

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Allie, might have missed it, but how did it go at the vet? Surgery for your pooch?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    well the nap was nice, just had a little something to eat, and will get in my jammies and read for a bit... have to get Tal on the bus in the am..
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Allie that's good news about Chester. Not quite so expensive as an op. I had itching dogs that didn't have fleas and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally after 4 different vets, my daughter googled and researched and told me it was a type of mange. (I was horrified!) The mites were too tiny to see and even the vets couldn't see and they said that sometimes the skin biopsy came back not showing it. So they gave the dogs shots and i bathed them in lime sulpher and some other stuff that kills mange (I had to drive all over town looking for it but it's apparently quite common in America- Borax.) And got rid of it. I had thought it was allergies too but the shots and Borax stopped the horrible itching. They did not LOOK like a "mangey" dog with large bald spots or thickened skin, but they chewed their paws and rubbed their ears. They were rough collies with thick coats. I used to breed them for 25 years, but my final loyal boy died last year. Now I have Major...

    MARY Thanks again for the five week link. I am going to do Day 1 tomorrow and just follow along as best I can. <3 Wendy
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    OK I have gone off the deep end! My second day of journaling, and though I have a handle on the day, its numbers central! I'm not doing my logging online, because I want my brain to really get it!

    Totals today is
    Calories 1380
    Fats 62 grams
    Proteins 55 grams

    I did go 9 grams over both fats and proteins. I am rating my meals. I am also journaling my feelings, how satisfied I am etc. My book is out on my coffee table for a reason!

    Hugs y'all!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Can y'all read my writing?
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I'm not really counting everything specifically, like my coffee. I'm trying to focus on cutting my fats, eating complex carbs, and getting enough protein. That had always been my downfall in past journeys.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,396 Member
    Allie - SO GLAD Chester is doing better and doesn't need surgery! What a relief.

    NYKaren - glad it's "only" eczema -- did the doc give you any medication for it? How neat the new teacher appreciates your effort...absolutely a great reward!! Good job!

    Terry in VT
    - I think it's neat you have a cool co-worker who you can share your journey with... your boss sounds like a very special person! And you have us here in cyberspace ;-)

    - what a gorgeous group of gals! Nice that the husband is helping out ;) and you are putting your beads to good use. Looks like a great spot!!

    - sorry to hear your pooch is a chicken killer. I once had a banty rooster that might have cured him of that. The little devil would hide under the chicken coop and when I'd go out to feed the hens, he'd run out and spur my ankles. He opened a vein and that was it. DH went out with the BB gun and "fixed his wagon". Keep making those queens!!

    - your book is a terrific idea and I think you're right - making your brain figure all of this out should help it stick ;-) You have great handwriting, by the way.

    Michele - just think, in a few days the wedding will be over!!!! Hoping everything goes without a hitch and yes, we are there with you wanting you to have a good time and good memories!

    Lisa - what a drive... I have to calm myself down if there's a snag on the freeway and I'm sitting there five minutes. Corey is just a doll for checking on you. Glad you'll be able to see your sis for a little while on your journey east. <3

    Well, I have lost my hat. I only wear it outside and park it on the kitchen table or hang it on a kitchen chair when I come in from walking the dogs. And, it is GONE! DH and I have searched the house and I even drove up and down the road in case I somehow tossed it on top my car and took off! I don't recall wearing it out into the garage but.... luckily I remembered the manufacturer and went online and it's still available. I won't hit the "buy" button for another day in case it decides to come back from its excursion. I took off this morning to have lunch with a friend so it would have happened then.

    I have started reading the "Slow Medicine" book and have to make myself put it down. I told DH I can't wait to finish it so I can re-read it. I did go online today and bought a used copy of "God's Hotel". Dr. Sweet's breadth of knowledge regarding the history of medicine adds a lot of insight into how medicine has tragically morphed into "healthcare" and the bureaucracy healthcare supports.

