

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited October 2017
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Machka - that's a Phalaenopsis. They're incredibly low maintenance as orchids go, and thrive on neglect. The worst thing you can do is to overwater them. A good strategy is just to dip the whole pot briefly in room temperature water once a week. The orchid will love standing in a light place without direct sun, ideally above but not touching a water surface. Or you can mist them a couple times a week if you're the energetic type of plant owner (which I'm not). Moisture on their roots makes them sad, but having extra moisture from evaporation in the air around them makes them happy. When the blossoms fade it will probably take several months before any new stalks come up, but they will eventually, so don't give up. My two Phalaenopses have been blossoming for years, despite living in a desert-dry place where there's no sunlight at all for months.

    Thank you! I have rarely had plants of any sort, and the ones I have had haven't done particularly well. My mother used to rescue them from me. But about 18 months ago, I bought a peace lily for work which is doing well. It's another one that doesn't seem to need much attention.

    I have this one sitting on my dining room table which is where my laptop and I are. So I'm looking out across the bay with the orchid right in front of me. It's pretty. :) But the sun doesn't come in this window, so that's good.
    Marchka - That orchid is beautiful! So full of flowers and tons of blooms not yet opened. You will enjoy it for quite some time.

    Orchids are not nearly as 'fickle' as some think. Important thing to remember is to NOT over water them; but, instead of a couple of ice cubes (that melt slowly) I would slowly pour water into mine and counting to 3, 5, or 7 depending on the pot they're in. I would not use ice cubes because of the melting of the cubes still means they get 'cold' water. If I wanted to make sure I was not going to over water them, I would 'melt' the ice cubes (2 or 3 for the smaller ones) and 5 or 7 (for the larger ones) and pour the room temperature into them ... evenly around the pot sides. A different dish for each plant you have. That plant might be in a pot as big as 5" across (maybe more). I would say - no more than 1/4th of a cup of water weekly if that is the size of pot it is in. Looks like a very mature plant to have that many flowers on it. Stakes to keep it 'upright' (if not already some in the pot and used those small hair clips to keep the stem to the stake. Or a twist tie that is loosely twisted. The quickest way to kill them is to overwater them. I found that my watering method worked for me when I had them out on the glassed-in porch. I would cut off the flower stem as soon as it dropped its last flower and started drying up, all the way back as far as I could to the leaves. I use dog clippers to cut them back, because it is so much easier and less damaging on the leaves. Do NOT get water on the leaves. When we went to Louisiana in August, my DOS succeeded at 'killing' over 1/2 of mine. I was 'so upset' about it and I won't replace them until the 'new' ones come out in spring. ... You can check their health by feeling the leaves. If they are firm and slightly cool to touch they are getting enough water and where they are is a good place for them. About 68 - 72 degrees is a pretty good range of consistent temperature for them. But, every few weeks, take a damp cloth and 'dust' the leaves, top and bottom to get the dust off their leaves so they can breath. They really like to be 'pot-bound' for them to re-bloom. Cutting the dead flower stem helps them put out new growth and that is where they grow to flower. Try to buy ones that have a tag on them that they are re-blooming. Get orchid fertilizer and follow the directions on it about how much and when to fertilize them. You can let the stem dry out completely (like a daylily or iris) and not run the risk of nicking the leaves; but I go ahead and deadhead them (cut them back - or pull out the flower stem if it is completely dried out to the leaves. If their leaves start to wither, they are dehydrated. Some you are just going to lose no matter what you do. They are either in a draft, getting too much sun or water; but, once you get the 'hang' of taking care of one and having it put out new growth and/or re-blooming you will be 'hooked'. I'm just going to wait until the porch is finished before I put that much money into one plant ... but, they are really easier to grow than violets are (in my opinion). I love all kinds of flowers and plants. My porch will look like a greenhouse when I get finished with it. I have a Japanese Magnolia which is pretty tall and gives it some much needed shade on the west facing porch; but, I have decided that I will put up several panels of 'sheers' that I can pull together for when it gets really hot (usually in August and September) where we live. And next time, I will 'show' my son 'how to water my plants' and NOT just 'tell him'. I thought I made it crystal clear about the plants; but, obviously I did not.

