

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    Did Brook Benton's Butts and Guts DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Cathe Friedrich's Upper Body Pyramid DVD.

    Speaking of stink bugs - one time one got in my drink and I didn't realize it. You can just imagine what happened when it went into my mouth!!!

    Dana - how long will you be gone? Have fun

    Becca - AWWW, thank for the smile by you posting those pics

    Lisa - so glad things are OK with Egg. Bob Barker would be proud of you!!!

    drkatie - be glad you didn't get stitches in the ambulance! That REALLY adds to the cost of the ambulance ride!

    Terry - right now each nail (with the exception of the one that I took the polish off of) is a different silver. I'll post when I get the nails done all the same. Doesn't Kelly have such great ideas. I wish I was in her childcare. I at least wish my kids had been in hers. Vince has this "thing" about paying someone to do something he can do himself. Only problem is that sometimes it takes him forever to get it done. Like he wants to put the quarterround up in my exercise room. Well, I've been waiting over 4 years for it! I really wanted to get some landscaping done. He wanted to do it all himself. The only reason we had a landscaper start to put in a lawn (only 10 years after we bought the house) is because I really nagged him. Hope your foot feels better

    Speaking of scars - my breasts look like a road map. Back when I was much younger (probably in my 20's) I kept getting fiberadinomas. The MD at the time took them out. Remember, this was the time when they used a drain! Finally, he said "we won't bother to take them out any more since they're always fiberadinomas (non cancerous). But my breasts look like a road map. At least it's my breasts which no one sees.

    Lenora - I used to have a bikini body too. Of course, that was about 50 years ago....lol

    Mary - I'm so happy for you

    I just got a message from a johncalvinfields saying "I sincerely apologize for sending the friend request. Making it publicly known Was embarassing for me Lesson learned ok" what this means I have no idea. All I know is that he's sent me a few friend requests and I haven't accepted any of them. So I have no idea what this means and I have no intention of asking what it means, either.

    Finished stringing the popcorn for the tree. I don't think I'll do any more this year. Then went to a gallery opening that a friend of ours had. Then went to see "Faith County" at the Green Room. Tomorrow we go see "The Foreigner" at the Hickory Community Theater.

    Now I'm thinking that I'll get the totally sparkled nail polish. That'll probably look better with the shoes.

    Oh, the local community college called. See, I was going to have them give me the mani/pedi but at first they were going to be closed until Jan so I wound up going somewhere else, I'll get my nails done there before the wedding. But I did make an appt for the following Thurs for just a manicure. It's only $6 and I'll see what kind of job they do. I don't think they can do that badly.

    Becca - tomorrow will be better.

    Put down seed and weed and feed on some areas. I think I'll probably use up the rest of the grass seed since it won't be much good next year. Hey, who knows if it'll take or not?

    Marcelyn - great dress your granddaughter made. I haven't made clothes in a long, long time.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    I just got a message from a johncalvinfields saying "I sincerely apologize for sending the friend request. Making it publicly known Was embarassing for me Lesson learned ok" what this means I have no idea. All I know is that he's sent me a few friend requests and I haven't accepted any of them. So I have no idea what this means and I have no intention of asking what it means, either.

    Michele in NC

    :) This guy is apparently making amends. He posted an almost identical message on another thread where he had posted and offended the women on the thread.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Penny: The term North Polish is tantalizing. Since you are currently not North Polish I wonder whether you've chosen another Pole, or something in between. :devil:

    (((Becca))) I know change can be hard. We moved right after DD graduated from High School. She refused to come with us and moved in with friends. It hurt my feelings and I was upset for quite a while. A lot of time has gone by since then and she's moved to many different states and attended to several colleges. Now she lives with her mother-in-law. I know a bit about how Michele probably feels, and maybe just a little bit of how you're feeling, too. :ohwell:

    Mary: I hope that you and your DH are able to settle in a new place and enjoy your lives together. If you decide to teach & get your certificate set up, you'll be a huge asset to the school and the students. :star:

    Allie: I am having such a good time hearing about your new, happier life. WTG!!! :bigsmile:

    Marcelyn: Your granddaughter's dress is wonderful. I love the photos. :heart:

    Our little dog has been suffering from a really bad tummy. I collected a stool sample--yellow poop, and took him & the sample to the vet. He evidently has lost necessary bacteria in his digestive system, so we have pills and probiotics to give him for the next five days. I hope it solves the problem. He's had two doses and seems to be feeling a bit better already.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Getting back into exercising routine again after life happened October slack time.