    Also, skimmed the "Strong Women-Strong Bones" book (thanks, Mary!) and have a doc appointment this Monday and will see about getting the DXA scan. I really am curious to see if the osteopenia in my femur has gotten worse or if the 5+ months of strength training has helped. The book has some ideas for things like jumping and balance I will now incorporate, plus it shows wrist exercises that I am sure I need.

    OK ladies, the sun is out so need to take the pups for a walk about!

    SW WA State
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Becca, I’m impressed how you are trying a different approach and how you want to really get it. Good luck.

    Allie, so glad Charlie is ok. No surgery will also save you some money.

    Karen, what a nice compliment your mentoree gave you. Well deserved I’m sure.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :)Allie , glad Chester is OK
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Lanette, hope you find your hat. Hate it when I can’t find something.

    Pip, nice car

    Off to bed and book (Kate Morton’s “Secret Keeper”-I love her books )
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :)Lanette, I hate it when I lose or misplace something. Besides the sadness at not having a special possession, I can't get past the feeling that I'm "losing it" because I've forgotten or lost track of something important. I hope you have a happy outcome about your hat. When I misplace something, Jake tries to comfort me by telling me that he can get me a new one or find a substitute, but what he can't do is repair my brain.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
    stats for the day:

    still sick ;(

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.44min, 135mhr, 10.4amph. 1.4mi= 99c
    apple watch- 68c
    *manual* TREADMILL walk/skip/scissors- 35min, 16.18min mi, 126ahr, 148mhr, 2.18mi = 302c
    apple watch- 221c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.29min, 13.7amph, 129mhr, 1.4mi= 62c
    appple watch- 43c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 18.31min, 135mhr, 9.8amph, 3mi= 141c
    apple watch- 115c
    walk w/bg, sta 2 wk- 8.37min, 110mhr, 3.6ap, .5mi= 51c
    apple watch- 58c
    walk wk 2 sta- 8.05min, 100mhr, 3.6ap, .4mi = 40c
    apple watch- 40c
    Ride dome 2 hm- 19.54min, 7.8amph, 140mhr,25mi = 173c
    apple watch- 141c

    total cal 868
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,396 Member
    edited October 2017
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Lanette, I hate it when I lose or misplace something. Besides the sadness at not having a special possession, I can't get past the feeling that I'm "losing it" because I've forgotten or lost track of something important. I hope you have a happy outcome about your hat. When I misplace something, Jake tries to comfort me by telling me that he can get me a new one or find a substitute, but what he can't do is repair my brain.

    Thanks Barbie.... I found the hat a little bit ago... where I left it yesterday afternoon when I went out to the potting shed aka weight room to do leg exercises. DH looked in there this afternoon and saw it hanging there but didn't recognize it as the missing hat.... now I wonder who's losing it, lol. Mr. Helpful. Takes him a couple weeks to notice a haircut!

    But since I always wear a hat when I go outside.... I'm wondering why I didn't miss it this morning when I took the dogs out several times? So I must be losing it too, lol.

    The friend I had lunch with has bad arthritis in her lower back and has had 2 cortisone shots. We got talking about arm strength and I told her about the Strong Women Stay Young and that perhaps she could do the arm exercises, sitting, and at least work on that part of her body without stressing her lower back.


    SW WA State where it's starting to get chilly out!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    M in Oz – I don’t think I would recommend repotting it until all the blooms and opened and dropped off. Then go only one size up; if it is in a 3” pot, go to a 4” (no more than a 5”). Depending on what it is potted in, you probably would want to use the same medium (sphagnum moss or bark) … If any of the roots are limps, empty shells and not green, they can be cut off. Do NOT pot it any further down than it is in the present pot (crown of the plant should be where it was in the old pot. If the roots are showing on it now, they can show on a repotted one. If you are using bark, soak it first to get it wet, then start shoving the pieces into the spaces and then you don't have to water it until the following week. You might only use ½ inch of a bit of potting medium … either or; but, no potting soil. Like I said, they are parasites and draw from bark or moss and don’t require much water. Caution on the side of ‘neglect’ versus over-watering them. Bright filtered light and then find a place it likes and thrives and then leave it there. They will bloom more when they are pot-bound as will a violet.
