

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    PIp, you didn't trade in your RV did you? That was he only beast I could think of.

    Joyce, Indiana.

    NO the beast is the yukon we pull the airstream with.
  • KolleenS
    KolleenS Posts: 33 Member
    @ langman22 thank you for the warm welcome! Yes, it can be overwhelming here. I"m loving all the interaction.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Rye thanks for the link! I think I will try the vinegar. I will follow the doc's rx but I am very curious to learn more about allergen links to eczema. The article was a great start.

    Our Halloween breakfast was a delightful success. The quality of the food this year was much much better, there were some beautiful quiches' such as crab, salmon and lorraine. I ate a little of the inside of each, no crust for me. Also, delightful assortment of fresh berries--very nice for a change. I just walked past the candy bowl and the monkeybread. Drank too much coffee and have been hyper every since!!!

    Going to take it easy for the rest of the day, have decided to destress and not feel guilty about being lazy, I think I deserve it!


    Karen GOOD FOR YOU!!! Enjoy, you most certainly do deserve it. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KolleenS wrote: »
    @ langman22 thank you for the warm welcome! Yes, it can be overwhelming here. I"m loving all the interaction.

    Kolleen, we do seem a bit overwhelming at first for sure. Keep reading and inserting comments as you feel comfortable. It will get better. So glad you have joined us.

    Tell us a little bit about yourself (if you already have and I missed it, sorry :smiley:

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Janetr - DELIGHTFUL! <3

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Becca, here is the lasagna I like. It uses zucchini instead of pasta.

    5-6 medium zucchini, thinly sliced long way with a mandolin slicer

    1 small red onion, diced

    4 cloves garlic, minced

    2 tab extra virgin olive oil

    1 lb ground beef

    1 lb mild Italian sausage, casings removed

    2 tab dried oregano

    1/2 cup fresh basil

    1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

    1/2 tsp sea salt

    1/2 tab black pepper

    1 (14 1/2 once) can diced tomatoes, juices drained

    1 (6 once) can tomato paste

    1 cup sliced black olives

    Preheat oven to 350.

    Spread zucchini pieces on a cooling rack and sprinkle all over with salt to draw out the moisture.

    In large soup pot, sauté onions and garlic in olive oil for about 3 minuets.

    Add ground beef and sausage and brown.

    Season meat mixture with all dry ingredients, add drained diced tomatoes and tomato paste and mix well.

    Wipe off the surface moisture from zucchini with paper towel and in a 9x11 glass baking dish place a layer of sliced zucchini, making sure to overlap the long slices. Ladle on thick layer of meat mixture and top with sliced black olives.

    Top meat and olive layer with another layer sliced zucchini and top with final layer of remaining meat mixture.

    Cover tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minuets. Let lasagna sit for 10 minuets before slicing and serving.

    Serves 6

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    JanetR - so cute! I love that her little foot was in motion!!

    KolleenS - Welcome!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Janet, just way to cute.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Heather and Janet ~ She is the one I thought would be it too. She didn't look happy.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    evening ladies~
    I am sort of stewing and I know I shouldnt.. yes I am still married (unfortunatly) and I know that Tom is taking another woman out to dinner and a show and possibly back to the house.. that unnerves me a bit, but It is his life, and he made his bed and shall lie in it, and Karma will come to him.. so tonight's movie here is Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller.. a good one so I will take my tea and go to that... sorry for the pity party, will pull up my big girl panties and deal :#
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2017
    Heather, Okie, Terry - thanks the picture just tickled me. This is my oldest niece's (6 years younger than me) 10th grandchild, so my oldest sis's 10th great-grandchild. She is just a doll. She has 3 older brothers.

    Terry - thanks for the zoodles lasagna recipe. I put it into my MFP recipes, can't wait to try it.

    Carol - We're good, huh? lol

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    evening ladies~
    I am sort of stewing and I know I shouldnt.. yes I am still married (unfortunatly) and I know that Tom is taking another woman out to dinner and a show and possibly back to the house.. that unnerves me a bit, but It is his life, and he made his bed and shall lie in it, and Karma will come to him.. so tonight's movie here is Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller.. a good one so I will take my tea and go to that... sorry for the pity party, will pull up my big girl panties and deal :#

    Oh, sweet Allie. I know it hurts and is very hard. Many, many of us have been there and understand. Continue to hold your head high, and keep moving forward. You have certainly made giant positive steps and we are ALL so proud of you. I'm sure Tom is wondering who this new take charge, independent woman is.

