

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited October 2017
    Thanks for the positive feedback! I can write even neater gosh darn it! Haha! I think writing down my feelings during the first part of this change is paramount to me sticking with this. I listed all the proteins, veggies, fruits, fats, and carbs that I like so that's my go to list. When I had gone thru Jenny Craig many years ago, I ordered my food from my consultant weekly. It came in a huge box with a brick of dry ice. Oh my sons loved the dry ice! I'm thinking, going to the grocery store is like when I ordered food. The great thing is that I am in charge. I make my own choices, with food that doesn't cost a small fortune! I need to have more of a plan when buying food. I need to have husband go to the food bank with me, and change the status with them from 2 people to 1 person. Much of that food sadly isn't healthy. Much is overflow pastries, breads, and I need to discuss with husband if we go, its going to be food for him only.
  • KolleenS
    KolleenS Posts: 33 Member
    HI All! Newbie here. Wow, it's overwhelming with 60 pages and so many people.
    I hope to get comfy and caught up.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member

    Hi Gals,

    I’m lurking – working on where my head is one day at a time, but I had to jump in

    Joyce – I just read your post from Sunday, and I am so sorry that the world has abused you to the point you feel like you don’t matter. I love your posts and am so envious of your extended family and how close you are… You have plenty to offer!

    Rori – If I can help with your brother let me know… we are just a few miles apart


    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited October 2017
    PIp, you didn't trade in your RV did you? That was he only beast I could think of.

    Barbie, I read my comment to you and saw that I said 'what is it with me' and me should have read men. Men can just keep on driving no matter how tired they are.mi was sunrise one time when Charlie had me drive him to the hospital. I knew he was worried that time.

    Olivia is growing up so much. I'm not sure I would like that diet though. It may help me in losing some widget though.

    I saw a woman at Cracker Barrel tonight in one of those turtle back braces. It had been a long time since I had seen such an intricate brace. My Mom wore one but it was one she could put on herself. She sat find in the chairs there. She also looked pretty comfortable but of course I don't know how long she had worn it.

    Loved the pictures of that lovely girl with the fantastic make up on. Whose was that?

    Went roug my face book message page and have been deleting messages. I a, hoping to increase my storage space. I wish I could find a way of just deleting the whole thread. Anyone help???? But I have really enjoyed reliving the years of some of the threads. Some date back to 2000. So many babies not born yet. Mom was alive and doing well. Charlie was well. A whole life can change in one of those threads. There were some I didn't want to delete because they were just to special.

    Went to Sam's club tonight to pick up medicine. One of them was not ready and when asked, they said it would not be available until sometime in Novemenr. We have several of our medicines that are made in Puerto Rico and of course not available. I'm glad that when I reorder medicine that I reorder a week early and stock pile what is in the bottle and try to keep a month supply in a water tight bucket. So I know I have enough of the one medicine for me. I'm not sure of one for Charlie. But last month ey did a 3 month reorder. Who would have thunk it!!

    Charlie lies to drive me places also. I like my alone time. I can put on my radio station, drive as cautious as I want to, not race through yellow lights, just be me. Today I had t drive t my doctors office to
    Icky up my new script for Narco. He asks if I want him to drive me. Hope I'm fine. So he asks if I then don't want him t drive me?????? Is it not evident? So he reminds me that I will be er I g the expressway during rush hour traffic. Yep, I inow. Evansville isn't a big town, maybe 200,000 and the expressway is known as stop light city so I think I am OK. I drive myself twice a week now, Wednesday evening to choir and Sunday to church. This was one thing we talked about when he was gettin ready to retire. I enjoyed my independence and he said he had no intention on infringing upon it. I guess I should remind of him of that conversation. It's when he drives that he cusses so at absolutely everything that some one does or that he perceives a person might do, and if I talk I a, totally invisible to him.

    Joyce, Indiana.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    edited October 2017
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Went roug my face book message page and have been deleting messages. I a, hoping to increase my storage space. I wish I could find a way of just deleting the whole thread. Anyone help???? But I have really enjoyed reliving the years of some of the threads. Some date back to 2000. So many babies not born yet. Mom was alive and doing well. Charlie was well. A whole life can change in one of those threads. There were some I didn't want to delete because they were just to special.

    Are you talking about Messenger or Facebook or your Email?

    I ask because what you post on Facebook is on "the cloud" and not on your device (phone, laptop, etc.). Deleting threads out of Facebook won't (shouldn't!) make any difference at all to your storage space.

    Machka in Oz
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    I have made it to pg. 60.
    It has been an interesting day. I will post when I get home after my early morning.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge feeling grateful to have the brothers that I do.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    Thursday - 6 km walk. Most of that was a bit of a hike along the cliffs on either side of "our" beach.

