

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Mary Minnesota misses you.

    Becca prayers for DH.

    Just got back from a week in St. Louis. Still recovering from the ten hour drive. Newish car drove great! Visited family and did some tourist things. DH talked me into visiting a chocolate factory. Didn't want the temptation. The chocolate was delicious and the more I learned about the company the more respect I have for it. They believe in Fair Trade and walk the talk. They only use vegetable dyes in their candies. The founder named it Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate because when he came home from work he would have three chocolates for his three children. The chocolates remind me of the chocolates you get in Belgium. Good thing I do not live in St. Louis any longer. We also went to an old fashioned burger drive in called Carl's Drive In. They cook your burgers while you watch. On one of the few really warm days we did make it to Ted Drewes custard stand. Another must go to in St. Louis. To counter all these goodies we took walks in a local nature center and walked around Soulard's Market and bought local concord grapes and fresh roasted nuts. Also walked around history center and Shawn's garden. Fortunately didn't gain or lose. We also had quality family time with brother, nieces (with their spouses and children) and in laws. My niece from Chicago had a tough drive down to St. Louis. I didn't take pictures. Just spent time enjoying them.

    Time to prep for trick or treaters. We get between 70-110.

    :heart: Margaret
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Sue in WA, If fate smilies on us, I might be converting to Washingtonism! Heaven help you all..... (No disrespect intended for friends of the Catholic faith...).
    Navy son got back to dry land and so last night we were talking on the phone, and both looking at www.renters.com and looking at the same rentals up at Whidbey island! Some nice ones! Hopefully we will snag a great one come January/February. Keeping my hopes high!

    Such fun to dream with loved ones, isn't it? Especially when you get to dream together. I know it's an interesting spot to be in for us, contemplating moving in with our daughter and family. Need on either side is reason enough, I'm thinking. More than anything, I'm looking forward to a husband who is rested, not hurting. I don't think he got enough time to heal from that shattered wrist back in February. Honestly, I'd rather be hurt myself than watch him hurt.

    Two grants out this morning, waiting on approval for one more, and I'm set for the trip with few worries, work-wise anyway. Six grant applications out since last week, and two of them were "get it out today," kind of jobbies. Glad they're off my plate... as my first year goes on, I'm building a calendar of the 30-something foundations I'm dealing with now, and researching for more to add to the list. Plus three major events a year, and two mass mailings to individual donors each year, and it makes for a busy job--but my counterpart in El Paso and I are really starting to work like a well-oiled machine... we lean on each other a lot, and the trust factor goes up day by day.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    edited October 2017
    Did a Cardio Core DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a walkingbn3mnr6xklvu.jpg
    DVD since I have an appt for a physical and I need to go for bloodwork before hand. I didn't know that I could have gone today.
    Will volunteer at the Green Room today. Tomorrow early I want to go to WalMart to get candy 1/2 price. I like the York peppermint patties. Low in calories but enough to satisfy my sweet tooth

    Rye - so glad to hear things are going so well for you.

    Kim - if my husband EVER referred to the bathroom as the "pisser", I'd be so mortified I don't know if I would be able to do something. I found that very uncouth.

    As far as Christmas cards go -- I keep the cards from the previous year and mainly send them to the people who sent me a card. Of course, there are some people who I send a card to that for one reason or another (disability, age, illness, etc)

    Lisa - I do believe that the letdown is what is zapping my energy. I'm getting it back. What a wonderful thing of your writer's group to do for you!

    Joyce - I agree, DWTS costume dept. and makeup dept. must be something else

    I, too, love Daylight Savings Time. I hate it when we turn the clocks back. Mary - is Arizona one of the states that doesn't turn the clocks back?

    I've already popped my popcorn which I have whenever I'm tempted to eat some of the candy.

    Lanette - for the life of me, I don't understand why Pete's mother stays with the father. Maybe she's afraid that she won't have someone to take care of her? She has multiple myleoma. But now that she has Denise who will take care of her, maybe she won't care if the husband leaves her. Remember I was telling you all how he called Pete at work to tell Pete that the father wants a divorce? Now who in the world calls their son at work to tell them that? Glad to hear that you're better

    KJ - the kiddos in the pics are so cute. And you're not half bad, either....lol

    Lisa - safe travels

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Jess is second from the left (on the right side of Denise). You can guess who Denise is. Amanda is the first girl and Angela is the last (far right)

    Michele in NC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, they are all stunning, Thanks for,sharing. Now we are ready to see a picture of you.

