

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member

    Rita - impressive!! Cute little bugger as long as it stays outside, lol. Looks like a mouse catcher!

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Happy Friday,

    Rori, sorry to hear you are having gum problems and glad you are not in pain. Hope you get all fixed up soon.

    Michele, I agree with you that one of the reasons food is a different addiction is because you have to eat to live. But I think you can have the mind set that BAD food is an addition and for me thinking that way helps me stay away from it. I want to see those painted nails!

    Lenora, before my mom died, she went through the house with my sister and I. Each of us took turns picking things we or our daughter wanted. It worked well as my sister and I are so different that we didn't want the same things. The only thing we both wanted was my grandmothers old rocking chair. We decided to take turns having it. Didn't work out that way though. She got all she wanted and a house. I got what my mom gave me while alive and nothing else. My niece got the other big house. I got my father's coin collection worth about $4,000. Luckily I had the rocking chair when my mom died. Don't ever think my sister remembers I have it. My mom and I were very close, but my mom and dad always took care of my sister. She stayed with them rent free alot of her life. They pretty much raised her daughter. I know my parents loved me and my daughter, but I think they felt I could take care of myself where my sister couldn't. Even though I understand all that, it did hurt that we didn't get anything. I don't talk with my sister or niece, not because of that but because of the way they treated my parents in their last years. Long story so I won't go on.

    Machka, I have scars on my stomach too. They are due to surgeries for a ovarian cycst and a hysterectomy. I pretty much forget about them too. The bite looks painful, was it? You however look great!

    Becca, the baby animals are soooo cute! Thanks for off setting the bugs.

    Penny, can I come live with you too?

    Kelly, I am so impressed with your childcare provider network. You have such great ideas and do wonderful things with your kids. Wish you were around when my daughter needed daycare!

    Lisa, let me know if showing the list to your DH works. What books have you written? Glad Egg did ok.

    Lanette, unfortunately my DH is not interested in doing any of the house upkeep. He does it, but he hates it. Luckily I love to mow and think of it as exercise. I thought the bug descriptions were bad, but the picture is much worse. I'd say thanks for sharing but I wouldn't mean it. lol

    Well guess I'd better get out of bed and start the day (move to the couch as I'm doing nothing but resting my foot today). Still taking Fridays off for a couple of more weeks to use up some vacation time. Going to be hard to go back to working 5 days a week.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day (or the rest of the day for some of you).

    Terry in VT with feet up.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Lanette - I've tried everything to keep those ÷×+=%÷× off, but even fine mesh was inadequate and then it was so hard getting inside the cage that I didn't pick as often as I should. :( Now we just have herbs of all kinds, rhubarb, blackcurrants and gooseberries in the raised beds. Plus sorrel. In the back there are apple, plum, mulberry and pear trees. This year we have had a HUGE crop of pears. Last year it was apples. It varies so much from year to year.

    I had my total hysterectomy back in 1998, but you can't see the faint horizontal scar, it's so low down. I have a breast cancer scar, but only a large dimple now. I had my gallbladder out with those little incisions (forgotten the name). Can't see the scars.

    Just cooked lamb, pea, spinach and potato curry in the IP. Smelling heavenly! Will have it with green beans.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Penny: The North Pole sounds wonderful except for the winter dark. I have daylight temperature lights all over my home to cope with winter here at barely above the 45th parallel. The airport nearest us is less than 10 miles away as the plane flies. (Lat: 45.7691°NLon: 122.86365°WElev: 49ft.)

    Kelly: The leaf blower in operating at 6:20 am could make your DH a very unpopular guy in the neighborhood. We had a neighbor who moved away, thank goodness, that used his leaf blower to blow dry his car every time he washed it, which was often. He also used it to blow dust off of his deck and onto his next-door neighbor's deck. We're all glad he moved away. :grumble:

    Lanette: I'm happy that you found the acid reflux article helpful. :smiley:

    Rita: NIce spider. I had a teacher who had a tarantula in a terrarium when I was in fourth grade. I'm not afraid of spiders, and that tarantula may be part of the reason. On the other hand, I don't want one loose in my house. :noway:

    Yesterday a friend asked me to take one of her horses because she is planning to move. I'll decline. I live in a townhouse with no land, no stable, and no place to keep a horse. I have a sweet set-up where I get to ride for free, and don't have to worry about vet care, horseshoes, and so on. I have enough to worry about due to DH's complicated health issues. She and her DH are planning to move to the beach on the southern Oregon coast and will be taking two horses with them. Perhaps they could take the third without too much extra trouble on their part. Their horse trailer is big enough for three.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Rori – I intend on seeing my abs (hopefully soon); but, I think I need to lose another 20lbs to do so and to get back to a ‘normal/healthy’ BMI. I will try to do some different exercises other than just walking on the treadmill or around the property with the dog. I got beggar lice all over my pants; and dog did not have but a few. They are much easier to get off the dog by brushing her.