    Swam 1750m (1 hour), 2 aquafit classes and 10,500 steps today. Fasted tues & thurs. this week. weight down 3.5 lb in October.

    Look at you go girl!! Good job!!!

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    I just got a message from a johncalvinfields saying "I sincerely apologize for sending the friend request. Making it publicly known Was embarassing for me Lesson learned ok" what this means I have no idea. All I know is that he's sent me a few friend requests and I haven't accepted any of them. So I have no idea what this means and I have no intention of asking what it means, either.

    Michele in NC

    :) This guy is apparently making amends. He posted an almost identical message on another thread where he had posted and offended the women on the thread.

    Yep, I just ignored the request and him :)

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well, I was typing along and my iPad decided it wanted to refresh MFP. So all my post went into cyber space. So you will find my words of unhappiness over in the white space. Will some one please wipe them up?????

    Love you all, Joyce, Indiana still enjoying warm fall days
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 857 Member
    Hi ladies, I've only been reading posts the past few days, was feeling really lazy on Tues and Wed, didn't do much of anything, so Thurs had to get the house cleaned as I work Fri, Sat and Sun and am just to pooped after work to do much of anything!
    I must say, I am reading some pretty amazing stuff from all of you! As for the bugs and spiders...... I am NOT one to escort spiders out of the house!!! Moths, beetles ladybugs, even wood bugs, but spiders must die! Except, and I don't know why, for Daddy long legs. They don't bother me. Go figure. Wolf spiders on the other hand..... Yuck! And we grow 'em big here! I grew up in the interior of BC, never saw a wolf spider til I moved to the island, my first one was almost enough to make me move back to the interior!!! lol Oh well, getting used to them now, but I have seen a few black widows in the past few years. Apparently, it's not warm enough here for them to do real damage if they bite, but really, who wants to take the chance!
    Marcelyn, that dress that your granddaughter made is incredible! And she's only 9???? Wow! She's going to be quite the seamstress!
    Sorry, that's the only post I really remember, oh except the invitation to move WAY up north where there are no spiders, I'd like to put my name on that list too, please! Not sure I could handle the 24 hour night, but it might be worth a try....
    Congrats to those who have had good things happen, {{{HUGS}}} for those who need 'em.
    Let's just keep on keepin' on!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island, Canada
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member

    Happy Saturday!

    Feeling better and better. Took Blue out for a short walk yesterday. Plan to go a little further today. My equilibrium has been a little off. My mental calculator says I should be able to try the bicycle out in the next two weeks. Doing well controlling my prednisone fueled eating. Last night I filled a small container with low-fat crunchy stuff and took it upstairs with me for munching with 2 bottles of water. Once it was gone that was it. I did not allow myself back down into the kitchen. Between the prednisone and not smoking it is a wonder that anyone is still alive in this house! :D

    Since I got out of the hospital, I've decided to do much more healthy eating and cooking. My big discovery yesterday was that a salad container of spinach leaves is just enough steamed for two people with one just having a 1/2 cup serving. Thanks to MFP I found that spinach has a high sodium count. :s Who would have thought it? Healthy eating really requires some learning. I happy to report that my intake of rice, potatoes, and bread is almost non-existent. I don’t really miss them. I bought some acorn squash which I plan to tackle today trying to get a greater variety of vegetables on the plate. So happy DH is on board with me. With our various illnesses and surgeries our bodies have taken a beating. He says he is feeling weak and flabby. I am feeling weak and flapping (flapping body fat)! :D

    Heather! Heather! Heather
    ! You are one of the few people I know that can talk about healthy food and make it sound decadent! ;) I spend days looking up recipes for your food mentions. It was hard to figure out that a Christmas Cake is what we call a fruit cake. I’ve never much cared for them as a lot of people here concentrate on how much brandy and/or rum they can soak into the cake before cutting it than on the cake itself. In lots of cases the end result is a thick block of alcohol soaked candied fruit. Every year I think about making the Japanese Fruit Cake – 4 layer spice cake with nuts, raisins, coconut, filled with a citrus and coconut filling. There is more cake than fruit without the booze. Most years I settle for making a rum pecan pound cake. I like the cake more than the fruit and would rather have a martini than alcohol soaked anything.