    I will have to add up all my Vit D3 doses. My nuerologitst makes sure we bring ALL bottle f medicine to all appointments, including vitamins. So she looked at what I get in my senior multi vitamin and my calcium with D and came up with 500 IU more. Charlies coward illogical also has him on Vit D3 but at a. ICU lower dose.

    Lisa, such a nice gesture of your writers group.mhave you already looked up one in NC? Also nice that they gave you something that wil travel very nicely. Will you use it on yourself? As you all know, Chalrie thinks a money gift just goes in the bank and is used in general finances. Well it wasn't given by the giver as general finances. It is a gift.

    I a,msomglad that both my girls have turned their Dads effort to give the, their Christmas present early. I don't think Chistina needs it early anymore. It Michelle always does bit she is saying no. She is cnsiderng filing for bankruptcy. Her medical bills are piling up and her house has so many issues. She is all healed from her surgery but still having some of the same issues and also her Bowles are not liking the gall bladder gone. So she is hoping she didn't go through that surgery for nothing

    Charlie went ahead and bought a small bag of candy. Actually he asked me to do it but I told him that he need to pick it out. He picked out a bag that has Nerds and stuff like that. When we start slowing down with kids we will jus give them a handful. I like stuff like nerds and sweet tarts. Not my favorite but I do eat them. So I don't want anything.

    I will be curious to see how Mozart reacts. He is always at the door when we come home. Melody would want to go out for a minute and then rush back in but Mozart is just curious to see who is at the door.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Michelle such a beautiful wedding photo, gorgeous

    Margaret sounds like you had a wonderful trip, loads of walking and enjoying food, my kind of trip.

    All cuddled up on the couch waiting for trick or treaters--won't get too many munchkins, just the right amount. But will have nothing left to nibble on so that's a good thing.

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did a Cardio Core DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a walkingbn3mnr6xklvu.jpg
    DVD since I have an appt for a physical and I need to go for bloodwork before hand. I didn't know that I could have gone today.
    Will volunteer at the Green Room today. Tomorrow early I want to go to WalMart to get candy 1/2 price. I like the York peppermint patties. Low in calories but enough to satisfy my sweet tooth

    Rye - so glad to hear things are going so well for you.

    Kim - if my husband EVER referred to the bathroom as the "pisser", I'd be so mortified I don't know if I would be able to do something. I found that very uncouth.

    As far as Christmas cards go -- I keep the cards from the previous year and mainly send them to the people who sent me a card. Of course, there are some people who I send a card to that for one reason or another (disability, age, illness, etc)

    Lisa - I do believe that the letdown is what is zapping my energy. I'm getting it back. What a wonderful thing of your writer's group to do for you!

    Joyce - I agree, DWTS costume dept. and makeup dept. must be something else

    I, too, love Daylight Savings Time. I hate it when we turn the clocks back. Mary - is Arizona one of the states that doesn't turn the clocks back?

    I've already popped my popcorn which I have whenever I'm tempted to eat some of the candy.

    Lanette - for the life of me, I don't understand why Pete's mother stays with the father. Maybe she's afraid that she won't have someone to take care of her? She has multiple myleoma. But now that she has Denise who will take care of her, maybe she won't care if the husband leaves her. Remember I was telling you all how he called Pete at work to tell Pete that the father wants a divorce? Now who in the world calls their son at work to tell them that? Glad to hear that you're better

    KJ - the kiddos in the pics are so cute. And you're not half bad, either....lol

    Lisa - safe travels

    Michele in NC

    Oh, I'm glad we got to see a pic of the wedding! So much money and effort and dreams and planning goes into a wedding. Its neat to see a colourful bunch of bouquets. Seems like most weddings I've been to lately, the bouquets are tastefully bland. LOL Your daughter looks very happy and I hope she will continue to be. Marriage is so bloody hard. I think sometimes it should be outlawed, just like torture .