    Some days I think I fast a little by not eating lunch, which is easy to forget because I usually eat a decent breakfast; sometimes even don’t eat supper.

    Michele – I’m sorry to hear that Denise is ‘stressing out’ again. Maybe she has ‘cold feet’ (normal). But, I agree – she is stressing out over things she does not have any control over. I would have called a garage and ask if they had anyone that would come out and change the tire for her instead of calling Pete at work.
    The protein bars I eat I buy from my Nutritionist (Center for Medical Weight Loss Program). I asked her if I could buy any OTC and she said yes, as long as they had a ‘certain’ amount of protein and a number of no more than something for Fat and Carbs. They have 160 calories to them. I have forgotten the numbers; but, I have been looking at some of the protein bars that are sold in stores. I have not compared prices yet. Need to ask her about the numbers again. I’m trying to slowly add food into my calories in; even though I was never on the protein shakes and bars but, 2 or 3 times a day. I can eat the bars at night; but, at no other time or, for some reason, they make me nauseous. I’ve been doing some ‘extreme’ house cleaning. I’ve got a few things to take out to my studio so my den will be totally cleaned and take down my window toppers to wash them and put them back up. I need to see what I need to do to them to starch them. I know I have starch because I starched my crotched snowflakes before giving them to our sons for their Christmas trees.

    I’ll be thinking about y’all this week with all the wedding plans. I loaned Tami Louis’ baby bracelet that she hooked around her bouquet. I told her ahead that I intended on letting her ‘borrow’, the ‘blue’, ‘old’ bracelet so all she had to come up with was the ‘new’ thing. She was excited about that.

    Machka in Oz – I had an allergic reaction to Penicillin and MD said it was an allergic reaction even though it took 7 days for it to get bad enough that I called him. Each day I ‘itched’ more and more until I got short of breath.

    I have a scar from an appendectomy and checking for ovarian cysts. The MD was very particular about his incision and sewing up. When I had my hysterectomy, OB went in the same way and took out all the scar tissue so it is wider. I have a little sag around it; and, I am not sure that anything will make that go away.¬ I look like I have had a C-section the ‘old way’. Now they cut a woman side-to-side so the scar doesn’t show as bad. I was never self-conscious about my scar, like I said, it looks like I had had a C-section and at the first time I was opened up that way was very straight and barely noticeable. I think they used stitches where they sew you up; hysterectomy they used staples which they had to pinch the skin up together.

    We have ‘fire ants’ and the mounds they make really wreak havoc around the yard. Louis puts poison on them because if you happen to disturb he mound you get covered. I want to find some metal that can easily be melted and pour it down from the top. That is really neat looking because it looks like a tree when you dig it up and wash it off. I have thought about pouring either plaster or paint and letting it dry to see if I get the same effect. Then you bury it on a stand.

    That was the kind of 2-piece bathing suit that DDnL#2 wanted; kind that was popular in ‘50’s/’60’s …corset-style top and high bottoms; but, Will and Mallory laughed at every one she tried on. She has the body for a bikini. I did at one time … like in my teens and early 20’s.

    Lisa – I am a List Maker myself … but; my lists get pretty long; the last one I called “My Dreamer’s List” … full of things I would ‘like’ to do; but, ‘don’t expect’ to do. First thing is ‘new’ dishwasher – but DH thinks that since I have made the bottom rack as a drain, that is good enough. Well, for the short-term.
    We had bats in our attic; but, only once one got into the house. We closed the door to the bedroom and batted it around with brooms until it died. Back then, we were ‘sure’ they were rabid if they came inside the house. They look so evil attached to the picture molding we had in each room.

    Lanette – I could have gone all day without the picture of the taranutula.
    I got all my Mother’s jewelry except for her beautiful wedding band; which was the very first thing oldest sister picked. Very unusual – orange blossoms that were cut out and pretty wide. Unfortunately, when I was about 12 years old; she pushed the plastic lid to a Crisco can that she poured bacon grease into (for co=ing late) inward and dunked her hand into the hot grease. She pitched a fit about them having to cut it off because when they put it back together it had a solid spot in it. They had no choice, her hand was swollen so bad and burnt so bad they were afraid if it got swollen any more, she would lose that finger. She cried more about that than the pain. I also got all the furniture that Pop built while he was still alive and working at the Brumby Rocker Company in Marietta, GA.

