

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    Regarding spiders, snakes, mice, skinks, etc. ... I'm not particularly fussed one way or the other about them. And that's a good thing because there are a lot of interesting creatures here in Australia!! :)

    Spiders can be wherever in the house, except in the bedroom. I don't like them in the bedroom. I discovered a small huntsman (still quite a large spider) on a tissue in my Kleenex box the other day ... and he was escorted outside.

    I have also got into the habit of shaking out the dressing gown before I put it on, and checking inside my shoes and boots.

    Regarding migratory ants ... we've got them here too. But a weird thing happened last year ... they nested in a Kleenex box and appeared to eat the Kleenex, or at least chew it. I discovered this when I mindlessly pulled out a Kleenex to blow my nose, and was suddenly covered in ants!

    Seems like a lot of these creatures like Kleenex boxes!

    The summer after the 2009 bushfires in Victoria was a very rainy summer and also a summer of regeneration of everything, including the mouse population. We had 9 of them in the house we lived in ... my husband got rid of 8 ... the 9th died right in the middle of the living room floor! And then they were gone.

    But at one point they were running all over the house. We'd be sitting there in the evening and there would be scurrying mice up and down all over the place. I was tempted to rent a cat!

    Machka in Oz
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Please no more bug stories!!! Pretty please. I am already paranoid enough!
    That crazy lady that just shivered in
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Lenora: I live in the Houston area but the ants and taratulas were when I lived in New Mexico. We had a lot of tarantulas and scorpions. I was after my kids all the time to keep their clothes off the floor because the scorpions would hide in them. One morning my daughter, who was 5 at the time, got up and put on her jeans which had been on the floor and got stung three times on her leg. She screamed "tarantula" thinking it was a spider not a scorpion (she didn't see it) and her sister sat up real fast. She was on the top bunk of the bunkbed and hit her head on the ceiling fan which dislodged a gecko.... it was an eventful morning to say the least.

    Here in Houston I deal with skinks, lots of geckos, snakes and fire ants. We do have scorpions but I don't see them here very often, too wet I think. Now fire ants are AWFUL. They swarm you and bite like mad and then you suffer and itch like crazy. Very aggressive little buggers.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    Lenora: I live in the Houston area but the ants and taratulas were when I lived in New Mexico. We had a lot of tarantulas and scorpions. I was after my kids all the time to keep their clothes off the floor because the scorpions would hide in them. One morning my daughter, who was 5 at the time, got up and put on her jeans which had been on the floor and got stung three times on her leg. She screamed "tarantula" thinking it was a spider not a scorpion (she didn't see it) and her sister sat up real fast. She was on the top bunk of the bunkbed and hit her head on the ceiling fan which dislodged a gecko.... it was an eventful morning to say the least.

    Here in Houston I deal with skinks, lots of geckos, snakes and fire ants. We do have scorpions but I don't see them here very often, too wet I think. Now fire ants are AWFUL. They swarm you and bite like mad and then you suffer and itch like crazy. Very aggressive little buggers.

    Scorpions is another new one for me. Never saw one in Victoria, but I've found 4 in the house here in Tasmania ... two of which were marching toward my feet when I spotted them. They are small here, but apparently quite painful if you step on them.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I have a 10" scar that is slightly above bikini because of exploratory surgery. 40 years ago they really did large incisions. I was also self conscious about it.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,830 Member
    Morning ladies
    Kim please message me and I will give you email and cell..would love to keep in touch.
    Slept pretty well and getting DGD on bus today Monday and Tuesday .going to the movie here tonight and working tomorrow until noon.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    edited October 2017
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    Lenora: I live in the Houston area but the ants and taratulas were when I lived in New Mexico. We had a lot of tarantulas and scorpions. I was after my kids all the time to keep their clothes off the floor because the scorpions would hide in them. One morning my daughter, who was 5 at the time, got up and put on her jeans which had been on the floor and got stung three times on her leg. She screamed "tarantula" thinking it was a spider not a scorpion (she didn't see it) and her sister sat up real fast. She was on the top bunk of the bunkbed and hit her head on the ceiling fan which dislodged a gecko.... it was an eventful morning to say the least.

    Here in Houston I deal with skinks, lots of geckos, snakes and fire ants. We do have scorpions but I don't see them here very often, too wet I think. Now fire ants are AWFUL. They swarm you and bite like mad and then you suffer and itch like crazy. Very aggressive little buggers.

    Scorpions is another new one for me. Never saw one in Victoria, but I've found 4 in the house here in Tasmania ... two of which were marching toward my feet when I spotted them. They are small here, but apparently quite painful if you step on them.

    Regarding ants, we have jack jumpers here, and they do jump.

    I was cycling one day, and must have brushed against some long grass by the side of the road and picked one up. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I batted my leg trying to get whatever it was off, but it must have partially lodged in my sock, and bit me several times before I figured out what it was and dispensed with it.

    This picture was taken about 2 weeks after the bites.


    M in Oz
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,437 Member
    edited October 2017
    Katla - thank you for the acid reflux article! One of my favorite breakfasts is oatmeal with a piece of banana cut up for sweetness - and that's what I've been eating for the past few days and yes, it seems to help. Eating my greens and yogurt. Still stopping eating by 5 pm and having the ACVinegar/honey chaser and it's really improved. Thanks to everyone for all of the suggestions!! <3

    Heather - I had nearly given up raising brassicas as well. This spring I tried it again, planted dwarf scotch kale and covered it with row cover from day one, which is a light polyester film that lets most light and rain through but impervious to flying bugs and white butterflies as long as the edges are secured to the ground with bricks or little boards. It did very well... the cabbage worms managed to get a few leaves where the row cover flapped up, but I got a good crop. However, I went out to grab a few leaves a couple days ago and the deer had helped herself. :# I resecured the cover and hope I can have some through the winter if it doesn't blow off. It's always something.

    - your childcare provider network is just thrilling to me. <3 How neat that you are on the ground floor of it - love the idea of visiting senior centers. I'll bet your mind never stops whirring with ideas, lol. Good for you. By the way, my DH is always ready to get out the weedeater and leaf blower as soon as the sun comes up. This summer, he'd be chomping at the bit and would try to wait until 8 am... quite often he'd march out of the house at 7:30 or earlier on the weekend and declare it's time for the neighborhood to wake up! :s Thankfully the houses in our subdivision are pretty sound proof.

    Wishing everyone a great Friday! I'm off to do shopping in a bit between downpours.

    SW WA State
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Not much time, I’m headed back to the gym today then babysitting in Atlanta.

    I have a scar from belly button to hoo-hah from my hysterectomy. Most doctors do a horizontal cut, but mine needed more room to work on my mess. Since it was a game changer as far as the way I felt (for the better) afterwards, I’ll take my scar and wear it proudly.

    Got my EOB for the ambulance ride via email this morning. This was one expensive trip. The actual ER visit isn’t there yet. I don’t even want to see that.

    Hav3 a great Friday my friends.