    Janetr OKC

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    I could be mean and wish a flat tire on him lol... I know I know I will go and enjoy the movie and my weekend off..
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    evening ladies~
    I am sort of stewing and I know I shouldnt.. yes I am still married (unfortunatly) and I know that Tom is taking another woman out to dinner and a show and possibly back to the house.. that unnerves me a bit, but It is his life, and he made his bed and shall lie in it, and Karma will come to him.. so tonight's movie here is Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller.. a good one so I will take my tea and go to that... sorry for the pity party, will pull up my big girl panties and deal :#

    Allie, give yourself the time to grieve for what you lost and what you could have had. Be mad and be hurt as you have a right to be. Even if you don’t want Tom, having it right in your face is going to be hard. I’ve been where you are now and my only advice it to feel what you feel and don’t fight it. Just like a death (which is what it is) you need to go through all the steps. A counselor once told me that you will go through all the stages. You can work through them now and then get on with your life or pretend they don’t exist and find yourself going through the stages later. I chose to go through them upfront and have never regretted it. The feelings will pass and you will move on. Don’t push the feelings away and don’t try to fill every moment of the day. Take the time to explore your feelings. (((HUGS)))
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    ceemyheartrn: I do low carb/high fat. The more fat the happier I am. :)

    Rebecca: Welcome welcome

    Karen: I have suffered from eczema my entire life. To the point that I've had my skin bleeding at times. I have one daughter who has it even more severely than I do. There are a lot of things that trigger eczema outbreaks. And they vary by person. The most common are: hormones, emotions, heat (or in some people cold), sweating, new products (I can't use anything that have certain ingredients in them). Stress is a major cause of outbreaks too as well as certain foods. The joys of eczema.... psoriasis has a cure or medications that work, eczema... nope, not so much. It's a hit or miss and if you find one that works you often have to stagger it with a different one because you can become immune to it if you use it constantly. I have a steroid cream I use for 5 days, take 5 days off, etc. I have it very severely on my eyelids. Yes, my eyelids. Nothing like having your eyelids itching and flaking and wanting to rip them off.... can't use steroids there and it's a lot of struggle to find things that work. As you can imagine I use ZERO make-up. Nothing, it just causes outbreaks.

    Cottage Cheese: I hate it. But my husband loves it. He loves it especially when he eats it with potato chips or..... brace yourself for this one... mixed with VanCamps pork and beans. Seriously. It's gross looking. Kind of a pink vomit look to me. He says it tastes wonderful. He tends to eat it when I'm out of town. lol

    Halloween: Don't do it. My kids probably went trick or treating with a friend once or twice growing up. Only two of the grandkids (1 of the 4 families) do anything for Halloween and that is only to dress up for their school on that day. Nobody goes trick or treating and I turn off my light and don't hand out candy. The last time I handed out candy was when we lived in Chicago, the year of the Tylenol poisoning. Well rather I was ready to hand out candy and they cancelled all trick-or-treating due to the poisoning. I was left with candy for 500 kids. Never did it again, and really had only done it under duress then. My husband never took part in it when he was a child. And it was totally different where I grew up. We went to probably four houses, sat and talked or played at each house. We visited other ranch families and got wonderful cookies, homemade candied apples, popcorn balls and we each went to our teacher's house and got a full sized Hershey bar there (the siblings got a little piece of some candy). A different time, a different place. We never had scary costumes, never even gave a thought to the stuff that is promoted now in so many places. So anyway, we are the never do it folks here.

    Go Astros! Win tonight!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Terry, ooh thanks for the recipe!! I will do a smaller version of that, minus the meat, plus some cottage cheese!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hello ladies, just me here, being overly excited that I'm finally reining in my eating.... My totals today are calories 1403, fats 42 grams, and proteins 53 grams! When we returned home from grocery shopping, I was going to sit down with my lemonade and a Belvita protein bar. The nutrition said calories 200, fats 8 grams, and proteins 10 grams. OK that was way too many calories! The bar went into the garbage along with a bag of protein bars I rec'd from a food bank. No ingredients or nutritional info on them, and they are covered in milk chocolate. To be honest to me, the bars taste like Tootsie Rolls!

    I am having some cottage cheese for dinner. Eek, I did buy the large container, so when I venture into it, I will be using a 1/2 measuring cup! I'm planning on putting cucumber chunks and my EVOO dressing in it.

    Just plain crazy, and so into this, I'm actually nervous about the food bank tomorrow. I told my dear husband, let's just skip it. He said, "And miss out on all the social time"? I am keeping my mouth shut, because if I say "no thank you" too many times, the ladies give you a look like "why are you here then"? So I will hold bags and tell my husband if its veggies take them, but don't ask me if I wish this or that.

    Hugs ladies!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    marcelyn I can’t imagine how painful eczema on your eyelids would be, oh my, I’m so sorry that you suffer with it. Since I never experienced it before, I really thought it was something that occurred in families or began in childhood. I am trying to relax and stop itching. Just soaked in oatmeal bath. Don’t want to use cortisone cream too much but will use right before bed. I will continue to look for triggers once this flare is over. I really think wheat or gluten is connected to this so I am steering clear of eating white flour, wheat etc.

    Thanks for your support ladies.

    Wow that zucchini lasagna recipe sounds yummy.