

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: I admire your athletic abilities. I might be able to ride a century, but it would take about 5 to 10 days. I am so impressed with your fitness and endurance. :star:

    Tere in RVA: I share your distaste for fruitcake. When I was a kid there was fruitcake at every family Christmas gathering. The adults thought it was wonderful. I thought it was disgusting and after my first taste, never ate it again. :noway:

    Lisa: As a teacher I had one student who was grossly overweight, missed quite a bit of school, and seemed very sad. I suspected that someone was trying to molest her. I was never sure whether it was a family member or someone who lived in her apartment complex. It wasn't a nice place. I referred her to the counselor but, of course, never knew what went on in the counselor's office. I hoped her predator wasn't a family member and things she said made me think it was someone else who lived in the complex. :cry: Her family moved and she wasn't in my class any more. I've always hoped she was moved away from the bad person. :broken_heart::heart:

    We are getting ready to have our bedroom repainted. We've lived here about 20 years and it is certainly time for fresh paint. The original paint is good in most places, but we had some water damage from snowstorms that resulted in stains in our bedroom. It is past time for this project. Today we're going to order the paint and work begins next week. We will need to move some of our furniture, and will be sleeping in the guest room during the project.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." Friedrich Nietzsche
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Any other takers?
    I love to shovel snow. Especially in the evening/nighttime. Could you use me?

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    Hi ladies still at work
    Marclyn- wow awesome dress your granddaughter made..
    Thank you ladies for the love..it is so freeing to just have to worry about me...will get home ,maybe take a nap and go get Chester for the night...going to do some cleaning and then I have a fund raiser tomorrow and then to a wake....
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Marcelyn – Great teacher, great student … that reversible dress could not have possibly been easy. I can sew; but, haven’t done so in many years.

    Michele – My bikini body was about 50 years ago, too; but, I did get back to my pre-pregnancy weight after both boys were born, so I guess my last bikini body was about 38 years ago or so.

    But, at my age, I don’t think I would wear a bikini, even if I got back to my bikini body. Two-piece, maybe.
    I had a friend request; but, no picture on the avatar. But, it seemed more like a female user name, so I accepted it. She admitted that she had not even turned 40; but, told her she’d be welcomed anyway. Haven’t seen her post and have not gotten a response.

    Joyce – Are you trying to post directly to the yellow box or do you open up a word processing program and type side-by-side? Although this doesn’t mean you won’t lose a post, it significantly helps you not to do so. If you need instructions I know either I can do so or someone else who does it that way could do so, too.

    Evie – If I come into somewhere there is a ‘colony’ of Daddy Long Legs … that does bother me. When we lived in town, our “Her-She” was penned in a covered pen and they would gather there and I always thought they could gang up on me. The strange thing is, they are poisonous; but, because of their long legs they can’t get down to bite you and then they would have to bite you in an area such as that bit of skin between your fingers. Plus, their fangs are too short to break the skin of a human. But, I don’t know about a pet.

    Allie – Just be ‘careful’ when you are around TomCat with the dog situation, he might get very cruel (or violent) when he gets served with a 2nd Motion to Compel. Apparently, he is stalling as long as he possibly can to either produce the information or have time to ‘try to hide it from you’. I think I would take someone with me for a ‘witness’ if he gets belligerent.

    I agree with Lisa – You are a totally ‘different’ woman than you were when I first got her nearly 900 days ago. I’m very proud of you … keep it up and keep moving.

    Lisa – I can ‘get my stuff together’ that I will need to take with me; and, invariably end up leaving something right on the counter. I get 5 miles down the road and get really pissed with myself for doing so. It is rare that I have the time to go back and get them, which usually means a 2nd trip into town. GGRRrrrrr!!! I’m convinced that I have a “Gremlin” in the house. I tend to go ‘blind’ when I am looking for the things I really need – like my keys – or glasses. I will go into the bedroom and back into the kitchen and there they are – in plain view as if someone had come in and laid them right there.

    Tere in RVA – Happy that you are feeling better. My DMnL used to make a 9-layer cake; with nuts, fruit, rum, and coconut between the layers. She always made it at Christmas (or Thanksgiving) or whenever we were down for a holiday weekend.

    Rye – Skinny jeans are form-fitting; but, not a tight as yoga pants – well not as ‘flexible’ … usually made of denim with a lot of stretch in them. I’ve never heard of ‘boyfriend jeans’. There must be somewhere that sells jeans or pants to people who have big hips or ‘booty’ because I see a lot of women shaped this way and they don’t have a gap at the waist. Maybe a shop for large women … they usually range from size 12 on up to 22 or 24W.

    About the only thing I could suggest is to buy jeans or pants that fit you in the hips and then take them to a tailor or dress-maker and have them put a tuck in them to make them fit your waist.
    I know when I dropped a couple of sizes and none of my pants fit me anymore, I took them to our local tailor and he took them up in the crotch and in the inside seam; because this was the only way to do it without making the pockets too close together (or ruining the cut) …; but, he said that he would not be able to take them in anymore after that.

