
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Hmmmm...not sure if that worked. How do you attach a video? Anyway, if you search "googly eye gardener" it will bring up the video. Christopher Walken on SNL. Hilarious!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    morning ladies~
    think I am fighting a cold or maybe the change in weather.. I am stuffed up and just bone tired... like I said I talked to Margie for an hour and a 1/2 and went to sleep around 9 which is late for me. and then didnt wake up until close to 7...the rain is coming down and it makes it feel cozy in here having my cup of tea and then going to feed DFIL.. although if I have a cold I dont want to pass it along to any of the elderly..
    i should go talk with my dad and see if I can get him into see his Dr using the ruse that he needs a Flu shot.. will call the Dr when they open up to see if his Dr has any opens this afternoon.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Terry- I think that the 10 pound kettle bell would be a great starting point for both you and your daughter. Look at the link that I am posting here for videos and information on the four week/five-week program that I recommend. Then ask me questions about things that you're unsure of and I will help you out. Most important thing is correct form which you can practice with the video that is attached. There are also videos of the goblet squat that you need to practice as well. Don't forget to get the swing timer app on your phone.



    Mary from Arizona

    Thanks for the help! Terry <3
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Good morning,

    Barbie, you got a good DH there. Hope they can figure our what’s up with his back.

    Pip, oh no…sorry to hear you are sick. Get well soon. ((HUGS))

    Mary, thanks for the help.

    Evelyn, it is awful when you can’t sleep and I agree it is probably why your eating has been off. Maybe you can have some “good” things prepared for when you want to grab something. Hope you start sleeping better.

    Sharon, the girls are beautiful. Maybe I’ll do my face like that for Halloween. Sounds like you have been having a stress in your life. Larry sounds like a total control freak. Don’t even try to convince him, you know what’s going on. Strange that he now wants to go everywhere with you. I think he gets that you are getting more independent and doesn’t like it. He wants to keep track of what you are doing. Sounds like you are in a cage right now. Can you get away at all on your own? If you don’t want to change your bank account, open a new one (nothing says you can’t open more than one) and don’t tell him. Slowly put in a little money. Maybe at another bank? I worry about you. Please stay safe. ((HUGS))

    Lisa, wow, quite a shake up at work. Hopefully for the best. Were you affected in any way? I hate traveling when there is so much traffic and construction. Feels like you will never get to your destination. Yup, you have a stress/exhaustion headache. Time for a massage?

    Barbara, yes, growing up is difficult. lol

    Kelley, good choice not to go to the pool. Rest up and get better soon. ((HUGS))

    Allie, sounds like you are another one of our group feel lousy. Take care of yourself. I get a flu shot here at work every year.

    Got to start work. Hope everyone has a great day.

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Good morning,
    Lisa, wow, quite a shake up at work. Hopefully for the best. Were you affected in any way? I hate traveling when there is so much traffic and construction. Feels like you will never get to your destination. Yup, you have a stress/exhaustion headache. Time for a massage?

    Thanks for the thought, Terry, but heck no! I've had one professional massage in my life, by someone I trusted utterly, and never again. It so weirds me out to have someone who is not my husband touching me in places that are private to me. Hard to explain, but it creeps me out beyond belief. Also only ever had one pedicure - for my wedding. Never again there, either. Just one of my little foibles. :) I've decided that, if I were perfect, I would be completely annoying, instead of just partially. :smiley:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    edited October 2017
    :)Lisa, I don't care for massages or pedicures either. I have found my own ways of self care that help me in times of stress---walking, knitting, riding my exercise bike, watching TV, listening to music, and meditating are some of them. Your travel ordeal and the shake-up at work were pretty powerful. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from them.

    :)Barbara, one of my favorite childhood memories is one of my mother sitting in the car on the Oregon side of the agricultural check eating the peaches she had that she wasn't allowed to bring into California.

    :)Sharon, if your marriage is at the point where you can't decline your husband's offers of help (driving, cooking, etc.), that's a pretty good signal that something has to change. Best wishes to you as you seek a safe solution.

    <3 Barbie
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sharon ~ What beautiful girls. Their eyes are lovely. Did you daughter do the painting?

    Karen ~ Olivia has the sweetest smile and such big brown eyes and plump baby arms.

    Lisa ~ I absolutely hate driving on the interstate and commiserate with you in all those traffic jams. Hope today is better.

    Alison and All who are suffering with colds. Hope you feel better.

    Kay ~ Your bathroom remodel sounds fabulous. Our house is 30 yrs old and could really use remodeling in the baths. I have made it a project to scrub the shower tiles each time I shower and hope at some point they will look better. My DH is so set in his ways, he would not go along with a remodel even though I tell him updating the house makes it more valuable.

    Carol in GA

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Busy weekend ahead ... organising/hosting/running 3 cycling events while trying to study for a final exam!!

    Machka in Oz
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited October 2017
    Massage/pedicure You are not the only ones, ladies! The idea of strangers touching me ‘sqicks’ me out and I have never gotten either of these. My relax, you’ve had it hard spoil myself answer is a luxurious bath with bubbles, salts, the works!

    Lisa That day sounds nightmarish, glad you got home ok, your DH sounds heavenly!

    Michelle I’m glad there is at least one treadmill to help you exercise the stress away, take care of yourself this weekend!

    I’m sure hit and run lately but I’m in training at new job so I’ve had sone inhuman hours like 2pm to 8pm on Tuesday and then 5am to 2pm on Wednesday. When we are no longer doubling my shift the hours will regularize - but right now these ones are not leaving me much time to do anything other than sleep. Looking forward to this weekend for sure!

