this has been your experience. I do think that women and men of a certain age accept behavior that today’s younger people do not. My husband has expectations that he really should not have … but I indulge him in them …I pamper him … because I know that he is a product of archaic and sexist teaching. But this is a choice I make.

    It has been chaotic here ... picked up my son in Cleveland on Thursday night and stayed the night with my parents in Cleveland. At 5:00 am Friday my dad asked me to take him to the emergency room with severe abdominal pain. (He had a bowel obstruction in March that required a piece of his bowel to be removed.) Turns out he has adhesions. So after sitting in the hospital for 12 hours Friday, I left my parents at the hospital and I took son home to Buffalo to surprise his Dad for his birthday (very surprised) ... went to the wedding Saturday where I and two very much older ladies were the only ones wearing pants (but who cares the wedding was bizarre anyways) ... then drove son back to Cleveland Airport on Sunday (back to school he went) and went to be with my mom (who is frail and doesn't drive). Dad is still in the hospital, but looks like he will be discharged today (Tuesday). Older son needed an emergency appointment yesterday (which I arranged through texts and email) to address an implanted medicinal pump problem ... he's ok now after having 24 hours of painful spasms ... but is now scheduled for surgery in November. Husband's surgery for his back is Tuesday.

    I'm ready for a vacation ...

    Beth near Buffalo

  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Good practically noon. Checking in to see you and how you are doing. Take care.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    edited October 2017
    Thanks for all the Nexium and B12 talk. Lots to think about. Moving to a new campground today. Talk more when settled.

    Rita on the road in Bew Mexico.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi all, worried about ya’ll and loved ones with health challenges (Becca, did I miss a post? How is your husband?). Hoping and cheering on and sending strong vibes for you with other challenges at the moment.

    Too busy for more than a minute, MiL birthday, orientation yesterday and new job today ...

    Acid reflux early on this year I was awakened every night with acid reflux so bad it had me up to the kitchen to chew antacids every night. Then I just moved the mega bottle of antacids into my bedroom. When I started to take seriously losing weight the biggest changes I made were eliminating wheat and dairy and added sugar from my diet. Within 3 days the reflux disappeared. I went from suffering nightly to noticing it once or twice in 6 months, but not having to have even one antacid.

    I know that is just anecdotal- and now you would describe my diet as being low on dairy, low on added sugars, and minimal gluten (I’m not celiac, nor do I fuss if I’m faced with gluten in a restaurant or friends home, I’m just pretty much gluten free at home right now) but something significant happened because it was like a light switch was thrown turning off the acid reflux incidents for me. Honestly, I suspect wheat/gluten was the culprit for me - I ate a lot of pasta/bread/crackers at the time and now I eat practically none.

    Anyway, I’m off, with well wishes for all.

    Cin Cin a tutti

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    (((Beth and Family))) You have a lot on your plate. Prayers for you and family.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    KJ: Walking with DH after dinner is a lovely idea. As the days get darker be sure to wear reflective clothing if you walk in the streets. :heart:

    Carol in GA: "Does this sound crazy? For the last couple of weeks I feel like I am starving and just want to eat anything and everything I can get my hands on. Could it be a long forgotten trait of storing up fat for the winter? Probably just the anxiety of dealing with the ongoing flooring and again leaking frig."
    This doesn't sound at all crazy. It sounds like the truth. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: A couple of years ago Mary started talking about Bragg Organic Unflitered & unpasturized Apple Cider Vinegar, for dealing with acid reflux. She drank it daily in a mix with water and honey. I tried it and couldn't make myself follow through with drinking vinegar every morning, but I always use it to make salad dressing and I think it is beneficial. :star:

    (((Beth & Family)))

    Yoga today! Yay!!! I hope to get out to the stable and work with Arrow the brat, too. He was wonderful when my former teacher worked with him on Sunday, but her skills are beyond good. I'm making progress on improving my skills and Arrow's behavior, but we both have a long way to go.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Beth, sounds like you have your hands full. Sending you good thoughts and lots of hugs.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Beth - Hugs galore for your efforts for the family. <3

    We've had a lovely day, despite me waking up at 5.30 with my ÷×+=%#÷ cough. It seems to reappear now and then. :s No problem since and the lunch went well. I had two starters, with no bread. Mussels and one lobster ravioli in a bisque sauce which was a very small portion, but tasty. We came home for coffee and one chocolate truffle each.
    I am looking forward to our light supper with the champagne I bought.
    DH decided he wanted to watch a video and he chose Casablanca. :D:p:) It's amazing how much of it I didn't remember, though I've seen it several times.
    Over lunch we discussed various places we would like to visit in the future. He would like to revisit Whitstable where we used to have a house with a sea view. I want to go to Orkney to see the Bronze Age remains and also Montreal. Those who know anything about it, would late September, early October be any good for a visit? I know the climate can be a bit severe and extreme.
    Going to have to get up early tomorrow to get my exercises done before I catch the train to London. :o

    Love to all. Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxxxx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth (((( <3 ))))

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Heather, hope your cough clears up soon. I haven't seen Casablanca in ages. I'm sure I've forgotten half of it.

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Mulligan Day!

    "Give yourself a second chance on Mulligan Day. Whether it is a former relationship with a friend or loved one, an old hobby that you abandoned or a past mistake that needs rectifying, you can give it another go on Mulligan Day." Guess we all need a do-over now and then.

    Joyce - My Maine coon has a really fluffy tail that makes it look huge, but it doesn't seem any longer than average.

    Sharon - Yeah, comments like Larry's would have me asking what he's making for dinner tomorrow. Do be careful and have a plan for someplace to go if you need to get out of there in a hurry.

    Machka - I'd love to get off the Prilosec, or at least have a gastroenterologist who could help figure out why I'm having problems. I don't have heartburn or any signs of ulcer, etc. Unless that happens, though, I seem to be stuck with the daily med.

    Thought I'd share pictures of our babies... going to try to make the link thing work so you don't get ginormous images:

    Phineas and Kiki (a.k.a. The Pink Peril):

    Six (a.k.a. The Green Meanie):




    Welcome to the new arrivals. Those of you who have sick friends or loved ones are in my thoughts.

    -Yvonne in TX