    A water meter is another good way to determine when they need water or not. If you are able to stick you finger into the potting medium up to the first joint and it isn't damp, it probably needs water. Some garden centers plant theirs in either sphagnum moss or bark. I'd only repot them when they get so pot-bound that the roots are coming out of the pot and drying out. Soak the medium you plan to repot them in ... the don't need any type of 'soil' because like I said they are really a parasite type of plant, they don't grow in soil.

    Thanks Lenora, this orchid is in a little pot, maybe about 3" in diameter. It was just given to us like this, and I'm not sure if I should think about repotting it or just leave it or what.

    I think I did get water on one leaf, it has turned yellow, but the other leaves seem all right.

    My husband is the plant person, although he usually works with outdoor plants like the orchard he manages, and the hedges and roses and things. We've got so many roses in our yard! But he has never had an orchid either.

    M in Oz
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member

    Thank you so much Lisa for taking the time out of your incredibly busy day to send this to me. It made me feel better about the possible move. You are a gem!

    Chris in MA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Hidee ho ladies just got off the phone with my BIL ex girlfriend..my BIL is as big a Yutz if not bigger than Tom..well took my melatonin now off to bed.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stats for the day:

    I'm sick :0(

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.32min, 143mhr, 10.5amph. 1.4mi= 92c
    apple watch- 68c
    *manual* TREADMILL walk- 30min, 16.18min mi, 144mhr, 1.84mi = 230c
    apple watch- 221c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.13min, 14.3amph, 128mhr, 1.4mi= 63c
    appple watch- 43c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 16.58min, 146mhr, 10.9amph, 3mi= 171c
    apple watch- 115c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.10min, 145mhr, 9.59min mi, .5mi= 70c
    apple watch- 58c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.38min, 10.01min mi, 144mhr, .4mi = 54c
    apple watch- 52c
    ride dome 2 hm up Mst- 20.12min, 7.1amph, 144mhr, 2.4mi = 184c
    apple watch- 140c

    total cal 864
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Barbie- that was really sweet of Jake to drive home in time for your class. Sure hope they find the problem with his back. My DH hurt his about a month ago moving some big rocks. Sometimes the left side hurts and sometime it is the right side >:)
    Planted some bulbs today just before the coolest weather of the year comes in Friday. This morning the heater came on at 4 am and set the fire alarm off. Rude way to wake up.
    Decluttered several more drawers this morning and hoping to finish up this week.
    Michele- thinking of you and sending positive energy.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)<3Michele, I'm thinking positive thoughts for you and all your challenges this weekend. I know you'll be a fabulous mom and increase your daughter's happiness.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2017
    Terry- I think that the 10 pound kettle bell would be a great starting point for both you and your daughter. Look at the link that I am posting here for videos and information on the four week/five-week program that I recommend. Then ask me questions about things that you're unsure of and I will help you out. Most important thing is correct form which you can practice with the video that is attached. There are also videos of the goblet squat that you need to practice as well. Don't forget to get the swing timer app on your phone.



    Mary from Arizona
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Machka – That’s a very stylish hat for enjoying the races!

    -Yvonne in TX
    exermom wrote: »
    M - love your hat.
    langman22 wrote: »
    Machka, love the hat!

    Thanks! I actually want to see if I can get the flowers to lie down a bit more than they do, but I'll fuss with it later. I need it for November 7th. I've also got a dress or two in mind to wear with it, but it will depend very much upon the weather.

    It's Royal Hobart Show day today ... a holiday here. Unfortunately my husband had to work ... orchards don't take breaks. However, I've been for a long walk in the cliffs on either side of "our" beach and will settle down to study for a bit now.