    I am heading out to see my queens and then into the office (the first of the month is always my busiest day!) and then maybe to the gym with my oldest daughter...I've already done my kettlebell workout. I do believe I am already feeling stronger and I have to keep upping the reps to feel like I've done enough.

    I am starting to pack now for Vanuatu. We leave next Tuesday. We are so scraping the bottom of the barrel right now, that it seems a miracle that we can have a tropical island holiday. It's only because my lucky Irish husband won the trip as a prize at the annual company conference. They say 'the luck of the Irish" and I always think that is Irish humour, very sarcastic, meaning just the opposite of good luck, but in this case, it seems the lepercauns are on our side.

    Would like to say much more to you sisters, and comment on all the lovely photos and encourage you all in your various trials, but as usual I am a shooting star zooming through space, so I will leave you with this quote by Aristotle: Happiness depends upon ourself. <3 Wendy
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2017
    I got in late today. The plane was absolutely full because we've just had a blues festival, and when we were a few hundred feet from the airstrip the pilot (who was female!) took the nose up again and revved the engines. There'd been heavy snowfall and it was too slippery for us to land, overloaded as we were. So while they cleared the runway again, we had an extra half-hour in the air, circling around the island of Tromsø in the fading light. It was gorgeous! But when I got home I had to go out again immediately to catch the fish shop before they closed. Rather than take the car through the snowy, hilly streets, I ran to the shop. Took about 12 minutes. I'd checked the webcamera before I left from Svalbard, and decided to wear my studded jogging shoes. Wise choice!

    I'd forgotten that it would be Halloween here too and was at first a bit taken aback when I met a gang of kids around 10, all wearing capes. But I figured it out soon enough. Then I had to giggle a bit (discreetly) at all the skeletons and grim reapers with s0205.gif reflector vests over their costumes.

    Electric company and chimney sweep tomorrow.
    /Penny, temporarily away from thet07190.gif
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janetr. There is an inner child in all of us......*grabs yer hand,* let's color!

    That's what I need to do today, get my Crayola crayons out and color with another cup of coffee.

    I LOVE to color. I have several adult coloring books. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Michele -I think Denise looks like you. She is so beautiful. Did it bring tears to your eyes to see her walk down the aisle? Thanks for the pictures. I hope someone took one of you in your dress.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,404 Member
    LOVING all the Halloween photos! <3

    Kelly - I want to be 4 years old and be in your daycare. Even for a day. What cute kids. I am sure your special attention to them will serve them well all of their lives.

    Becca - you are so crafty!! You were able to create such cute masks. Good luck to DH - and I am excited that you are still pursuing your possible move to Washington!!

    - I keep forgetting to comment on your photos...I really liked the Medusa one. Enjoy your upcoming summer, hope it's hot enough for you, lol.

    - what an adorable pumpkin! Cookie monster - what a neat idea. How are things progressing in the job possibilities? Ready to move to Tucson? Bet you won't miss the cold and wet winters.

    Michele - I saved the best for last. Very, very nice pictures. You can tell Denise and Jess are sisters. Beautiful wedding party!! Now where's the photo of YOU? Anyhow, glad your life is getting back to normal.

    I doubt we'll have any Trick or Treaters but will put a dish of candy out just the same. Mainly the ones DH doesn't like.... or shall I say the ones I really like. Begone!!

    Here comes November!!

    SW WA State

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    Kelly... loved your photos ... we have had no trick-or-treaters ... as expected. So I'm just enjoying everyone's photos.

    Michele ... beautiful wedding photos. But I'm with the others ... where is one of you? And for some reason, I never envisioned Vince with longer hair!

    It snowed all day today! Wet and slushy and not very inviting to children I'm afraid.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) My Halloween celebration was at my line dance class on Friday. My pumpkin costume has been returned to the closet and won't come out again until next year. We live in a 55+ community with private roads so there will be no trick-or-treaters here. In the past we handed out quarters instead of candy. Kids like money and it saved us the problem of having too much or not enough candy.

    644235vm0rr6isyj.gif Barbie