    Being a painter, Louis is slow about painting the inside of our house.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    I feel lucky that I am able to love most of the wildlife in the UK. I find it fascinating and nearly all of it is benign. Bats are a protected species over here. Spiders are wonderful animals. I'm not keen on mosquitoes and flies. :o The life of ants is as wonderful as bees and we don't have fire ants, thank goodness. When I used to go to London Zoo the section I most liked was the Insect House. I've watched many documentaries on TV. If I had kids around though I wouldn't want poisonous snakes etc in the garden! :noway:
    The lifestyle of one of our rarest blue butterflies is quite amazing. The larva is captured by the ants and fed and milked in their burrow.
    At a recent visit to Marlow Zoo we all stood and watched the Leaf Cutter Ants in utter admiration.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    edited October 2017
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I'm so excited! I just found out that I can get certified as a teacher here in Arizona by simply getting a letter from my school district with years of employment. Maybe I will be the one working instead of my DH. They are really shorthanded on teachers here in Arizona. Their pay is really low. But, I know they must have medical insurance which we do not have it this time because of our situation with my DH's last employer.


    Mary from Arizona

    Mary - that is just super! Good luck!!! Crossing fingers for you!! <3B)<3

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Mary ~ How exciting for you! I think you mentioned that you were a science teacher during some discussion. What grade do you love?

    To Everyone ~ I have read and read but didn't take notes so wishing everyone health, wealth and happiness!

    About ABS ~ I have never had a distinctive waist and now I'm more like the Pillsbury Dough Boy through that area. Everything about me is short....feet, hands, arms, legs, and waist.

    Carol in GA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Mary! - great news on the possibility of a teaching position! I agree; pay may be low, but sometimes it is worth it just for the insurance benefits! Good luck!
    Rita- Was that spider a house/camper guest? Or was he just passing by, outside?
    Pip- Love the pics! Is that Floyd the pup in those pics? How about the Royal Houndness? Is that Rocky, Bullwinkle or Floyd?
    Katla- I love your profile pic, btw. I saw when you posted about his needing a "hunting" vest during this time of year. Is he a Keeshond?
    Lisa- I am giggling at the thought of Egg sitting and watching the bats flit around. I wonder if she is waiting for one to drop down in front of her. Growing up, we had a cat who would sit right below the bird cage (we would leave the cage door open so Birdie could fly in and out) and wait patiently for the bird to fly low enough for him to reach her.
    Okay...I am missing Toni from Tennessee and who is the one who worked in an office and used to start her posts with wonderful alliteration, such as "Gorgeous gals, or voluptuous vixens, or bodacious broads"? What was her name??? Anyway, I miss them.
    Thanks all for the good thoughts and inspiring words in regards to my provider network. Yes, I have lots of ideas and plans. I am like a puppy wagging my tail, so happy right now. So, excuse my rambling about it.


    - are you thinking of RE? I miss her too! And Toni!! And Leigh!! Putting out the mental "signals" so they check in with us. It would help if they'd put on their tinfoil hats!

    Lanette B)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Mary! - great news on the possibility of a teaching position! I agree; pay may be low, but sometimes it is worth it just for the insurance benefits! Good luck!
    Rita- Was that spider a house/camper guest? Or was he just passing by, outside?
    Pip- Love the pics! Is that Floyd the pup in those pics? How about the Royal Houndness? Is that Rocky, Bullwinkle or Floyd?
    Katla- I love your profile pic, btw. I saw when you posted about his needing a "hunting" vest during this time of year. Is he a Keeshond?
    Lisa- I am giggling at the thought of Egg sitting and watching the bats flit around. I wonder if she is waiting for one to drop down in front of her. Growing up, we had a cat who would sit right below the bird cage (we would leave the cage door open so Birdie could fly in and out) and wait patiently for the bird to fly low enough for him to reach her.
    Okay...I am missing Toni from Tennessee and who is the one who worked in an office and used to start her posts with wonderful alliteration, such as "Gorgeous gals, or voluptuous vixens, or bodacious broads"? What was her name??? Anyway, I miss them.
    Thanks all for the good thoughts and inspiring words in regards to my provider network. Yes, I have lots of ideas and plans. I am like a puppy wagging my tail, so happy right now. So, excuse my rambling about it.


    that was rocky when he won the Mr Canine Washington contest

    yes, that was floyd as a pup.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Kelly and Lanette ... RE is the one who started posts like that ... I was wondering about Toni, RE and Leigh as well. There's an ebb and flow to this group ...

    Kim ... Glad to hear you and your family are ok ... hugs ...

    Just sitting here breathing ...

    Beth near Buffalo

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Carol- I had taught algebra and life science when I first started teaching then the rest of my career was earth science with eighth graders! That would be my preferred grade level now.

    Kelly - thanks! I hope that my DH gets a job before me. I kind of like the retired life! However, I really do miss teaching.

    Mary from Arizona