    OMG – Louis just came in ‘bitching’ that the windows are still wrong. The raw edge on the inside of the glass on the porch are raw from the outside looking in. DAMN! He said “F*** IT!” If they try to take them out again, they will only mess them up and break them again. I’m just ready for them to get the HELL outta here. I will write them a letter, this time and tell them that we are not satisfied (again) … we had painted the sides … exactly as we had been told to do and they still screwed them up. I will not have to ‘look’ at the outside looking in and maybe, if we are lucky the raw side will eventually age with time. Maybe; but, I doubt it. The cuts are mitered; which was a BIG improvement … he is just pissed that they are not right – especially since we spent so much to have them put in, in the first place.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    Good morning. Hubby got his visa yesterday, so he is on his way. He is seriously worried. I don't think he needs to worry half as much as he is. But I'm not the one going. My older son flies to Oregon tomorrow to live with us for a while. I am all kinds of nervous about that, but I am still happy he is coming.

    Allie sounds so happy.

    Lovely granddaughter dress.

    Abs. Sigh. I am an apple, so my midsection will be the last place I lose. Even my toes are already skinny. But I still have a lot of fat around my waist. I don't have much fat left in my lower body. Hips and legs are pretty lean. But I will keep working at it.

    My ugly, skinny feet. See those bones?


    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Marcelyn wow, your granddaughters dress is fantastic- she’s pretty amazing. How was the reversible effect achieved- two different pieces of fabric, or one fabric with different designs on each side?

    When I was in high school I had a job in the ‘notions’ department of a local department store - we sold yarn, crafts and craft kits but mostly fabric and patterns. I think one of the pattern books was Simplicity. Did your granddaughter have a patern or did you/she design it?

    I always wanted to be able to sew or crochet. My fine motor-control disability makes it impossible. It takes me forty five minutes to an hour to sew a button - but don’t look at the underside because it is a knotty mess. Buttons I sew on usually fall off again within months, so I only do it in an emergency.

    My nieces are crafty, and while I can’t teach them myself I often gift them with kits and help them get started (like reading instructions, understanding patterns and sorting out the colored yarns, beads or thread for them). It is a bit backward, the child doing the real work, and me ‘helping’ but we have fun together! None of them have taken up sewing, tho, I would have loved that!

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    edited October 2017
    Felicia - I know a foot surgeon who would love to whittle away on your foot. He wanted to whittle on mine and my bunion is teensy compared to yours. Cute toes. Hope all goes well with your DH's overseas stint! Hope they are paying him a $$bundle!

    Marcelyn – your DGD did a wonderful job on the dress. Yes, she does look like triplets, lol. Is she or will she be in 4-H? I don’t know if they still have sewing and garment making as a category. If so, she’d win hands down. By the way, I want to go along on the trip to WACO and see Magnolia and the Silo’s! If I could get Chip and Joanna up here, I’d pay them any price to remodel our house. Might involve selling a body part but it would be worth it.

    Penny – I would love to see your twilight days, they sound heavenly. And a walk in the moss-covered forest. Sounds like a very special place!

    OK, regarding jeans and small waists. Here comes an epistle...

    I did a little digging into my own history – I would often jot down notes during my Weight Watchers stints. Remember, I’m 5’9” tall and very long-waisted.

    March 2004: weight 192 – waist 35”, hips 47.5”
    August 2004: weight 162 – waist 32”, hips 44”
    September 2012: weight 182 – waist 37”, hips 48”
    January 2013: weight 162 – waist 33”, hips 45”
    October 2017: weight 162 – waist 34”, hips 45”

    I didn’t officially reach menopause (last period) until 2010 - I was 59!

    I was one of the fat girls in school, I remember my junior prom dress was a size 18 and back then, these were all in the “ladies” department.

    I weighed around 130 when I got married, and with the help of Weight Watchers stayed in the 140’s- low 150’s through most of my 30’s and 40’s, wore a size 12 – sometimes a 10.

    So now, I see that 5+ years into official menopause, it’s interesting to see how the belly fat has started to accumulate and push out my waist size by several inches.

    I am curious how to take a waist measurement.... I always thought it was the smallest place between the ribs and hip bones, at least that's where I measure and I think MFP advises to measure there. In my case, it's about 4" above my belly button which sits in line with the top of my hip bones.

    Back to the jeans – the best place I’ve found to buy jeans and work pants since I’m still “hourglass” are Christopher and Banks. They also have tops long enough to cover my rear end. I don’t like their “pull up” pants, however… waists are way too big but if I was more apple shape, I'm sure they'd be fine. Again, even when I weigh in the 160’s to low 170’s, I’m still buying size 14 and 16 and have 18’s that fit in my closet right now.

    And that’s OK. After years of beating myself up because I thought I was huge, I am just happy to be healthy and even tho I’m at the top range of my BMI, my head is content with that.