    I’d sure love to join Mary and y’all in the kettle bell workouts, but they are way beyond my ability to make heads or tails of in those videos so I know i’d only achieve proper form accidentally. I sure would like to get stronger, but circumstances (lack of money for a trainer to babysit me mostly) are still making it impossible for me to do any weight stuff safely.

    I have also had to put the bike in the garage, we will probably try to sell it - it is just too hard and not getting any better. DH put his foot down and said he’s just too worried I’ll crash it and truth be told I’ve almost done so on approx every other ride. It is so hard to ride, and therefore not any fun, and probably dangerous - I’m very disappointed- I really hoped it would get easier and honestly I expected it to get easier when I rode it two or three days a week for months - but it remained as difficult to bike a mile as the first day I rode it. Probably my form and technique would have to get right before I could get better and that wasn’t happening. :(

    Swimming, of course is great. But with me, that is always the happy place. I just wish there were something I find enjoyable that I could do to change things up on the exercise front. Or that I could lift weights like normal people do. Oh fudge it, I’m just wishing I were normal again blues, sorry, I’ll get over it in a few days as usual.

    My job is a 1/2 hour walk and that has been great except my DH is worried about me walking home at 8pm. So he’s driving over and waiting in the car and driving me home. I feel like a burden and I had hoped the bike would be the answer - but now I’ll have to figure out something else. That is probably what brought on these blues.

    Job is going well, and the best part is how much I like the people I work with. I have mostly worked in law firms- and honestly never really liked the folks I worked with except one or two here or there. The work hours are not ideal, but I knew that going in, and being able to walk to work mitigates that factor a lot. I’m listening to podcasts on the walk now, but I think I’ll try out audiobooks to keep me company on the walk next week.

    Oops, it got late while I spent time with y’all and I have to run. Sending out well wishes to everybody!

    Cin Cin a tutti!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    katla - " if you eat stuff that you normally eat, that would be a mistake too," i meant to say if you eat stuff that you normally don't eat is a mistake
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Barbie - I hope your husband gets some answers. I had to google the test he had done to see what it was. It sounds awful!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited October 2017
    Katla Was the cod liver oil unpalatable? I just can't imagine taking it.


    bwcetc wrote: »
    Karen NY ... so glad your labs were normal and hoping that the dermatologist has an answer for you!

    Karen VA ... Olivia is precious! Why can't you make a commitment to yourself (asks she who does the same)?

    Beth near Buffalo

    Beth I don't know. I was struck by Heather's post some months back when she described getting a little teary-eyed when she realized she is a person who keeps her commitments to herself. I got a little teary-eyed realizing I am not. I'm a Wanna Be, LOL! I'll keep trying. The last 3 days have been better.

    Karen in Virginia
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Karen NY ... so glad your labs were normal and hoping that the dermatologist has an answer for you!

    My husband had his back surgery on Tuesday. All seems to have went well and I brought him home last night. It annoys me to no end that they send you home without any sort of home plan. He has a tortoise shell like back brace (think overgrown ninja turtle that has grown out of his half shell) that he is to wear when out of bed. Exactly how does he sit in a rigid chair (another order) in that? Our goal today will be to find a chair that accommodates the brace and is moderately comfortable so he can be up which he most definitely needs to do. Our neighbor brought over something I'll try today. Have a few options in the basement that will need major modifications before I can even try them with him. Argh.

    My diet the past 2 days has consisted of water and a bag of Kit Kats candy ... stress eating at its finest!

    Beth near Buffalo

    - my DH wore the "clamshell" backbrace for several months after he broke his back. He was able to sit on the sofa but had pillows behind him to keep his back straight. Our sofa wasn't a "mushy" one, but high backed one, fairly stiff.

    Not exactly a rigid chair. Can't recall if the doc OK'd it or if he came up with it himself. Anyhow, he healed just fine - didn't have surgery however as it was a cracked vertebra.

    Good luck! Hope is pain is lots better (and yours too - I hear you on the Kit Kats! For medicinal purposes they are just fine.) B)

    SW WA State
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    So much to get to and I've been procrastinating this morn.

    Terry - I love that your Mom helps you find things.

    Wendy- When I was growing up our dog, Pal, went on a chicken killing spree. Money was tight and it was quite a loss. We all thought that would be the end of Pal but my Dad hung one of the dead chickens around Pal's neck and gave him a stern talking to. He herded after that but never killed. I'll have to see if I can find a pic of him. He was a hard worker and a good friend.

    Heather - Best wishes for your friend trip. It is so great that you can do this.

    Marcelyn - Identity theft has become such a big thing these days. The crooks are so smart , imagine if they put that intelligence towards honest endeavours. I am sorry that you are dealing with this.

    Loving that on my day off I am still in my pyjamas and actually enjoyed my breakfast and my coffee.
    Time to buckle down and get to my never ending to do list.
    On the list today, drop off dress so DD can morph it into an Ursula costume.
    Laundry, laundry, laundry
    Finally take disability papers and drop off.
    Touch base with my cousin who works for Legal Aid and see if she has any suggestions. Thank goodness that I know she has a lot of practice keeping her mouth closed.
    Float with my DSIL and DB. His first time.
    Fill in our stuff for passports.

    I will talk to you ladies later today. I can't believe they are texting me about stuff from work. Shouldn't my boss know how to do these things. Oh well, one day (soon I hope) they won't be calling me any more. I have a lot planned for those days but for now I will get through these days.

    Sun is shining , birds are singing, it's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge hoping to be productive.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it to pg 57. just a reminder to myself because as I stuff new things into my brain old things seem to be falling out the other side.