    M in Oz
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    edited October 2017
    K, I have a fitbit Alta as well and have had issues with it not synching. I actually reset the fitbit, I Googled the instructions to do that. That worked the first time, then I ended up dumping the program from my computer and reloading it. I have also made the program think that I have a new fitbit, this all seems to help. I've had mine for almost two years now.
    Well, caught up with all the posts, but am on my tablet so wasn't able to write a reply as I went along like I can on the computer!
    Today was a not bad day, got lots of exercise in and am quite tired tonite. Now if only I could sleep..... :confused:
    I suspect this is part of my issues with eating, not sleeping properly so I tend to grab what's handy rather than what's healthy. I also tend to grab stuff that I don't need or even want
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Checked out the fitness center here. An elliptical that's broken,I can only figure out how to use one of the treadmills. Looks like I'll be doing some walking. Vince waited so long to make this reservation not a great room but it's his own fault
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, what is it about me. That no matter how tired or in pain they are, they can still drive. I know my man can do that. I know if he is really tired that it helps to not talk t him because he puts himself in the zone. Sometimes he will do a name that tune. I am clueless as to the names of songs and sometimes he will ask me the name of the singer. That part I am really clueless. But if it helps him I participate. He doesn't understand that I just enjoy the music and knowing the musician or name isn't important to me. One of the things that made me go back to church was a dream that I was a POW and I couldn't remember words to common hymns and Christmas songs. Hope he finds a solution.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it through pg 54, so still a ways before I catch up again. I wouldn't read everything but guess I am worried that I will miss something important.

    Mary - I am so sorry to hear that you were bullied as a child. Me too. I try not to dwell on it but the memory does still raise its ugly head every now and then.

    Beth - Your should be able to get yogurt starter from any health food store. I started making my own for my brother (Crohn's in conjunction with extreme ulcerative colitis) after reading "Ending the Vicious Cycle"

    Wendy - The photos of spring blooms are gorgeous. I love flowers, they bring me such joy.

    Carol - Your Moana is adorable. My daughter wants to make me in to Ursula.

    Joyce - Please stay. We are all so different that is what makes this group great to me. Sharing our ideas, successes , failures and support. We are Women Hear Us Roar!
    I can identify with your struggle for your own identity. I was "Con's daughter" "Mel's sister". Now I am "Larry's wife" "Jheri's Mom" "Keira's Grandma". Yes, sometimes we just want to be seen and acknowledged for ourselves. Other times I am proud of my tags.

    Rori - Praying for your brother for his health and his struggle with alcohol.

    Betsy - Why oh why are people like that? Hoping for the best outcome for all of you.

    Lisa - It is so great that you will be in a win/win situation with your daughter. I am glad to hear that you will still have privacy when you want. It sounds like a great set up for all for the next little while.

    Yvonne - You are inspiring me to start using my Wii again. The last year or so all it has done is gather dust.

    Things are still weird around here. Suddenly Larry wants to drive me to work since he has time. Really? I am accepting this for now. Now he wants to go to my next Doctor appointment. Wants to go with me to Service Canada. Etc, etc. No, I did not change my bank account.
    I know all of you are loving your InstaPots. I am not fond of Larry's right now. He made spaghetti sauce and got upset because I said I can not eat it again. The reflux was so bad even with taking my pills. He says that I am making up the vomiting through the night and the bone twisting pain. Just because he didn't wake up doesn't mean it didn't happen. Tonight he cooked Salmon and rice pilaf in it. The rice was okay but the Salmon. It was half raw so he finished it in the microwave. Oh yuck and now I have to do something to get the smell out of the microwave. Dinner disaster! I know it's not the Instapot's fault but I'm wondering how many horrible meals are in the future before I am allowed to cook again. We also had a fight about Tart cherry juice of all things.

    DSIL and DB are coming in tomorrow. We will have a visit and go for float therapy. I am wondering if my extensions will survive that. Looking forward to a nice relaxing float.

    DD wants to make me into Ursula for Saturday. I will probably do it as that is our Halloween Pot luck and the day when the most kids will see us in costume. They usually love it.