    Soggy, blustery SW WA State with a roast beef and veggies in the crockpot. Smells divine!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    Lanette- they have two places where you measure your waist. One, is at your belly button, the other is the smallest part of your waist usually 2 to 4 inches above your bellybutton.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Lanette- they have two places where you measure your waist. One, is at your belly button, the other is the smallest part of your waist usually 2 to 4 inches above your bellybutton.

    thanks! My "belly button" measurement is only a few inches smaller than my hips. But it's a good thing to keep track of, I'm sure, to keep an eye on belly fat. I'll start logging it. I'm hoping that with the strength training and especially the leg/hip exercises using the ankle weights, I can get that "poochiness" down a little more for my health's sake.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    edited October 2017
    Lanette- Great job on your workouts! I wish we lived closer because I would be able to show you the benefits of the kettle bell. You would have no Poochie stomach at all! In fact your whole body would be completely toned and you could drink and eat as much food as you wanted including carbs! But, there are Kettlebell DVDs that I would just throw in the garbage. Go heavy or go home is my advice. Start out light and work up to a heavier Kettlebell. I started with 10 pounds. At the most including the work out with my husband I spend 50 minutes each day which it really amounts to 1/4 that time as Work. I do one minute intervals seven swings which is around 15 seconds out of every minute. I would also stress that nobody on the planet probably has more physical disabilities of the spinal column than I do. In fact, I would venture to say that because of weightlifting and swinging the Kettlebell I have probably reversed a lot of the degenerative bone disease and bulging disc issues from before. Now my body only hurts if I don't work out!

    Also, I credit eating the keto diet for eliminating most of my belly fat. Now that I am at maintenance I eat and drink pretty much whatever I want. Strength training does nothing to get rid of belly fat. It does tone and tighten your muscles. If you burn more calories than you take in your body will start to burn fat. Even if you are not eating keto diet. But on a keto diet you are just burning fat. There's this guy on the website that conducted an experiment with eating 4000 Keto calories a day and he never gained any weight. He tried to prove that calories are not equal. He surmised that your body uses that type of fuel efficiently where as if it would have been an excess of carbs that would have turned into fat.


    Mary from Arizona
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    Mary - thank you! <3 Kettlebells are on my list. With the rain returning, I'll be spending more time at the gym and will get a trainer there to take me through the proper form on them... then I can buy one for home.

    I have lower back problems (herniated disk which is better but still bothers from time to time.) So don't want to mess that up, tho I've noticed now that my legs are stronger and more flexible, I don't lift with my back anymore!

    I have managed to cut way back on carbs which I'm sure has helped. Drinking some Bragg's ACV in a little water after supper been magic settling my stomach/reflux issues.

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Mary I've also read about that guy's experiment eating 4000 calories a month for two months, one on low carb and one on regular. Gaining muscle on one and fat on the other, lol. There sure is a lot for us to learn about feeding these bodies of ours. I've never done any kettle ball work. My gym is too old and cheap to splash out on a few! Is there any youtube videos you recommend that show you how to do a kettle ball workout properly? I might just get my own kettle ball for home workouts.

    It's another grey windy day here. I am going out to feed animals and then I might take Major and go for a drive up to the next town. They have a beautiful public garden there that will be in Spring bloom right now. I stayed out till dark yesterday working in my garden. So much to do, so little time.

    I don't really like to even mention "Charlotte's cousins". I follow Thumper's mother's advice: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. On that note, at least New Zealand does not have snakes. LOL

    <3 Wendy
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    Lanette -- Yes, my bunions. They are from my father. I've had them my whole life. Two of my boys have them, as well. It makes buying shoes difficult.

    Our current waist sizes are the same. I am 130# and 5'3". I am jealous of your hour glass shape.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    Felicia, both of my grandmothers were "stout" German ladies as were their mothers!....no waist, lol. And they lived to their mid 90's eating farm food - meat and potatoes and pies!

    My mom was a little better but still had a large tummy....died at 89. So I know my genes really want to thicken up my waist a LOT! Hoping to delay or prevent it.

    Talking about tummy scars.... I had 2 belly button surgeries. The second one, gallbladder, left me with a "dimple" (indentation) above my belly button and internal scar tissue = which often cause a lot of pain if I eat too much. So I guess I have a built-in brake there. Of course when I'd get into the little Debbies and potato chips, I decided I could stand the pain! :'(

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    DH suffers with acid reflux takes prescription Ranitidine but still needs Gaviscon etc. Try and get him to try Cider Vinegar which I take anyway. Some of you take it with honey, is that just to sweeten it.

    ALLIE loving hearing about your new life

    I have problems with pants, they fit on hips but gape at waist, need that belly fat to go!

    Watching semi final of English Open snooker championship at the moment, love snooker.

    Kate UK <3
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,899 Member
    The spider pic showed the 'bugger' as it was strolling down the road in front of our camper! Still here, skimming, as no good internet.

    Rita in Alamagordo. Oliver Lee State Park in New Mexico