    Friday - A little wander (cycling) around the area where we are hosting/organising/running 3 cycling events this weekend. We host many events out of this location and decided to have a better look around today. :)

    Distance: 26.5 km
    Elevation: 292 m
    Moving Time: 1:31:45
    Elapsed Time: 1:34:53
    Speed: Avg: 17.4 km/h | Max: 37.8 km/h
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    Sharon - very interested to hear your story! <3

    I'm up and packed and lurking in my room before the final push. I hope she will go shopping at the airport. She wants to get there early to shop. :# I will grab a coffee and read, I hope. Thanks for all your good wishes, it really helped knowing you were all by my side. <3

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    I woke up in the middle of the night and am having trouble getting back to sleep.

    The wind is whipping around the trees and the house - a beautiful whoosh, whoosh sound - not a storm or anything- just autumn winds.

    It is so quiet and cool. Charlie the cat is curled up at my feet on the sofa. Kidd Kirby the cat followed me from bed to this room and sits on the rug below us staring.

    The street lights and neighborhood porch lights keep flickering through the trees swaying in the winds.

    It is a special type of pregnant peaceful that only comes just before dawn.

    I think I’m tired enough to go back to sleep now and I contemplate just curling up with Charlie cat here on the sofa.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy Friday looking forward to a professional development day at work (1/2 day). Starts wtih a "halloween" brunch which is full of carb & candy laden offerings. I will eat the fruit, hardboiled eggs and yogurt--maybe a touch of yogurt, that's the plan. Then it's off to meetings, meetings, meetings.

    I am on an anti-biotic and a cortisone cream and I am hoping that the rash (eczema) improves dramatically soon.
    The doctor said to make an appointment with him for 2 weeks from now and if the rash disappears I cancel the appointment. Here's hoping that the Rx does the trick. Anyone here deals with eczema? Is this brought on by stress? There is no family history of eczema and I thought (for a long time now) that it is was a wheat aor gluten intolerant rash==whether it is or not, I feel better not eating white flour, pasta, bread, cake etc. I really feel better on a veggie, some animal protein, fruit eating plan, this does include eggs and cheeses. I don't really miss the pasta all that much.

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Thinking about Michele in NC and the wedding of the century. Hope all's going well...

    Just saying! :smile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    a quick good morning as I finish my tea, have to make my lunch quick and go walk the boys... Tom going to concert tonight and I am sure taking Elena, wondering if she is meeting him at the house or what? would love to spy if she is, but I dont think so, I am guessing he will take her out for dinner and then the show...
    whatever,she can have him!!!
    he wanted me to come over tuesday and hand out candy, I said your a big boy, you bought the candy,your house you hand it out...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Busy weekend ahead ... organising/hosting/running 3 cycling events while trying to study for a final exam!!

    Machka in Oz

    Studied yesterday evening.

    Did ride/event preparation this morning.

    Went for a ride this afternoon ... because we love cycling in this area.

    Hosted/ran the first event this evening. It was quick!!

    Now more studying.

    All set for tomorrow ... I think. Tomorrow is a bigger day.

    M in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Still here. Still fuzzy from this cold and the lack of sleep from coughing. But enjoying the conversation! Planning my exercises while I still feel to icky to get in the pool. Once the crud is gone it will be pool time two-three times a week, walking everyday (I do have a treadmill now and grateful for it; because colder temps = icy sidewalks), and I think I am going to get a kettlebell. I have said this before, but never have thinking I could do stuff like planking, push-ups, and use my free weights. But I can't seem to stick with those. I have done kettle bell lifting before at a class I went to and it was one of my favorite things to do because of the "swing". It almost seemed more cardio than strength. So I think I need to give it a try at home.

    Karen VA- Olivia! Love that face! You can tell she is liking her first foods!
    Heather- Your trip sounds wonderful so far! So glad you are able to enjoy this time with them!
    Penny- Your life during this time of year (the darker months) is just fascinating to me. Do many people in your community use "daylight" lamps or suffer from SAD? Or do you think, because this is just how it is, that their bodies have just gotten used to the rhythm and light (or lack thereof)?
    Who is beginning to eat more cottage cheese?- I can't remember who mentioned it...Katla maybe? I eat cottage cheese often. Once I found out how much protein was in a cup; it became a no brainer substitute for meat for me.

    That's all I have time for right now, kids arriving. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Who is beginning to eat more cottage cheese?- I can't remember who mentioned it...Katla maybe? I eat cottage cheese often. Once I found out how much protein was in a cup; it became a no brainer substitute for meat for me.

    I love cottage cheese. :)

    Here, we can get an onion and chive cottage cheese which I prefer over plain. But if they run out of onion and chive, I go for plain.

    I have 100 grams after work with sliced cucumbers. Sometimes I slice up radishes and cabbage or other veggies too. Sometimes I use sliced pickles rather than cucumbers. It makes a great after work snack without loading me up with a bunch of calories.

    And ... the orchard my husband manages has a vegetable garden and sometimes he can bring home veggies. The other day he brought home a bag of radishes ... I am familiar with the small red ones with white interiors. I was not familiar with white ones the size of mandarins. They've got a bit of a kick to them which adds to the cottage cheese.

    M in Oz