    Still here, safe and sound.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge waiting for that other shoe.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    DH was sure there was no California Agricultural inspection going from Oregon to California on 199, I was almost sure there was. We went back and forth on it ad nauseum, with no one convinced or even willing to grant that the other could be right. An issue as I planned to stock up on organic produce from TJ's in Medford, but must pass through California on the way home. Well, well, surprise, there IS! The good news is that the inspector told me I could bring in almost everything on my list. Apples had to be obviously store bought, not home grown. Any citrus had to be clearly marked "Product of California". Cucumbers, peppers, mushrooms, artichokes, herb plants all ok, only absolutely no cherries. In October? Not a problem ;)
    Struggled all day Tuesday wanting so much to rub it in and "I told you so". Recognizing an opportunity to grow some character, but wanting the satisfaction. Emotional Maturity is a lot of work, who wants to be a grownup anyway? Somehow was saved from the mean petty act, then delightfully distracted when my company arrived safely. Rewarded both by her presence, our laughter and his obvious enjoyment of my happiness. Thank Goodness!

    :( Mary from AZ I can NOT imagine my body "in fantastic shape," maybe that's the problem! You do inspire me, I'll start back on the Strong Women Stay Young program... after my company leaves ;} Our Tumble has the same dolly! I can not find my new bottle of Tylenol! Its hiding because it heard me say I didn't like it, preferring the aspirin I can't take while on Xarelto. :{ Resent having to buy another bottle!
    <3 Felicia "... and I am much more sympathetic and less judgmental. At least I think so. I hope so. I want to be." Ditto.
    :D Katla DH says young doctors are best as they've had less time to forget what they learned ;) have you considered painting the ceiling sky-ish blue and the walls a sunny cream? That's what I'd planned when we were thinking of moving to Alsea where it's much greyer than here. 2 decades in Boise did get me used to 210 blue sky days, but I never got used to the ice ;{
    o:) Lanette, thanks for the recommendation, will check out God's Hotel first. "... my foot" My foot too! ;}
    :) Chris in MA "no more snowy winters..." is why we left family and friends and moved here. The hardest adjustment (besides shopping opportunities ;} ) has been leaving all friends and social contacts. Thank Goodness for Facebook and this forum! Working for a more reasonable company is another good reason, unreasonable work conditions rob you of your life.
    <3 SueBDew "kaleidoscope of wonderful talented women" beautifully said. Also wise and compassionate. An honor to participate.
    :/ DJ is your DD's rash like little blisters? I had something similar just around my eyes, turned out to be allergic to the extra High Vitamin A eye cream I was using... ;}
    ;) Michele Thanks for the offer, will do soon as done ;}
    B) Yvonne, will let you know soon as the wii is hooked up (after company leaves). I'm "another" Barbara, Jake is Barbiecat's DH. Sorry to confuse!
    <3 Heather, (((Hugs))). Thanks for reposting Barbiecat's 9 things list. 3 and 6 again and again, 1 and 2 always ;} Love the BMA's symptoms of Inner Peace, delighted to realize manifested 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 yesterday and even 12 occasionally. Miraculous for a recovering control freak ;)
    :D Evelyn "We no longer speak. (kidding! lol!!" Love your humor!
    :o Machka Thanks for posting pic of hat before I could ask ;} I'm only on pg 56 and may not catch up while company's here... ;}
    :s Joyce Noooooo! Don't let your Dr. retire. Try bribery, blackmail, coercion, anything. ;}

    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD who is grateful to be feeling a little better every day.
    Rx aim log, cod liver oil and bp daily, yog/prob twice daily, 80% rule, line dance, Nov 4 reduce 2-300 cals daily from average.
    done: log=3, clo=3, yogx1=2
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Fighting the crud. I had to weigh the pros and cons of hitting the pool this morning with the crud and decided against it. My brain is fuzzy with this cold, but I am reading and thinking of you all! Some of you are talking about house plants. I am notorious for my inability to keep house plants alive. (Kids, yes. Plants, no) Anyway, I ran across this little clip from SNL a while ago and it just made me laugh. The next time some one "gifts" me with a houseplant, I plan to attach googly eyes to it and make eye contact. Could help, right? Can't hurt.
    Watch Indoor Gardening Tips from a Man Who's Very Scared of Plants ...
    Video for googly eye gardener▶ 3:46
    Apr 5, 2008
    A man who's very scared of plants (Christopher Walken) puts goggly eyes on all his plants so that he can look

    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)