    Lisa: You are amazing. I just read “This Little Pig” for a second time. I did not realize you were the author. Fantastic! You remain a hero! <3

    Tere in RVA

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Thank you, Tere! What a lovely thing to say. Something I don't tell most people, though I think I shared it hear some years back, is that "This Little Pig" served for me the same purpose that Heather's memoirs serve for her. It's two stories in one - and the story the abused woman is telling the psychiatrist is mine and my sister's story, with very minor fictionalizing to make it flow. Writing the book was enormously cathartic.

    That would be because the novelist has more leeway than the memoirist, so I was able to kill my father off in the first chapter, and with extreme prejudice. When I wrote the first draft of the book, he was still alive in East Texas, though I hadn't seen him or spoken to him in decades. He died shortly after the first draft was written (I didn't do it, I swear). And it was only when he was dead that I was able to have the gastric bypass surgery, to finally take off the blanket of fat that had kept me safe while he was still walking the planet.

    Back to my packing... :)
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Marcelyn ~ Love the dress your granddaughter made. That did not look easy to do and is very stylish. Good job Granna!

    Going to watch the 6 yr old cheer and the 7 yr old play lacrosse in a bit.

    Everyone have a great day!

    Carol in GA

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    I was wondering if anyone might ‘explain like I’m five’ (ELI5) a bit about jeans. (I admit to being fashion obtuse). What are skinny jeans? What are boyfriend jeans?

    Are there any jeans styles that are meant (or are more appropriate) for an hourglass figure? (My waist being 13 or so inches smaller than my (broad) hips.). All the jeans I own gap at the waist big enough for my husband to put two fists into them with me, but the same pants are sausage tight on my thighs and hips. Advice would be appreciated.

    I’m afraid I’ve always hated clothes shopping. Now that might be due to my own fashion ignorance and the fact that mostly I don’t find clothes that fit. Shopping especially for pants has always defeated me and usually I have given up. I do not own any pants that fit correctly and don’t even know how to start. 99% of the time I stick with knit slip on clothing which doesn’t exactly fit, but is at least comfortable. Any direction or instruction on fashion would be appreciated. TLDR: Rye really doesn’t like to shop for clothes and doesn’t know what she’s doing and could use help.

    Rye (who has been thinking about how she’d love to own a pair of pants that fit, but now doesn’t want to pay the tailor’s rates to get some unless it is absolutely necessary.)
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Rye - I'm a bit hourglassy as well, and the only jeans that have ever come close to fitting me are Lee Riders. All the rest, if they fit around my thighs and my butt, gap at the waist much, much more. Skinny jeans are the ones with the legs that fit tight all the way down to the ankle. "Boyfriend jeans" are supposedly modeled on men's jeans, the ones you steal from your boyfriend. Looser, male-styled jeans. Effectively, they've taken men's jeans, taken the men's sizes off them, slapped a women's size on them and are marketing them to women.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :)Rye, I had to go to lots of stores and try on lots of jeans in lots of brands and styles and sizes until I found the ones I liked. Once I found the right brand/style/size, I started ordering them online through Amazon. Since I am retired, I wear jeans every day as my "uniform" so I have seven pairs of jeans in two sizes--smaller for line dance class and larger for dog walking and working around the house.

    :)Tere, glad you are feeling better.

    <3 Barbie who is headed out for dog walking before the rains come
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,248 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Machka, I have scars on my stomach too. They are due to surgeries for a ovarian cycst and a hysterectomy. I pretty much forget about them too. The bite looks painful, was it? You however look great!

    It's interesting to hear how many have abdominal scars.

    The bites felt like large hot needles when I was being bitten, sort of like a wasp's sting. Then the whole area became quite red and inflamed and a combination of sore and itchy. The photo is 2 weeks later, when it had started to heal, but it still looks a bit red around the bites. Those ants are nasty!!

    And thanks!! :) I'm about 10 lbs heavier than that now, and my body shape seems to have changed slightly since going through perimenopause. I'm a bit more hourglass now.

    M in Oz